Open Thread - Thursday - 06-11-2015

Good Morning. Caucus99. Let' take it one day at a time. All will be good. That's the way I survive. I am offering you a Smörgåsbord this morning. Hmm... salmon ...scambled eggs ... caviar...

I. So, what happened June 11, 2004 over at the gos? Eleven years ago. I am trying to do a little self-investigation about my time at gos in the past, as I realize that I can't remember much of what I thought at that time. I was working in a part-time position as a little accountant at a German conservative Think Tankin DC to make a meager living, let's say - I was silently surviving. It all blurs in my mind.

It was the first year I started to read dailykos and today, I wonder how I got so dependent on reading that site. I joined dailykos on March 6, 2004 (and don't remember anymore how I got there other than it was through a comment on kuro5hin). So I looked for my first comments during that time.

I found a diary by kos, he wrote on April 3, 2004 about McCain:The McCain Question. He was wondering, if McCain might switch the party to the Democrats and what it would mean if McCain would become VP of John Kerry. Oh wow. Strange. I think I was not able to follow his line of thought. I just mention that diary because it's the diary to which I made my first comment

McCain and Kerry - not the right chemistry (none)
Kerry and Chuck Hagel, may be.
by mimi on Sun Apr 04, 2004 at 01:23:17 AM EST

I think I would still think the same way, though I have to say that today I see John Kerry much differently than back then and kind of understand why one could imagine John Kerry to be a hawk living up to McCain hawkishness levels.
A week later I made a comment related to "hawkishness of Sen. Biden", which a gilas girl discussed in her short diary Biden on Face the Nation

...talking about Empires etc. (none)
if Senator Biden is an "Empire hawk" what about McCain?
Americans are all "Empire challenged". They are basically victims of their own propaganda. I don't blame them. If Americans are good at something than it is in emotionally and psychologically manipulating their citizens with their own masterly skills of soft political propaganda everywhere, be it in school education, churches and media. It's the only Western Democracy where the very idea of democracy and freedom is abused for political purposes and power politics.
by mimi on Sun Apr 11, 2004 at 12:50:50 PM EDT

I still have that same opinion, so this is a rare occasion that I am not ashamed of my comments.

II. Here is a diary Meteor Blades wrote on June 11, 2004. It's an Open Thread and had a funny poll.

I think we should ...

  1. Take Alexander Hamilton off the $10 bill and put Ronald Reagan on instead
  2. Leave our currency the way it is
  3. Replace the politicos with musicians
  4. Replace them with artists
  5. Replace them with robber barons
  6. Replace them with scientists (which means Franklin gets to stay)
  7. Replace them with humanitarians
  8. Replace them with the most successful winners of Jeopardy!
  9. Replace them with movie stars
  10. Replace them with classic automobiles
  11. Replace money with barter
  12. Other

The results were pretty boring. Of course I would replace Hamilton with a musician. So, which musician should it be? Here are all the real musical inclined and knowledgeable people. Which musician would you put on the ten dollar bill?

III. Now what happened today in history? Strange stuff. May be I am not looking at the right places.

1903: The unpopular King Alexander of Serbia and his wife are murdered in a palace coup. Peter Karageorgevic is later elected to replace him.

I would have to read what the consequences of this murder were. If I were a historian, life would be so much more meaningful to me....

1967: The UN brokers a ceasefire between Israel and the defeated Egypt, Syria, and Jordan, ending the Six-Day War with Israel occupying the Sinai, West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.

not one day too early

1992: US President George H W Bush is forced to flee from gunfire and tear gas disrupting his visit to Panama.

oh, oh

1993: North Korea pulls Asia back from the brink of a possible nuclear arms race by reversing its decision to withdraw from a treaty preventing the spread of nuclear weapons.

that was good, I guess ?

2001: In northern Colombia, thousands turn out to protest a US-backed programme to eradicate coca crops by plane. They want the government to manually eradicate the plant used to make cocaine instead of spraying the countryside.

manually to eradicate the plant... would have given a lot of people a job, I guess and it would have saved the environment, too good to be true.

Ok, it's getting worse and more boring, so I save you from more of this.

IV. Last, but not least, here is a bit of what I read the last days. It's from Chris Hedges' newest book "Wages of Rebellion - The Moral Imperative of Revolt". I quote a bit from chapter III "The invisible Revolution", because so many things he said struck me as truthful.

He talks about what Avner Offer, an economic historian, who wrote the book: "The Challenge of Affluence, Self Control in the United States and Britain since 1950" defines as "a 'just-world' theory.

"A just-world theory posits that the world is just. People get what they deserve. If you believe that the world is fair, you explain or rationalize away injustice, usually by blaming the victim.

He goes on to say:

Major ways of thinking about the world constitute just-world theories. The Catholic Church is a just-world theory. The Inquisition burned heretics, they only got what they deserved. Bolshevism was a just-world theory. If Kulaks were starved and exiled, they got what they deserved. Fascism was a just-world theory. If Jews died in the concentration camps, they got what they deserved. The point is not that the good people get the good things, but the bad people get the bad things. Neoclassical economics, our principal source of policy norms, is a just-world theory.

He quotes Milton Friedman:

The ethical principle that would directly justify the distribution of income in a free marked society is "To each according to what he and the instruments he owns produces". Everyone gets what he or she deserves, either for his or her efforts of for his or her property. No one asks how he or she got this property. And if they don't have it, they probably don't deserve it. The point about just-world theory is not that it dispenses justice, but it provides a warrant for inflicting pain."

So, I guess it's the "pain inflicting unjust-world theory". Sigh. He continues:

There are two core doctrines in economics. One is individual self-interest. The other is the invisible hand, the idea that the pursuit of individual self-interest aggregates or builds up for the good of the society as a whole. This is a logical proposition that has never been proven. ...That is not a norm that is part of economics itself. In fact, economics tells us the opposite. Economics tells us that everything anyone says should be motivated by strategic self-interests. And when economists us the word "strategic" they mean cheating.

And cheating they did.

Offer said there was a "silent revolution" in the 1970ies. That this was the time "economists discovered the world 'opportunism' - a polite term for cheating. Before (the 1970ies), economics had been a just-world defense of the status quo. But when the status quo became a welfare state, suddenly economics became all about cheating. Game theory was about cheating. Public choice theory was about cheating. Asymmetric information was about cheating. The invisible hand doctrine tells us that there is only one outcome, and that outcome is the best. ...But when you enter the world of cheating, there is no longer just one outcome. ... The outcome depends on how successful the cheating is. ...

Feel cheated now?

I am tired of going on. Read the book, there is so much in it, it's worth it. Actually I wanted to quote some other paragraphs, but got stuck with these ones. I am not sure, probably I end up quoting the whole book. May be next Thursday I go on with that.
Just to end with a more hopeful thought. Hedges quotes Adam Smith:

What drives us is not - in the end - individual selfishness but reciprocal obligation. We care about other people's good opinions. This generates a reciprocal cycle. Reciprocity is not altruistic. That part of the economic core doctrine is preserved. But if we depend on other people for our self-worth, then we are not truly self-sufficient. We depend on the sympathy of others for our own well-being. Therefore, obligation to others means that we do not always seek to maximize economic advantage. Intrinsic motivations, such as obligation, compassion, and public spirit, crowd out financial ones.

I have found a lot of compassion, obligation and public spirit here. And I thank you for letting me be part of it and witness it.

Have a good day, all.

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mimi's picture

Share what is going on in your mind. Tired of the news? I sure am.

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OLinda's picture

mimi and everyone.

Very interesting open thread, mimi. Thank you for all your work putting it together. I enjoyed reading it this morning to start the day.

Chris Hedges is always so worth reading.

Sorry to not comment directly on anything yet this morning. Maybe later. It's 7AM here. Have been up just a bit, on the first cup of coffee.

Weather forecast: Rain.

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mimi's picture

this new "Bernie News Roundup" list. I like the idea and will make it my regular reading "pleasure". I know AL will not be happy with me, but ... heh ... I need to follow the hopes and aspirations of desperate American people, who don't know anymore what and whom to listen to.

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OLinda's picture

Yes, I read that one too. Hmmm. Maybe he can win.

And, maybe Al would like this part - - maybe a tiny bit:

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernard Sanders said Wednesday that the United States should not take a leading role in the war against the terrorist army known as Islamic State.
He said Middle East countries should “step up” and lead the fight to turn back the advancing Islamist terrorists in Iraq.

