It's Time to Boycott Daily Kos (if you aren't already)
Hi there everyone.
I know this won't be easy for some people to hear, but it's time, way past time in my opinion, for all of us to stop visiting Daily Kos. I know many of us have friends that still post there, many of whom are also members here, fighting the good fight over there. I know we all love the Bernie New Roundup posted by liepardestin, and the diaries OPOL puts up, and the many other diaries that fight back against the crapfest into which Daily Kos has descended. I understand that some may still feel a smidgen of hope that someone there reading the few remaining voices still posting on Bernie's behalf at TOP will see the light. But folks, I'm here today to say that those are just fantasies and magical thinking. The worm has turned and the law of diminishing returns has long since flat lined at the house the Great Orange Satan Built (how's that for some mixed metaphors?).
On a more personal note, Markos Moulitisas has used me as a commodity to be bought and sold long enough. He received credit for some important diaries I wrote there, using my name and the name of hundreds of other great writers to market himself and his brand of online "progressive" hucksterism.
He sold ads based on my dropping by so often to read other diaries by so many good and wonderful writers, informative diaries about climate change, race relations, the never-ending war on terror, and other topics as well, such as new books to read, animals, gardening, fostering a sustainable lifestyle, and people in need of our help. Diaries that related heartwarming stories and diaries filled with the righteous anger we all have experienced as we watched the ongoing collapse of our democracy.
And Markos sold my information to whomever he pleased so that my email can be bombarded each day with useless appeals for money, or an incessant stream of petitions that just have to be signed by me ASAP in order to save the world, petitions that make you feel good at first until you realize they are as likely to effect real change as a single raindrop on Mars is going to turn that barren world into a paradise. Well, as I said, Markos has used and abused me long enough. I'm done helping him keep his kids in nice clothes and their rooms filled with shiny new toys, not to mention whatever the hell he does with the rest of his ill gotten gains.
No more money from me for the biggest con man in the progressive blogosphere. Indeed, we should not only be boycotting his site, but we should be encouraging our friends and family and anyone who follows us on social media not to waste their time at his "community," if only to lower their blood pressure and prevent early onset dementia. His cult of personality and his addiction to authoritarian style practices in censoring voices with which he disagrees (yeah, yeah, it's his blog and his rules - I get it) provide no added value of any kind to my life, nor do they to yours, unless you like to be spoon fed the highest quality DNC propaganda available on the planet.
We have this place now. A better place. A healthier community. Certainly a far more welcoming and civil one. And many of the same fine writers you used to go to Daily Kos to read each day you can find here now, and I hope that more of them will migrate to this little oasis in our nation's vast political wasteland where the game of "politics as usual" is killing our planet as well as our souls.
Obviously, I can't impose a ban on those of you who still feel the need to travel back to Professor Markos' Mystical Magisterium of Malicious Manure. And I have no desire to shun those of you who still feel certain sentimental ties to people you know and care about who still post there, or those of you who still frequent that shit house to troll the sheep Kos continues to shear. You are free to do as you choose and I have no right to demand otherwise, or try to shame you or insult you into doing what I think is for your own good. Because hey, what's right for me isn't necessarily right for you, and I'm not quite arrogant enough to think I'm never wrong.
But I can ask all of you to give the idea of severing ties with Daily Kos all the due and proper consideration it deserves. Sleep on it if you like.
Thanks for your time,
Steven D

It's really, really hard. I see both sides, though
Maybe we can have an Orange Grieving Corner here or something? That way, it can be in one real place, and it won't annoy people who really think it's time to Move On (people grieve differently--again, I get it, I'm having a hard time disengaging myself--but I notice that a spate of them on our "recent" list does tend to suck the air out of the other posts.
To one of your other questions, there was a blog called Docudharma, and a lot of folks went off to that one a while back. Not sure if it's still up and about, but some cool people went there, notably the namesake of the site, Budhydharma...
You know that's not a bad idea. It gives people a place to go.
And to safely vent without distracting from News and Views content. It could be a group on the right side if the Admins think it would be alright, however they discern it.
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
IF we need to talk re. DK, then we should not be censored!
Sea Turtle
Never fear - there will be no censorship
This post is just someone's opinion. Some of us left there longer ago then others and have moved on, others are newer and are still going through the grieving and letting go.
It's a suggestion, that's all - to cut the ties - and speaking from experience, I can only promise you that your life will feel better once you do.
But no one is going to stop anyone from talking about whatever they want to.
