Kayfabe and Donald Trump
I've been reading about Kayfabe recently and its hard not to notice the similarities to the Trump campaign and American politics in general.
According to Wikipedia, "The origins of Kayfabe are a subject of broad speculation. Some believe Kayfabe originated as carny slang for “protecting the secrets of the business." A popular but unverified supposition found online is that the word originated from Pig Latin for “fake” (“ake-fay”) or the phrase “be fake” (“e-bay ake-fay”)."
There are two main actors in Kayfabe: the "face" and the "heel".
The face you root for. The heel you boo.
Kayfabe in WWE has developed to the point that faces and heels can change and even switch places during "the story", which could last days or even years, depending on how the audience reacts to the story.
In WWE Kayfabe, every match is a grudge match, most often for something stupid. It's never a case of two guys just doing a job, because that's boring and easy to believe. The whole point of Kayfabe is suspension of disbelief.
Last year, William P. Stodden, a professor of political science, wrote a paper titled Professional Wrestling and the Creation of Public Opinion.
Politics-by-Kayfabe is not crass cynicism: Like professional wrestling, the Kayfabe has become necessary for all interested participants. In wrestling, the Kayfabe provides a vehicle for fans to accept the spectacle as real. The business itself relies on the public buying into the story just as much as the public requires a story to buy into. The fans at a wrestling match are, in a sense, there to be taken. They want the drama, which so happens to be centered on men and women throwing each other around in the ring.
Kayfabe is more or less an agreement that everyone, from the owner of the company on down to the little Hulkamaniacs, buys into. Everyone knows wrestling is scripted, but they pretend that it is real because it is both more profitable and more entertaining if we suspend disbelief.
In professional wrestling, Kayfabe is kept religiously. If a member of the talent breaks the agreed fantasy, they are often sanctioned, formally, by the company, because denying that the spectacle is real costs the company money and costs the fans enjoyment. In politics, Kayfabe is kept because it is important to politicians to gin up support among a crowd of folks whose lives may not be directly affected by the policy proposals of the politicians. If, for example, Donald Trump is talking about building a wall between the US and Mexico, he appeals to a segment of the population for whom immigration is important, though their lives may never interact directly with an immigrant on any level. It is important for Trump to never let on that he himself doesn't actually believe that a wall is financially or even physically possible. And it is in the interests of his supporters that he also never breaks this Kayfabe, because then they would have no reason to pay attention to the contest anymore. Further, it is important for the media who Trump's supporters pay attention to, to inform the population that what Trump is saying is straight out of the aether fiction, or to refuse to cover Trump, or to push him too hard to explain HOW he would build the wall, because then the supporters would have no reason to tune in to the channel and would select other media. So in this particular case, Kayfabe is kept by everyone from Trump, through the media, and down to his fans.
What is important then, and what is different from pro wrestling, is that the candidate-media-supporter axis functions to create reality for at least the supporters. When a trusted news outlet is playing along, it becomes easy for supporters who are, themselves, barely informed on various topics, to buy in to the point where the Kayfabe is subsumed beneath subjective interpretation. For the public, it really doesn't matter whether Trump will build a wall. Most of his supporters believe he will, and so for them, he REALLY will build the wall. And they begin to act as if the Kayfabe is real, and so it becomes real. This then turns into a mutually reinforcing feedback loop where supporters reward the spectacle, and the candidate continues to give them more spectacle, and all the while, for the news media, it no longer is a case of whether they will cover the spectacle. They will always cover the spectacle, because that is what the viewers want. And so on and so forth. Whether Trump is actually able to make good on his proposals really doesn't matter after a while. The actors in this scene have all forgotten that it was never real, by acting as if it were real all along.
In a rigged event like pro wresting, actual wresting skills are inconsequential. For instance, Hulk Hogan was not a good wrestler.
However, Hulk Hogan was good as "mic work" during match promos, and this is the only skill that really matters. Hogan would talk up his physical prowess (his “24-inch pythons,” referring to his biceps) and how he was going to crush his opponents in the ring.
Watching a Donald Trump speech, he does exactly the same thing! Trump talks about how he’s “killing” his opponents in the polls, belittles them — usually about their physical appearance — and touts how he’s going to dismantle them, only instead of doing this ahead of a match, Trump is talking about primary elections and caucuses.
This also gets to a bone of contention I have with some who have praised Trump for having sharp insight into voter attitudes. Nonsense....
