The greatest theft in history..
The democrat party is being stolen. Many once republican donors are now jumping to the democrat party, and its not just due to Trump, many of these donors don't like the Ted Cruz's, and Mike Lee's either, and these types of republicans are becoming more common with time. To an extent this is a fight between billionaires, the nihilist billionaires like the kochs or grover norquist, vs for example bloomberg. This battle has been coming for a long time, Ever sense Reagan most likely, however the gap between these groups of billionaires was blown wide open with CU. No longer was the mutual compromise between them necessary to fund the republican party, a yet smaller set of people could in fact fuel the most extreme ends of their party.
Any common observer can see plainly that the republican party has been in fact entirely captured, their is not compromise left in the republican party, and in this case I mean compromise between the different nominally republican groups and not the wider political system. The coalition in the republican party is a collection of absolute positions where each group supporting one particular position does not care greatly about the other positions of the party so long as the other groups within the party do not oppose them. The racist Trump supporters don't care about abortion or business issues, their is not enough room left in their extremism to expend energy on such things, they are more in coalition on these issues because they believe the supporters of these issues will not hinder the policies they want, The republican party as it stands now is a collection of non mutually exclusive single issue voters, and a few people that simply picked a team. The nihilist billionaires will come back and support Trump, as generally speaking few of the policies of this new coalition will effect their single issue, business profit no matter the cost.
This new republican coalition excludes a great number of donors, the so called "compassionate" conservatives, really any economically conservative; socially neutral/liberal types, or liberal/moderate republican pro business types. The new Democrat party would absorb these people, under the direction that Clinton is taking, it is very clear that can't fix the republican party, where else are they to go. Its a natural consequence that they end up somewhere, and within the American system that does not support third parties, that means the party they once opposed.
Of course this presupposes, that the new republican coalition isn't a third party, Just because it has been part of the two party system for so long, the current republican party more resembles the know nothings, then a viable party.
And tho it scares me, that a third party would split the vote and hand the reins to the know nothings, it is time, least American politics devolve into a one party system, ran by the most corrupt parts of the Democrat's new coalition built from every moneyed interest Hillary can find.

I think it is too late.
We are a fascist state papered over so as not to startle the sheep. There isn't one institution left to give a flying phuck about the state of our democracy. If we call 911, tell me who will come?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
If you call 911
I know that answer:
An over militarized robo cop urban unit will arrive and shoot you, your dog and then charge you for the blood on their boots.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
(No subject)
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Why should I feel sorry for them?
I am the one with no party now. How I hate Hillary for leaving me with no representation. We would be better off if the neocon but not moderate republicans stayed republicans.
That is way too much credit being given.
Hillary didn't leave you with no representation. Her ascension has merely shown you the truth, being that you already had no true representation.
Why do your eyes hurt? Because you've never used them. Everything that came before was an illusion designed to keep you in a system of control.
Welcome to the desert of the real.
interesting that Repubs are not falling in line behind Trumpy
various Bushes, Grahams, Ryans....all saying they either are "not ready" to endorse him or won't.
I would like Democrats to be able to do that sort of thing if that woman gets the D nomination.
Their donors have however..
Hillary has been fund raising off of Bush donors, Clearly the Bushes can't change teams, no matter what the new makeup of the parties are, but clearly money has no compunctions about that.
It's still early.
There are hurt fee-fees galore because their own personal golden boy failed and Trump succeeded. I suspect they'll put it behind them as the realization that Hillary Clinton may be the Democratic nominee sinks in. Of course, I may be wrong, since Hillary looks to be GW Bush's 3rd term, so some of them really may jump ship.
It was stolen decades ago
by the DLC and the money people.
They just aren't trying so hard to cover their tracks anymore is all.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Like you read my mind.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Every president since Reagan has moved
this country to the right.
Look at the devastating legislation that Clinton was able to get passed.
Welfare reform that saved the government tons of money by not having to help poor people.
His crime bill that saw the increase of police and the start of the private prison corporations.
NAFTA that gave corporations the excuse to close factories and move good paying jobs offshore.
And then the big one. Deregulation of the banks that setup the conditions for the global economic crisis that happened during the Bush administration while he and his economic team did nothing. Especially Greenspan.
Now we have the forever wars that see our taxes transferred to the defense contractors.
Clinton almost succeeded in privatizing social security, but thankfully his sexual escapades came to light.
And what has Obama done to help the middle class and poor people? Nothing. Income inequality grew more under him then even Bush
But Hillary will finish it. Count on it.
Especially with the republicans that are supporting her. What influence will the Koch brothers have with her?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The Kochs will have as much influence as they
want to purchase.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
At least the Kock Brothers...
Found a place to spend their $900,000,000 on the best democracy money can buy...
Yay Hillary!
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
they won't have to purchase it
...... as they already have paid in full. You don't need to buy the milk when you already own the cow.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I actually think this is a good development...
because it means the Bushies and their assorted neocon minions are losing their stranglehold over our political process. For the first time since Nixon, they don't own the GOP candidate in the general, and they are freaking out so badly about it they are actually floating daily trial Hindenbergs* about supporting, of all people, Hillary.
Reeks of desperation.
*I can't wait to read the Krauthammer endorsement. Should be epic.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
The neocons are with Hillary..
Her positions on regime change, Israel, and war fit very nicely with her. And she is courting them for donations. Are the neocons ready to dump their social issues to win on everything else, I would bet yes.
(to above) That's my point.
The neocons have nowhere else to go except into Hillary's bombing arms.
- and Jeb! ain't happy about it.
The power base of the status quo is splintering, which is a good thing for people who want real change.
Besides, it's not going to do Hillary any favors with the Dems that she's showing absolutely no qualms about advertising her wares on the wrong side of town. Her supers are already squirrelly enough about her negatives rubbing off without the Koch Brothers hopping into the Donkey Saddle. Not to mention all the loyal Dem rank and file who are already less than thrilled with how she and her BFF DWS at the DNC have treated Bernie.
Hillary poaching Bush donors is the best thing that could be happening, because it means 1) that Hill's money is drying up and more importantly, (2) the two families' cozy dynastic relationship is finally breaking apart.
And none too soon.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Reposted from Joe's diary where I put it earlier
From Counterpunch:
I don't agree with the slamming Bernie part of the article but the above was/is spot on
Don't believe everything you think.
Well, Cheney is supporting Trump (n/t)
"Not me. Us."
Crap, you're right
Just looked it up.
I imagine he’s very happy to be in a win-win situation.
Cheney can look forward (not back) to his values and policies being vindicated and expanded further, no matter which side of the counterfeit electoral coin is left facing up.
— Again, empty comment created, I know not how. — n/t