It's Time to Boycott Daily Kos (if you aren't already)

Hi there everyone.

I know this won't be easy for some people to hear, but it's time, way past time in my opinion, for all of us to stop visiting Daily Kos. I know many of us have friends that still post there, many of whom are also members here, fighting the good fight over there. I know we all love the Bernie New Roundup posted by liepardestin, and the diaries OPOL puts up, and the many other diaries that fight back against the crapfest into which Daily Kos has descended. I understand that some may still feel a smidgen of hope that someone there reading the few remaining voices still posting on Bernie's behalf at TOP will see the light. But folks, I'm here today to say that those are just fantasies and magical thinking. The worm has turned and the law of diminishing returns has long since flat lined at the house the Great Orange Satan Built (how's that for some mixed metaphors?).

On a more personal note, Markos Moulitisas has used me as a commodity to be bought and sold long enough. He received credit for some important diaries I wrote there, using my name and the name of hundreds of other great writers to market himself and his brand of online "progressive" hucksterism.

He sold ads based on my dropping by so often to read other diaries by so many good and wonderful writers, informative diaries about climate change, race relations, the never-ending war on terror, and other topics as well, such as new books to read, animals, gardening, fostering a sustainable lifestyle, and people in need of our help. Diaries that related heartwarming stories and diaries filled with the righteous anger we all have experienced as we watched the ongoing collapse of our democracy.

And Markos sold my information to whomever he pleased so that my email can be bombarded each day with useless appeals for money, or an incessant stream of petitions that just have to be signed by me ASAP in order to save the world, petitions that make you feel good at first until you realize they are as likely to effect real change as a single raindrop on Mars is going to turn that barren world into a paradise. Well, as I said, Markos has used and abused me long enough. I'm done helping him keep his kids in nice clothes and their rooms filled with shiny new toys, not to mention whatever the hell he does with the rest of his ill gotten gains.

No more money from me for the biggest con man in the progressive blogosphere. Indeed, we should not only be boycotting his site, but we should be encouraging our friends and family and anyone who follows us on social media not to waste their time at his "community," if only to lower their blood pressure and prevent early onset dementia. His cult of personality and his addiction to authoritarian style practices in censoring voices with which he disagrees (yeah, yeah, it's his blog and his rules - I get it) provide no added value of any kind to my life, nor do they to yours, unless you like to be spoon fed the highest quality DNC propaganda available on the planet.

We have this place now. A better place. A healthier community. Certainly a far more welcoming and civil one. And many of the same fine writers you used to go to Daily Kos to read each day you can find here now, and I hope that more of them will migrate to this little oasis in our nation's vast political wasteland where the game of "politics as usual" is killing our planet as well as our souls.

Obviously, I can't impose a ban on those of you who still feel the need to travel back to Professor Markos' Mystical Magisterium of Malicious Manure. And I have no desire to shun those of you who still feel certain sentimental ties to people you know and care about who still post there, or those of you who still frequent that shit house to troll the sheep Kos continues to shear. You are free to do as you choose and I have no right to demand otherwise, or try to shame you or insult you into doing what I think is for your own good. Because hey, what's right for me isn't necessarily right for you, and I'm not quite arrogant enough to think I'm never wrong.

But I can ask all of you to give the idea of severing ties with Daily Kos all the due and proper consideration it deserves. Sleep on it if you like.

Thanks for your time,

Steven D

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Damnit Janet's picture

I couldn't stand the attacks on OPOL. I had tried to stay to rec up some diaries and the community. But I couldn't watch them try to rip out OPOL. I've been here two months. I like it.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

jimpost's picture

I went back to rec OccupyStephanie's diary. That's it. Haven't been to that pit of odious slime in a couple months. AND I FEEL GREAT!

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The more people I meet, the more I love my cats.

Alphalop's picture

After spending all day and night yesterday in bed with the mother of all Flu's (Still feel exhausted but not quite as shitty, lol!) I actually went there this morning just to see what it was like and what was happening (I slept through the entire primary yesterday and didn't get to do my live blog, really bummed me out when I woke up at 2AM and realized what time it was.)

All I can say is Wow. Just fucking WOW...

In less than 20 minutes that placed did nothing more than make me angry.

It didn't inform or enlighten me, or provide me with thought provoking ideas or viewpoints.

All it did was piss me off. So why the hell do I go back there? Maybe like smoking, some habits are hard to quit until you really want to. Well, now I really want to. Smile

I honestly didn't think it could get more toxic and mean over there than it already was but damn, they are taking it to a whole new level.

Fact based community my ass! I read through about 3 diaries and the Anti-Sanders outright lies and B.S. memes that were pushed were ludicrous and those that pointed out the errors in them with actual fact based material were ridiculed.

I agree with the Author of this Essay. GOS is now just like the Democratic Party.

Beyond Salvaging. Rather than prop up floundering establishments our energies would be better spent building new and better ones. Smile

However that being said I will still keep my account if for no other reason than so I can go and tell them, "Hey, don't blame us, we literally BEGGED you to support Sanders and not the Candidate that had the highest unfavorable and honesty ratings and lowest chance of winning."

Been working on assembling a nice list of old Crow based recipes. Smile

Screw the GOS and Screw the DNC, they are both now on MY "enemies list". (Hey, if Clinton can have one so can I! lol!)

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

riverlover's picture

I have a really good bourbon ball recipe (vanilla wafers) to add to your book.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

WaveyDavey's picture

Tripped and Wrecked.

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The people, united, will never be defeated.

Bollox Ref's picture

If I never hear the name Kos ever again, it'll be too soon.

Consign his site to the cesspit of history. You know you want to.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

reflectionsv37's picture

in a lawsuit that mentioned the word fraud, I wouldn't mind hearing it regularly! Until then... May his website burn to the ground!!!

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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush

JayRaye's picture

I used to go over there to rec the Bernie diaries. Then stopped because I was too busy for a few days. And couldn't believe how much better I felt not going there. Just seeing that awful rec list is enuf to put me into a bad mood, even tho I don't open the diaries.

Followed TomP's link over there today and that was a mistake. Not following any more links over there for any reason. Simply do not need to be over there at that cesspool of ill-will.

And I really, really need to get my more than 1000 editions of Hellraisers off from that site. Crazy to have those posted over there. Mother Jones, Big Bill Haywood, Joe Hill, Gene Debs, etc, would all be immediately banned if they were show up there today and dare to speak their minds. And no edict from the Little Napoleon would ever shut any of them up, that's for sure.

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Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons

I put all my quilting diaries that I did on another blog when I wrote them. I guess you should copy as many as you can when you have time. There is no reason to leave them there. I would republish them.

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in 07

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Solidarity forever

I have a sneaking suspicion many of the newly NEW there are really old members in new SNs or SOCKS with a good number also paid HRC/brockBros

I will still go there to read and rec the BNR until such time as they kick the BNR off that blog. But I rarely rec anything anymore... Including MBS FP diaries and I feel bad about that but.... Hey

IF I SEE AN INTERESTING DIARY THERE I check to see if it's posted her end or on MOs BERNIE reddit page...

Wish MB would cross post climate diaries

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Orwell was an optimist

Went over there for the first time in a couple of weeks, after reading a mention here that Vetwife had a diary about another Kossack Vietnam vet (Arkieboy) who walked on this past weekend, another victim of Agent Orange. Had to go find the diary and read who it was at the very least. Felt my blood pressure rising as I skimmed through diary titles looking for Vetwife's (finally just went and searched her name in the Users directory to get to it). Not only is the content lacking, the navigation is a nightmare -- if you're looking for a diary that's no longer on the Recent Stories and not in the Rec list or Community Spotlight, good luck.

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his name is Little Markos

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did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war

Pariah Dog's picture

I never much read the diaries he posted, on those rare occasions when he saw fit to stroll down from Olympus. But I had to go and look the other day when he penned his little change of heart about Elizabeth Warren.

Really sorry I did.

Man that thing made my stomach start lurching. The little squirt makes it sound like he actually has an influence in the Beltway.

I argued hard against the Ready for Warren effort because having spoken to her several times, I knew she had zero interest in the gig.
So why don’t I ask her now? Because if she was seriously considering it, she couldn’t publicly tell me “yes.”
And if she wanted to be honest and go off the record, I couldn’t report the answer. And, worst of all, what if she said “no?” I’d rather advocate for the idea without knowingly going against her wishes (in case she really wan’t interested).

Doooood! I can picture Liz writhing feverishly in her bed while whispering - "I wasn't going to do it. I didn't want to do it! But now that Markos is behind the idea......"

Must be awesome to have them breathe the same air as you as you hold the fate of the nation in your hot, sinewy, and ever so awesomely talented hands! Wan't it?

Or maybe I'm just being over-sensitive.

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Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup

PhilJD's picture

Everyone knows that.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, once upon a time I shook Barack Obama's hand and had an actual conversation with him... but I don't pretend he has me on speed-dial as a result.

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Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!

kharma's picture

is valuable and linked to from elsewhere. For that reason, I'd like to make a suggestion concerning people removing 'diaries' from some other web site. Instead of deleting the 'diary', maybe it would be more beneficial to this place to replace the entire text of the diary with a link to c99. Then robots and people following links to that story will happen upon this place.

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

Lisa Lockwood's picture

profile page, and delete your content and replace with a link over here.

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"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~

JayRaye's picture

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Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons

and didn't get ads on that crap site, i now no longer see any point going there.

its' an echo chamber, much like fox news.

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did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war

Ken in MN's picture

...they always claimed they hated. The level of manufactured outrage over Nevada (three times now, the latest of which I've dubbed BERNGHAZI!) finally pushed me over the edge...

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I want my two dollars!

Wink's picture

about it on Daily Kos Radio this morning (wed.) and went on and on about how Berniecrats fucked themselves in NV with all the "flying chairs" and "violence" there. Dorkin, of course, is a Clintonista.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

I love Bernie's response!

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DesertRose's picture

Seems conceited on DK and Twitter.

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Pariah Dog's picture

I heard about something happening in Nevada. Nothing specific was mentioned except something about a riot, and I heard the National Guard was called.

I spent three hours searching for, reading about, and watching videos of what happened. I saw some woman babbling something about deciding the vote was over, people standing up and yelling, a cop telling them to leave, and finally the lights being turned out.

Didn't see one video showing this yuge violent riot everyone was talking about. People were pissed. I'm not up on caucus procedures, but if it was against the rules, I would have been pissed too. But I didn't see anyone rioting, no National Guard, no flying chairs, no flying spaghetti, I didn't even see the brown shirts lined up in front of the stage until that still shot was posted.

Since then the story seems to have... how do you say in the English? GROWN. I'm surprised people aren't posting alleged body counts by now.

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Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup

He tweeted and wrote about actually happen and added that there was POTENTIAL for violence. It's in some MSNBC interview

Soooo all those bullchit diaries filled with faux OUTRAGE and attacks on BERNIE were based on nothing but BULL CHIT

and people like Greg and Armando and KOS knew they were spreading BULLCHIT.

today there is a diary about how poor little rick girl Barbara boxer FEARED FOR HER LIFE. That one I tweeted about to boxer. Pathetic.

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Orwell was an optimist

Pariah Dog's picture

I've always been mildly curious.

Armando was a bit before my time - even before I started lurking there - so I have no personal opinion. But I used to see his name brought up quite often in my early days. From what I gathered, most people seemed to really dislike him. Some of them flat out hated him. I've never searched the past posts to find any of his stuff and nothing has ever popped up on Google searches. So I always assumed he left under less than ideal circumstances a long time ago.

Then I popped over there to read the kos missive and right there on the top of the FP with a diary about Nevada was - Armando.

In nine years, this is the first time I've seen anything posted by this enigma from a bygone era. So what's the nutshell? Is this the same guy everybody used to talk about? Where's he been? When did he reappear? And why were people so... uh, passionate about him?