Then don't read them
you don't have to, you know.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Yup. I no longer write my disability or Aspie Corner stuff there
and I never will ever again. Just looking at the rec list tonight was god awful. 'OMG Bernie supporters are acting like Drumpf goons derpserpityderpderp!!!!111!!!' 'Byebyebernie blahblah'....yeah, so not worth it anymore.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
But some Berniecsupporters are writing
posts that validate the attacks. Sad to see, but ok.
People want to be part of something.
Kos does not matter. Billionaires do. He will never be that. So he will never be the establishment.
So I've read. But that doesn't change anything.
Considering how Hillary, her surrogates and her supporters have treated us, I just take their horseshit accusations with a grain of salt. No point in dwelling on it really.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
DKos has been dead to me since the edict
for March 15. And for the record, the Democratic party has been dead to me since the Maine caucus - I officially removed my name from the Dem rolls 3 weeks after the caucus here. It was a moral issue for me. And I take great pleasure in sending back all the mail crap that I still get from the Dems here with notes on why I am no longer supporting the party.
Fuck this shit - Bern it UP or burn it down. I will never ever support HRC/DNR/DLC or any other political wolf in sheep's' clothing. Scare tactics are so passe...
Think off-center.
George Carlin
At first I was afraid...I was petrified.
That squiggly orange place dropped it's squiggle and suddenly it all squiggled downhill from there. I didn't know what to do. I started patronizing that place four years ago and haven't stopped since. It's was the only place I knew where I could find like minded people to share information and ideas.
When the derIdes of March rule was issued it sent off silent alarms in the back of my head. That coupled with the fact that I was starting to see ads for everything I had ever purchased online. That's went I knew it had gone 'corporate'. This was the same alarm that sounded in my younger days when I was dating someone and realize that they had more fingers than teeth. Which was even more sad because they were missing some fingers.
But then I heard whispers reminiscent of Yoda's revelation, "There is another". AdTrack you they will not.
Thank you for your diary because I've learned three things. One, when squiggle shuts a door the 99% open a bigger and better door. Two, logout. I was still logged in and thanks to you I can have it on the record that I'm not participating anymore. I may even clear my cookies which I only do in case of a severe browser vermin infestation because I like my cookies. But if the ad tracking doesn't stop will wipe the whole thing and reenter all my usernames again. And last but also most importantly, am I right that this place is user supported? If so, what would be an appropriate support rate. I can pitch in $27 a month (where have I heard that number before?). That's less than a dollar a day. Is that being a cheapskate? Is that being magnanimous? Bottom line, this place is gonna need more bandwidth! And we can make better use of that added bandwidth then Lamey and Squiggly ever did. And do people still say bandwidth anymore? Dang I'm old.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Quitting Daily Kos
Done. But wait. No posting for now.
Logged OUT, site OFF
and deleted from my computer's memory (I hope). Here @ 4:53AM or so.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
thanks steven
i joined over there in 05 and i was hoping to learn how to delete my account over there. i buy some stuff online on occasion and i started noticing ads on the sites i buy from and it pissed me off as another poster noted upstream. i cant fathom why anyone with any sense would get excited about a woman who is so crooked that she has to screw her pantsuit on in the morning. this site will do nicely.................................
LOL! "so crooked that she has to screw her pantsuit on
in the morning". That seriously cracked me up.
You can't delete your account over there. It would screw up old comment sections, which are meant to last forever. You can copy your diaries, comments, messages to your own site or hard drive, so you have them for the future. You can log out so you're not adding to their numbers of current users. That's about it.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
That was one seriously funny line. I am gonna try to remember
and steal it...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Yes, you can't delete your account
But you CAN change the associated email address. I created a burner email account, and changed my account to that email, verified it, then deleted the email. So, although I'm still virtually there, I will never get a DKos email, and they can't share my real email with their DNC cronies...
Best I could do...
At this point...
...I only go for the comics page. Maybe if we could get Tom Tomorrow and Matt Bors over here at the least... but of course, they're professional cartoonists who need to be paid. As far as participating in the discourse goes, this NV fiasco has been the last nail in the coffin.
Now, to play the devils advocate for a moment, a couple weeks ago Kos did post a heartfelt screed about unifying which called out the Hillary camp for their bad behavior, and encouraging Bernie's supporters to stay with the D's and continue trying to affect change from within. I recced it because it struck me as REAL pragmatism (recognizing that change needs to be made instead of the No We Can't we've heard so much), and while it's not likely to be a popular position here I largely agree.
At the same time, I feel he doesn't recognize how he personally contributed to the current toxic atmosphere with the Ides of March edict, or the cognitive dissonance involved in acknowledging the need for change while supporting the candidate who promises no more than politics as usual.
And now we have the NV situation, where garbled contradictory reports coupled with confirmation bias have formed two completely separate realities: One in which the NV state convention was blatantly stolen from under our noses, and one where Bernie supporters randomly morphed into Trump supporters and started behaving violently for no conceivable reason, and BERNIE IS REFUSING TO CONDEMN IT OMG.
Nobody can hold a reasonable discussion like this. So yeah. Aside from the comics page, I'm done. At the very least until this election is over.
Isn't Tom tomorrow posted
Somewhere else too? I swear I've seen it on another site.
“The Nation” magazine, I think? But with some days’ delay?
If I remember correctly, This Modern World cartoons premier in the microGOSm before appearing elsewhere.
Except for that rather rare occasion when the week’s cartoon would violate the “no Israel-Palestine on the front page” rule that some people have said prevails in the microGOSm.
(By microGOSm, I of course mean GOS = TOP = DK)
I've been a DKos addict (you call it TOP?)
for 12 years, but I was so repulsed at my quick check in this morning I flinched. I sent Kos $100 back when he made the offer of a lifetime subscription. I felt I'd gotten so much out of the site by that time that it was an easy decision. But lately? The rage, rage over Bernie and his Evil Evil minions is ... well, what to call it? ... deranged? insane? over the top? absurd? dismaying? coordinated by some troll overlord?
Boycott DailyKos? Does that mean just don't go there? I miss Open Left. Oh well. I should probably work more on my poetry.
I live in California. If Hillary needs California she will already have lost. Consequently it seems to me unlikely that I will have to vote for her in order to prevent the Great Orange Hair from taking the White House. I voted for Nader in 2000, even though by that time I thought he was something of a jerk. I might have voted for Gore if I'd been voting in Florida or some other tight swing state. I don't know. I didn't want a third Clinton administration then, why would I want one now?
Also TOP = That Other Place
The evil of which we will not speak it's name.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
I thought it meant "The Orange Place"
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I was working on something with "Orange" too
TOP suggest somebody's a BOTTOM or that DKos is on TOP, although maybe it's spinning like a top these days.
In the Harry Potter books it was You Know Who. Seems a big cute.
Far be it for me to suggest nicknames for the unmentionable!
Another Californian here
If Hillary is so in danger of losing California that she needs my vote, she's in deeper shit than I can dig her out of. So I'm leaning between leaving the Presidential field blank (as I did for Senate in 2012 when DiFi ran again) or voting for Jill Stein (I've actually had a look at the platform and there's a lot of good stuff there).
You said
but that's because the butter on his side of the bread is not as thick as it used to be. His posts encouraging Warren as VP...his screed. They are empty gestures. It'd like an abusive spouse saying "come back...I'll change...I promise".
The people, united, will never be defeated.
You may be right.
I try not to attribute to malice what incompetence will adequately explain though.
Even if I'm wrong, it makes me feel a little bit less awful about the world, and sometimes I need that to keep going.
I agree there is a difference between incompetence and malice
But are you seriously ascribing his latest actions to incompetence. He is not an incompetent person. Just like Hillary and Trump who are quite competent in their strategies and are quite aware what they are doing despite how incompetent it may appear as long as it rewards them in the long run.
Markos has been bought and sold. He's could possibly go down in history as the founder of the Democratic version of FOX News. But is that a prize anyone wants to clutch next to their chest?
The people, united, will never be defeated.
I'm willfully unaware of what he's up to more recently.
I never read the front page on TOP in the first place, so I only ever saw his posts if they made the rec list.
Ultimately, it doesn't matter. I'm done there anyway.
Ah, so that’s what “Ailes” him. ;-)
Member since 2006 . . .
I missed the Dean 2004 years, but stumbled onto the site during the 2006 election season, when the Netroots played a role in advocating for Jim Webb and Jon Tester's grass roots campaigns.
This election cycle has been an eye opener. Sanders is the kind of Democrat that DailyKos was originally designed to elect. He is the quintessential "more and better Democrat".
Things obviously change when the website and its operator transition from being an outsider and an enthusiast into part of the party machinery. The early mission of that site is clearly no longer presently its reason for being.
It's good, however, to have a part of the community migrate here, and recapture some of the early spirit that makes political blogs worth visiting in the first place.
Daily Gross
Like many here I've come to detest that fucking website, and don't intend to ever visit it again. For awhile I'd sometimes find myself taken there by mistake when I inadvertently clicked on a link that I hadn't realized would take me to a DK diary or comment. However, I solved that problem by installing a nifty Firefox add-on called LeechBlock. Super easy to set up, you just have to type in the URL of any site you want to block, and afterwards you will be shown an error message if you try to navigate to the site or click on a link to it. Whatever click revenue that loathsome little twerp manages to collect, henceforth none of it is going to be generated by me.
inactive account
Long Time Coming
...glad to be out of the toxicity. Yes, I go back, but mostly for a five-minute jaunt through an amazingly ruined website.
It's like visiting Chernobyl. I assume.
Bernie is a win-win.
More like Hiroshima. You can see outlines on walls and pavement,
silhouettes, silent witnesses that testify, “This was the profile of a person who was just going about their daily business when they were vaporized by a blast of politically-motivated hostility.”
There's an analogy that hits close to home for me.
(I'm a Japanese to English translator and probably soon to be expat)
To which part of the world are you thinking of heading as expat?
If it’s not being too nosy to ask.
— the “A-bomb poet” Shinoe Shoda (1910–1965)
Inscription on the pedestal of the Monument of the A-bombed Teachers and Students of National Elementary Schools.
Japan, naturally.
Hence the analogy hitting close to home for me.
Politically they're just as f'd up as we are in the states (and no Bernie-equivalent to be seen so far), but I have a job offer for in-house translation at a small game studio lined up, so at least I'll have employment.
ラッキー! A chance to live in Japan was always a dream of mine. n/t
cut myself off of them
cut myself off of them completely by logging off, and will not try to recall the password so as to not have any way to go in and read/post. The Pro-status-Establishment-quo bots are all there is, all the people who actually discuss w/o attacking are here. No need to toss ourselves into that Gundark pit of a place OT. I feel better, cleaner and happier having left TOP behind.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Welcome aboard
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Can we start calling it what it is
The "Wreck List"
The people, united, will never be defeated.
rhymes with "Dreck List" - the word Dreck is a red flag trigger
for me. I try to avoid thinking about it. Dreck in German is similar to Dirt. Dirt is part of compost. Which is part of fertile soil to grow useful things. One can get over the wreck list if one wants to.
In Yiddish, being a West Germanic language,
“dreck” means more or less the same.
I’d think Americans would be more likely to have heard the word “dreck” via Yiddish influence in American culture as opposed to German, especially after World War I when “sauerkraut” became “Liberty cabbage” (yup, the same phenomenon that produced “freedom fries” 89 years later) because of a concerted effort to root out all things German in America.
yes, I realized that Americans use the word "Dreck"
loosely so to speak. One kossack explained to me that it's not that bad of a word to judge something. I know it from the German usage to be a very harsh expression. So, quite possibly the word Dreck was introduced into the American vocabulary by more humorous Jews using their own Yiddish language usage for it.
In the German usage it's quite a word if it is used to judge something or someone.. It's just a red flag trigger, because it was this word that caused me leave TOP behind. It opened my eyes about things I missed before.
While in Germany I never was aware how many words we used in my family that originated from Yiddish. All of it I learned only in the US.
DK is now a third way blog
I refuse to nickle and dime my New Deal principles away. The same New Deal that created the American Dream. I left in March when the threat of the hammer was issued and found a new home here.
I agree.
Hear, hear.
I feel nothing but wonder at liberals who go there to be insulted,lied to, and sneered at. At this point, I'd RATHER go to Redstate. At least Redstate doesn't claim the name of my old beloved party, the party of FDR and Truman and JFK, and cynically use it to dispossess, abuse, and disenfranchise the working people of this country.
Twain Disciple
I am not so sure
I will be voting for Clinton. What other people do is their own basis - I know others will not.
If this site wants to argue for Jill Stein that is fine.
If it does I won't be here. I am over booman (not your doing steved) so I have to go somewhere.
The site as a whole is not tied to any one position or candidate
Individual members may argue for Jill Stein. But even if at some point a majority were to favor her, support for her or the Green Party (or refraining from criticism of her or the Green Party) would never be any kind of prerequisite for participation here.
I know I've mentioned this before...
But if you add TOP to your list of 'blocked websites' in your anti-virus software, you'll literally never have to see the page, or feeds from it again.
You may need to unsubscribe from the Kos emails from 'Action Network' to stop receiving emails from the bastards though. I got one yesterday begging me for money to 'stop Trump', which means 'give $$ to Hillary' through ActBlue. Effing thieves.
Yah, buh-bye no.
I do look to see what the opposition is gonna throw at us next
honest to god.
but not that much, especially lately because its is soooo toxic and ugly.
I would not have 'found' that Nevada Berner delegate Angie Morelli, if I had not stumbled across it in a (nasty) comment at TOP. They blockquoted some scribd thing put out by NV Dems who quoted Angie and claimed her FB post (which they linked to) was proof of some stupid shit, anyway she's awesome, she was on Rachel show last night (against John Ralston!) and she totally rocks. But TOP is how I found her, because the Opposition was trying to use her against herself and us.
I look there to get a sense of whats next, i.e. there was some buzz about Warren for Clinton's VP (DO THEY THINK WE'RE STUPID?) then when kos wrote his own push for the idea, well I just laughed really hard... all the more convinced of the kabuki.
After 10 Years Done With Kos
Unfortunately Kos has decided to make his site a tool for the DNC & Neo Liberal's, he has been captured by the sphere of the Clintons.
It has gotten to the point over there where I was thrown out for month for posting a comment that was 100% true and is said every day about the lack of honesty with Hillary. The post was neither nasty or over the top.
It is sad to lose Kos but am happy to have land here.
“Do the deer, don’t let the deer do you.”
Rufi Thorpe writes about learning from an abusive relationship.
If it is helpful to heart, mind, or soul, for “deer” feel free to substitute a certain political party. Or a certain website.
(Inserting corny Russian accent)
At the Great Orange Satan, the blog read you!
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Congrats on a timely, important post, Steven. TY and oh yes
please. Folks, please stay away from DK. Grieve it but leave it.
Thank you Steven, for this urgently important post. Best wishes,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
I haven't been there in a long while
Though do miss BNR.
I haven't been there in a long while
Though do miss BNR.
Amen- preach it brother
Thank you so much Steve for expressing my thoughts and opinions on this matter- I can not agree with you more regarding this topic.
Everyone please bring your voice here and join in the fun. Moreover, being positive is better for you than being negative. We are here to build and make this a really great community.
Thanks, Steven D.
I got a warning and a TO there today. Fuck Markos. I'm done. His minions are now actually starting to take shots at this place, telling Bernie supporters to go here, but tht we'll be lonely (IOW, tihs place has such a low readership). Isn't that cute?
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
Attack the substance of my comments, Please:
I have a real problem with TOP because virtually every warning and the one time out was grounded in a meta-framework. None of the warnings or the time out were about anything I actually wrote.
The only way science (and by extension our intellect in general) advances is through the struggle for acceptance (consensus) forged in the fires of debate and honest inquirere.
Well, here I am!
After watching the train wreck over there, being called names by the HRC supporters and watching Sanders supporters being driven off daily, it finally happened to me as well. As of this morning, I have a statement at the top of my page that I was mean to a supporter for HRC because time and again she denounced all Sanders supporters who would not apologize for this weekends activities. And my comment back to her was essentially that she was no better than the teaparty demanding all muslims should bow down and apologize for terrorist attacks. This got me flagged for 2nd time in a month after being there for years. So, I will not acknowledge it, I will let it sit there so I am never tempted to open my mouth in that cesspit again.
I will miss OPOL and Lieper though
Hope they can work their magic over here. I've also had a group of friends who have asked me to put together a progressive site as well, and while I am here, I do believe we may need to do the same thing the right has done... the more sites progressives have, the better for us! I'll put out more information on it as I get closer to finishing it up.
ck the member list. eom
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
OPOL posts here often.
Sorry about your experience. Many victims of the purge and mob attacks.
They have long wanted the left gone so they can play liberal.
Plastic progressives
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Made this exact decision today. DK has become an engine intent on destroying Bernie Sanders and the progressive left.
There were a few last straws ... one of which being a certain poster's diary regarding Jane Sanders. A Hillary supporter, he often presented himself as a professional, above the fray ... and said he was only posting that dirt, "because it was in the news and deserves to be discussed."
I was actually JUST wondering...
Kos claims to have a ginormous mailing list but I was wondering how many of the Addie's he regularly sells are actually active, or are spam bots or are trolls who r banned or just plain people who signed up on the site and then learned there was no way to cancel ones acct.
I needed to go to the help desk there over the weekend and noticed a whole lot of people asking how they can unsubscribe... That was what got me wondering if DK IS A CYBER HOTEL CALIFORNIA... Where you can sign up any time you want BUT you can never actually leave.
Orwell was an optimist
Just found you!
So here's where the sane, likable folks went! I was beginning to feel like I was the lone human in a zombie movie over there. I've always been a reader and occasional commenter at DKOS, but not much of a contributor. I've been a member over there since 2006 and was a lurker for a couple of years prior to that. It was, until recently, a daily ritual for me, at times obsessively so. For years it was filled with really smart people writing really informative and entertaining content.
I've always noticed a disturbing, authoritarian strain of groupthink present over there, but it was very much in the background for me and easy to ignore. Over the past few years, though, it's been growing until now it seems to have taken over completely. I rarely find the kind of thought-provoking content that I used to. It's just become... dumb. Glad I found this place! I am not looking for another site devoted exclusively to Bernie-boosting and I'm sure as hell not looking for another bunch of intolerant groupthinkers who just want to form their own version of DKos, only for Sanders supporters. I'm looking for a rational, open-minded progressive site that has the kind of intelligent writing that once existed at DKOS. This place may not turn out to be that, but I hope that it does and I'll certainly stick around to find out.
Welcome! This site is not Bernie-centric, really
It's progressive-centric, and there are lots of people who don't really even support Bernie, or only do because he's simply the best option right now.
I personally love Bernie, but regardless of what happens this election, will continue to push for progressive causes in all possible avenues.
But at any rate, there is a wide range of views here, and all are welcome if they are factually supported or at least not just plain dickish.
I'm so glad to see another influx of people from DK, because this site is getting more and more robust and is turning into a really vibrant community, but also one where we can usually disagree and discuss without nastiness. (We're human of course, sometimes tempers flare...)
I placed this in my DK Profile.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
I'm on board with this!
I can do with less hate in my life. Oh, and logical, rational and civil conversation too.
Love is my religion.
As of this morning
DKOS is dead to me. I went there this morning as I always do and was appalled past the point of no return. Of course, it's been coming for a long time now, but this business about the Nevada Convention lies have finally given me what I needed to let go.
Fighting the States Rights and New Dem wing of the Democrats.
As I mentioned on a not very well written essay "Dirty Tricks", I think the official Democratic Party has gone full blown Fascist. If they continue with their present course, I will fight them the same way I have fought such Fascist misnomers as the "National Revolutionary Movement (MNR), Left Revolutionary Movement (MIR) at home and the States Rights Party of George Wallace and New Democratic wing of the Democratic Party which have morphed into the Demo-Republican coalition.
I suppose I may have to look for a Green and/or Socialist Alternative forum.
Clinton = Nixon-Kissinger
From the Light House.
I know I should get my diaries off of there
I've been putting it off b/c I hate going there.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I deleted all of mine a long time back.
Long before the winds of change, I just decided 'Frak it', they're gone (the diaries). I don't want them posted.
I'd already taken a rather long hiatus, and when I starred viewing things again, I did not see any improvement. The purge before this one, and the losses over time since then have seen most of the people I might read lessen their presence as well.
Made sure my profile was also as barren as I could make it, and cut off all permissions for emails/requests.
Stopped replying to any requests for 'sign this or that petition' as well, even if I supported said position. The petitions turned out to be pointless up that point anyway. Signing online petitions has about as much impact as holding up a piece of paper with a message and taking a picture to 'protest' this or that, or 'raise awareness'.
Each time I'd signed one of those petitions, I had a new batch of spam to clear and control as well, so not signing those stupid petitions stopped that cold.
Copy/Paste to file the diaries you want to keep, and burn (delete) the rest was my method.
And not wasting time over there, meh. I was having some fun messing with the hillbot loyalists, but after the edict, I pretty much was done even though I still hung around a couple or more weeks - but the last few weeks, maybe a few clicks here or there, but I won;t even bother 'much' to go there for content or to rec anything.
If someone wants me to read something, they can post it here. I just don't feel the necessity to run back over there for those still holding out over there. Good on them. Fine. But My Mouse. My Clicks.
Fretting about Markos or a bunch of opinions of assholes I care nothing about over there is just a waste of time.
I post in both places but
I post in both places but recently have become less amused by the anti-Bernie sockpuppets (not enough to boycott) but all that could change if more Ides of March pronouncements occur