Hillary targets Bush donors. Her message:She represents your values better than Trump
The person who claimed Bernie "rarely said anything negative about Bush" is now going to Bush-donors for $$$. Nice.https://t.co/DPxEC28z1F
— Aidan King (@AidanKingVT) May 6, 2016
Couldn't have said it better myself. From Politico
NEW YORK -- Hillary Clinton’s supporters in recent days have been making a furious round of calls to top Bush family donors to try to convince them that she represents their values better than Donald Trump, multiple sources in both parties told POLITICO.
The moves come as Clinton and the Democratic Party try to take advantage of deep unease among establishment Republicans on Wall Street and elsewhere with Trump’s emergence as the presumptive Republican nominee.
Top targets for the Clinton team include people like Woody Johnson, Jeb Bush’s former finance chair and the owner of the New York Jets. In recent days, Bush’s brother and father, former presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, have said they plan to skip Trump’s nominating convention
Are we going to see a Bush endorsement of Hillary? Now that would be a coup!

Well bubba
and old man bush are best buds so this is not to surprising.
the most honest thing she's done/said all campaign.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Wait. She's doing something honest?
"the vast right wing conspiracy"
is and was always her. she and bubba dismantled our media; creating monopolies; and gutted financial laws: all while preying on Monica and the rest of America with lurid bullshit.
That was staged. she and her handlers knew what he was. No honest person would put forward a partner as worthy of a presidency amidst such betrayal. She was vetted for cold blooded narcissism.
She'll deny/spin it if someone tries to pin it on her
No need to waste the effort lying once you've clinched the nomination and soon the general. Lying is for the little people—well maybe once in a while to keep the skills up or the sheer fun of it.
McCain is with her
At least his aide is.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Well, in the prior presidential campaign
Burson Marsteller was her campaign director (Mark Penn) and its subsidiary BKSH (charlie Black) was with McCain. One big international PR/Government Lobbying/Human rights abuse sanitizing firm in both ends of a U.S. Primary.
she is crud.
Hillary is Gordon Gekko
With a pink card.
Truly repulsive.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Even he's with Bernie
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Let's see...
How can they blame this on Bernie. That's easy. "If Sanders would get out of the race and quit forcing Hillary to spend her hard earned money, then she wouldn't have to beg from the Bush donors"...
That and Bernie supporters
are so irritating! I'm sure it's our fault somehow.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Just to tweak...
"If Sanders would get out of the race and quit forcing Hillary to spend her
hard earned moneygraft, then..."Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.
Indeed She Does
Has the woman no shame? I mean seriously!
OK, that's a rhetorical question, in that it has been shown many times over that none of the Clinton's have anything resembling a conscience when it comes to racking in money.
It's all about the Benjamins with this clan.
Notice how the Victory Fund that she used to "purchase" the loyalty of the state parties (those running primaries and caucuses) never seemed to have enough left over to give to the state parties after Hillary Hoovered the donations dry?
"I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. "
-Niccolo Machiavelli
"Sorry Hillary"
Surprise she hasn't already kidnapped the president
and held him for ransom.
She isn't a Democrat. She isn't a Republican. She's a Hillarycan. Plain and simple. And fuck alla' ya'll.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Because Hillary's the Real Democrat(tm) in the race...
or something.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
That's reality and that's what the Democratic party
is going to become. Money talks bullshit walks we all know that and those who pay get to play later. Many republicans are joining the big tent, many are already there like those on Daily Kos.
Bernie can forget about pushing the platform left with war criminal Clinton and what's become of the partisans, it's a done deal if he loses. Turn out the lights, the party's over.
Democracy is over: likely since the Clintons.
And it was sold on the cheap.
Sadly. This is the most effort I've ever given to the Top of the Ticket race, going back to McGovern. Everything up for grabs and we rely on the party ~er "faithful" to do the right thing. Is this a great party or what?
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
"Has become" . . .
In a very real way, at least with respect to the party leadership, we are already there.
In terms of the top leadership of the party -- Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Chuck Schumer or Clinton -- on economic policy, I'm having a hard time seeing much distance between any of them and Rockefeller Republicans in the 1960s and 1970s. If we were talking about 40 or 50 years ago, I might even be OK with those kind of politics -- it's not ideal, but under certain conditions I could live with it. However, post 2008, and in a world where organized labor is less than 10 percent of the labor force rather than 30+ percent, it's not acceptable. Wall Street and big business already have too much power and influence over policy. The New Deal Democrats are like "pro-life" Democrats. They exist within the party, but not in a large enough number to have a major influence on policy.
As far as primary candidates go too, keep in mind that the DSCC this election cycle spent more money in a primary trying to defeat a Democrat they didn't like in PA, then they spent in 2014 trying to win the GA, Kentucky, or New Hampshire from the GOP. In Colorado, where a single-payer measure is on the ballot, the Democratic Senate candidate is actively voicing his opposition to the measure. One of the Democratic SuperPACs is also working against the measure on behalf of Big Pharma, hospitals and insurers.
I'm somewhat optimistic long-term, but this election cycle looks like a big loss for those who want a Democratic Party that has some connection to its New Deal economic roots.
Been there before too,
leading up to and during the Gilded Age. There wasn't that big a difference between Grover Cleveland (D) and Benjamin Harrison (R) when it came to business-friendly politics - both had an open door to whoever had the biggest bucks.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Bill Clinton's always reminded me of Grover Cleveland.
For more than one reason.
Twain Disciple
This is why I don't think Bernie can
convince Superdelegates to switch based on his better poll numbers.
This is exactly what the Clintons and the DLC have been trying to accomplish for 25 years. All they want is 50% plus 1, but more importantly they want the middle (center) 50% - the want 25% of the electorate to their left that can't win an election, and the other 25% to their right that can't win an election. This is their dream come true. "Republican voters, vote for me because I really represent your values". If they take the 50% on the left, that leaves the 50% on the right as a potential threat. This way they get all the power, all the money, they get it all their own way. They don't want our votes unless they can get them for free, and they will never give us a damned thing in return.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
You've nailed it, WoodsDweller! FSC's campaign is coveting
only one segment of the so-called left activists--the youth voters.
From what I'm hearing from campaign reporters (XM Radio), FSC's campaign thinks that if they can get 'a sizable number of' the youth vote (the ones that Bernie has engaged and excited), they will be able to pick up enough of the mainstay Dem Party voters (think DKos), and of moderate Republicans, to win the GE.
Sounds as though they could care less about winning over lefty Boomers.
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."--Japanese Proverb
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Well lefty boomers are
Definately out, and if they have politically aware kids ( millennials ), they are gone too, then you have what's left of the middle class going " hey we're SICK of this shit too," and there you have Fucking DNC loss of historic proportions, ( thanks for fucking nothing DWS ), and it's now a brave new world.
You have to destroy the old rotted building
before you build a new modern one.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Just be careful what you replace it with
There have been too many cases over the years of destroying magnificent examples of classic architecture and replacing them with ugly jerry-built ticky-tacky boxes. I'm thinking particularly of a Neoclassic hotel in Winchester, VA that was razed for a hideous example of '50's sleaze. They are now trying to salvage and re-"modernize" the project....
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Of course
Strategically, having a clueless neophyte who won't know how to get shit done at all, and whom a lot of Congress is guaranteed to not work with--and whom I agree with on a couple of key points sure beats the hell out of the Ultimate Insider.
Long as we have a Congress that won't give said neophyte what he actually wants. Which, I'm not strategizing that part, because there's a point where you gotta take a leap of faith, sometimes. No one knows for sure and can't predict how that might shake out. But we sure as hell know what we'll get with President Clintons again, and I will not be responsible for enabling that. Ain't. Gonna. Happen.
Sanders has more than millennials in his base. I don't get the mantra about "he is only going after the youth vote". It's so demonstrably wrong to assume he's only falling all over himself to appeal to one demographic when he has supporters from across the board. Millennials don't give a shit about Social Security.
Millenials have been convinced they'll
never see their SS so it is hard to engage them on that. But even my generation had that idea - hell, when I was their age I too didn't think I would ever see it, they'd cancel it before I ever got to that age or it would go broke. All that propaganda during the Reagan years is one of the reasons I am as disciplined as I am on the 401K, so there IS that to be a bit thankful for.
And it is all part of divide and conquer to convince the young we're just a buncha greedy Boomers who are really rich. But the young are putting the pieces together, at least the Bernie supporters are, and I think we'll see more of them engaged there too. And the other little reminder to use that may help with young people? Do you want your parents to have to live with YOU when their SS is cut??? LOL, that might get a little attention to the issue, in my humble opinion.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
What I now watch for
Which seat in her Cabinet gets a Jeb! nomination.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
She's great buddies with georgie.
I love that pic if them hugging at Nancy Reagan's funeral.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Hillary's true colors showing
The color of feces. The moderate-progressive-regressive who is trying to be all things to to all people. She is true to no one but herself. When will those dyed in the wool Hillaryites wake up and see the truth? Forget it, they have drunk the poisoned Kool-aid and are going to take all of us down.
Dig within. There lies the wellspring of all good. Ever dig and it will ever flow
Marcus Aurelius
The Next Great Uniter
That is her vision for her legacy. Leader of the Free (for big buck$) World. God whispered in her ear, so she had to go forth to do His Will.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Leonard Blankfein, who “does G~d's work,” whispered in her ear
I've been saying all along
I've been saying all along that the ultimate outcome of this campaign will be a party realignment in which the corporatists unite in one party or the other. They've had a long successful run pretending to split themselves between the two parties and playing right and left off against each other using social issues as wedges, while holding themselves up as the "moderate center". And while the people at the grassroots levels have been fighting tooth and nail over abortions, wedding cakes, and bathrooms, the corporatist oligarchs have been laughing all the way to the bank. Well, this year that scheme has finally started to run out of gas. The peasants are starting to march to the castle with their torches and pitchforks, and the lords of the manor are getting nervous. I think they will drop the pretense and openly join forces with each other against all the rest of us. And that's when the real bloodbath will start. It might be time to start investing in guillotine futures.
I think it still works so the
I think it still works so the charade will last into the future. People are still being divided along social issues. That is why bathrooms are all over the news right now. Sexism is the big one as we move into the general. (Watch Trump get even uglier about this going forward.) Hillary is working to secure more of the older women's vote. The Supreme Court is the ace in the hole, this election season. Fear will stay their main tactic because it works so well.
I think it still works so the
Yes, bathrooms and sexism are in the news - that's because the media are still fully committed to playing the corporate game. But they are not having the desired effect of scaring everyone into voting for the corporate candidates. Trump already won on the R side, and Bernie is still giving Clinton fits on the D side. I think they (the corporatists) are getting the biggest scare they have ever had, and I still think that will push them to join forces (as in Clinton reaching out to Bush voters). I still predict that by 2020, the two major parties (whatever their names by then) will be a fully, unabashedly corporatist party, and a socially moderate but economically liberal anti-corporatist party. While the single-issue people at both ends of the social spectrum will find themselves marginalized and increasingly ignored.
And you can take that to the bank. (Of course, it's not worth anything, but you can take it there anyway LOL)
(Or as Yogi Berra once said, making predictions is hard - especially about the future.)
What's that I smell?
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Thanks for the honesty Hill
but some of us already knew you were a fucking war loving republican and has been protesting your kiss Kissinger's ass a lonnnng time ago.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
And imagine
she did that immediately after a "surprising" loss. Someone should buy her a white cane.
On to Biden since 1973
Title says it all, she
Title says it all, she finally comes out from hiding and shows her republicanism.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
so much for moving her left
was always a joke. She moved slightly to the left for the primaries and will sprint to the right now.
Trump will tear her to pieces.
I admit to looking forward to it. It appears the Democratic Party is determined to give Hillary the nomination with superdelegates, come hell or high water. More dumb wars, more labor-destroying trade deals, more "bargains" that involve taking our social security money for the banksters. The party of FDR is dead, and I owe it nothing. At least if Trump is elected he'll turn Washington upside down and we can see what he shakes out of it. Supreme Court? Bullshit. I'm supposed to violate every principle I have to get a couple of Merrick Garlands on the court?
Twain Disciple
This is why Hillbots are they way they are.
If you wondered about the fact that Hillbots are a rather low-integrity people, well it's because of their veneration of Hillary, who is pretty much the epitomizes of deceit. It makes it easy to uncritically accept the whitewashing of Hillary's record, especially when almost any criticism, no matter how valid, can be handwaved as a right-wing attack or talking point.
It's all personality and no policy when it comes to these fuckers.