Trump over Clinton Is a Twofer

Sometimes you have to clean house to start the "evolution". Vote the slime bag misogynist into office in 2016, the establishment Dems and Repubs are both toast. Let me explain. We'll never get rid of behemoth free trade deals, jobs losses, austerity policies, inequality, criminal INjustice, unless we get rid of the Clintons. You think the Dem party has a death grip on elections and primaries now, just wait 'till the Clintons take the oath of office. At least with the Donald, we know he will need domestic and foreign policy advisors, so the damage he does will be controlled. With the Clintons, the corruption and illegal wars will go into overdrive. They will effectively END voter participation in elections because their policies will so demoralize people they won't even bother to vote. That ensures we have total Republican control until our once great American experiment ends. But, if we vote for The Donald, he'll be so incompetent as president, the Republican party will bleed voters. Yes, I sound like a madperson, but these are desperate times.

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Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

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First Nations News

If Sanders doesn't get the Dem nomination, I will vote Pacific Green Party. Unless it is close in Oregon. If it's close, I will vote strategically and vote for Trump. I do agree that Clinton is poison. I prefer a clear enemy to a quisling. She needs to be buried.

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If you don't know what you want, you deserve what you get.

Citizen Of Earth's picture

his gullible working class voters once the Repub establishment whispers in his ear that which he loves above all else -- "Personal Profit"?

Is Clinton worse than Trump? Probably but not by much. They are both Neo-liberal scum. Bernie or Green for me thanks.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

And that is all.

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. I would rather vote my conscience, go Green, and send a message to the Democratic Party, letting them know that they have competition so long as they continue to serve Wall Street, multinational corporations, and the 1%. While I'm at the point where I see Trump as the lesser evil, I refuse to be complicit in his racism, sexism, and xenophobia, regardless of whether it is real or just an act. People absolutely should not capitulate to political peer pressure and vote for Hillary just because they're scared of Trump, but they also shouldn't engage in what amounts to mutually assured destruction either. If Hillary wins the nomination and loses in November, so be it, but I'm not going to actively vote Republican and make it happen. That loss would be on her and the establishment, not the "disgruntled" Bernie supporters.

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My write-in vote for Sanders would be counted, and I'm still leaning in that direction if he's not the nominee. Couldn't vote for Clinton or any R, as a matter of conscience, so it'd be a Sanders write-in or Green vote, for reasons you articulated well.

I reject the "Nader spoiler" argument and would happily do so--or ignore it (why should I care what "they" say?)--again should "uncooperative" Sanders supporters like me "cost" HRC her long-coveted prize in that situation. She's been a cipher (as in "zero") in elected office and a disaster in appointed office. I refuse to help her gain any other offices.

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

pfiore8's picture

if I'm not voting for Hillary because she is the lesser of two evils, why the hell would I vote for Trump?

and it is beyond voting for these cogs in the wheels of the system; it is refusing to validate the corrupted and rotting system by participating in it with my vote.

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“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"

Ken in MN's picture

...but that doesn't mean I'll melt back into the complacency after the inauguration. No, that is the day the REAL work begins, holding MY Party responsible for its actions at every opportunity and for every betrayal. "I told you so" will be my go-to phrase at the GOS. As far as I know you can't be banned for being prescient. Yet.

The truth is that we're fucked no matter what; it's just a matter of how much and how hard. I can stand four years of being fucked by a sellout Clinton presidency. I can't abide being fucked for another generation by an ultra-Right Wing Supreme Court. And IMHO, the only way to root out the Clinton Neocon Neoliberal Billionaire Boot Licker wing from MY Party is to not only allow them to fail, but to predict their failure before every policy proposal is implemented (because we already know they will fail) and to mercilessly shout it from the rooftops when they do ultimately fail. I have no doubt that two years of Clinton II failure will bring progressive primary challengers out of the woodwork. Why? Because "But, Congress!" won't be a viable excuse for the President who claimed she "Get's stuff done" during the campaign...

So, in conclusion, we're right back to where we were four years ago; voting for the lesser of two evils. Yes, it sucks ass big time, but please don't lose your head over it. A president Rmoney or McPalin would have been orders of magnitude worse by any measure, just as a Trump presidency would be...

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I want my two dollars!

Lookout's picture

Let me preface by saying here in Alabama they will vote T.rump and my vote doesn't matter. I don't even have a green party option. So the ball is in others court.

Sometimes the enemy you know is better than the friend who really is an enemy. Will it be easier to unite progressives and the citizenry against T.rump or $hillary?

Food for thought.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Corporate Ds are not the lesser evil, they are the more effective evil. (See the history-Clinton, Obama, Congresscritters, etc) No fucking way any one of them gets my vote. And if more people stood up to them, we'd have a chance to form a new alliance (not necessarily a party) to fight back against these odious creatures.

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only way to send a progressive message. Since exit polls are now known to be manipulated, even that option is lost (as in "I voted for Trump to send a message"-that soundbite will not be registered). I tend to repeat myself, but I think this is a home truth:
"The left must be seen to take down the Corpocrats and soundly, or else we will once again be ignored and marginalized by the D establishment".

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Crider's picture

like Arnold Schwarzenegger was in California as governor, but the damage will be far reaching and very long lasting. We're still reeling from the damage the idiot George W. Bush caused. Years later, California is still suffering the fallout from electing Arnold.

But it would be nice to lower the influence of the globalists and neocons and traders and the army of international lobbyists in DC. But this assumes Trump means what he's saying and also it assumes he could get that done.

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lunachickie's picture

before we start this incessant drumbeat?

What the hell, C99%? Are you really giving up already?

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It will take a hail mary to save Bernie's candidacy. Anything can happen.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Citizen Of Earth's picture

do not drink from the punch bowl. Hahahha.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

This is, IMO, a divide and conquer tactic.

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Shahryar's picture

there was no divide intended. My view is let's appreciate Bernie for who he is but let's recognize anything that we would like him to change, if he can.

There's an awful lot of "Bernie, Bernie, he's our man!" which is useful in a campaign But is it possible for someone else to run on his left re: foreign policy and war? Absolutely, and not all that difficult.

I get a kick out of using Obama's description of the Republicans running the car into the ditch and turning that around by saying Obama decided the best course of action was to widen the ditch and drive the car in it. Well, for Bernie I think he's driving on the road (a good thing) but that there is a slight defect in the steering that could lead to the car accidentally going into the ditch...and it would be good to correct that defect before the accident occurs. Or we could ignore it.

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Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

someone even farther to the left of Bernie...but that is not what I am calling bullshit on... it is the attempt to disrupt and divide...and it is working. As usual.

There comes a time when one bends so far over that one gets crushed...

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First Nations News

Bulldawg's picture

just nuts.

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“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck

Raggedy Ann's picture

Let's start talking this shit once everything is settled. Until then, all this is is an exercise in futility, drama, and needless pearl clutching. I intend to vote Bernie in my primary on June 7th. Until then, the only think I know for certain is that I will not vote for hrc if she is the nominee. Trump, Green, Libertarian, Jackasses of America, Loosers of the US, I don't really care who else is running if Bernie is not the nominee and don't have to think of it until after the nominee has been selected at the end of JULY!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Kurt from CMH's picture

The dynamics of a Hillary vs. Trump matchup are rather unpredictable at this point. It really depends on what the traditional Republican constituencies and the Berniecrats end up doing in this scenario. Will they stick with the party candidate? Will they vote for someone else? Will they stay home? This thread is evidence that people are all over the map. The ick factor we have with Hillary may not register with a lot of voters for whom the ick factor with Trump is much, much bigger and more prominent, if less substantive.

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For at least another hundred years we must pretend to ourselves and to everyone that fair is foul and foul is fair; for foul is useful and fair is not. Avarice and usury and precaution must be our gods for a little longer still.
John Maynard Keynes, 1930


I believe that our rulers could live with either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, but Trump offers them a bonus: the promotion of greater divisions among the working class, and the potential for violent white supremacist gangs to be used against any mass movement with explicit multi-racial and pro-working class (socialist) aims that police power is unable to suppress (as was done to Occupy Wall Street). In his hostility to Mexican immigration, Trump also lines up with the current neo-fascist movements in Europe that attack immigrants. Furthermore, as the U.S. acts militarily as the world’s bully against smaller and weaker countries, what better leader than a consummate bully like Donald Trump!

Divide and rule tactics (coupled with judicious use of repression) have been employed by elites to rule over much larger numbers of subjects since the Roman Empire. In America, “race” has been the most prominent divisive category with African Americans as the primary targets, from slavery until today. Mexicans in the Southwest, immigrant and citizen, also suffer from racism, and Donald Trump’s anti-Mexican immigrant diatribes are of a piece with this history. Racism has thus been the most frequent tool of modern ruling classes whose power is threatened by mass working-class movements, though clearly not the only one. Our corporate media highlight any differences that might be useful in preventing people from uniting in their common interests (religion, native born vs. immigrant, gender, “culture” and “identity politics,” sexual preference, young/old). The only cleavage almost never mentioned is social class.

The constant drumbeat of this divisive ideology, aimed at that very large class of people forced to sell their labor for wages paid by capitalists, has been remarkably successful in enriching the few at the expense of the many. It also distracts the masses and obscures the deepest, most widespread and fundamental division separating people today: that between the capitalist class of owners in control of business and the state, and the billions of the world’s people who must live by their labor – if they can find work at all!

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