CA election fraud begins: Poll workers being told NPP people get provisonal ballots.

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I'm thinking about sharing this - on TOS. Edit: TheLadyBrienne beat me to it.

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Borkrom's picture

If a poll worker tries to give you a provisional ballot to vote- ignore it, demand to ensure you get to vote in the regular process. If you raise a stink in the voting place they will not fight you. One time my name was no on the official roll in a precinct I voted numerous times, and I threw a fit (sorry no other word about it), and guess what they let me vote in the regular process.


As a former political campaign worker for various elections. Provisional ballots are garbage- they very rarely get counted unless the race is close and even then the election workers do not want or know what to do with them.

Please note most election workers are volunteers or low level party regulars. The party and election clerks control the elections. Therefore, ANYTIME you do not follow the normal process to vote you can almost guarantee your vote is flushed down the toilet.

Remember do not let them take your rights away!

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This is a HUGE problem, that can only be solved systematically and at the root. The poll workers that have received this training must be retrained, and the practice must be shut down immediately. Some people may become aware of an issue like this through social media, blogs, and the like, but unless the practice is halted and corrected at the root large numbers of voters will be disenfranchised. This is prima facie Election Fraud.

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xRiotGrrrrlx's picture

Kern County, CA.. I first said I wanted to check my voter status and party affiliation. The woman told me I was registered still as a No Party Preference voter, so that was good news. I then asked (even though I knew the answer already) "So I can vote in the primary on June 7th right?" The woman said I could, but not for president! I had to correct her myself and tell her that the primary here in Cali is mixed, meaning NPP voters are able to vote for the presidential candidates in parties who have allowed NPP voters. She laughed nervously and said "Oh, I should have been more clear. You can't vote for a Republican candidate, I wasn't sure who you wanted to vote for..." Uh huh... Seems to me that she was probably telling ALL NPP voters that they couldn't vote for president in the primaries at all and unfortunately, many likely just believed her since she's answering the phone at the actual elections office. UGH... I'm going to check on my registration and party affiliation again before the 23rd, in case it's been mysteriously switched like has happened to many people this cycle. I am so disgusted by all of the shenanigans. Sooooo flippin' disgusted.

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tapu dali's picture

Nuclear Power Plant?
Nuclear and Particle Physics?
North Pittsburgh Philharmonic?

Please explain!

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There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.

Hawkfish's picture

See here.

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

tapu dali's picture

For presidential elections: NPP voters, unless they choose otherwise (see below), will receive a “non-partisan” ballot that does not include presidential candidates. A nonpartisan ballot contains only the names of candidates for voter-nominated offices and local nonpartisan offices and measures.

So you have to state a party preference to vote for President in the General Election?

Or is this only for the primaries?

It's all very confusing.

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There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.

Bisbonian's picture

So many states have different, confusing rules, and of course, California is no exception. In California, you must be registered as a Republican to vote for a Republican in the Primary. But people registered as either Democrat, or "No Party Preference" can vote for Democrats. Not "Independant", because in California, that is another recognized party, the AIP! Or American Independant Party (basically neo-nazis, I have heard). BUT! CA poll workers are being trained to give provisional ballots to NPP people (likely Bernie voters).

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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

lotlizard's picture

but that isn’t being made clear to poll workers.

The thing that’s asymmetric is that people registered as NPP may still vote in the D primary if they wish, but not the R.

Handing out a provisional D ballot instead of the real D ballot is just an additional fraudulent icing on the corrupt cake.

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ngant17's picture

for rest of primaries. Writing on the wall. Not too good it would seem.

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lotlizard's picture

Baseball commissioner: “Well, Hillary’s team says it has clinched the pennant, so we won’t be needing those expensive umpires anymore for the rest of the season.”

The Federal Reserve and the Pentagon <sarcasm> manage just fine </sarcasm> without annoying things like independent auditors.

The stock markets are <sarcasm> working just fine </sarcasm> even without that Consolidated Audit Trail they promised but never built.

Trust, but verify and no need to verify because it’s us, the Privileged People, and “verify” just gets in our way.

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jorogo's picture

Here's a perfect example of what an earlier post said about too many/too vague acronyms making a post or headline too cryptic for many readers to get, call us ignorant if you want. Of 11 NPP possibilities on Wiki, none fits the context. My wild guess...."no political preference"

Help a brother out here. Did I get it ????

By the way, a very important story you brought us, and thanks. A bit of looking around was worth it. I hope this gets fixed, and quickly! (Trying out the edit function.....good for updates and post scripts, too)

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"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh

Dragonkat's picture

apologies for the quick and less then clear initial post.

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See, their morals, their code... it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be.

-The Joker-

jorogo's picture

don't have to deal these kind of messes - it's a fully open primary. Just don't let our cheesehead-in-charge with all the holes in his wedge find out about this; he'll have his minions use it against us.

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"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh