The New Paradigm Super Delegates Must Consider
NEW vs OLD political reality
It was funny last night to listen to pundits wax poetic on the great lessons learned last night and in this primary season. Big proclamations about new political fault lines and new coalitions. Old parties dying and the unknowns of having two very unpopular frontrunners clashing for months in a polarized country.
In other words, they were doing what they should have been doing for months, instead of pointing a camera at Trump and pressing record. They are irresponsible, not very bright, and VERY late to the party. The Berners tried to reach them by showing up 18,000 strong in the Bronx, in the same New York City where the media feedings occur daily. They were ignored. We know why. Anything to push HRC up the hill and prevent a real progressive from running the one sane party we have left in this country.
Well, they were right about one thing last night, finally. Things have changed. They have changed so much, that assumptions that Democratic Super Delegates had made about the 2016 race when they endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2015 ARE NO LONGER VIABLE. A new reality means a new choice needs to be made. By taking his campaign to the convention, Bernie Sanders is doing them the favor of offering them a chance to change their endorsement IN LIGHT OF NEW POLITICAL REALITIES.
This piece goes over how the realities on the ground have changed, and how that impacts the choice Super Delegates have the chance to make in Philadelphia.
2015: Certain political assumptions lead the the Democratic party to rally around HRC, freezing out other viable competition.
2016: New political realities have emerged that must be acknowledged. Once a Super Delegate acknowledges the new political reality, it will be much easier to justify to themselves and others a reconsideration of their original choice. It is not disloyal. Not to their country, party, or constituents. Indeed, supporting HRC in this new political environment is loyal only to the Clintons, but would be disloyal to the country, party, and their constituents.
Let’s look at how Democrats could have rightly looked at things in 2015, but how things have changed in 2016. These changes must be acknowledged for them to be loyal to their original political mission of serving their country and constituents, instead their new mission which seems to be to prop up Hillary Clinton.
E-mail scandal
2015: This appears to be another small matter that the GOP is jumping all over. The press isn’t helping with their interest in it. But if HRC is so sure of this being nothing, we trust her. In the past, when the Clintons said a scandal was nothing, it has always turned out to be nothing. Even Benghazi is nothing as proven by HRC’s 9 hour appearance before Congress. It will be a non-factor in 2016.
2016: The FBI has granted immunity to the guy who set up the server. Many retired and current (off the record) intelligence and FBI officials have weighed in and said this could be a big deal, or at least should be. We know it’s taking a long time, Clinton and her aids will or have been interviewed, and a bombshell could truly drop at any time. I know Democrats don’t want to really consider this, but Obama has given FBI Director Comey total control on this matter. He has done this preserve his own legacy. He has given inappropriate verbal support to Clinton in interviews, but the investigation and possible recommendations for prosecution are actually out of his hands, and he will hard-pressed not to follow whatever recommendations come out of the FBI. So Obama cannot help HRC. This is a ticking political time-bomb and it would be naive to think otherwise. It has only really been discussed in GOP circles, and that has made it harder for Democrats to see the political damage this will do in the general election no matter the outcome. Even if they all escape prosecution, the entire fall will be spent litigating whether or not it was due to being protected by Obama.
The new paradigm makes nominating somebody under FBI investigation very risky.
Clinton Cash
2015: Articles in the NY times from the Clinton Cash author had big pushback by Clinton world, the Democratic party, and MSNBC types. There was more reason, without a closer look, to think this is another GOP witch hunt that the Clintons will brush off like in the past. It seemed safe for Democrats to ignore this scandal in a similar way to the e-mail scandal.
2016: Mainstream publications like Bloomberg are now reporting on these conflicts of interest. If Bloomberg types are going to litigate every conflict of interest charge between now and November it’s not going to pleasant for Democrats. Looking closely at these connections between the Clinton Foundation, the State Department, and donations from foreign governments must be very disconcerting for any HRC backer. If Bloomberg Media types are going to do that, this is a very politically damaging scandal waiting to happen as it is litigated throughout the fall.
The new paradigm makes somebody with all these conflicts suspect-especially NOW
The GOP vs Democratic Party Match Up
2015: The Democrats could assume that the GOP standard bearer would be a typical GOPer. Maybe Rubio or Walker. A guy with establishment backing and some Tea Party credibility. They would carry the burden of the Koch Brothers, the neo-cons, the Wall Street banks, big Pharma, and unfettered free trade. Meanwhile, Clinton would carry on the mantle of a relatively popular President. She would have the jobs rebound, demographics, youth, women, and the usual cudgels of abortion and birth control against the dumber loudmouth GOPers. Similar to 2008 and 2012. The GOP would carry the Iraq War banner, the party of the rich banner, and the bought and paid for banner.
2016: Trump has up-ended all that.
—Trade advantage vs HRC -HRC is the free trader
—Conflicts of Interest (bought and paid for) - Trump is “self funding” Clinton has defended her big donors vs Sanders all spring. HRC sounds like the Citizen United GOPer and Trump sounds like Obama on this stuff
—Youth: HRC has alienated the youth by sliming Sanders and tolerating shady elections
—minorities: HRC still has them
—Wall Street connections - HRC is the Wall Street candidate, Trump is the reformer
—Iraq War and aggression - HRC is the Iraq/Libya neo-con and Trump is the non Iraq war guy
Under the new paradigm, and with media amnesia, the entire GOP record on all issues will be subsumed under the new “policies” of their standard bearer Trump. It washes away the Wall street bailout, the Iraq War, NAFTA, and lots of other negatives for the GOP. And it puts the Dems on the defensive on huge issues that we usually dominate on. VERY DANGEROUS
Political Fault Lines:
2015: Democrats could assume we would have similar left/right battles, but as shown above,
2016: we are now in a new paradigm. It is not left vs right. it is insider (HRC) vs outsider (Trump).-and outsiders rule this year. It is also elites vs blue collar. Once again, HRC is on the wrong side in people’s minds.
Under the new paradigm, HRC is the toxic compromised insider. Trump is the clean outside reformer. Wow.
The Democratic nominee:
2015: Democrats could assume then that HRC was the only viable candidate. Sanders was considered a protest candidacy. Under Citizens United the GOP money onslaught was feared by Democrats. Dipping into HRC’s network seemed the best way to raise easy cash. And since there was no real perceived competition to HRC, there was no downside to backing HRC and tapping into the cash.
2016: Bernie Sanders proved to be viable. That makes the Democrats’ early backing of HRC somewhat obsolete in political reality.
Under the new paradigm, Super Delegates have a legitimate choice. Sanders or HRC. Sanders is viable. They have the right and the duty to make a smart choice between them again at the convention, incorporating the new realities.
2015: Relating to the last point, Democrats assumed that tapping into HRC cash was the way to go in a Citizens United world
2016: Bernie Sanders showed a new way. By actually representing real people, you can get them to give you small donations in mass numbers. Now we have to show this will work for other peoples’ champions.
Under the new paradigm, the Democrats do not have to get into bed with corporations at every level to compete and thrive. That is what the rank and file of the party wants and they want it now. By bucking this trend, and opportunity, and sticking with the old way of conflicts of interest, the Democrats are making a terrible mistake that will not be fixed anytime soon.
Unless they make a new choice.
Thank u for reading and commenting
"The nightlife ain't no good life, but it's my life."
Thank you for sharing it.
Hillary can't win. She is unelectable, and Trump will drag her through her mink lined dirt by the hair. We need to keep Bernie's money flowing, phone banking, and working those superDs. Our biggest enemy is the Clintons and the neoliberal Democratic party they own. I am committed to destroying it if I have to vote for Trump to do it.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Grady, thanks!
It seems to me that Hillary's superdelegates are already bought and paid for. It seems to me that most of the superdelegates are in the 1% crowd, and all they care about is protecting their own greedy asses. I don't have any faith in the superdelegates to serve this country or her people. We are truly screwed with the superdelegates!
and there are actual lobbyists among them
Good point. I guess those
Good point. I guess those few that lobby for non-profits could see an upside. The corporate lobbyists are basically not wanted in our political revolution. So you are correct that they would be very difficult to convince.
"The nightlife ain't no good life, but it's my life."
I wish Bernie would talk about who these super delegates
are, these deciders. Name some names and who they lobby for.
A few are mentioned
In this Lee Fang article :
Interesting and Confusing...
One of the SuperDelegates Lee Fang Tweeted later adding to the list was Dick Gephardt..
Dick is a lobbyist for Taiwan & Peabody Coal...
Confusing because of spin off of their coal mines in West Virginia & Kentucky into the now bankrupt Patriot Coal...
With the now bankrupt Peabody Energy keeping mines in Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Illinois, Indiana, and overseas.
Is Dick Gephardt a lobbyist for both of these "Bankrupt" companies?
How is it they have a lobbyist when they are out of money and bankrupt?
They are both attempting to be released from pension and retirement obligations covering UMWA retirees and beneficiaries...
Peabody also donates heavily to ALEC which writes "Model Legislation" that has become highly pervasive in Federal, State, and Local Laws, nationwide...
In addition...
In addition to having ALEC write laws for them...
I guess maybe they do need to have the President's ear...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Who the super delegates are
Wikipedia has a page titled: List of Democratic Party superdelegates, 2016
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
Thank you
I fear you may be correct. But what if they see this as a one time opportunity to protect their political future? I guess many would choose to serve out their terms, and cash in their influence in the corporate world, rather than join the Political Revolution. We should at least present them the choice and give them one chance to do the right thing.
I also think we need to have rallies at their public events, based around flipping their vote. We need to educate their less informed constituents of the risk they are taking in the spirit of easy campaign cash.
"The nightlife ain't no good life, but it's my life."
Excellent essay.
Enjoyed every word of it.
Beat in the USA.
Yes, certainly!
I applaud the efforts to present our case to the superdelegates, and I agree with you that it needs to be done. Most definitely! I know my attitude is fatalistic toward the superdelegates. As I said, I have no faith in them to listen, much less that they'll change their minds and vote for Bernie. Many of the superdelegates, not all, are in it for very selfish reasons, like most politicians today. Bernie is a rare jewel, an unselfish politician!
But, like you said, Grady --- we gotta at least try to change their minds. Thanks for trying!
Great essay
Thank you!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Trump on Iraq
Actually, he initially supported the Iraq war. Be nice if that were reported more often.
As far as the email situation is concerned, Clnton might as well expose all Trump's Mafia ties. But nothing from DOJ on that; if Trump were actually indicted on that, I think it'd be a disaster for Democrats.
You are correct about Trump
You are correct about Trump supporting the war. His opposition is more of a meme than a truth. But HRC most definitely is closely ID'd with that war, and presumably had access to more information.
But I also am struck by Trump's comments on the Stern Show re Iraq. He did indicate support but if you hear the clip it was VERY lukewarm. I hate Trump but I will give him this. I was in NYC during shock and awe. Many political lefties were strong against the war and marched. But you can her in Trump's voice the sound of a man who really does not support the war, but is surrounded by bellicose New Yorkers with 9-11 fresh in their minds, and Fox News on their TVs. If he had come out against the war at that time, as a basically non-political figure, it would have had a big negative effect on his life at that time.
I hate to make excuses for the guy, who is human garbage, and he should not be able to claim for the campaign that he opposed it. But for me, looking at the totality, I think he really was against it.
"The nightlife ain't no good life, but it's my life."
Good work
I think it is a matter of when she's indicted, many think she is so elite that law doesn't apply. I don't know, and neither does anyone else!
GreyWolf had an excellent site on another post
This info is coming out. Although many supers are lobbyist, most are politicians who want to keep their job (and would like to keep all that money too). They may pay attention to how the wind blows. I hope.
Thanks for the good essay.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I think we are all hoping
I think we are all hoping that something happens with the e-mails either way. Even if she faces no consequences, the media narrative and litigation of her overall behavior cannot begin too soon. It's awful that the Democrats and HRC have marched ahead so confidently with their chosen one strategy under this cloud. To me, it is almost like Edwards campaigning for President while he knows his secret love child is a scandal waiting to happen. But when have politicians not been selfish?
"The nightlife ain't no good life, but it's my life."
The DNC fundraising scam
of claiming to raise for state parties, then sending the money back to the Clinton machine has left a lot of state dems holding the (empty) bag. They were either duped into believing they were getting funds for their races, or they were complicit in a scheme to skirt campaign finance law while soliciting donations under false pretenses, therefore defrauding the donors. They might have been OK with the situation, after all, the DNC did let them name certain big donors whose contributions they would claim for the state party. Now that it has all come to light, they don't look so good. This is bound to leave a sour taste, and could persuade them to rethink their positions.
Assuming they are all ambitious and power hungry, they will support Clinton when she is strong, but as the cracks start to become obvious, the threats of retribution and the promises of booty become less convincing.
Any fundraising emails from the 32 states involved should get a reply like 'Ask Hillary for your money back'
Good point. I agree, if they
Good point. I agree, if they do have misgivings on the issue, that could be a huge point to remind them that loyalty to HRC is not necessarily rewarded back when not politically expedient.
I will add that to the talking points.
"The nightlife ain't no good life, but it's my life."
The "talking points" i refer
The "talking points" i refer to are in my previous diary.
How to turn Super Delegates
"The nightlife ain't no good life, but it's my life."
Is anyone familiar with the book
"HRC: State Secrets and the Rebirth of Hillary Clinton" ? I was googling around and discovered an interesting parallel between the politicians on the 2008 hit list (supers who flipped from her to Obama) and the 2016 superdelegates who backed her early this time.