I should probably add that I thought his Nevada diary truly was bull chit

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Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup

He actually managed to get hisself TO'd last summer. I had a run-in with him. He's more than a bit of a dick.

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

I an stunned to see the level of 'cultishness' being displayed regarding the Clinton campaign by otherwise reasonable people over there.

The fact that they continue to be willfully ignorant regarding polling on Clinton's unfavorables (and what that means for November) and the latest trend showing Trump beating her nationally seems insane.

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#StrongerTogether for a better future for OUR posterity

Lookout's picture

It is toxic there. Open and expressive here. No question where I want to be. For those who can't let go, you might try this.

brain bleach.png

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Time to DTox.

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What if we don't live in the world of what if, but what can be?

In fact, does anyone know how you delete a profile there ? I didn't see how it could be done but if anyone knows, please share. Once it became very apparent that electing better dems was not what they support, I was finished with that place. the party is really just a private club and doesn't stand for anything at all.

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Ruscle's picture

They mean electing corporate approved, banker bought democrats -- because that's the practical choice.

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Another Refugee from the Great Orange Purity Troll

Flyswatterbanjo's picture

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I deleted all info in my profile that wasn't required. I deleted all of my in and sent emails. I am deleting diaries I wrote and don't care about. I I joined a ton of groups. I am erasing as much of my presence as I can.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

elenacarlena's picture

weird holes in old comment sections. All you can do is make sure any diaries or comments you've written in the past, which you may want to use in the future, are copied to your hard drive.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

Wink's picture

belong to. – George Carlin

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

Pariah Dog's picture

It's like the Mafia - once you're in, you're in for life... even beyond since I'm pretty sure you could still find Steve Gilliard's profile on there.

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Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup

But you CAN scrub everything but your user name and comments posted.

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#StrongerTogether for a better future for OUR posterity

edg's picture

Alexa ranking and Quantcast visitor counts have dropped in the past 2 months. People are slowly drifting away.

Consider this: each time you visit a site and each time you don't logout of a site after visiting, you are raising money for that site through advertising sales. Why keep giving money to something that dislikes you and dislikes the candidate you support?

I'd like to suggest a designated c99 person to go there and summarize the best articles (if there are any still left) and to persuade authors of regular features like BNR to either move here or at a minimum cross-post here.

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0 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

That was back when Markos was bragging about the increase in his readership. I would look once in a while.

I have noticed a drop too. Also on the weekends during this past months the views drop off. That was not always the case before. Also it now peaks when there is a new PR campaign like the current one about how violent Sanders supporters are. The really high peaks have been during the PR push not the primary days. Paid trolls must not work on the weekends.

I am also not seeing as many DK shares on my Face book feed like I used to see. I think that is because most of the stuff published there is really out of touch with the average FB user.

This will be interesting to see where all this shakes out after the election.

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Blasphemy101's picture

Douchebag Kos has a problem. His unique views have now drop 50% over the last month. I guess making more than half his visitors pissed does not equal profit.

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War, War Never Changes - Fallout Series

IF I go there in the AM to read the BNR and I leave but don't sign out that is not good? I should be signing in and signing out every time I go there??

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Orwell was an optimist

Pariah Dog's picture

I never signed out. Periodically I would go and find that somehow I'd been signed out, but I never figured out how or why.

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Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup

We have this wonderful "lifeboat" (thanks founders!) and /r/KossacksforSanders. I read both daily, the reddit sub for action posts and news, the C99 for long-form essays (and remarkable music).
Agree that we ought not dictate what other folks do, but can sure as hell strongly urge them to consider abandoning Kos. I thought I'd be able to cold turkey after the ides, but ventured back a few times those first two weeks, mostly in response to "rec my diary" please here and on KfS. Decided that was not a good enough reason to go back because: 1. his site does not deserve any page clicks from anyone, and 2. took too long to wash off the bilge I felt was slopped all over me after reading the nastiness there.

I think your post is particularly important today, as it sinks in on all of us after the Nevada caucus, that the Clinton forces are as sinister and dangerous as Trump's. Time's a-wastin' and frankly there isn't any available to us to spend on arguing with fools over at Kos.

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Shaylors Provence

tapu dali's picture

I have some problems with /r/SfP and /r/KfS.

I don't know what the purpose of the /r/ sites will be in two months ...

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There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.

thanatokephaloides's picture

c99pc is good.

I have some problems with /r/SfP and /r/KfS.

all /r/ is garbage.

How mahakali overdrive stands it I know not. reddit, in its entirety, is a waste of computing resources.

c99p is NOT.


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

is the best place on the net to get news on the war hands down

0 users have voted.

Solidarity forever

hester's picture

all /r/ is garbage.

That brush you painted w is a bit broad. There are some amazing groups there for people w chronic illness, which are helpful, supportive and extremely informative and accurate.

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Don't believe everything you think.

thanatokephaloides's picture

That brush you painted w is a bit broad. There are some amazing groups there for people w chronic illness, which are helpful, supportive and extremely informative and accurate.

Not denied. It's not the material, much of which is quite noble and worthwhile. It's the jumbled, chaotic, and burdensome platform that renders it garbage. By the time a typical reader, without pre-information, sifts through the fetid sea that is most of reddit to arrive at what he wants, he's too exhausted to go on and participate. No website can do and be what reddit attempts: to be all things to all users.

The groups need to find folks like our kind JtC to do them the benefit of getting that osmium albatross, reddit, removed from around their necks.

I apologize for not making it clearer that my objections were to the platform, not necessarily the material. I am a Bernie supporter. Even with the required foreknowledge, I found dealing with reddit not worth the trouble, and I yet fail to see how mahakali overdrive does it as well as she does.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Haikukitty's picture

and simply go directly to visit those.

No need to try to wade through everything, that would be like trying to visit all top Google searches.

You just search for a find a few that you want to engage with, and stay there.

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for questioning a moderation call based on an alleged endorsement of Trump (I didn't), and for comparing her moderation inclination to Nazis, and kos (I did). Sigh. I suppose it's hard to resist becoming the thing that you abhor. I used to admire her a lot, and I was so happy that she put up that site, reddit's many limitations notwithstanding.

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Don't want to negate your experience. I just want to say that I still admire and appreciate MO, even when I have a rare disagreement with her.

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I've gone back a few times since the Ides of March when asked to rec a diary, and while there, perused the rec list to support Bernie diaries. But just now, I logged off for the first time in maybe a year, something I'd simply forgotten about (have always used an ad blocker). Feels good. So much Republican Lite in "liberal" and "progressive" clothing is gag-worthy. So much intolerance. So much lynch mob behavior for stepping out of the approved (commanded) line. I've been markedly better tempered since I dumped dkos. If I look back, I may turn into a pillar of salt....

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

Hoo boy make sure you vacuum up every word of those diaries cause they have value!

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JayRaye's picture

0 users have voted.

Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons

Usually this site is fast, but now it's it the site traffic or my computer?

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Haikukitty's picture

whenever there's a primary - with so many people posting and refreshing at once.

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Dhyerwolf's picture

from it being a primary day.

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Wink's picture

site if this is to grow. Or, expand this one. Either way, that costs server money, and not all visitors / members wish to financially support such an effort. But, if everyone kicked in just a buck a month that would cover costs.

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the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.

WoodsDweller's picture

I never registered over there. Still I refreshed it multiple times per day, since there was always new content, and essays on topics of interest. I doubt I've visited a dozen times since discovering c99p. That place is simply a lost cause.

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"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

Sandino's picture

It is a weird fetish site involved mostly with the fellation of banksters and war criminals, and occasional scat-play.

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verified users on twitter usually don't block people, because it'll jsut result in more accounts being created to troll. and since he's not boss of twitter like he is TOP, he doesn't have the tools to get others to block for him.

so i like rubbing it in his face on twitter of late.

but me and some other people did find out that if you tweet to peter daou and tell him that his balls are in hillary's purse, he will block u. then again, peter isn't verified because he's a small fish, otherwise he wouldn't be as petty.

one day, eventually, i'll annoy little markos so much on twitter that he will block me and it will be glorious

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did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war

terriertribe's picture

That if your idea of building bridges is to tell your counterpart to go to hell then you've confused building with burning.

