Open Thread - Wed. May 11, 2016 - Characteristics of Neo-Liberalism
Good Morning 99%'ers!
Today's Open Thread essay is the fourth in a series of essays I have planned on the subject of neo-liberalism. If you are interested in the first three essays in this series, you can read them here and here and here.
Recently over at TOP, I engaged in the following exchange with a Clinton supporter. This essay is not about TOP, but instead, I am using this exchange to demonstrate the ignorance of the American people over the devastating effects of neo-liberalism. Most people, including myself, know only superficially about neo-liberalism and who is pushing this ideology upon we the people. My above referenced comment and the reply appeared late the comments in poligirl's excellent diary that she posted both here and there so they did not get much attention. But it is worth using this exchange as an intro to today's essay. First, here is my comment:
Don’t kid yourself. Neoliberals want to cut social programs and eventually privatize as much as possible. A large portion of the Democratic establishment are neoliberals and have been complicit in the cuts to funding of the social safety net, beginning with Bill Clinton. More Democrats do not necessarily guarantee that our social safety net is safe. Too many of them are comfortable neoliberals.
To which a Clinton supporter made the following reply (with my bolding added).
Just because you believe a caricature doesn’t make it true.
S-Chip expansion under Clinton did more to help hungry children than just about anything in the past 30 years.
But, hey, if you use the derisive term “neoliberal” enough to demonize and distort, maybe that’ll change reality!
What struck me was that this comment reflected an ignorance or an unwillingness to acknowledge the ills caused by over three decades of neo-liberalism. Not only that, but the commenter viewed the term as a slur that demonized and distorted the positions of his preferred candidate. The defensiveness in the comment basically demonstrated a willing lack to own up to the Democrats' contributions to the rapid demise of our middle class and the continued impoverishment of the American people as more and more Americans fall down the economic ladder.
The study, by the Pew Charitable Trusts, found that nearly a third of Americans who were part of the middle class as teenagers in the 1970s have fallen out of it as adults. Though Pew examined only a certain demographic swath of participants, its findings suggest the relative ease with which people in the U.S. can end up in low-income, low-opportunity lifestyles — even if they started out with a number of advantages.
In my research for this series on neo-liberalism, I found an excellent article from the Corporate Watch website that neatly lists the primary characteristics of the neo-liberal ideology. This is a good starting point towards understanding how the impacts of this massive shift of wealth upward to just a few in our society has devastated our middle class and continues to impoverish our society.
Listed below are main characteristics of neo-liberalism as compiled in What is “Neo-Liberalism”? which was written by Elizabeth Martinez and Arnoldo Garcia from Corporate Watch.
THE RULE OF THE MARKET. Liberating "free" enterprise or private enterprise from any bonds imposed by the government (the state) no matter how much social damage this causes. Greater openness to international trade and investment, as in NAFTA. Reduce wages by de-unionizing workers and eliminating workers' rights that had been won over many years of struggle. No more price controls. All in all, total freedom of movement for capital, goods and services. To convince us this is good for us, they say "an unregulated market is the best way to increase economic growth, which will ultimately benefit everyone." It's like Reagan's "supply-side" and "trickle-down" economics -- but somehow the wealth didn't trickle down very much.
CUTTING PUBLIC EXPENDITURE FOR SOCIAL SERVICES like education and health care. REDUCING THE SAFETY-NET FOR THE POOR, and even maintenance of roads, bridges, water supply -- again in the name of reducing government's role. Of course, they don't oppose government subsidies and tax benefits for business.
DEREGULATION. Reduce government regulation of everything that could diminsh profits, including protecting the environmentand safety on the job.
PRIVATIZATION. Sell state-owned enterprises, goods and services to private investors. This includes banks, key industries, railroads, toll highways, electricity, schools, hospitals and even fresh water. Although usually done in the name of greater efficiency, which is often needed, privatization has mainly had the effect of concentrating wealth even more in a few hands and making the public pay even more for its needs.
ELIMINATING THE CONCEPT OF "THE PUBLIC GOOD" or "COMMUNITY" and replacing it with "individual responsibility." Pressuring the poorest people in a society to find solutions to their lack of health care, education and social security all by themselves -- then blaming them, if they fail, as "lazy."
We have all seen examples of these characteristics on the national, state, and local levels of government. In every instance, we are told that we can no longer afford these services that government has been providing for generations. This is occurring in the richest country that the world has ever seen.
The United States is now fully a neo-liberal country. While the concept of neo--liberalism was introduced under Reagan, Bill Clinton embraced it and implemented it. The Third Way or New Democrats or DLC is the neo-liberal arm of the Democratic party.
Neo-liberal globalism: This is more or less the official ideology of the political and corporate and financial establishments, shared by centrist New Democrats as well as by most Republican conservatives in their practice as opposed to their preaching. Shared by Barack Obama and Bill Clinton with George W. Bush, neo-liberal globalism combines moderate conservatism in economics with the idea of beneficial U.S. global military hegemony.
In the future, I intend to further flesh these points about neo-liberalism.
This is an Open Thread, so feel free to post anything that may be on your mind this morning.

go online to hightimes...
google beating a drug test. what have you got to lose? I ran a job training center. Absolutely refused to drug test anyone. If the company wanted it done, let them do it. Taxpayers weren't footing the bill in my center.
Is it a hair test or a pee test? hair test is hard to beat. pee test is up for debate. I know lots of people who say they beat one of those with over the counter stuff you can buy.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
terrible, I feel for you and your son, so hard to listen to,
and oh please, these guilt feelings for being a horrible mother, I can very much relate to it. It haunts me, but it's something that you somehow have to fight against to get rid off, it's not fair to yourself.
Often I wished I had someone to talk to about it, who is able to understand, which is almost impossible with all that cross cultural stuff in what is left of my family.
Hugs and good luck to you and your son. I hope in some miraculous ways this will be resolved in your son's favor.
Thank you Mimi
I need kind words so bad right now. I'm pretty strong except when it comes to my kids. But this was like a kick in the face to him.
There's no guidelines or instructions on any of this with regards to dose, treatment, experience with MMJ and autism. But we know it doesn't hurt him and it's provided tremendous relief from his anxieties which is humongous.
gotta run.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
how long does it take
to get this out of his system? Would it work to take a temporary break in the treatment, then do the testing, maybe support with other approaches in the meantime?
I am in Dr. Amy Yasko's methylation program for my long term chronic issues and recovery from lyme disease, and I see that her work is now primarily with autistic kids. Do you know about this program? It tends to be a gradual, long term approach but there are some "soothing" elements to it for behavior, stress, etc. that might help him get thru a rough patch. I don't know anything about autism myself, but people on her support forum seem to.
My son was asked if he wanted to go off the tincture to try to clean out his system - he's thin and it wouldn't take much time - however we only have 48 hours.
But he said that he didn't want to quit taking his medication simply because someone thinks it's a bad drug.
We have been experimenting with his doseage recently and we are using smaller drops but several times a day rather than two large ones. And he actually said last night that he thinks it's a better dose. He feels more balanced.
His final words on it are "it's not fair."
I know a small bit about lyme's disease because I work at a dispensary and we have some patients/caregivers.
We're just a bit panicked and freaked out. We won't lose custody...or anything like that.
Just losing a great opportunity for our son. Over nothing. Over something that enabled him to get to be the star candidate for this program.
It's kinda sick.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
I think he is smart to stick with what's working
he seems to be making a good decision. He's right, it's not fair. I hope that this works itself out somehow. Good luck!!
Cannabis stays in the system for about 30 days for regular users
of course, this time frame can fluctuate a bit based on metabolisim, Total Body fat (cannabis is fat soluble not water soluble), and activity level.
Flushes and whatnot tend not to work, but there are some other options. Do you know if the test is monitored (I.E. Is he watched while dispensing the sample?) or not?
I too am a Medical Cannabis user (now in a non medical state so I risk being thrown in a cage for something I was prescribed by a doctor and used to successfully get off of over 14 different medications a day after I sustained a syringomyelia in my Mid Thoracic spinal cord.
I encourage you to please check out a group I am now a speaker for called Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. ( ) We are fighting to help end the B.S. war on Drugs.
If I can offer any suggestions or assistance (I used to be head of the drug testing program for my facility prior to retiring) on how to deal with his test please feel free to PM me.
Nobody should be treated as a lessor person for choosing to use a medication that works for them simply because people with no medical degree passed a decree against it.
I wish you the best of luck with this situation and hope everything works out. Please pass my encouragement on to him and tell him not to let the ignorance of others get him down. He is on the right side of this issue and shouldn't feel ashamed or otherwise diminished for being so.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
thank you
I will probably contact you in a few days. Right now we are awaiting word from the case manager who is just as upset as we are. She found her star candidate.... and now this stupid policy...
I work in MMJ dispensary that also sells to rec as it's legal in Oregon. I've just started this new job so I could have more time with him... and I'm learning more about dosing with tinks. Smaller doses but several times a day he seems to think is better than two or three larger doses. We had been trying just one but that wasn't working at all. He also likes small doses because he can't stand the feeling of being a bit "dizzy" or "tired".
What is more maddening is that it's legal and I do get that some jobs require drug testing but a On the Job Training program for neurodisabled??? I'm just freaked out.
Thank you and I may be contacting you soon. Thanks.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Anonymous words of encouragement
The qualities that make him a star candidate are all still there. I hope your son is able to take pride in the hard work he's done to get this far. They can't take that away by saying no, and he is very wise to put his wellbeing above trying to meet some ridiculous standard. You both should be commended for your honesty and for trying to work within the system.
prog - weirdo | dog - woof
He is very wise :) thank you
And even his sister told him what you shared above... those qualities that made him their top candidate... those qualities are still there.
We are in a rock and a hard place. If he gets his OMMP card (medical card) he can lose many federal benefits. He can lose services - not that he gets many...
We never got him covered with a medical card to PROTECT him. Which is ironic... I have one to protect me. But he was in school, in programs, ssdi... all these little county workers.
But we never expected him to ever be drug tested.
Maybe now the world can know. Marijuana helps with autism. Many parents won't come forward out of the same fear. In fact some have even been imprisoned. It's wrong. So wrong.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
So sorry Janet
This isn't right at all. I've heard from others that such tinctures work great for many people to cope with anxiety, and without all the problems of "regular" medications.
This awful "war on drugs" needs to end. So many young lives have been harmed more by this bogus "war" than by actual drug use.
My best to your amazing son, Janet. I'm sure he won't let the stupidity and ignorance of others stop him from reaching his goals one way or another.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Thank you
Me and my two coworking Moms have talked about the stigma of using THC with our kids. They are dealing with Leukemia and THC is needed to kill of the cancer.
Edited: as opposed to using CBD tinks or oil. CBD is for pain and seizures and doesn't ease his anxieties. CBDs seem to be more accepted by the public and other parents. But THC is medicine, too. Especially for anxieties, ocd, sibbing/stimming and verbal skills. It helps him focus. But there's a bunch of stigma on it....
Their two kids were last resort meaning "no more chemo" go home and die. My new boss, his wife is a nurse who helped the two moms. So there's incredible passion and knowledge at my workplace but all the laws are so new and then there's policies and the feds.
Not even sure what we are up against. Just freaked out.
I'm so proud of him and last night he was starting to "crush". But we had a very heart to heart talk about his tincture. He says he needs it more than job training and that some other job or program will happen.
He knows it's his medicine.
I will check at work and with my clinic doctor - if we get him covered now - will the hurt him with SSDI?
I will keep you all posted. I've thought about doing a series about being a radical mom and being in this industry but I have to fix this first.
I just need to let you all and our hockey friends know that this has hit. Maybe this is another path for both he and I. We've gone on a few together before. Healtchare, time out rooms, IEP abuse.... we've fought bigger demons.
Thank you. Thank you guys. I have to get ready for work... selling marijuana to patients and just people... people who just want to get high or heal.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
This is very sad
IMHO, marijuana should be legal everywhere. You live in a state where it is legal too.
The problem is that the company has a drug policy which is probably out of date and I would contend that most drug policies are an invasion of privacy. The only time I think drug testing might be considered valid is for people who are working in jobs where safety of the public or fellow workers is a major issue.
Your son's case is definitely a prime example of where our so called war on drugs has gotten out of hand. Keep fighting for him. He deserves it and I hope things will work out for you and him. Good luck.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thank you
We are hoping it can be resolved. It's so unfair.
(((gulfgal))) thank you.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Piss or hair test?
You can flush out (drink copious amounts of water) before a piss test and pass. I've known several folks to use that strategy successfully. There is shampoo for a hair test but I have no real knowledge of its effectiveness. So sorry that pot is an crazy is that! Best of luck.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
we only have 48 hours notice
I believe it's a UA.
my husband says he'll try to talk them into doing some pilot program, study him as the student who is taking a tincture. compare him to the others who are on ritalin, clonadine and god knows what else...
It's legal here in OR, but an insurance company is funding this charity's program.
We're still hoping we and they can find some way to common sense.
Thank you so much.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
thanks gg
I'm enjoying this series. I'm always surprised when people react to the word neoliberal as though it's some made up CT insult. You've provided a down to earth explanation and featured the cause and effects of global neoliberalism. My granddaughter a millennial most likely does not even know of this term. She is however all about the 'common good'. She advocated for 15$ per hour as the minimum wage and said on fb we should all be willing to pay a little more to cover the cost of a living wage. She's voting for Jill Stein. She gets it even though she is not a student of economic theory. I'm buying her a copy of the Shock Doctrine. I think it would help her understand and solidify her blossoming humanistic, socialistic stances. It's good to know what the nature of this vicious anti-democratic game is and to learn how we got here.
Thank you, Shaz
From my limited contact with millennials, I have found that nearly all of them have a highly developed bullshit detector. They see right through the scam of neo-liberalism. They may not know the terminology, but they knew what is wrong and how it has affected their future.
It sounds like your granddaughter is a very smart young lady. Keep nurturing that. We need more like her.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I day cared her for her
from when she was 4 months old to kindergarten. I had plenty of time to plant and nurture the seeds of humanism and help nurture another DFH. When she was older she stayed with us in the summers and went to Drama School. Like she needed to learn drama. And yet for a child raised in a upscale conservative suburb she's pretty amazing at finding her own way even though her crazy leftie grandma indoctrinated her at an early age.
Thank the FSM for Crazy Leftie Grandma's...
We damn sure could have used a LOT more of them (you).
Wish I would have had one, I probably wouldn't have spent so many years as part of the problem, lol!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
'As they drag you through
the door they tell you that you've failed the text'
Trump Support Here Isn't Really Trump Support
Here being c99. I think it's really a expression of frustration. I don't think there are any of us here who actually see Trump as any kind of good choice. We're doing what we can to get Sanders into the White House, but even so, we can see that there are huge impediments.
What we do feel, or perhaps I feel personally, is that the Clinton Crime Cartel has to be stopped in any way possible, even if that means throwing the Trump sabot into the machinery. And so we discuss the options. Sometimes we entertain the notion of Trump being the least objectionable option to four to eight more years of Clintonian oligarchy.
This leads to considering some hard choices, and some hard facts.
Would we 99ers consider ourselves Hard Left-ers? It's probably safe to assume we would.
Would we consider ourselves Radical Left-ers? Probably not or we would be out blowing shit up. The last Radicals I can bring to mind were the tree-spikers. (I'll freely admit as this point that a steady diet of following politics day-in day-out for years on end isn't good for my mental or physical health, but I've been trying to not fall into this election cycle with my eyes shut... as usual.)
So let me spread this thinking out a little bit. We're on one end of a spectrum. The Right is on the other end. The vast rest are spread out in the middle. We all know in our guts if not our minds we've been and are being screwed. It becomes more and more apparent every day. The Right and the Left are more vocal because our extremes are more visceral. The Middle is the middle and has mostly given up on representative government except to make a token appearance at the polls, if they can even be bother to show up.
What's changed this time around, this election cycle, is that both the Left and the Right have fielded credible populist contenders, (from their respective viewpoints.) And this is a big problem for both the Democratic and the Republican machines. There are two sabots in play this time. One is already a lock. The other has a hard row to hoe. The alternative is more Neo-Liberalism.
The big but painful decisions that need to be made are: Are the machines going to be destroyed, dismantled or disrupted so that something new, something more equitable, can be rebuilt from the wreckage? Or are going to capitulate to our fears and decide short-term pain isn't worth the effort, or might be too painful?
Excluding Sanders as the "Good Choice" of course, we're left with a known serial nation destroyer, old-style Imperialist, megalomaniacal corporate hack, and a loud-mouthed loose cannon who could very well destroy the Republican Party, if not the entire so-called government.
Personally, having been "up close and personal" with cancer(s), I'd prefer the chemotherapy of a Trump presidency than the continuing metastization of another Clinton in the White House.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
good comment
I really like how you have presented this devoid of hyper emotionalism and have summarized the dilemma that many Bernie Sanders supporters are now facing. Thank you, AB!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Belive-It-or-Not, that was the Rosie Picture
Thanks, gg.
The Not So Rosie Picture, or, if you wish to skirt the edges of despair, is that, with the exceptions of a few rational examples left, Neo-Liberalism is global in reach and gaining momentum. Put simply, the bigger institutions get, the bigger corporations get, the bigger populations get, the bigger they get.
A cornerstone of Capitalism is expansion. That worked well for the 1% at the top while there were still lands to conquer, resources to exploit, and peoples to relatively easily subjugate. But with the ever-expanding world population, we're beginning to run up against the limits of growth. Now, with the near parity in deadliness capable of even "small players", and with the "winners" seeing no reason to stop winning, we're bound to continue the trend until it all falls apart. All of it.
We, the species, is in for a lot more pain before we move into a new era. That era may well resemble the humanity of 10K years ago in both scope and sophistication.
And if at that point the sciences of archeology, climatology, and anthropology are resurrected, the archeologists will wonder, "Where are all the artifacts?" The climatologists taking ice cores, assuming there is ice by then, will say, "We've found thick layers of soot and polymers at the beginning of the 21st century." And the anthropologists will ponder,
"What. were. they. thinking?"
I myself don't have any stake in the future--no known descendants--but empathy takes a heavy toll none the less.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
That's why the most subversive act is to be satisfied.
Don't replace, repair (or have repaired).
Buy little and buy local
Make and grow your own
Use things forever
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
It is interesting to me that the Hillarists' big mic-drop
fear fear fear argument is .... BUT THINK OF THE SCOTUS!!!!!
As it happens, with Cruz and Rubio and Kasich out of the way, I'm much less worried about that. Trump is a loose cannon and all, but he just isn't really all that ideological, and he certainly isn't theocratic. I have no reason -- none at all -- to believe that Trump will do any better or any worse than HRC in choosing SCOTUS nominees, and a GOP congress is going to have a much harder time saying no to him.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I could imagine Trump lambasting anyone who gets in his way,
regardless of who it is and which party they are. Like the occasion when JFK, normally very classy, called steel company executives “sons of b---s.”
Perhaps it takes a kind of bully to use the presidential “bully pulpit” effectively . . .
You have accurately
described the political situation which only leads to increasing degrees of neoliberalism. This is how the fucking oligarchical R and D pol's derive their power. They put on a show at election time and then offer us an absurd Hobson's choice (别无选择的局面…). Vote for the only horse available the one next to the stable door.Or maybe it's a Morton's fork. What ever it is it's nothing I'm giving my consent to.
Really hard to get worked up about Trump winning when you take a realistic hard look at The Mad Bomber. Both parties seem to have an endless supply of recycled bent 1% complicit pols. Bush's, Clintons, Cuomos, and their attending rotating party apparatchiks just refuse to get off the stage. Every one who's not full of fear or has an unwashed brain has their bs. meter on full tilt. We can athank Obama for his one accomplishment finishing up what the Clinton's started thoroughly trashing and wrecking the Democratic party.
A poem by Shah written in 2009. It was evident to both of us that Obama's administration and agenda just gave us another unacceptable complicit two fer or four fer, if you include Poppy Bush and Big dog. Why anyone who is a Democrat would support this anti-democratic choice is beyond me. Twice bitten is plenty, three times and your seriously delusional.
I call it bait and switch
If I'd a wanted Clinton
I'd a voted for the Bitch.
Thanks, another keeper. I've been clipping these to
Evernote for future reference.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thank you, EL
I am learning along with most of the rest of you.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
good afternoo gg
You have done a wonderful job on this series. Glad you chose this for your topic.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Thank you, dk! (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
What am I missing?
The response to your comment was "S-Chip expansion under Clinton did more to help hungry children ...".
SChip is a health insurance program for children. How does it help feed children? I must be missing something.
IMO, it is simply
indicative of how many Clinton supporters are clueless about what they are posting. I used it to show how many Clinton supporters are totally ignorant about neo-liberalism, but that was not the only ignorance demonstrated by that commenter.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I may be more distrustful
of their intentions then you are gg. Your much kinder then I about the Clinton supporters Many just prefer the fictional story that this madness is liberal policy and that validates their inherent authoritarian bent. The Cat M poster who used to troll rate me regularly back during the Bushies told me that Bernie was an isolationist who cozies up to horrific commie dictator strongmen. She believes in foreign interventions because they are humanitarian and liberate the poor people who live in SA or the ME. lol.
I think they often prefer the false propaganda narrative to reality. Any deviation from the official party story line and your a RW tin foil hat wearer or a purist who needs to be purged. Who's going to be left in the party if they tell you you must believe the unbelievable. My heart goes out to the poc and poor who feel that they have to support Hillary because their lives are too hard as it is without a full blast racist demogogue pig in the WH. Pisses me off at the Dems. that they would create a false choice our only choice.
Just a short comment
Way down at the end of the thread. Great job GG. The writers and commenters make the site. It is so refreshing to read through a thread that informs and inspires rather than the you suck, no you suck garbage at the other places. We have a good thing going. Keep it up.
“The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us”
― Voltaire
Thank you!
I am truly touched by your comment.
I am a retired land use planner, so by trade, I tend to look at things in the big picture. This is a big reason for this series and hopefully we all can learn from that.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
“Neocons and Neolibs: How Dead Ideas Kill”
Important link!
Robert Parry is always excellent, but this link is one that everyone here should read. Thank you for sharing it!
Hillary Clinton is a tried and true neo-liberal, but she also enjoys the favor of the neo-cons. She is truly a very frightening person in that regard. Robert Kagan the author of PNAC can support her just fine.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Love this place and love the people here.
Posting anything at TOP was like pi— (cough) I mean, spitting into the wind.