Neocon War-cheerleader Max Boot endorses Hillary
The war-cheerleading neocon Max Boot on why he endorses Clinton over Trump
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) May 8, 2016
The blood thirsty NeoCons have found their ideal candidate in Hillary Clinton.
From Wikipedia:
In response to the 2011 Libyan civil war, Boot wrote in the Wall Street Journal that the United States should send an aircraft carrier with "34 F/A-18F Super Hornets and 10 F/A-18C Hornets along with a full complement of electronic-warfare aircraft" to Libya in order to establish a no-fly zone over that country. In addition, he argued that the U.S. may find it "necessary to send arms and Special Forces trainers to support the rebels" since inaction would "reduce American power and prestige in ways that will do us incalculable long-term harm." Replying to Boot's arguments, Will Wilkinson of The Economist wrote that "there is no question that serious people do not deliberate like this" and that "crediting this sort of keyboard brinkmanship has already done Americans (and Iraqis and Afghans) incalculable harm."[43]
The NeoCons will rally around Hillary Clinton. They know that she will wage the wars they want. Whereas Trump could possibly go 'nuclear' with his hand on the trigger.
Hillary-Trump is an impossible decision we must elect Bernie!

One can only hope that Hillary
goes down with Das Boot.
from a reasonably stable genius.
YOU WISHED DEATH ON HILLARY???1111!!!!!!1one!!!!
Sorry. Channeling.
I talked to
many millennial voters last night in the Ann Arbor area. They were mostly college educated and in dept to said colleges.
The thing they all voiced, was their worry that Trump might be completely out of touch with how things really are and what that would mean if he won. None could say what they thought he might do, just that they were worried about it. When it came to Hillary, they all agreed that they thought she would bring more military conflict to the world.
Needless to say, most of them will not vote for either. They are enraged at how both parties treat them and would rather sit it out or vote green.
The millennials are the futures best chance. We have to help them achieve what they're seeking.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
DNC needs to wake up to the disaster they have perpetrated...
in trying to force Hillary down our throats. Clinton vs Trump will lead to a Trump presidency.
I think they know they have lost the left so they try to get support and funds from the rethugs.
Oh, they are wide awake...
...and to describe their actions as "being asleep at the wheel" or any other similar metaphor would to be excuse them of doing this deliberately. The DNC and the New "Democrat" leaders of my Party all know who butters their bread and are acting accordingly. It is voters who need to wake the fuck up...
I want my two dollars!
I know this is deadly serious stuff
but I find it really hard to take someone called Max Boot seriously - it is the perfect Neocon name in a Strangelove sort of way.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
from a reasonably stable genius.
As I said below,
how about Hans Von Spakovsky?
The marriage between capitalism and democracy is over. –Slavoj Zizek
"The Republican Party is Dead"
is the title, and his tone throughout is of a spider who has just realized the husk of his victim has finally been sucked dry. Now onto the next wrapped morsel in a silk pantsuit.
God I'm loving these creeps, who've made such a good living for so long off their phony hatred of Hillary, now trying to swallow 25 years of their own vitriol. And they're choking on it so badly they can barely speak:
That's it. That's the entire endorsement. A half sentence packaged around a wailing screed on the evils of Trumpism.
He sounds like an embarrassed seventh grade boy who reluctantly admits to his buddies that he really likes the nerdy girl they've all been picking on all semester.
Like I said yesterday, I can't wait for Krauthammer's Come to Hillary moment. Should be epic.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
The Parasite, Having Sucked Its Host Dry, Moves On To The Next.
Kissinger, you have hit the nail on the head!
However IMO the spider here is not Das Boot (and actually I think Hans von Spakovsky has an even more evil neocon-sounding name) but the !% and the MSM.
Their next prey? The Democratic Party.
The marriage between capitalism and democracy is over. –Slavoj Zizek
Love your Chagall avatar maggld (above)
One of my favorites.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Trump wouldn’t go nuclear. Bad for business.
I’m with our fellow c99er Pluto’s Republic on this.
I am far more frightened by Jeb Bush than Donald Trump.
That’s why the neocons hate him. His ego is too big to be pushed around by tin-pot head-chopper kings and Wile E. Netanyahoos.
Thanks for the diary vl
Wonder what it means when the warmongers rally around your candidate? As far as I'm concerned, it means that isn't my candidate at all. It's a shame what's happened to the Democratic party. The GOP is going through it now but the Democratic party need to be torn down and rebuilt from the grass roots up too. Anyway, thanks for the diary and publishing it here.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams