Open Thread 06-28-15

Good morning 99percenters!
Morning news dump and music by Paul Butterfield's Better Days

4 minutes of video: metaphor of human metamorphosis: becoming something unimaginably beautiful

The 1-minute video provides a metaphor for the human condition by evolution biologist, Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris: a caterpillar becomes so consumptive that an observer unfamiliar with the species might conclude its behavior is self-destructive. Nearing death, the caterpillar ends-up literally upside-down (as our world appears today). Inside the caterpillar, “imaginal cells” emerge with resonance of a foreign frequency for a new future. These new cells are attacked by the existing immune system. However, the emergence of imaginal cells outpaces the immune system’s capacity, with the evolutionary process supporting the emerging cells and causing old cells to die off.

A caterpillar can eat up to three hundred times its own weight in a day, devastating many plants in the process, continuing to eat until it’s so bloated that it hangs itself up and goes to sleep, its skin hardening into a chrysalis. Then, within the chrysalis, within the body of the dormant caterpillar, a new and very different kind of creature, the butterfly, starts to form. This confused biologists for a long time. How could a different genome plan exist within the caterpillar to form a different creature? They knew that metamorphosis occurs in a number of insect species, but it was not known until quite recently that nature did a lot of mixing and matching of very different genome/protein configurations in early evolutionary times. Cells with the butterfly genome were held as disclike aggregates of stem cells that biologists call ‘imaginal cells’, hidden away inside  the caterpillar’ all its life, remaining undeveloped until the crisis of overeating, fatigue and breakdown allows them to develop, gradually replacing the caterpillar with a butterfly!

Such metamorphosis makes a good metaphor for the great changes globalisation, in the sense of world transformation, is bringing about., as Norie Huddle first used it in her beautiful book Butterfly. Our bloated old system is rapidly becoming defunct while the vision of a new and very different society, long  held by many ‘imaginal cell’  humans who dreamt of a better world, is now  emerging like a butterfly, representing our solutions to the crises of predation, overconsumption and breakdown in a new way of living lightly on Earth, and of seeing  our human society not in the metaphors and models of mechanism as well-oiled social machinery, but in those of evolving, self-organizing and intelligent living organism.

If you want a butterfly world, don’t step on the caterpillar, but join forces with other imaginal cells to build a better future for all! – Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris, evolution biologist

Developmental biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton on this metaphor in a 3-minute video:

Human Survival in the Sixth Extinction

New study finds human population growth behind extinction acceleration. Study co-author Professor Gerardo Ceballos explains our future.

‘We don’t need EU permission’: Greek parliament ratifies bailout referendum

As an equal member of the EU, Greece does not need to ask permissions from anyone to let the Greek people speak and have their voices heard, PM Tsipras told his parliament, promising that the state’s sovereignty and future will be decided via referendum.

Referendums have been used all across Europe as a way for people to directly express their will and have their voices heard, and Greece is fully in its right to conduct one PM Alexis Tsipras said during a late-night debate in parliament.

With Tsipras’ ruling coalition holding 163 seats in the 300-seat parliament, the body has backed Tsipras’ motion to hold a referendum.

The conditions for a new bailout deal and reforms proposed by Greece's creditors were an ultimatum and an insult, Tsipras said. During the rowdy debate in the Greek Parliament, the main opposition party, New Democracy, briefly walked out over a dispute with the parliamentary speaker, but later returned.

Why the threat of ISIL is exaggerated
The group's ability to sustain its 'nation state' remains very much in doubt, political and military analysts say.

One year since the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) took over Mosul and large swaths of territory in both Syria and Iraq, and despite the nine month-old US-led Operation Inherent Resolve to defeat it, ISIL is still standing, and expanding. The group's recent territorial gains in Syria and Iraq are alarming.

Political and military analysts interviewed by Al Jazeera, provide a more sober assessment of ISIL's capacity in both Syria and Iraq behind the sensationalism of the group's propaganda machine and Western punditry's fears of a wholesale ISIL takeover of Iraq and Syria.

ISIL's recent advances in Palmyra have fuelled the recent predictions in Western circles that the collapse of the Syrian regime is near.

A more realistic assessment, however, is that the conflict is mired in a military stalemate in which no armed group has a definitive advantage over others. The Syrian regime has indeed withered but is not facing a coherent or cohesive military force capable of defeating it militarily, let alone one that can force a negotiated political solution.

Paul Butterfield's Better Days - Buried Alive in the Blues

Paul Butterfield's Better Days - Nobody's Fault But Mine

Paul Butterfield's Better Days - Baby Please Don't Go

Paul Butterfield's Better Days - New Walkin' Blues

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Work, work, work, rain, rain, rain, politics, politics, politics. Man, am I ready for a break from it all. What remedies do y'all suggest to avoid burn out?

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gulfgal98's picture

In my world, waffles are always a great antidote for anything. Smile But alas, hubby chose pancakes (which may be #2) this morning instead.

I am looking forward to a day that does not have anything scheduled. No Peace vigil yesterday, but we attended a very nice sponsored reception and a concert featuring cellist, Cicily Parnas at the Brevard Music Center last night, so I guess you could say we're cultured, at least for today. Wink

We had some wonderful rain here yesterday, which is fairly normal since parts of Transylvania County average over 90 inches per year, making it one of the wettest areas in the US outside the Pacific NW.

I hope things start looking up for you, JtC! Have a great day! Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

it's going to take a stack of waffles about one foot high, but I'll try it.

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hecate's picture

generally get a lift from this. Maybe it will work for you. Hope so. ; )


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beautiful, "In your love, my salvation lies", that hits it perfectly. I had never heard of Alexi Murdoch before, thank you.

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smiley7's picture

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mimi's picture

the world has broken down, when you wake up again.

Who is your boss? Let's fire him for not giving you enough paid vacation time and paid sick leave and regular weekend-off hours. What an attitude, almost as if we lived in a corporate environment here.

I wished I could take off some of your burdens, but my news collection would be a total mess, because most of the news I don't understand... as you know... Dash 1

So sorry, JtC, rest assured at least I love you for what you are doing and think you are the greatest. Give rose

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thanks for the kind words and sentiments. I'm self-employed and am my own boss, but I will confess, the idea of firing myself is intriguing.

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hecate's picture

you fire yourself, will you be required to pay yourself unemployment insurance? ; )

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it will be bread lines and cardboard boxes in the street for me. I have to keep on keeping on.

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hecate's picture

am also self-employed. And the employer and the employee, they don't really get along. The employee would like to bring an action against the employer for maintaining a hazardous work environment, violations of laws governing wages and benefits, and sexual harrassment. The employer would like to unload the employee for sloth, indolence, drunkenness, and general failure to perform.

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gulfgal98's picture

That is kind of like what my self employed husband says about his sole employee. Lol

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

hecate's picture

comforting to know these problems are common. ; )

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mimi's picture

no escape possible. Smile

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I was going to give you an Rx for burnout, but I can't get into Photobucket. Not even a home page, let alone a log in or my stuff. I wonder where it went. It just spins. Everything else on the tubz seems to be OK.

BTW - good morning everyone. I'm working - taking a break.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon and let me know if you can get there? I even shut off my firewall to see if I can get through. I keep timing out, but I can get everywhere else. Thanks for the help.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

gulfgal98's picture

and I was just able to get into mine, after I figured out what my password was! Blush

Unfortunately, I am not technically proficient enough to suggest what you should do to get into yours.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

I was able to access it and log in with no problem.

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running a browser extension that's blocking a script, like NoScript? Or maybe somehow the cookie for photobucket got blocked?

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Can't get it on any of them. I called McAffee and could barely understand her. She said I have a browser problem. A third party took something? I had not idea. She wanted to transfer to a tech who would fix it for $69. I didn't do it because I didn't know if I could understand him any better.

don't know about extensions

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

agree with her that it's a browser issue, but if you tried on 3 different devices and still can't connect, the chances of a browser being screwed up on all 3 is pretty slim. What browser do you use and are you having problems accessing any other sites?

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Oh phone with a tech. He can get into photobucket sometimes and sometimes he can'.t. I think someone hijacked my photobucket.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Chrome on all 3 computers, maybe it's an issue with Chrome. Did you try another browser?

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MarilynW's picture

Thank you for that vid, I want to watch it later, I feel that I must steel myself first. I'm so aware of this, it's hard to get into other issues with that one looming over everything.

In the meantime, my friend a nurse for 35 years told me that sugar is as bad for your liver as alcohol. I thought I had a healthy diet with all those pastries from a local bakery thrown in. Their strawberry cream tart, lined with chocolate wasn't even that sweet. But think of all the sugar that we consume and give to our kids. Yikes, is sugar another way to speed up the acceleration?

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To thine own self be true.

I stopped following them a long time ago when it was obvious they had become cheerleaders for the status quo.
Then I took a look over their web site today.

Actually, the labor market recovery since 2009 has been the best in 25years

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Big Al's picture

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shaharazade's picture

Maybe he could not see the forest as he was looking down all the time.

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shaharazade's picture

I used to love reading the comments by you, Jerome d' Paris? and bobswern on the Bondad Green Shoots diaries. Lot's of delusional people writing on the net these days. He really got tweaked when people started giving him the raspberries he deserved.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

First of all, the work force has shrunk.

Second, all the inflation is hidden in rents. Individual home ownership has been decimated. By design. Homes are owned by landlords and hedge funds, now.

That being said, I like them both. I wish I saw the world through their eyes.

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Carry a burning candle and share the light.



In a lengthy report carried by the official Xinhua news agency, China’s State Council Information Office said the United States “violated human rights in other countries in a more brazen manner, and was given more ‘red cards’ in the international human rights field”.

“The US was haunted by spreading guns and frequent occurrence of violent crimes, which threatened citizens’ civil rights,” the report said.

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Big Al's picture

"The choreographed corruption required to accomplish this feat, given the massive opposition to Fast Track, was obvious. Both the House and Senate had exactly the number of votes needed and not one more because they knew everyone who voted for the unpopular Fast Track risked their political career. Members who supported Fast Track in the House received nearly $200 million from corporations who will profit from the treaties."

It does not matter if the people elect a few new ones, the party leadership, the establishment ruling class that owns the two parties has the power and will always have the power. It is theirs, not the people's .

It's not really about jobs, it never has been. That's a narrative the faux left wants the self proclaimed progressive activists to focus on, not the major issue:

“This is the end of the United States. Our colonizing nation has been colonized by corporations and rich people – many of whom identify as transnational entities. Sovereignty has sold to the highest bidder. We, the people, are indentured to the power holding elite.”

"There is no solution, but Revolution"

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smiley7's picture

i heard the Science Friday explanation of butterflies and was amazed, sent me back to grade school and the farm and metaphorically to the amazement of being. And the tube worms that live in water many times the boiling temp. of water, 12 footers. Simply wow.

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the PM I sent you, smiley?

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smiley7's picture

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