... my first post - anywhere, ever -
Submitted by jwa13 on Thu, 05/19/2016 - 7:20pm
and this is simply a cross-post from Huffington, to encourage ALL OF US to continue the good fight, as Bernie is on the right track, and we know it --

hrc will not get my vote - EVER.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Thank you for the post
Jwa, thank you for the taking the time to post this article and essay. Please keep sharing with us.
However, I can not vote for Hillary. She is not a trustworthy person. My guess is that Trump will beat her like a drum in the general election- just like he did to the entire Republican establishment. Remember everyone laughing last July and the entire season and saying how he will never get more than 25% of the vote than no more than 50% of the vote, and he will not win the nominee.
Do I think he is a fraud and loud mouth, yes. But if I had to pick the loud mouth fraud and the sneaky backstabber- give me the blowhard every day at least I know where he stands.
To my overall point, will I vote for him no, but if he wins it is not be the end of the world. Matter of fact if my help our movement by crushing the DINOs (Democrats In Name Only). Besides I am a liberal so I really do not belong to "their" party.
Please keep posting and proving your opinions. Also if you do not agree with mine that okay and please tell me. I am not a little child that will get mad and call you names. All voices are welcomed.
Take care
... nor am I planning to vote for the $hill --
simply thought it worth pointing out that even some of the (more-or-less) MSM writers are beginning to Feel the Bern. Bernie has made it clear that he IS NOT GOING AWAY -- and neither should we.
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
No to hrc
if Bernie is not the Dem. nominee I will not be voting for a Dem. and this includes any down ticket nominees that support hrc.
Good article. Thanks for posting here! We definitely need to
keep the movement going beyond July.
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Thank you for your first essay
Glad to have you aboard. Feel free to add your thoughts to this site as often as the muse inspires you. Your linked article is worthwhile.
But as far as holding your nose to vote for Hillary if you live in a swing state, I would not make a firm resolution to do--yet. The fractiousness of this primary season will DEFINITEly see the rupture of the Democratic party if Bernie is not the nominee (not a threat, but a FACT). However, the Republican Party is also on the verge of a schism, although Republicans are much better able to "unify" their party after primary battles than are Democrats. So, it is not unforeseeable that this year's Presidential election may see the emergence of 4 large political parties in addition to the small ones (e.g., Greens, Libertarians, American Independents etc.) Should this eventuality be realized it is quite possible that no candidate wins outright and even the electoral college coping with 4 derivative parties would be as divided. This could result in the election being decided in the House of Representatives after the general election.
That should help put the final nail in the democracy coffin.
Hello from
one infrequent poster to another. I really enjoy this site and spend hours trying to read all the essays and comments. There are some incredibly prolific thinkers here and I learn so much.
I agree as well no vote for HRC. I struggle with my general election vote. Between Green and just leaving Presidential empty as I believe in WI if I write in Bernie the ballot will be invalid.
I will vote for Russ Feingold even though he is establishment backed. But his previous record in the Senate was fairly Progressive.
Even though I am anxious about how me and my family will survive under a Trump Presidency should HRC become the D nominee I don't believe continuing to allow the D party to shovel the shit sandwich on us is any better. We just die a slower death.
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
I'll follow Bernie
It's getting to the end of the battles, the skirmishes. After the last primary HRC will have to decide what winning will cost her. Bernie will try to make the best deal to get as many of his planks into the the final platform, the best deal for his troops. If he says it's good enough, that's ok for me. We get included, and the movement remains a force for 4 more years. If HRC/DWS decide only unilateral surrender, no concessions then there will be a cost. There are too many of us to just go away.
... we didn't go away;
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.