Dear Norman Goldman...(and DNC) No I will not "know my place."
So my own personal I shouldn't cause of my blood pressure increase a bad habit of listening to this chucklehead. Who just pulled a TOS. And kicked me off his show because I'm a "troll for saying Democrat party instead of Democratic party"
That said. Here's the mail he just got. In the vein of Melissa Harris Perry's old "Dear ... " Segments. regarding his segment yesterday about knowing ones place in the world, (but not that know your place we told black people) and how if we work within the system we can change it.
So let's have a little talk about knowing ones place, let's talk about the system. The basic premise, we have to stay within the system to change it.
Ok so let's look at Exhibit A.
Miss Roseann Pascoe Blackburn. who has on her facebook page (the above link) Documented
photo and paper evidence that as of April 1 when the Clark county convention happened she was a registered Democrat, and a registered Bernie Sander's supporter.
But somehow between April and May she (and she wasn't the only one) had her registration changed, and there is zero record of her being a county delegate. she was denied a vote even though she had the proof right there.
So please Tell me Norm, how do you work within the system, when the system is used against you to keep you from changing it? How do you play by the rules when the rules are used against you? And she knew the rules, anyone spouting that whole sander's supporters didn't know the rules line is parroting a mainstream media lie.
But she's just one example of course, we have to know our place, if we wanna be serious about changing the system we gotta buckle down, we gotta devote years to it, we gotta get in there. it's the only way we'll change the system! We just gotta give it time!
Exhibit B.
That Norm is a family who as she says has been in Nevada politics since the 30's. You don't get much more insider then that. and what did her father do?
"My father was a congressman for eight years, and you know what he did? He ripped up his ballot and left. and he's a Hillary supporter. He was so disgusted by what was transpiring"
No "Bernie bro there." so again I ask, how do we change the system from the inside, how do we play the game to the change the rules, when even the insiders are telling you the game is rigged? Or is he to blame for "Walking out" ?
And as the video continues you can see why he did Norm, because the game was rigged, right from the start. I challenge you or any supporter to dispute that video and tell me if they honestly think that was Democracy.
Both sides (not just Bernies) rallied for full disclosure of the report disqualifying delegates. which of course did not happen.
The report that disqualified those 64 delegates was given to the Clinton campaign, not the Sanders campaign.
Those delegates had already been approved, but then were stripped after. They played the game by the rules, then had the rules used against them. Again anyone who said Bernie people didn't know the rules is lying
Fact: Nevada had onsite registration for the original caucuses in February, and no one could participate in them unless they were registered as a Democrat.
Direct quote form the video. "64 delegates were admitted and given their credentials. And then had the removed afterwards, --> for standards that were not applied to clintion delegates."
And now that I have calmed down slightly
Apologies if this isn't appropriate fare (so to speak) for the site. I'm still just in as the internet says, "What is this I can't even" mode right now. And I had to get a rant out.
Every time it seems I try to go out and attempt a debate, the level of...not even stupid...i don't have a word for it right now...even close minded doesn't work...Just boggles my mind.
See, their morals, their code... it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be.
-The Joker-
Thank you.
That was a righteous rant, and yes, this place is the right place for expressing truth to power.
This is absolutely appropriate for this site. I want to know
what happened, I want to know what people are saying about it, I want to see the pushback. For a while there, I thought that chairs had been thrown and death threats had been received and Ralston was a legitimate journalist. Good to know the truth. Only to be found here!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Just Waiting On Bernie
He's waiting for the convention. THEN he either runs third party, or announces he's done all he's going to do and I go Green. There will be no other option, because generally it isn't going to matter whether the next POTUS is Hillary or Drumpf. Either will screw the nation so badly that recovery isn't likely for a long time - if ever.
Don't bore me with SCOTUS lies. Barry picked a conservative to nominate, and so would either Hillary or Drumpf. We the People are NOT going to get a progressive majority on the Court, for corporatism won't allow us to have a say any more than the CEOs of the companies we all work for would. Our purpose is to legitimize the selection of the leader of the Ponzi Scheme called Capitalism, hand over our hard-earned wages for trinkets, and go wreck our minds on the boob tube until they summon us again.
So I will vote for Possibility and not for corporatist pragmatism. I will go down with my middle fingers extended.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
"We're staying in until the last ballot is cast."
That's what Bernie said.
The last PRIMARY ballot will be cast in June. If Bernie were to come out as an independent in June, we could get his name on the ballot in all but three states [SC, ND, and TX].
If he were to wait until after the convention, several more state deadlines will have come and gone.
