Falling Into A Black Hole
I've known for a long time that I was on the edge of burnout. This week the breakdown I was trying to avoid happened. It was another morning of interrupted sleep. It was another morning of being so tired and feeling listless. The bowl of cereal I was bringing to my brother slipped out of my hands and looking at shredded wheat all over my floor in front of me I just started crying as I cleaned it up.
Common signs and symptoms of caregiver burnout
· You have much less energy than you once had
· It seems like you catch every cold or flu that’s going around
· You’re constantly exhausted, even after sleeping or taking a break
· You neglect your own needs, either because you’re too busy or you don’t care anymore
· Your life revolves around caregiving, but it gives you little satisfaction
· You have trouble relaxing, even when help is available
· You’re increasingly impatient and irritable with the person you’re caring for
· You feel helpless and hopeless
According to NASA a black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out. The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. This can happen when a star is dying. Because no light can get out, people can't see black holes.
That is how burnout and depression feels. All of your energy, your feelings, your life feels like it is sucked down into this black hole and nothing comes out because you are too tired to care. You feel like hope is nowhere to be found and this is life from now on.
I have people who proclaim that depression is all in your head and you need to snap out of it. That you need to get over yourself. They don't realize as a caregiver yourself is no longer there. You are a caregiver and it is 24/7 taking care of someone other than yourself.
Reid's home nurse Nancy is a fantastic person. She came to see Reid the day I broke down and went back to bed. Reid had all his medicine and breakfast and there was nothing he really needed until lunch and his medicine then. Nancy immediately put in a request to get Social Services over here and we talked to a wonderful lady today.
The problem is that on paper Reid makes too much on Social Security Disability to qualify for much of anything. It doesn't matter we are drowning in medical bills. We would have to pay for things but she was going to see what was available. If only to get me out of the house for a couple of hours. I would qualify for help myself except as his POA I have access to his money to pay his bills.
What is the worst is the fatigue. I have no energy any more to do anything. The last time I slept through a full 8 hours was in September 2013 when we had to stay overnight in Chicago because of train problems. Ever since it has been sleep a couple hours and wake up. Fifteen minutes later fall asleep for a half hour and wake back up. Repeat until dawn comes.
Every little thing stresses me out. My arthritis and COPD have been in overdrive so physically I feel out of it. I'm tired of feeling tired. I'm tired of feeling so depressed. I'm tired of having to take pills to get through the day and stop crying.
Hopefully there will be something or someone in the papers the Social Worker is sending that will give some relief. I have spent the last 10 years either caregiving or taking care of family crisis after crisis. I just want a little time to be me again. I'll always be a caregiver but I would like to be Michele once in a while.
Make the World Go Away

It's no consolation, but as we went through the death and dying process of each of our parents, we three kids realized it really takes three adult caregivers to take care of a person in need. There just is too much for one or even two people.
You are doing way more than is possible. I hope your contact can find you some help.
I don't understand how your income or lack of it is so tied to your brother. At the minimum you should be entitled to at least as much. If the household is relying on his SS alone it seems too little to count.
Anyways, do not try to answer me, I'm not the person who you need to spend energy on.
One thing that helps me when things spin out of control, is some patch of Nature. Somehow it soothes and helps feel like there is somewhere in balance. Trees, flowers, birds. Balms of the soul.
I hope you can get rest and help. My thoughts are with you. May the goddess bring her blessings and cool healing to you both.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
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Love that name. Never suffered myself (touch wood) but a youngest daughter suffered depression.
Speak it out whenever you can lady and hope they are able to assist.
I'm sorry to hear that you're
I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling. At my age I have an incredible lack of responsibility, and have never needed to be a 24/7 caregiver. However I experience depression on a regular basis.
It is very much like a black hole.. All I can say is please do your best to care for yourself and your feelings/numbness. Losing sleep seems to be a major factor in whether or not my depression is active or overwhelming.
I wish I could give you real advice on your work, because that seems to be the cause. And yes people are blind to depression or most emotional pain. But I know depression hurts. The fact that only empathic individuals can understand your suffering makes it even more important for you to somehow get as much time as possible for yourself.
Good luck.
Flowers In the Rain
I wish there was something more I could do for you, sweetie. Depression is a lonely world. Mine is long term. I only hope you can see your way to the other side. If we're in any way similar, count even the smallest gains as victories over the black hole. Mine for today was going out and picking these flowers for you.
Just hang in there, babe. We'll get through it somehow. And who knows, maybe we'll meet the boatman together... a long time from now.
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Depression is real:
Us fortunate ones find a way (I wish I had a magic key to that map) through to the other side. For me it was creating a new life away from the old triggers. There are places and people I can never approach again, just thinking (and writing) about this makes me squirm (literally). It can get better, but it is difficult to do on your own, In 1960s Oregon there were no real options of outside support, I hope you find your situation to be better. Those that have never experienced this are not equipped to really understand. Fortunately, many here are supportive.
Depression is real:
Sorry, the dreaded double post, public access point, slow response, impatient user [Redacted].
I am an empath.
It physically pains me to interact with others' mood clouds. Pain to the point of anger. My late (chronically depressed) husband left a diary written pre-me, that I found a few months after he died. Along with some classic porn videos I was also unaware of. I read the diary, and cried though his pains, and burned the book in anger, and to never let my children know the little hell he had inside. I present, to the world, a calm smiling face. You do the same I am sure Michele.
I had a writhing on the floor episode yesterday. Poor me. No one to comfort me. My sister is primary caregiver to our mother, supplying food to someone who has not ventured outdoors (or into the shower) for over two years. She has dementia, and seems quite pleased to be the Princess. My sister and I are depressed. Hard to take. I have let go, partially. After daily and now twice-daily calls from 650 miles away, when she goes I will feel that dialing exercise loss for a few days.
If I could, I would send you a living plant, not cut flowers. My cousins sent a living basket on my husband's first death anniversary. The remnants came up and have persisted in my compost pile for 5 years. So a wish for a Lamium, it's blooming with yellow flowers now.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.