Take California
Submitted by Sandino on Tue, 05/10/2016 - 2:24am
[video:https://youtu.be/Dd8WjeK8riE width:320 height:200]
About 21,000 rally with Bernie in Sacramento. It is not over folks. If Bernie wins CA like he did WA, the delegate lead evaporates, and there is still time to change your registration for Dem or No Preference. We gotta blow up the phone banks (with a huge volume of polite but passionate calls!!). The state that gave us Nixon and Reagan wants to make it right by the nation.

Across Los Angeles, Hope for Big Upset In California:
Link failure. Google Boyarsky and upset or go to Truthdig
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
w00t! TY, Sandino :=)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Come on California!
Just do this California, please.
Believe me on this.
No one I know here in California has given up on Bernie. I damn well had better get to vote for Senator Sanders as the Presidential nominee. It's almost my turn, and excitement is building. It's like Christmas in June.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
Thanks for posting this
Thanks for posting this, Sandino!
Go Cali.
I'm a boomer and my millennial son and gf were at this event. Reported massive enthusiasm. My birth state could win it for the best candidate this time. Good Bernie vibes on the primary today and all the rest 'til June. GOGOGO all the way!!!
It's my birth state too
and wouldn't it be just so great if the state that gave us St Ronnie the Dim turned it all around and gave us Bernie Sanders???? One can hope.
I am not from East LA but I am so proud of East LA for protesting Shillary!!
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
That is freakin' amazing.
Sacramento is a very Republican population. My thoughts were mixed as to what kind of attention Sanders would get during his Sacramento visit yesterday. Those results are beyond even my highest expectations. It gives me a very good feeling about how much of a margin Sanders can win by. And, absent of shenanigans, I predict he will win California.
He'll be in Stockton next. Known for the highest violent crime rate in all of California (and in the top 10 nationally). I'm curious to see what kind of reception he gets there as well.
I'm donating money (still) and doing whatever I can to get out the vote. And, of course I check my voter registration weekly for any shenanigans.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
I've seen nothing but Bernie stickers...
...in the Coachella Valley in southern CA.
I'll take W. VA too
looks like about 60% to 40% advantage. And a clean sweep of the counties. Boom.