0 users have voted.

Now interviewing signature candidates. Apply within.

And it never takes long before I'm too disgusted to continue. Just today I was repulsed almost immediately and was thinking it's just not worth it, and hasn't been for a while.


Of course I'm likely to peek in from time to time. As a lifetime member the site gets nothing off me. But if the site disappeared I would not miss it at all, and if a year ago you had told me that would be the case, I wouldn't have conceived of it being possible.

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the entire wreck list is just pure nevada propaganda. no one even comments on front page stories anymore like they did a few years ago. it's as if FP serves little purpose. (which is the case).

with all his DNC and Vox $$$, Little Markos could give two shits. funny how he used to be a TV pundit and now is lucky to get on at all. no one wants to see/hear a small, whiny little man with a shrill voice , even on the dredges of cable news.

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did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war

All I ever knew was that he tried to be one on msnbc but he pulled a typical Kos and attacked Scarborough about an intern death and Joe had Kos BOJOD ... Kind of karmetic when you think about it

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Orwell was an optimist

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did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war

gulfgal98's picture

I had kept going over there, mostly to support certain diarists over there. I have a great capacity to put up with garbage, but this last week went over the top for me. I was gifted a lifetime membership over there by someone whom I really like in real life, but I can no longer go over after today. Thank you for posting this Steven D.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

wilderness voice's picture

today it was so awful the term "cesspit" comes to mind.
I am finding the habit hard to break, though. Maybe I need some kind of Dkos Anonymous program.

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because there is little being written now. yesterday i noticed that they were seizing upon diaries that didn't even have a comment posted yet besides the tip jar, and pushing them to community spotlight immediately before any discussion .

99% of the essays posted there are pie fights, so there's nothing to spotlight anymore.

that bodes poorly for future readership.

when i got attacked there in 2011, i posted on TOP that i was going to reddit and that dkos was the past. the bitter olds accosted me for saying that, since they didn't know what reddit was.

reddit can be sucky, no doubt, with its shitty mods and trolls. and high school kids,etc. but the user growth there has been unreal, while TOP has faded.

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did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war

elenacarlena's picture

turkey types, and some of us are wean-off-gradually types. I spend about half my time here now. But I like to visit a few of the remaining diaries, plus support my groups, plus push back in comments where I can with whatever energy I have left - to try to convince any passing-by undecideds that Kos' Hillbots are not authoritative sources. I find myself bothering with them less and less, and spending time here more and more. I think it's just a matter of time before Kos gets almost none of my attention and/or I get banned there, and this becomes my more permanent home. But not entirely boycotting yet. It's a process.

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Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.

Alphalop's picture

The shit show at the other place?

Not so much....

I would liken it more to a mass grave that people are voluntarily throwing themselves into out of ignorance.

The Kool-aid flows freely over there in Amazon River like quantities...

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

jwa13's picture

... got sick of the anti-Berner horsepuckey some time ago. I became a matter of valuing Bernie (and my own sense of self-worth) to give that final "Adios!"

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When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.

Alligator Ed's picture

I especially love the alliterative Markos's Mystical Magisterium of Malicious Manure. I have checked back on GOS to see comments to my latest diary there. A few dual registry folks (i.e. c99 and DK) were kind enough to post comments there. The vitriol is certainly boiling and bubbling over there. Thank you, edg, for pointing out that our visits to DK result in income increments to Little Nap. That is certainly not a desirable thing to do. However, I still enjoy stirring up the goldfish bowl (or bowel) over there because it's fun to see them excited and say even stupider things than usual. I do upgrade all posts by OPOL, LD, TomP and a few others (seemingly becoming fewer progressively (what a pun! Sorry.)

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Was banned years ago for not genuflecting to Obama. Went to BoomanTribune but that is turning into a Hillary cheering squad.

Still read the front page posts for political news like the one up now about the call to impeach the IRS Commissioner, but can't stand the diaries, so I don't bother. I do miss DarkSyde's science articles.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

While Markos was still in the CIA and started up DKOS, he and Booman used to link to each other all the time. It was like they were working to drive each others sites up. I couldn't help but notice "Boo" man, like he was a Spook. I figured he and Markos were both CIA.

So I would expect him to be pro-Hillary.

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However, there are suddenly a lot more commenters on Booman Tribune, and most of the new names are pumping for Hillary. This is what happened at DKos as well. As soon as the Hillary campaign realized they were being thumped on Daily Kos, there were suddenly a lot of new names, diaries mimicking LD's, etc.

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that is Little Markos' version of "i did not have sexual relations with that woman"

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did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war

Speaks to me as a dedicated Bernie supporter.

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A call to once again suck it up, fall in line and eat the establishment provided chit sandwich because maybe we can accomplish grabbing a few crumbs off the table the real players sit at.

I disagree with booman... He is wrong. It IS about Bernie!! And standing with Bernie and making the establishment as nervous as possible that we WONT show up o. Election Day because we meant it when we said F this shit.

I NEVER saw places like DK go sooooooooo. NUTS as I did before yesterday's primaries. they have been throwing EVERYTHING that usually works to get rid of uncomfortable challenges at Bernie and Bless his heart HE DOESNT TAKE THE BAIT !! And that is what is freak in em all out. And a Bernie's tie In KY and his now 12 PT wi. In Oregon plus that ginormous rally in cali has the establishment chitting in their pampers and we need to KEEP IT UP

it makes me so angry to hear people say I am A Bernie supporter BUT... The minute someone says that they become unimportant ... But say I support Bernie. Seeya in Philly!! And the Clinton camp chits bricks... Because they can't stop Bernie and they really really have no idea how many of the 45% of the party will go BERNIE OR BUST along with independents.

And for us to get ANY change at all we must keep the. Wondering just how many of us there really are.

Soooooo. REMEMBER..... The 3 scariest words to the DNC/3rd way/Clinton wing are


whether you mean it or not...SAY IT AS OFTEN AS POSSIBLE


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Orwell was an optimist

I felt he gave legitimacy to our positions. And even Bernie says it's not about him but about the causes he's espousing.

Waiting for much closer to the election to decide what I'll do, but I am not a "Bernie or bust" person. I will donate to his campaign as long as there is a campaign and to any follow up organizations that continue the movement he has begun.

I do plan to re-register as unaffiliated or Green after the convention.

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I, too, found it a great read. Good enough to tweet this

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#StrongerTogether for a better future for OUR posterity

but stopped several years ago. Then, my commenting stopped and then even logging in to rec stopped. When the grand edict came, I deleted my diaries and found this place thanks to someone posting it in a comment. I'm never going back even for a peek--it makes me physically ill.

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DK has been in the entertainment category for me for months now. it's gone from edifying, to dumb entertainment, but now its just sad. And the joke is on Kos, I use an adblocker and a script killer.

In the end, it's only a website. There's a million of those.

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Leema's picture

Have been visiting too much due to: old habits: hope for change & to support the good guys. From what I gather every time I visit the place it is helping it? No more quothe the Raven....and as someone else asked: can you delete an account?

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When wealth rules, democracy dies.

Pricknick's picture

The diatribes and the outright hatred from Markos and his followers became a hypocritical and disgusting adventure.
And everybody here must be having an effect on them. They mention C99 daily. I told them thanks for the clicks and we'll still be here when they want someone to bully.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

one of the admin must have recognized my name, because after being on timeout for a while with no activity other than lurking, it suddenly shifted to a ban. LOL. i love that i made them mad. fuck all of them.

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did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war

Cassiodorus's picture

Nonsexist usage.

Oh and:

All your Daily Kos Cassiodorus diaries (except for the ones to which I said bye forever) in one convenient spot!

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
