When did the meaning of 'transgender' become 'pedophile'?
That's what Autumn Murphy Hargrave asks in her essay at Redheaded Blackbelt.
This whole bathroom transgender issue in the news has me confused. I am not sure when transgender turned into pedophile. Today I listened to some guy from Georgia telling me to speak my mind on this issue. This is my piece of mind on the subject of transgender bathroom use and this is all I have to contribute on the subject.
I know transgender folks. I know gay and lesbian folks. I know pedophile folks too. The transgender, gay and lesbian folks I know are all a little freaky, a lot awesome, mostly normal, no less so than me or you. Some have families of their own. They all live lives built around home, hearth, community and tribe. A few of them are just starting out in this life. Young women taking those first steps they are into a never kind world. I love them or like them. Depending on which one. I have never once thought of any moment in their lives to be so different from mine, I could not trust them with my safety. Or my sons’ safety.
Trigger Warning concerning the inside.
As for the pedophile folks I know, yeah you read right, folks. As in plural. They were all three real pedderass types. The type that just loved the intimate layers of good little scared southern girls ages 5-10. There were three of them. Two men and one woman. A girl really. Most likely venting her own rage over being violated long before she found me. So two men. Two penis toting, hetero, all American males and one intact female introduced me to the real monsters. The ones who trap little girls and find the place little girls are always told to protect. Until they cannot. Until someone bigger stronger faster comes along and does exactly what you all are afraid some transgender person is gonna do to your kid in a Target bathroom.
Well long before I ever went to a Target, there was that house and his room. I went to that house almost every weekend. I knew it as well as I knew my own. On that weekend in that one moment I was in the play room with a jump rope, the next moment I was under him. I remember looking into his eyes and with all my courage, I told him I was gonna tie him up with that jump rope if he did not let me go. I told him I would tie him up and bite his nose off. He was strong and determined. I was 7. This man is a family man today. A father and husband. I was so afraid of telling on him because he made other people in my life happy.
As for the other man who introduced me to the real dirty old man, he enjoyed holding me down and kissing me in ways only lovers should kiss. This man held no power over me other than his size, so I told my dad about him. My dad never made me visit that old man again. But no one was punished. No one was taken away by police or even grounded by his parents.
Hurts happen and little girls get violated in vile ways. All of it just sits sour in my memories. And when I was a little older at the ripe ole age of 8, a young woman my mother had trusted to watch over me until my dad came to fetch me made up her own child care plan. The one thing I remember more than anything else from that horrible moment, was how angry she seemed. The whole time she was putting me through her misuse of my tiny body, I was thinking about how angry and hurt she must be to do those things to me.
So you see, spoken from the mouth of someone who was completely overpowered by pedophiles and violated in ways her little girl mind could not process, it was never once a transgender person who stole those moments from me. It was never in a public bathroom at Target or with strangers. I knew each one of my monsters and each place I was molested.
Just because another human being makes a different sexual/life style choice than you, it does not make them a sexual predator.
[Editor: Of course, we'd prefer to change the phrase "a different sexual/life style choice than you" to reflect that we are living lives, not lifestyles.]
Of course, none of those predators have been banned from public restrooms. We deem that to be inhumane punishment.
But transgender people? It's not like we belong in human society, right? Because we exist, people who are not trans might take advantage or our existence to commit terrible acts.
Well, the vast majority of pedophiles are heterosexual men, so why aren't we closing men's rooms across the country?

I'd like to know the percentage
of pedophiles who are transgender, as opposed to, say, Republican politicians. I'd say based on recent events the percentage is larger for the latter, yet no one is restricting their bathroom use.
They tried the same thing with gay people, remember?
They still do though maybe slightly less. They couldn't be boy scout leaders, even though there's absolutely zero correlation between your sexual orientation with adults and any desire to suddenly abuse children.
I don't have the stats, but I remember reading that actually, the percentage of pedophiles among homosexuals was far lower than the heterosexual male population. Big surprise there. I expect the same would be true for transgender people.
I am angered by legislators' justifications
drawn out of their asses. I have thought how in their pea-brains they made the leap from homophobia to trans-phobia, and the latter must be because a gender-altered physical body makes the idea of any sexuality to them a perverse guessing-game. If a man says he is gay, he prefers sex with men, etc. But a F-to-M transsexual, their choice of sexual partner goes off into the unknown. Plus, probably icky.
I am not describing my attitude. I have no idea if I have ever met a transsexual person. It would not occur to me to suspect.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
They fear the M-to-F far more
After all, "F-to-M" can be thought of as "becoming one of the guys", and therefore not a "real threat".
It's M-to-F that brings out the real viciousness - not just the in-your-face bigotry, but the actual physical violence, brutality, and, yes, murder.
edited to add: I have known several transsexual persons, some of them both before and after. They're just people.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Thanks for posting this, Robyn.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Bang on comment
As has been stated many, many times, pedophiles are usually family members who are straight, but people's hatred of gays is so strong that they won't admit it.
I have never understood why people get so caught up in other people's sex lives. When I see a straight couple out shopping, walking or anything else they do, or holding hands in public,I never wonder what they do in their bedrooms.
But that's seems to be what straight people do and think when they see a gay couple.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Has any major news network
Had any stories at all about how there is little to no correlation between transgender/homosexuality and pedophilia? Or any discussion on how an entire group of people are effectively being charged with a crime preemptively, when no crimes have been committed at all?
Or are they just capitalizing on the sensationalism and staying "neutral?"
I haven't watched or read any major news organizations in months now, so pardon my cluelessness.
Everyone is a pedophile to these assholes. Everyone.
Notice a pattern? Every single group of people who have demanded rights or protections under the law is treated this way.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
How many of them are secretly Dennie Hastert? And, further back in time, remember Roy Cohn?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.