It's Not What She Says That Counts
There has been a lot of talk lately about how Bernie Sanders has successfully moved Hillary Clinton to the left, particularly on TPP. Because of this, it's now declared to be OK for Sanders supporters to come in from the cold and back Hillary against Donald Drumpf in the November Election, since Sanders is now seen (by them) has having fired his last bullet.
But is it "safe", really? I don't believe so for a minute, because there is nothing in anything Hillary says during a campaign which requires that her promises be kept, as we were reminded by all of the things she said while campaigning against Barack Obama in 2008. Hillary has -and will- say anything to gain an advantage on an opponent.
Mike Masnick of wrote the following {} (emphases mine):
Politicians aren't exactly known for their honesty on things, often saying things to voters just to get elected. But Hillary Clinton's views on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement have received quite a lot of scrutiny. After all, while she was at the State Department, she was a strong supporter of the TPP, and so it was a bit of a surprise last October when she came out against it. {}
Of course, the fact that the deal is fairly unpopular with the Democratic Party base probably contributed quite a lot to that decision -- and Clinton's weak attempt at revisionist history to pretend she never really supported it. {}
But, of course, when you do a pandering flip flop like that just to get votes, you have to remember that plenty of people will see right through it, and some of those people might reveal the strategy. Like, for instance, the head of the US Chamber of Commerce, the world's largest lobbying organization, who is leading the charge in support of the TPP. Its top lobbyist, Tom Donohue, flat out admitted recently that he knows that if she actually got elected, she'll revert back to supporting the TPP...{}
Many of us remember the EF Hutton commercials claiming that when EF Hutton talks, people listened.
The EF Hutton of old is now represented by the US Chamber of Commerce, and when they speak, the Big Money folks listen closely. A large number of them were gathered in Davos discussing the economic future of the planet when Tom Donohue said that Hillary would give them what they seek regardless of what she tells us foolish mortals to get elected.
Hillary will give them TPP and every other "trade deal" they seek no matter how badly we humans get hurt. The Big Money folks need not worry that the peasants will arrive with pitchforks and torches.
This is how international politics is conducted today. The Emperors clap their hands and the clowns perform. I had a print article (now lost, sadly) which reported in November 2007 all of the 2008 presidential candidates (except for Dennis Kucinich, Mike Gravel, and Ron Paul) were invited to give a 30 minute talk to the major officials of the various New York investment banks. It is likely that this is the means by which Obama won enough support to be allowed to be president.
Yes - allowed. Running a half-Black man for president was taking a large risk that enough latent racism would emerge and prevent his winning office -and interfering with squeezing the American Economic Lemon until the juice runs. Latent racism certainly kept him from being a more effective president (assuming for the moment that he really wanted to be one), but that is another post for another time.
Hillary gave her speech as well, yet she didn’t win the nod of the nabobs. She does learn from her reversals, and spent several years post-State Dept. winnowing her way into their favor long before anyone else had even announced. It's as certain as she and DWS can make it that it is Her Turn Now, no matter how many voters lose their right to vote.
So as far as I am concerned, Hillary can say anything she wants. I won't believe her. I know who buys her lunch. I will watch what she does, knowing from the primary season that no dirty trick or lie is too vile.
I will also not fall for the blather that she's been changed by Bernie Sanders. Despite engaging in a rigged primary process, Sanders still almost defeated her. Any policy shifts she's made have been to limit the damage done to her, and she will revert back once she pushed Sanders out of the picture.
I only hope that we don't look back on these days as our last chance to avoid corporatist rule and rue that we didn't do more to prevent it while we had a chance.
They have invested in her,
They have invested in her, and I doubt she will stay true to her campaign promises, and she has been arrogant, condescending and rude to Bernie supporters. Why should they pick her over Trump? if Bernie is still in, or he wins the nomination that alone would upset their cart, but if in protest all Progressives voted for Stein if Bernie is defeated, the revolution can try with Jill and see if we can make a 3rd party get past the chainlink fence around DC for once.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
That's my plan.
Bernie or Jill.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Hillary hasn't moved an inch.
She will say anything to get elected, but she belongs heart and soul to Wall Street and to the only people she respects -- the rich and powerful. She can pander like hell, but only a fool would listen to what she says and not notice what she does. Anyone who has been paying attention knows who she is. She will have us in a ground war in the Middle East within six months of taking office, and she will destroy social security if she can. The banksters want that money, and they are running out of patience. As soon as I have voted, I will leave the party if she is the nominee. That will be the official death of the Democratic Party.
Twain Disciple
Don't believe her
She will sell us out!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Move along, there's nothing to see here.
We are to understand that this is the way of politics in the USofA. We are being obstinate and irrational by not following the tried and true "program". What is wrong with us‽
Taking the long view: This is just the latest version of power distribution in a society. Don't we know, "expelling the money changers" is a cautionary tale to give younglings a taste of the unattainable ideal? A heaven on Earth will not attain in our lifetimes so who are we, mere mortals, to challenge the the natural order.
I have been through this loop several times and find the ride tedious. It is time to hire a new engineering firm to redesign the entire amusement park including the concession stands, for crying out loud!
I remember thinking fondly of the demise of the Soviet-USA "Cold War". Ah-yes no need for "duck and cover" and its cousin "mutually assured destruction", as we create ways to more equitably distribute power and resources worldwide. Oh, by the way, have you heard the latest from Handford Atomic Works‽ I lived downstream of that "sword of Damocles" for twenty years. For me it serves as a metaphor for the precarious nature of our republic as we continue to cleave to our antiquated electoral process and its concomitant "economically defined" power structure.
Sad to see your tip jar get nuked OT.
But now not surprising. We are the rats that escaped the psych experiment. The rest of the rats are now groomed to be malleable, they have no idea...
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I expected what it got.
I thought about putting a lot of effort into saying something, but decided to put my efforts elsewhere. I have seen some very good essays trashed OT and that makes me angry. Anger is not a good thing.
Her problem...
Besides being Hillary Clinton the snake - is Obama. A lot of us thought (me included) that we were electing someone who would clean house and reign-in the banks in 2008. Boy, were we fooled. Now Clinton comes along and is basically pulling the same pander. Sorry, Hillary, you buddy Barack fucked it up for everybody.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
The Party Platform
I get a good laugh when TV talking heads claim that Bernie's greatest accomplishments will be spelled out in the Democratic Party Platform. Bernie did not go to the enormous effort of running for President just to get something inserted in a document that is non-binding and nobody reads. His supporters didn't go door to door and make phone calls, inspired by the goal of changing the platform.
There is a poll that suggests Hillary might take Utah if she is the Dem nominee and Trump is on the Tea-GOP ticket. I am sorely tempted to vote for Trump just to keep that from happening.
"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
Excellent, though sloppy cut-n-paste, essay
Yes, here you are just preaching to the choir, while over at TOP you might cause one or two individuals to question their beliefs ... ;->
I was never granted publishing rights at TOP. How, then, was I to achieve what you propose?
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Excellent essay: Sorry for any offense
This was an Excellent essay: Sorry if I offended in any way.
I am not following your thoughts on "I was never granted publishing rights ..."
I thought the part I quoted, the part with your thoughts, was excellent and would have preferred to see it earlier in your essay.
I thought the flow of the essay is a little clumsy, but that is as much my disjointed perceptions from reading so many different essays in a row. Following up, my comment about 'preaching to the choir' and TOP were from a mistaken belief, left from reading a previous essay, that you were cross-posting this, and my other belief that most here already believe Hillary's words are hollow, which probably is correct.
I'm getting off the Internet now (I need food).
This was an Excellent essay: I'm sorry if I offended in any way.
I Accept in the Name of Comity
I had applied for access to TOP, but could never log on to do anything - not even to comment on diary postings. I never received any responses from TOP when requesting assistance. There was no way for you to know this prior to my mentioning this.
That aside, it looks to me like TOP has become more of a monolithic edifice where commentary like mine would be banished to the hinterlands rather quickly. One is hard-pressed to be convincing from such a position relative to the collective whole. I thus hope that someone who still has TOP clearance might find my admittedly sloppy musings worthy of a mention over there, which is the only way I can see being influential there.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
The 3 Universal Lies... And 1 Universal Truth
1) "This won't hurt a bit."
2) "The check is in the mail."
3) "I won't ---- -- ---- -----."
1) Anything that falls out of the Clintons' mouths.
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
I think we will live to rue the day
but I think we know we DID try, and really, we tried pretty damned hard too. But you can't beat such a well connected machine that "easily" and while we all knew this would never be easy, I think we have more ugly in our future before we wake up as a country.
While watching Trump win might be satisfying for a small, vindictive moment, that won't change things for the better, and may change them for the worse. Although I personally believe Trump is merely another neo-liberal shill who simply used the racism and fear of terror to get as much attention as he has. He has pointed out, very obviously, just what most of his supporters truly are, and while we like to think they are only hateful, their hate has been nurtured very carefully by the Repugnant party for decades. But they too are fucking angry, and that ugly carnival barker just might plant the seeds that wake a few of them up too.
And yes, my idealism is showing a bit here in thinking we WILL wake up before it's too late. No matter how darkly cynical and angry I get, there's always been that little hopeful streak. A truly American Sucker.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I haven't quite given up yet
I'm waiting for results of the law suits in NY to count provisional ballots bear fruit (depending on whether or not the judges deciding these things are $Hillbots or not). They were supposed to appear in court today. And depending on what happens in the rest of the primaries. I refuse to give up without a bleat of protest. Moronic Media is all but throwing a ticker tape parade to get their girl in the White House, right along with DWS and the superdelegates. Ugh.
If this country gets what it deserves for lack of caring and being so gullible to listen to propaganda and lies, then so be it.
If worse comes to worst and the contest is between $Hillary and Drumpf, then someone is gonna hafta pray to this mythical god I keep hearing about for help, because TPP will introduce world-wide fascism, we'll be involved in more unconstitutional and illegal wars, Congress will be gridlocked, the FBI investigation will be stopped and go nowhere, pollution will get worse and there will be nothing done about climate change (except by other countries who will have to lead the way), fracking and offshore drilling will be the law of the land, even in reserves and parks if it comes to that, she'll turn our Social Security over to Wall Street so they can lose it in offshore accounts, health care will only be made more expensive and continue to be under the "governance" of corporations..., but since these are Rethuglican wet dreams, she might "accomplish" working with Congress in a "bipartisan" fashion, so to speak, because at heart, $Hillary has always been a Rethuglican.
I'm grasping for a thread of hope that Bernie will win the remaining primaries (as I understand it, they're open primaries, so independents can vote for Bernie), that the law suits in NY will give Bernie an edge and more NY delegates, at least..., because for this immediate moment in time it looks like our "elite" Dems will fail us. The best we could hope for is a brokered convention where the rank and file delegates have more sense than the majority of the superdelegates who endorsed $Hillary before the primaries and caucuses even started (how fucking rude of them to assume we'd follow their "lead" like lemmings!).
I'm all for a Progressive third party. We currently have two branches of a Rethuglican party, and that makes me furious!
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
poised and articulate YahNe Ndgo explains the problem succinctly
in this inerview with a smirking Hillary supporter:
"We don't trust what she says and we don't like what she's done." Pretty much covers it.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti