Chelsea Clinton got paid $600k by NBC.....for nearly nothing.
I'm not sure WaPo would let anyone run the story nowadays. It's too hard-hitting on someone other than Trump, who is beefing with Jeff Bezos/WaPo (New reality show? BATTLE OF THE BILLIONAIRES!)
But this article is from 2014. I discovered it while perusing my favorite twitter account--
If you click that link, it's a video with various scoops on Chelsea Clinton's strange role in American politics. Most notable to me, though, was her high-paying NBC gig, which reeks of bribery and rent-seeking by NBC. Even sadder is how many Clintonistas would refuse to recognize this for what it is, and continue insisting "there is not proof of political corruption".
Well, apparently this WaPo reporter (who still works for WaPo right now) disagrees.
A Nexis byline search for “Tom Costello” on NBC News transcripts in the period since Chelsea Clinton started at NBC News fetches 413 hits. A Nexis byline search for Chelsea Clinton herself over that same time period fetches 20 hits.
Here’s a look at some of the stuff she has done.
She interviewed the Geico gecko, asking the little creature, “Now gecko, do people recognize you on the street?” And, “Is there a downside to all this fame?”
In fact, earlier today I was noting the high level of corporate cognitive dissonance taking place at TOP (and elsewhere) over the Clintons. Take this excerpt today from a FPer:
Naturally the companies in question deny this and say their workers get enough breaks and are allowed to go to the bathroom between breaks. But who do you trust more? High-level corporate flacks guarding the company image, or workers on the production line?
THis is in regards to a chicken plant processing bathroom break story that hit this week. If only the Clintonistas could apply the same corporate flack logic to....well, any of the 100s of corrupt episodes in the Clinton Political Freak Show.
Here's what the WaPo has to say about this disgusting Clinton/NBC corruption:
Whatever she’s done with her paycheck, this whole Chelsea Clinton-NBC News saga is awful. Awful because it’s an affront to hard-working broadcast journalists.
* drip drip drip*
Do you hear that sound? ssshhh.....listen closely...
* drip drip drip *
Yes, I can hear it. It's the sound of the Democrat party's credibility dripping away. The progressives who used to defend the Dems against 'false equivalencies'? They're disappearing by the day, disgusted with the corruption that has taken over D.C. Even Jon Stewart in his interview this month with Axelrod confessed his disgust for both parties.
It's only fitting that a Clinton documentary gave rise to Citizens United. It just demonstrates the level of damage to this country the Clintons have achieved. They even brag about being close friends with the Bush family-- not once , but repeatedly in media interviews.
Once you sell your soul to a lying politician, Clintonistas, you may never get it back. And it will be too painful for you to admit in the future that they were con artists. The Republicans don't even have to try hard to fool the rubes in their base. But the "liberals" who got brainwashed by the Clintons? They thought they were 'smarter'.

The monarchy
marches on.
I thought we had a war with this type of government.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
That pissed me off too.
Supposedly we live in a meritocracy (yeah, I know, not so).
There are journalists who pay significant dues in order to get to that position, and even experienced journalists may not earn that kind of money after decades of work. There was nothing in Chelsea Clinton's history or work that justified that kind of position or compensation. The fact that Chelsea Clinton didn't do squat in terms of work, when she was in the position, only underscores how much of a sham the whole arrangement was. It's one of those things that underscores the degree of corruption and coziness that exists in our political system and with many big media companies.
She is oblivious to her privilege, as well, which makes the whole thing even worse.
I disagree. Look where she grew up. Look who her parents are. Look who she married. Look at how she shills for said parents.
She knows exactly how privileged she is and she revels in it.
Nope. NopeNopeNope.
The more people I meet, the more I love my cats.
I'm sure she knows who her parents are . . .
however, her life experience is an outlier.
If a person is born into a world of elite schools, and rich social networks, and everyone that person knows comes from that world, those are things you have to work incredibly hard to not take for granted. Maybe time in the Peace Corp or in the military, or even time going to public schools, can broaden that experience. But without the effort to do these things, someone like Clinton will never understand what it is like to live paycheck for paycheck, or to live with the fear of bankruptcy due to a medical emergency or loss of a job. Helicoptering into the developing world, for a two or three day trip won't cut it either.
Our worldview is shaped by our experience. And her experience bears no relation to the reality that 99.999 percent of Americans live in. When it comes to talking or advocating policy that impacts 99.999 percent of Americans it helps to have some visceral understanding of what it is like to actually walk in their shoes.
I'm not sure she knows who her parents are
Perhaps she does, but she certainly looks like Web Hubble.
But now she has been raised as a Clinton.
the D party has trashed its reputation with young people
perhaps beyond repair for a half-generation or more.
the ill will that they have created with their tactics is building by the day.
one of my favorite Facebook pages-- "God" -- is verified on FB and also has a twitter account. Those accounts have always been critical of GOP but not much about the Democrat party.
but this was posted tonight, in a sign of the times:
did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war
saw a shaun king twitter quote that resonates
"not once, in a year, has a hillay clinton supporter tried to convince me of her candidacy based on her actual policies and positions."
scary when you think about it. By deflecting, denying, and playing the "lesser of two evil" cards every's hard to see difference between clintonistas and republicans.
at least berners go to rallies and express gratitude for a senator who wants their kids to go to college, not war.who wants single payer. who wants to end stupid foreign wars. meanwhile, Bibi and israel just got their biggest military-welfare package yet ( 5 billion) thanks to the prospects of hillary coming in and giving even more.
did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war
Guess that makes Chelsea Clinton a “savvy businesswoman”
Like President Obama said in 2010 before that year’s mid-term “shellacking,” we shouldn’t begrudge Chelsea her success or wealth — it’s just part of the free-market system.
Is Obama committing political suicide? President calls obscene Wall St. bonuses “part of the free market system”
Much Obama cares - he's done running
After January 20, 2017, he can take his cushy retirement package and start cashing in. Ka-ching, ka-ching.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
i won't be surprised when obama starts doing
this same shit.
did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war
Realistically, she does not have a TV face
And that weighs first in that medium at that level. Clearly the hybrid of Bill and Hill, she ended up with the wrong assortment of features, no one's choice. And the enter nationally, not in Dubuque, is an affront to those who wanted to ascend to those heights as a TV face and voice is obvious appointment as favor. Works wonders on job morale for the rest.
No problem for her. Unlike Skelos' son, a loser sort, whose daddy ended up, along with son, in prison for finding good-paying, no-account jobs. Do her wings-spead stint and then back into Dad's Foundation, for a nice income on her own.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
TV Face and with Brian Williams - what a team :)
And that's after she had plastic surgery, a new chin, lower face.
Expect Trump will also go wild comparing pictures of Chelsea and Webb Hubbell. No way that can be avoided. There is just too damn much baggage, leaden baggage associated with this dynasty. We really are doomed with this family!
TV grovels for celebrities,
and gives them unearned jobs at inflated salaries for nothing of significance. Anyone recall the short unmemorable career of Ronan Farrow at MSNBC? Pretty face, vapid manner, NO qualifications except being the son of two (three?) celebrities.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Yes! The cachet of "the real father"
such a wunnerful history only if "the real..." was rich or famous.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Turns out it was all bogus BS PR
sent up by Mommy Dearest to launch her Precious Baby Boy's career. (Ol' Blue Eyes had had himself snipped long before Ronan was a twinkle in anybody's eye.)
And let's not get into the rest of the raw fetid sewage she dredged up....
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Cf. NBC making Luke Russert an anchor because of his father. n/t
Chelsea must have had...
one hell of an elevator speech.
Freedom of $peech, indeed!
Our village and town are so small that we don't have a village idiot or a town drunk. Nope, we all take turns.
I was after the quote by Chelsea
about trying to care about money and ran across this. I'm sorry, I had to post it. It's like driving by a bad accident and trying not to look but you just can't help yourself...
I don't know where to start. So I won't. This young lady doesn't have a fucking clue. Or she's a chip off the old corrupt, lying, block...
Those who have plenty don't HAVE to care about money
because they will never know the lack of it.
Clueless to the max, and probably corrupt into the bargain.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
That is simply obscene.
Her smug cluelessness boggles the mind. She thinks she works harder than anybody else??? Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?
Twain Disciple
Well, hey, she's simply building the perfect resume
for her future coronation for the 5th Clinton Term in 2024.
At which time I will be sipping tequila in Mexico and no longer giving a shit, because if it gets to that point, giving a shit will have long since ceased to matter.
Born on third base and thinks she hit a triple
You expect the “Richie Rich” Right, or Saudi princes, or Walton heirs to think that way.
But a Clinton, from the family being held up as the role model for Democrats?
The saddest thing to me this election season
has been the increasing pervasiveness of the attitude that 'whatever it takes' to win is ok. And somehow, this year, instead of 'whatever it takes' meaning GOTV and paying attention to the content of candidates platform, it means it's ok to lie and fool and to distort and choosing less bad instead of shooting for something actually good.
I find it confusing. Have there always been so many out there ok with lying or is it actually worse? I can't tell. I hate that their campaign is encouraging supporters to follow suit. It's dragging the country down.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
i asked that question at TOP last week
not a single clintonista had an answer for me.
did 9 months in California prison, because Neoliberal Democrats and GOP maggots work together to profit off the drug war
One of the Bush twins
Is also a correspondent for NBC.
No problem
It's tradition!!!!
Put some ice on it...