Watch out, Hillary--Judicial Watch is watching you

The old saying: "the pigeons are coming home to roost" may have to be updated for Hillary. It's more like, the Vultures are coming at you and that ain't good. The FBI is still plodding along in their slow, presumably careful way in the criminal investigations (No, Hillary, this is NOT a security review). Fortunately, there is another, presumably less secretive investigation been carried out by Judicial Watch--actually, there are two lawsuits by Judicial Watch: one focused on Hillary Clinton's email server, with all its implications; the other about the State Department and its hiding of official documents pursued under Freedom of Information Act's (FOIA) authority, yet not released by State until forced to do so by Federal Courts in response to Judicial Watch's several lawsuits. Now, the timing of these Judicial Watch Depositions will be cutting things very close to the DNC Presidential nominating convention in July.
The as-yet-uncoronated Queen may be subpoenaed for Deposition(s) at the two courts's decisions.
Judicial Watch has promised to make deposition transcripts available to the FBI (since depositions are public records) as they become available.
FBI has already taken "interviews" of Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills, and perhaps others, but those results will remain secret for the time being.
I wonder how the Hillaryites' spin doctors will try to play this. By observing the "virtuosity" of their voter fraud in NY, NV, and most recently KY, I suspect that their explanations will not play well except for HRC-bots.

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snoopydawg's picture

Huma Abedin wasn't only high up in Hillary's state department, but she was also high up as a staff member in the Clinton foundation.
During the reconstruction of Haiti, anyone or any corporation that wanted in on it had to get permission from the foundation first.
This also happened in Honduras and Libya.
Judicial Watch also needs to depose Bluementhal who would email Hillary about good deals that he found in the reconstruction of Libya. And he outed an undercover CIA agent through her email server and she'd forward it to others..
And of course there was a lot of cross over between the foundation and the state department. And Hillary helped the corporations keep the minimum wage below $.61 per hour.
Then there's Bill being paid to give a speech to the governments befote Hillary's state department sold them weapons and then those governments would donate millions to her foundation.
The foundation and the deals made with the state department is a huge conflict of interest, especially when Obama told her to keep her foundation separate from her duties as SOS. Why he didn't say anything about it is anyone's guess, but we know how spineless he is when it comes to holding people accountable.

Emmet G. Sullivan granted “discovery” to Judicial Watch into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email system. The court noted that “based on information learned during discovery, the deposition of Mrs. Clinton may be necessary.” The discovery arises in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit that seeks records about the controversial employment status of Huma Abedin, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton. The lawsuit, which seeks records regarding the authorization for Abedin to engage in outside employment while employed by the Department of State, was reopened because of revelations about the system (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)).

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

A better question is which political genius advised Bernie to go to Puerto Rico and not stay in Kentucky one more day. He could have gone to Puerto Rico after Kentucky. It was so important for Bernie to win Kentucky and Oregon to keep up the momentum, raise money and shut the media up before the final primaries. One more day and get out the vote rallies in Louisville and Lexington would have probably put Bernie over the top. There have so many little mistakes like this it makes me wonder about the advice he is being offered.

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Alligator Ed's picture

Unverified reports from Kentucky say that 5000 Bernie votes suddenly disappeared, presumably from voting machines. Even if those 5000 votes weren't switched to HRC, her margin of victory was only about 2000--i.e., Bernie should have won. Being in Kentucky versus being in Puerto Rico wouldn't have mattered because the DNC would have stolen the election in KY anyway. Of course, this charge of vote change in KY is yet to be verified--however consider the theft in NV and NY and perhaps IL, all of which would have impacted Bernie's delegate counts to the detriment of HRC.

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Didn't report until the very end. Doesn't take a genius to know what was going on.

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

Like precisely half a point difference with 99% reporting wasn't a dead giveaway.

Amazing how all these razor thin margins always happen to break Hillary's way.

Might as well flip a coin...

Oh, wait.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

I think that once he announced that he was going to PR, then Hillary decided to swoop in. Of course she got 24/7 coverage for holding a few closet-size rallies - made it look like she was really "fighting" to win.

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Or rather, people can be required to answer more in civil suits.

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Lookout's picture

At least that's what a lawyer buddy suggested they will do. Here's my hope...


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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Hope they get something the FBI can use. I really doubt that Judicial Watch would ever agree to a nondisclosure settlement.

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

since she is already under Federal investigation and her answers could be used against her in the criminal proceeding.

Like to see her try it though, since taking the Fifth is typically akin to an admission of guilt in the minds of most voters.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

truehawk's picture

It seems to be an open secret that the Russians have the emails from Hillary's server.
Gluesifer told the FBI he had hacked Hillary's email server, and we know that he sent the ones about Bengaziah from Sid Bluementhal to Russia Today, because they were published there in 2013, which is where staff at the Gawker first saw evidence of
It is now said that the Russians were monitoring Gluesifer because of his contact with Russia Today, and discovered at least 20,000 of Hillary's emails in his collection. (Of course they are not going to admit to having hacked it themselves, and contrary to the disinformation about how backward Russia is, they have some superb program developers in Russia and Eastern Europe. )

Take that with whatever grain of salt you wish.

So the FBI has the Emails recovered from Platte River who was told By a Clinton staffer to wipe the backup, and Russia has them. The only people who don't have them is US? Who are supposed to have access to them as official Government Records.
I wonder if they are discoverable from the FBI, as they ARE supposed to be public records.

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truehawk's picture

It seems to be an open secret that the Russians have the emails from Hillary's server.
Gluesifer told the FBI he had hacked Hillary's email server, and we know that he sent the ones about Bengaziah from Sid Bluementhal to Russia Today, because they were published there in 2013, which is where staff at the Gawker first saw evidence of
It is now said that the Russians were monitoring Gluesifer because of his contact with Russia Today, and discovered at least 20,000 of Hillary's emails in his collection. (Of course they are not going to admit to having hacked it themselves, and contrary to the disinformation about how backward Russia is, they have some superb program developers in Russia and Eastern Europe. )

Take that with whatever grain of salt you wish.

So the FBI has the Emails recovered from Platte River who was told By a Clinton staffer to wipe the backup, and Russia has them. The only people who don't have them is US? Who are supposed to have access to them as official Government Records.
I wonder if they are discoverable from the FBI, as they ARE supposed to be public records.

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Surely the media has to be keeping an eye on her right now for her FBI closeup.

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Haikukitty's picture

Corporate-owned, neoliberal media? No, they are not watching this story, or anything else of consequence.

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Surely the media has to be keeping an eye on her right now for her FBI closeup.

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