“At the end of the day … I do not believe the United States can or should lead the effort in that part of the world. What is taking place now is a war for the soul of Islam,” Mr. Sanders said on NPR’s Diane Rehm Show.
But here is my nightmare, and I see it moving forward every day,” he said. “You have a lot of Republicans who apparently did not learn anything from the never-ending war in Afghanistan, learned nothing from what happened in Iraq and want us in perpetual warfare in the Middle East. I’m strongly opposed to that.”

except he singles out Republicans as being the ones for war.

What say you, Al?

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at least he's speaking out against corporate owned America and the grip it has on us all. Does he really mean it? Maybe. If Hillary goes there we all know she's just blowing smoke. Forget the Republicans.

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Big Al's picture


I probably should just wait until Bernie drops out or is defeated in the primary.
I feel like I'm being contrarian just to be contrarian and I don't want to do that.

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mimi's picture

and if you don't comment anymore, I would definitely regret that very much. What would the world come to if we hadn't principled contrarians. And I don't want you to wait til Sanders drops out. I am really curious to see if your predictions will come through or not. Of course, as there is nothing else I know to do I don't know whom else I should hope for to become the candidate. It's my determination to figure YOU out... so, would you please be so kind and answer all my questions?
Give rose

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Big Al's picture

Maybe just give Bernie a rest for awhile. See how things shake out and analyze the situation a little better.
It's always good to step back and refresh on things.
I think I'll write about the war in Syria, that's heating up.

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You keep our feet on the ground. While I never got suckered by Obama, I could easily get disappointed for having too much hopey change for Bernie.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

"or he wins".

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Big Al's picture

My bad.

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personally, I'm keeping my powder dry for a while longer.

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shaharazade's picture

and forth on Bernie. It usually depends on what I'm reading at the moment. I'm not very good at keeping my powder dry and find that my bs meter is on high these days. Today I liked what Bernie had to say about Hillary and Obama sending troops to Irag. I still cannot understand what his intent is running as a Democrat. Husband says he thinks that running as a Dem. was his only option to get on the ballot and the stage. The Democratic political machine has pretty much made it impossible for any candidate outside the party anointed official winner to be heard or allowed in the kabuki fake rigged debates. But when Bernie starts talking about how we need a populist 'revolution' and then says he will support Hillary, he loses all credibility and makes me think he's a put up job to herd the lefty sheple back to the fold. I 'hope' I'm wrong and he kicks HRC's RW butt in the primary. Then what will the Dems. and their masters that own and run the party do? I just don't think it will be allowed as it the inevitable ones turn.

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with your hubby, it's to get on the stage. As for sheep dogging the sheeple, the way to defeat that is not to be herded, if I decide to back Bernie and he loses and tells me to vote for Hillary, no freaking way, it's off to the Greens (probably) for me. You can only herd sheep if the sheep obey.

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gulfgal98's picture

While I was very disappointed in Bernie running as a Dem, I think it was his only ticket to the debates and that will be his strength. So right now, this is where I am at. I suspect there are quite a few of us out there.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Bottom line, Bernie is an Independent no matter which party he uses to run. GOS wants to claim him as a Dem because he is running in that party. I won't let them. They support the likes of Hillary, disparage Bernie, and then they want credit for Bernie too. Now they're putting down Blazio....after all how much more nothing can one be than the Mayor of NY.

Like JtC, I will not vote for Hillary. If Bernie loses, I will write him in anyway.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Unabashed Liberal's picture

regarding Mayor De Blasio. I am basing this on what I've read about his policies after he was elected, as opposed to the platform that he ran on.

And, I have a couple of blogging buddies--know them from Open Salon and ZNet/ZCommunications who live in NYC proper. They had very high hopes, and worked to get him elected, but are both disappointed in his governing. (relative to rent control, 'Stop and Frisk,' etc.)

I'll post a couple of clips from him (from the Sunday shows) once the race really heats up--if it ever does on the Dem Party side.


Although De Blasio says that he's not supporting any one candidate, at this time, I heard (former DLCer) US Representative Gregory Meeks from New York tell Radio Show Host Tim Farley [on 'The Mid-Day Briefing'] that is was just a strategic move--that he expects that De Blasio is waiting to find the most portentous or advantageous time to throw his support behind FSC. (De Blasio has served as a campaign manager for her in the past.)

Of course, that is 'one lawmakers' opinion. But it does seem feasible (to me).

It would be a strategically smart move--especially since we now know that FSC is hoping to make inroads to the White House on the coattails of PBO's constituency--which is also Mayor De Blasio's.

And, of course, both Clintons support him.