Maybe I'm just hoping. But I always was a sucker for a lost cause.![Smile](
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I agree completely!
This issue needs legs. They are distracting the people by only talking about those violent Sanders supporters. We have got to turn the narrative on its head! I signed the petitions. Thank you for the links. We cannot let this die. I'm guessing Bernie is investigating every second of the videos. We cannot underestimate him. Let's ensure we have his back. Let's set the record straight.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Norman Goldman
is a Hillary supporter. He's been ragging on Bernie for months. Turn him off.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
We still have a "progressive talk" station in ABQ
They run Bill Press and Thom Hartmann, who have been pretty open-minded about the primary. But they also infest the airwaves with Stephanie Miller and Leslie Marshall and Norman Goldman -- airheaded and arrogant dispensers of stale and rancid conventional political wisdom. The kind of "liberals" for whom the Left-Right continuum is the only way to look at politics, and the Left is always defined by the Democratic centrist leadership. People who are so blind to what their thinking misses that they get very testy with anyone who points out Clinton's neo-conservative record, or who points out how corrupt her refusing to release her GS transcripts makes her look, or who dares criticize the Democratic party for not walking the walk even when they still occasionally talk the talk.
Such people will never comprehend that the biggest political "party" is independents, people who don't choose to associate with either party. They will never honestly ask themselves why, or entertain a discussion that gets to any of the real reasons. They will never admit that Bernie or Bust folks don't see a Clinton Democratic party as better enough to vote for. Nor will they admit that the only real political power most of us have is our vote. If we give it away expecting nothing but cynical duplicity, that's exactly what we'll get. For these people we "have" to support Hillary, else Trump win. But most of us don't live in swing states, so we have no reason whatsoever to vote for Hillary. If our vote counted that much, then why isn't Hillary working harder to earn them, Norm?
Please help support caucus99percent!
We get the same mix here.
I can't be up early enough (6am) for Bill press on 880am Asheville though. Any ideas where I could catch him elsewhere?
Lord knows after that Miller and her hackery... long since stopped listening to her, and oddly enough it wasn't even over Bernie bashing. It was her sitting there making fat jokes about chris christie breaking a stage, and i just went, "This isn't funny, it's crass."
The time I tried to go back though sealed the deal, when she started making jokes about bernie supporters on the playground needing juice boxes. Haven't' listened since.
Thankfully Thom is after.
As for Norm, well i'd love to try and debate him and others, but you can't have a debate with someone who thinks two letters trumps anything else, maybe stupid is the right word. and his hyperbolic BS the past few days is wearing thin.
I may have fun trolling his page for a bit though now. Hitting hillbots with facts now and again is an entertaining diversion.
See, their morals, their code... it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be.
-The Joker-
Time is of the essence.
Time is of the essence, not 4 or 10 or 40 years from now. Now is the battlefield.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Yes, Mother Nature won't wait for us
We need to move according to her schedule if we want to continue here on her turf.
Oh, another early morning person.
Good to see us! Different world locations, different sleep patterns.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Miller and Goldman
are the worst I stopped listening to them months ago,Press is to early for me but I still listen to Thom Hartmann and it seems most of his show is spent defending hrc from Bernie supporters, although he claims to support Bernie he is constantly saying hrc will probably get the nomination and we must unite the Dem. party. Its getting old hearing the same shit over and over and these people are supposed to be the voice of the progressives. I think not!
Totally disgusted with Norm and others
Thank you. Outstanding rant!!! I heard that segment and wanted to scream. I really thought Goldman and Hartmann would be a little more fair. Very dissappointed in most progressive talk radio personalities. They're clearly on the "shut up and vote for the inevitable one" train. It's all about the win, not the policies. I'm glad callers are pushing back on them. Funny how it's crash the gates . . . until we have a real opportunity to do so. Now we're supposed to all shut up and just take this crap. I don't think so.
Hope folks heard Nina Turner and Erin Bilbray open Hartmann's show today. Both were excellent and spoke the truth. At least Hartmann was honest enough to admit that the whole "violent and abusive" meme was most likely scripted to hurt Bernie going into the Kentucky race. He noted how now that the race is over, the DNC is graciously accepting Bernie's "apology" and all is well. Those clowns are crazy. They have no idea about the train wreck that's coming their way. If I never hear DWS speak again, I will die happy. They are doing everything possible to alienate a significant portion of what's left of the Democratic Party. I guess Hills thinks she'll pull enough Rethuglicans into our great big ol' tent to pull off a victory. Don't count on it.