Irish Rebels of 1916

Hellraisers Journal: Countess Markievicz, Joan of Arc of the Irish Rebels, Sentenced to Life in Prison

But while Ireland is not free I remain a rebel,
unconverted and unconvertible.
-Countess Markievicz

Saturday May 20, 1916
Dublin, Ireland - Countess Markievicz Seeks to Convert

From the The Wichita Beacon of May 18, 1916:

Irish Rebels of 1916, Countess Markiewicz, Markievicz, .png

The Countess Markievicz, Joan of Arc of the Irish revolution, who kissed the revolver with which she killed a redcoat, and who [having escaped a death sentence] is now a life prisoner in Mountjoy, has indicated a desire to be baptized into the Catholic Church. The archbishop of her own church, the English establishment, offended her by appealing to the government for greater severity towards the rebels.

Hellraisers Journal: New Castle, Pennsylvania, Remembers James Connolly, Editor of The Free Press

The great appear great to us,
only because we are on our knees:
-James Connolly

Friday May 19, 1916
New Castle, Pennsylvania - James Connolly Edited Socialist Free Press

From the New Castle News of May 15, 1916:

Irish Rebels of 1916, James Connolly, New Castle (PA) News w:text, May 15, 1916 .png

Hellraisers Journal: Blood-Lust of the British Continues Apace, Seven Irish Rebels Executed in Five Days

Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.
-Mother Jones

Saturday May 13, 1916
Dublin, Ireland - Socialist and Labor Leader, James Connolly, Executed

Irish Rebels of 1916, James Connolly & John McDermott.png
James Connolly and John McDermott, Executed Friday May 12th

Hellraisers Journal: Chicago Federation of Labor Pleads for Life of Irish Rebel James Connolly

Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.
-Mother Jones

Thursday May 11, 1916
Chicago, Illinois - America Union Workers Plead for Life of Irish Rebel

Chicago Federation of Labor, A. F. of L., Org'zd Nov 9, 1896.png

In a meeting of the Chicago Federation of Labor this past Sunday, a resolution was passed that a message should be sent to London making a plea for the life of the Irish Rebel, James Connolly. Connolly is well known and much respected by the trade unionists and Socialists of Chicago, having once been a resident of the city where he was active in both movements on behalf of the working class.

Hellraisers Journals: The New York Times Reports on Wedding of Grace Gifford & Joseph Plunkett

Pray for the dead and fight like hell for the living.
-Mother Jones

Monday May 8, 1916
Report from Dublin on the Wedding of a Martyred Irish Rebel

Irish Rebels of 1916, Grace Gifford, Joseph Plunkett.png

WE NEVER FORGET: Irish Rebels Executed at Kilmainham Gaol May 4-5, 1916

In a few hours I shall be with my God, where I will
plead the cause of my beloved Ireland.
-Michael O'Hanrahan


Executed at Kilmainham on May 4, 1916
Joseph Mary Plunkett
Edward Daly
Michael O'Hanrahan
William Pearse

Executed at Kilmainham on May 5, 1916
John MacBride


WE NEVER FORGET: Irish Rebels Executed at Kilmainham Gaol Before Dawn, May 3, 1916

You cannot conquer Ireland;
you cannot extinguish the Irish passion for freedom.
― Pádraig Pearse


Thomas MacDonagh
Pádraig Pearse
Thomas James Clarke

Hellraisers Journal: Irish of New York City Hold Mass Meeting to Voice Support for Rebels of Dublin

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Wednesday May 3, 1916
New York, New York - Packed Meeting of Irish Society Supports Dublin Revolt

Easter Rising, Irish Republic Flag, GPO 1916.png