Otherwise, I'll give him a fair hearing on his views on inequality, and fervently hope that he is sincere regarding those goals.


"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

Big Al's picture

It's a very misleading statement and narrative from Sanders. The U.S. created ISIS out of Al Qaeda along with Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the help of Turkey, Jordan, and Qatar and is behind ISIS, it's not fighting a war against ISIS. It's using ISIS for it's agenda in the M.E. along with Israel and Saudi Arabia. It's an excuse to go back into Iraq to protect the oil assets and to take down and balkanize Syria and Assad for Israel to continue their quest for Greater Israel.

It's not a war for the "soul of Islam", it's an U.S. imperialism in action, the War OF Terror. The U.S. is causing this
"perpetual" warfare. That document that came out recently from the DOD basically says that was their purpose all along.

So to say what he's saying is completely misleading and the same war narrative all the imperialists and neocons spray at us.
I can't believe Sanders doesn't know this so he's either grandstanding or he really doesn't know what's going on.

"However, now, there is a US Department of Defense (DoD) document confirming without doubt that the so-called "Syrian opposition" is Al Qaeda, including the so-called "Islamic State" (ISIS), and that the opposition's supporters - the West, Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar - specifically sought to establish safe havens in Iraq and eastern Syria, precisely where ISIS is now based."

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Should he have any loyalty or concerns for Hillary and the Democrats? I wouldn't, but then, I've been told I'm a bit of a hot head.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

an anti-Bernie Sanders site. It's an open site for open discussion.

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mimi's picture

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OLinda's picture



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mimi's picture

The older I get the less I like sweet things and my taste buds always want something spicy and bitter. I wonder why that is? Smile

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gulfgal98's picture

I wonder why that is. Wink

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

since Johnnycake is cornmeal flatbread and I am a cornball, I guess it fits. Biggrin

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mimi's picture

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gulfgal98's picture

I have thought this site was more about policy over the political horse races anyway. Good policy will drive good politics IMHO. Smile

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

shaharazade's picture

talk policy or think policy or direction with all the smoke and mirrors that are being used to obscure reality. The rhetoric coming from all sides of all the pols mouths and the media propaganda circus is focus grouped and poll driven to sell more of the same horrendous agenda to their targeted audiences. My big question is how do we get any needed policy change implemented when the political electoral apparatus is totally bogus.

I read a great article this morning that should have depressed me but oddly gave me a little hoopey. this piece is not horse race bs. but addressed the core of what we're up against. It is really well written and although it's 3 pages long well worth the read.
Flipping the Script: Rethinking Working-Class Resistance
by Henry A. Giroux

".... In a society in which social relations are reduced to a form of social combat and thinking collapses into a hypermasculine adulation of self-interest and what Hannah Arendt called thoughtlessness, there is no room for thinking, only the madness of violence, cruelty and misery, dressed up in the lie that the market should govern all social relations. But the posture of stupidity has another darker side; it becomes a way to flee from all forms of social responsibility and to hide the totalitarian interests that it legitimates. Power now thrives on stupidity, not simply the ignorance that ties the public to dominant forms of oppression, but to a form of stupidity that colonizes power and thrives on a form of mental and ethical tranquilization. James Baldwin was so right when he said, “It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.”

The earth is now viewed as a resource to be plundered, on part with the extraction of wealth, labor, hopes and dreams taken from other spheres of social life. A mad violence now rules US life.

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Matt Taibbi on the latest Clinton campaign leak on Hillary going populist.

"In other words: "We hate doing this, but it's the only way to win. Bear with us."

As political messaging goes, it's a remarkably perverse way to kick off a campaign. It's like going on a date and announcing before the appetizers arrive that the only reason you're here is that the person you really wanted to go out with turned you down. As in: "Please don't think I really like you. It's just that going out with you is the only way I'm going to get laid."

Read more:

I have a huge crush on this guy. Love his style.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

gulfgal98's picture

I have a huge crush on this guy. Love his style.

Me too! Wink

He is an outstanding live interview too.

I give Taibbi huge credit for exposing the rocket docket system for foreclosures in Florida. It was a travesty and definitely not justice. He has single handedly taken on the mega banks too. And everything he writes is so delicious to read. I savor every word.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Unabashed Liberal's picture

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

OLinda's picture

Hey mimi, I joined up at gos in May 2004. Our days are very close.