Trump tries out lines, in order to get a reaction both from his immediate audience and from the media. If it doesn’t get a “pop” he abandons it, which is also what wrestlers do if the audience doesn’t engage with a line or saying. When they do react, the powers that be in the wrestling industry often rush a t-shirt or hat into production with the saying on them. Sort of like Trump and his trucker hats over the last few months.
Jesse Ventura turned his mic work skills into a governorship of Minnesota. Ronald Reagan turned his acting abilities into a presidency.
Neither of them knew much about the issues, and unfortunately, it didn't matter. (Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger was a WWE Hall of Famer as well.)
Trump is both a reality TV star and a WWE wrestling celebrity. He knows even less about the issues than Ventura or Reagan, but his mic work is exceptional.
Putting this altogether, if Trump is using his Kayfabe skills (and I believe he is) then many of his misogynistic and xenophobic statement are just him giving the audience what it wants to hear. His audience is looking for fictional scapegoats for real, actual problems, and Trump is giving them what they want.
It's called pandering, and that's what politicians do.
With that in mind, the audience in the general election is different from the Republican primaries. It's an ironclad certainty that Trump message and persona is about to dramatically change in the coming months. It'll be a difficult change for Trump, but not one that is beyond his mic work skills.

I believe that his bigoted language is mostly Kayfabe.
[Edited to correct typos.]
One of my signature lines contains this pre-Depression quote:
Which isn't to say that employing this rhetoric is not equally despicable. Some would say that it's worse, since he likely doesn't believe a word of it (himself); yet, he would use it to divide the electorate [in a destructive manner].
What I'm curious to see is if 'the Paul Ryan's' get their way, and make Trump backtrack on cutting the Social Safety Net. I could be wrong, but my guess is that two issues--Trump's anti-free trade stance, and his vow to not cut Social Security and Medicare, are primary reasons that he's picking up so much support in the Rust Belt states.
Sounds more and more, as though Trump will accommodate the Republican Establishment. We know from AP reporter Erica Werner, that Ryan presented Trump with charts showing the projected increases in entitlement spending when he met with him this past Thursday. (And made the case that they need to be cut.)
If he selects Newt as his VP running mate, I'll guess we'll know the answer. And, if Trump and his running mate dare to run on cutting entitlements, I believe that Trump's 'base' will turn on him. So, I'm guessing that he'll take a page out of the Dem Party playbook, and employ double-speak. After all, it seems to have worked well for Democrats, since over at TOP, most bloggers mistakenly appear to believe that they have been spared entitlement cuts.
"The standard of living of the average American has to decline. I don't think you can escape that."--Paul Volcker, The New York Times, October 18, 1979, Page 1.
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Trump does not appear to be quite as malleable in his
convictions as is HRC. Although, I think he might be more attuned to his audience and more willing to please, and some stances are frankly less scary. In 2000, when he ran for president on social security, he said:
Many of his stances from 2000 to his short run in 2012 became more conservative, but a lot of his current stances seem to be shifting again to the left. In 2016, he is still not threatening social security as is HRC (keeping in mind that Obama tried to hand it to the republicans).
For some good information on Trumps statements regarding many issues, see Trump: On the Issues If you read through them, it appears that he is mid-way between Sanders and Clinton. this would make the GE if Clinton is the nominee very interesting as people will need to drop the R and D labels as the respective candidates switch their colors.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Totally agree, WD13! We watched all
the primary Presidential debates (both parties), and were quite surprised at some of Trump's left-leaning stances.
I recall that 'the house almost came down,' and the Debate hosts/questioners 'almost stroked out,' when Trump blatantly blamed GWB--to Jeb's face--for the fiasco/chaos in the Middle East, due waging war on Iraq.
Regarding Social Security, during the Republican Debates, hosted by two of the Cable Business Channels--Fox Business, and CNBC's Business Channel--even after he came under intense scrutiny and repeated challenges, Trump did not back down. Meaning, that he did not think that Social Security benefits had to be cut in order to save the program.
He claimed that his Administration's economic policies would bring about greater economic growth, and better paying manufacturing jobs, which, in turn, would eliminate the projected shortfall in the Social Security Trust Fund.
Which is not to endorse him, by any means. However, on trade and 'entitlements,' during the long Republican primary, Trump was definitely the most left-leaning of the Republican candidates. Especially on Social Security reform, when compared to Christie, Bush, Rubio, Cruz--and, most of all, John Kasich. Whether or not he is to be believed, I'll leave it up to each of you to judge for yourselves.
At any rate, I get your point that he has taken some left stances, for a number of years. He even supported a single-payer health care system, at one point.
Hey, thanks for the link. I've referenced that site in the past, regarding FSC's and WJC's policy stances. Some of the entries are quite detailed; so, it can be a very good resource.
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.--Lao Tzu
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
The Magician's Nephew
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
I would not care to make a bet
that underneath the Kayfabe T-Rump is just some decent, non-bigoted, realistic-thinking, competent fellow who wants the best for his fellow citizens and the world at large.
If given a chance I would bet the shop that underneath the Kayfabe T-Rump is a self-centered, bigoted, con artist by nature, ignorant of almost everything beyond manipulation, who has learned the use of a certain quantum of "unspeakable" truth in "mic work," but whose main motivation is all about ego: being the center of attention, grabbing the glitz, humiliating and hurting others.
People also thought Hitler's earlier verbal fulminations against Jews to be hot air, mere meat for extremist followers that could never have any real consequence; business interests, if nothing else, would protect against that. Sorry about Godwin's law and all, but that's the historical fact.
However, one could say the same about HRC...
without the charisma.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Pitting speculation the real Trump may be better than fake Trump
against the certainty that real Hillary is way worse than fake Hillary.
We already know that the real Hillary
is far worse than the fake one. She has a track record of actions that prove what she is and what she would do. That leopard is not going to change spots.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Amen! eom
The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop
A comment I made
in MB's Night Owl thread back in January. I believe I was on the right track.
Who is the real Trump?
My opinion:
He's a narcissistic billionaire and you can't believe anything he says.
I doubt he's nearly as xenophobic as he talks, but I also doubt he has any intention of doing anything about FTAs and Wall Street either.
I would be very much surprised if he would rock the boat for the big business community, and that would include deporting 10 million latinos.
If only Nixon could go to China, perhaps
only Trump can get immigration reform passed?
For some time I have used Kayfabe to describe beltway politics
Building on that I often refer to any one of the entrenched beltway Democratic elite as a "Kenny Jay". Kenny Jay was a "jobber" in Milwaukee Wrestling circles in the 1970's.
Ex: My Democratic senator, Baldwin, voted against the fast tracking of the TPP. Good for her; it will show well on her progressive scorecard. But what has she done to change the odds of the TPP passing? Nothing. Nada. She has not called on the grassroots to organize, she's attended no rallies, she has not spoken on local radio nor written any OpEds in local or regional newspapers. She's the Kenny Jay of Wisconsin Dems - looking good on casual observation, but doing nothing to change the outcome everyone knows is coming.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Hillary couldn't cut a decent promo to save her own ass.
Worst of all, she isn't even a decent babyface. It's heel vs. heel in the classic Montreal Screwjob sense. Hell, some are even speculating Donald Trump will be playing Bret Hart to Hillary's Shawn Michaels. Gods know Bernie has played the part of Bret Hart throughout this entire farce of a primary, except in Sanders' case, he's actually a damn good babyface. He can draw like a champ too. I just sure as shit hope he doesn't sell like one.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Pages explaining professional wrestling “tropes“ and big names
Professional wrestling tropes
“Babyface” is explained under Heel-Face Turn.
Big names in professional wrestling
(click to expand the section “Pro wrestlers and other industry figures with pages”)
Bret Hart
Shawn Michaels
Didn't know you were a fan!
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
At first I thought that this election was going to be
Lex Lugar vs the Gobbledygooker
But I wasn't being fair to Trump.
He's doing a credible version of Ted DiBiase's "Million-Dollar Man."
That's why I can't get scared of Trump. I refuse to be scared of an 1980s' wrestling angle.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Eh..Could have been Luger V. Yokozuna @ Summerslam 93.
Worst. Finish. Ever. Yokozuna got disqualified, kept the strap and yet they still had that ridiculous celebration and 'I'll Be Your Hero' at the end. Fans were rightly pissed, especially after all the build up leading to the match weeks prior.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Ali, Ali!
He is another one that can Kayfabe. Great one-liners from an uppity black man, done in soft-speech.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
In a sense, Trump is an uppity white billionaire.
Uppity = inclined to speak and behave in a way outside the boundaries the Powers That Be try — using mass media psychological conditioning — to program everyone to expect.
The argument could be made that “uppity” can only apply to members of a historically oppressed group. But that soon leads to groups vying for recognition of superior claims to victimhood, an endless and barren debate.