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mimi's picture

to understand what is going on in this country. Couldn't believe the news coverage and the propaganda. I remember thinking Keith Olberman was the only guy who at least tried to put some light into the dark matters that surrounded us. When they fired him .... I thought it was the beginning of the real end. I was not happy that my son was in the US air force and couldn't believe myself how we ended up in that mess in Iraq. It was all very unreal to me.

You know that I am not a news junkie person and never was in any way knowledgeable of anything in history and politics. Just a foreign loner with a blank mind watching "the Americans". Unfortunately the only bread and butter job helping to feed myself that I could get was close to somehow "watching the news". I always felt at the wrong place at the wrong time for all the wrong reasons. Smile That's just how life plays with you.

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I followed Howard Dean there, and I remember when Netroots was a movement and not an event. I was so surrounded and sick of Ronald Reagan and Republicans, I thought I died and went to heaven when I stumbled into the GOS. Now, meh! I really can't figure out why I stay.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

shaharazade's picture

I came from DFA Howard Deans org. I used to read DK over my husbands shoulder as until 2003 I really was basically a Luddite. I got sick of both the propaganda war news on radio and TV ad learned to run a computer. If not for DFA and DK I might still be a Luddite. When I joined dkkos it took me about a week after signing up to figure out that the diary section was where the action was. Course the FP was not so sucky then.

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Shahryar's picture

I don't remember reading anything there until after shaharazade signed up and started commenting. I do recall her having to leave a dinner party early so she could respond to somebody.

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gulfgal98's picture

You two are really long time members. I joined in June 2008 after lurking for some time.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

mimi's picture

always doing the same stuff over and over and hoping for a different outcome, meaning that remembering what has been said yesterday would be too good to be true. I hate my brain.

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gulfgal98's picture

What an excellent morning Open Thread, chock full of food for thought. Good

Intrinsic motivations, such as obligation, compassion, and public spirit, crowd out financial ones.

I am a firm believer in the innate goodness of human beings in general. We are a social species and that is part of our dna. We both need one another and care for one another. Those who do not are an aberration to our basic social nature.

What lies ahead politically and economically may lead to a period of upheaval and perhaps suffering, but in the end we will adapt as a society and may end up even stronger in our social connections to one another. And for that reason, I continue to be optimistic.

Thank you for posting this wonderful diary today, mimi.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

mimi's picture

into my soul, only thing that keeps one going, isn't it? Thx. for your kind words, gulfgal98.

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mimi's picture

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here's a good one by Ray McGovern, a little long but worth the read with some great comments at the end.

Barack Obama: No Jack Kennedy

By Ray McGovern

Democratic Sen. Lloyd Bentsen’s “you’re no Jack Kennedy” put-down of Republican Sen. Dan Quayle in the 1988 vice presidential debate springs to mind on a day on which I cannot help but compare the character of President Barack Obama to that of John Kennedy, the first President under whom I served in the Army and CIA.

On this day 52 years ago, President John Kennedy gave a landmark speech at American University, appealing for cooperation instead of confrontation with the Soviet Union. Kennedy knew all too well that he was breaking the omerta-like code that dictated demonization of the Soviet leaders. But the stakes could not have been higher – a choice of an endless arms race (with the attendant risk of nuclear conflagration) or bilateral cooperation to curb the most dangerous weapons that jeopardized the future of humankind.

Forgoing the anti-Soviet rhetoric that was de rigueur at the time, Kennedy made an urgent appeal to slow down the arms race, and then backed up the rhetoric with a surprise announcement that the U.S. was halting nuclear testing. This daring step terrified those sitting atop the military-industrial complex and, in my opinion, was among the main reasons behind Kennedy’s assassination some five months later.

At American University, John Kennedy broke new ground in telling the world in no uncertain terms that he would strive to work out a genuine, lasting peace with the Soviet Union. And to underscore his seriousness, Kennedy announced a unilateral cessation of nuclear testing, but also the beginning of high-level discussions in Moscow aimed at concluding a comprehensive test ban treaty.

I love this quote by Fannie Lou Hamer at the end of the article – the diminutive but gutsy civil rights organizer of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party and of Mississippi Freedom Summer of 1964:

“Sometimes it seems like to tell the truth today is to run the risk of being killed. But if I fall, I’ll fall five feet four inches forward in the fight for freedom.”

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

OTOH, earlier on [going back to the Google Group] I sorta thought that it was not of the utmost interest for many readers. So, I pretty much cut back posting excerpts from Amendments, Bills, White Papers, etc. But if there is an appetite for that sort of thing again, I'm game. [That's probably my biggest gripe about many progressive blogs--it seems that Party talking points substitute for hard policy, or facts.]

On the 'horse race'--some of it is important, IMHO. I mentioned the major turnabout in FSC's campaign strategy/tactics at several blogs, for this reason. (And I look forward to seeing what Taibbi had to say about it, if I can find it.)

IOW, knowing the info about FSC's campaign strategy gives important and/or necessary 'context' to much of what FSC says or does in the coming year.

So, I can't totally disregard that type of material. Of course, that's just my opinion. (My main concern is that the 'manipulation factor' goes up, when one doesn't come to the table with the full context, or facts surrounding a situation.)

All in all, though, I much prefer policy.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

BTW, I have finally found Senator Sanders' Amendment about a Social Security Expansion, and will post it before the Presidential Debates.

Please, if anyone should see information on the stances of the other Dem Party candidates--that is issued as an official policy plank for FSC, O'Malley, Chaffee (and I'm hearing Webb may still jump in)--please drop me a link, or a hint where to find it.

Actually, I owe it to a diarist at DKos that I was able to find Senator Sanders' Amendment. He didn't link to it in his diary, but he included enough info that a search eventually yielded it--and I am appreciative of that.

I think that it would be helpful to post the policy planks side-by-side, just prior to the Debate cycle.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I'm going to post an absolutely uplifting and adorable (not quite the appropriate word) video as a stand-alone.

I hope that you Guys will take the couple of minutes to watch it--I assure you, you will come away with a smile and a chuckle.

You can hear the proud Dad cheering on the adorable 6-year-old from the audience. She's surely got a bright career in entertainment ahead of her!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I've been collecting some inspirational types of videos lately, that reflect the better side of humanity--and plan to post a couple of the better ones.

I'm not sure if folks here would think they are too sentimental, or drippy, but in Mr M's and my professions, we often did this type of thing, in order to recharge our batteries, as they say. I was pretty strongly (positively) affected by them. The message that they convey is the type of message that is much needed in times like these. Otherwise, there would be no hope for many.


"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown

This quote came from one of the videos:

"A real hero is that person who does good random deeds without expecting anything in return, only to have the satisfaction that he did something for us, for our planet."--Author Unknown
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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

gulfgal98's picture

in sorting through all the details of proposed legislation. I think it is very valuable to those of us who may not have a great understanding and/or patience to do so. It's funny that in my work, I was a details person, but not so much now.

In my comment, I was thinking in broader policy terms. Reading diaries and discussion of these broader issues often sparks my interest in trying to find more and to link that information to how our leaders and those running for office stand on these issues. Some politicians are fairly transparent, both for good and bad reasons, while others dance around the issues or triangulate them. It is when we see them triangulating, that it is important that we can point out those facts. I am a realist in knowing that no politician is going to meet all my criteria, but I want to get the best possible out of the choices we are offered which is why I said good policy leads to good politics.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Unabashed Liberal's picture

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

shaharazade's picture

it's really helpful in the present day of totally upside down policy that always seems to bill itself as 'reform' or relief but in reality does the exact opposite from what it's called. The TPP or The Patriot Act being prime examples. Policy arms you to fight the propaganda and the gullible party line spouters from either side.

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NCTim's picture

The policy being advanced came from somewhere. Who wants it and who benefits? Is it ALEC, NRA, Chamber of Commerce, private prisons, for profit schools, pharma, health insurance companies, carbon fueled energy, billionaire front groups or the MIC pulling the strings? Who owns my congressman? I know it isn't his constituents.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

Unabashed Liberal's picture

[By The Hill staff - 06/02/15, 01:50 PM EDT--Bayh, who publicly endorsed Clinton's presidential bid at the end of April, was mentioned as a possible Clinton running mate eight years ago.]

Asked if he would say "yes" to being Clinton's running mate should she win the 2016 Democratic nomination, the former Indiana governor paused before saying, "of course."

He added, however, that he's not "sitting by the phone waiting for that phone call."




"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

NCTim's picture

... would rival picking Palin, for sheer stupidity. Still waiting for HRC to implode. Odds are 50/50 that she stumbles out of the race.

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The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -

gulfgal98's picture

I expected her to implode once she started to speak publicly. The funny thing is now I believe she is already imploding by not speaking publicly.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy