Bernie Has Exceeded My Every Expectation
How has a Senator from my tiny home State even run a globally known politician close? How has he even run her close despite the DNC and the media? How has he even run her close despite the corporations money, despite the broken electoral process, despite Citizens United and contrary to the talking heads inevitable coronation monologue?
Complete and utter disgust with the current social and political system.
I noticed Markos desperately trying to heal wounds [to stop readers leaving] that go well beyond his blog, the Democratic Party like it's meaner brother the GOP is in an existential dilemma. They have both ignored the voters for so long now [giving lip service every now and again] that anything they say can be safely ignored. Once in power they do their sponsors bidding. Ask me to support a party that does not give a fuck about me, my loved ones, my friends and even those on the other side? Seriously?
This has gone well beyond the poultice of making the Party better by conniving with it and somehow pretending that you have any influence upon it whatsoever is idiotic. It needs tearing down and rebuilding along with the never ending grubbing for money by those once elected.
We face an election where the two candidates that are both massively unpopular and untrustworthy. We have two parties less popular than irritable bowl syndrome. There is no way of rebuilding these bloated yet still animated corpses, they both need challenging, trashing and replacing. The system is so embedded in its legalized corruption [since they write the laws] that there is nothing left worth salvaging. I cannot in good conscience vote for either of the likely nominees, I'll leave that to those who in my opinion have a misguided view that the system works for anyone outside the very richest.
I expect the up coming election to be one of the greatest efforts in voter suppression by the sheer disgust it deliberately engenders to all but the most deaf. I expect a blog I once enjoyed to be filled with wall to wall partisan drivel, echoing talking points without meaningful contradiction, which will make it no different than the media in general.
I don't even know if I have the stomach to follow the upcoming election, good grief, it is going to be depressing.
It is the morning here, a wet, dewy, cool morning and the newly planted herbs and flowers are expressing their thanks.
The birds are chirping and squawking, and the wabbits run when they see my puppy approach.
All is good with the world, except inside that cesspool that exists inside the Bloatway. Ignore them as much as they ignore you and you will be fine.
If they only could be walled in ignored because they seem to be
intent in only aiding and abetting their owners
Take heart LaFem
I think if Bernie showed anything this election, it's that people have more power than we think.
Imagine if a better known candidate had taken up the same message as Bernie and fought the party establishment the same way (I know a fantasy but still).
I hope Elizabeth Warren was paying attention. I think the next four years are going to be very ugly, and very bad for most of us regardless of who wins. We need to keep growing this movement.
I'd love to see independent ads, maybe mostly through social media, from Bernie, or whoever gets his list of contributors, after the conventions are over asking the voters to consider whether either candidate sides with them, and spelling out the issues he wants the parties to address: universal healthcare, increase social security, up the minimum wage, student loan debt forgiveness, break up the banks, an economy that benefits everyone, infrastructure development, especially for renewable energy sources to cut carbon emissions and save the planet, racial justice, an end to these endless wars against people half way around the world that serves no purpose but to prop up tyrannical and/or murderous regimes.
I want that message spread to as many people as possible. I want them to understand that they don't have to put up with this shit anymore, where the wealthy decide who we get to vote for. Where the outright bribery of Congress and the Presidency is legalized.
This isn't the time to despair, its the time to keep fighting. No one said taking down the criminal organization that our two parties have become would be easy. Nothing worthwhile ever is.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I have heart alright, but it is not for either of the main
political bullshitters
No I don't either
The reality is that things will get worse before the get better.
But I'm tired of voting for the alleged lesser evil.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
That's what the Parties are for
The Parties exist to prevent candidates like Bernie from ever getting close to holding office. They hide that by running the show like sports franchises, Go Red! Go Blue! But both red and blue teams are franchises subordinate to the power-holders that run the league.
The good Christian should beware of mathematicians. The danger already exists that mathematicians have made a covenant with the devil to darken the spirit and confine man in the bonds of Hell. -- St. Augustine of Hippo
Or as DWS put it
Me ... I'm Voting for Stein ... or writing-in BS.
(ie. Bernard Sanders)
I looked up Michigan's election laws on write-ins.
Unless Bernie files a paper saying he is a candidate, they will not count the votes. So in Michigan, there is no point. I was all prepared to vote for Stein until StephenD reminded me that it takes a Democrat to screw a Democrat. In that diary there was a comment blaming Nader for Gore. That sort of did it. Now I think I'm voting for Trump. It is pretty clear we are going to get one of them. If so, I rather the Republican. At least the Dems in the house and senate will fight a Republican. Hillary - they wouldn't dare. Look at how they all caved in to Hillary on the superdelegates. The only one that stood her ground was Warren. As NPK said there is time, but I'm really start to lean Trump. The Third Way Clinton machine has declared war.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
"They wouldn't dare'
I've been saying let's give Trump a Dem/progressive Senate, and the house as soon as we can as the best strategy.
If Hillary wins of course the Dems will go along with any deal she makes.
Make the Dems work for their pay.
Thanks dk, your words support my argument.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Of course they would dare...
How many are opposing Obama's TPP? How many were up in arms at Obama's offer to cut Social Security or go back into Iraq? Article I read on facebook about a Reuters? poll that shows more than 50% of Americans did NOT trust even the elections.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
you trying to confuse an old sick man dk? lol
I was quoting you in my post lol. you said the Dems would not dare go against Hillary if she was prez and I agreed AND quoted that line from your post.
you trying to mess with my head man? lol
If Trump wins the Dems will either fight him (if they think it will help them to keep their jobs) or go along to get along as they've too often done in the past.
If Hillary wins I don't see them fighting Hillary in any significant numbers on anything.
We are in complete agreement I think.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
tempt them with a cask of Amontillado
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
It is a depressing enough
It is a depressing enough though as to the Hillary and Donald show they are going to foist upon us that Cenk at TYT was showing signs of crying, and he was choking up at some points in videos fro the sad results we saw from the 26th. Our only chance is that the FBI will speed up and come out and work on indicting Clinton before the convention. Otherwise the movement must stay on course and try again. It would also be interesting to see a 4 way fight, Trump vs the Republican picked candidate and Hillary and maybe Bernie with Jill Stein, thus clinching his chances then, and helping a 3rd party win and then Presidency, but folks need to help make either possibility happen. There are states yet to vote, Oregon and California may save us from Hillary. If not then November is a center-right, pro-corporate millionaire backed by the 1% up against a fascist loudmouth. And they are actually pals! She and Bill went to one of his weddings, and bill plays golf with Trumpolini!
Methinks something is rotten here in Denmark!
So long, and thanks for all the fish
I'm not as optimistic as you, roll on 2024
anyone whose bible is a Five Part Trilogy
deserves to be listened to.
I wish I had more faith in the FBI
But if they do the right thing before the convention, I'll stop saying cynical things about them.
Uh oh, California has a CLOSED primary
After last night, it is sadly over for Bern in view of losing New York, plus four from last night. I held out big hopes for California though, but was dismayed when I looked up its primary status: closed. Not good for Bern and I see populous areas like San Fran, LA, Orange county, Silicon Valley going for Hill. That's where the rich, celebrity, and Libertarian folks live, respectively. That said, I see Bern and his supporters working to remake Congress and the Dem party, and I truly believe that whoever wins will be a one-termer. Let's work to pave the way for Warren 2020!
Independents can vote in the California Democratic primary
I don't think the polls, which show Bernie and Clinton virtually tied in California, are taking those independents into account. I'm seeing a lot of Bernie signs here in the Bay Area and I went to a very crowded, enthusiastic organizing meeting a couple of weeks ago. Bernie got 73% in Washington State. I think he might do at least as well in Oregon and California, especially with a raised disgust level. If he finishes strong like that, he could end up with a majority of pledged delegates and he will have certainly made a strong case to the super delegates. The Democratic Party establishment has crossed the line and informed Americans won't have it. There are lots of informed Americans here in California.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Independents can vote in Cali primary
Nope. In down-ballot races only, NOT in Presidential Primaries.
NPP voters CAN vote for president
here is the information from the CA Secretary of State.
the primary is semi-closed to NPP voters but the Democratic party is allowing them to vote in the Democratic primary. you have to choose the Democratic ballot when you go to vote on election day.
"The Independent Party"
in California is a trick. It actually is a tea party offshoot that are trying to trick people with its name. They estimate that several hundred thousand people in CA registered assuming this meant actual Independent, but I think since there is almost a month left to change registration, that number will fal. No Party Preference is actually our equivalent of Independent.
Yes, Indys can vote in the Dem presidential primary in CA
If they request a dem party ballot.
Important for people in CA to know the correct information - they can vote in the dem primary but have to specifically ask for that ballot.
Cali primary
My bad. I looked it up again, and Cali actually has a mixed primary; open for Dems, closed for Repubs. So, good news for Bern. There's still hope.
Well, the RW hopefully will start pulling out its big guns now
And here's another shot across the bow of SS Clinton:
They will be far more nasty and dirty
than any criticism Bernie aimed Hillary's way. He focused for the most part on his core message.
They will focus on her and it won't be pretty.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
if Stein starts to poll close to Clinton and Trump
And Bernie is no longer running, I think there's a chance the two establishment candidates (yes Trump is establishment), will start ganging up on Jill Stein.
Beware the bullshit factories.
TPTB played it smart.
They waited until the numbers became daunting.
Now, it is lock and load.
I get lost with all these acronyms, lol. What does this one stand for?
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
The PoleCats That Be
Although some use "Powers" instead. They smell about the same.
TPTB= The Powers That Be. :)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
There is still a narrow path
There are 1054 delegates remaining. We need to win 680 in order to arrive at the convention with them most earned delegates. Let's not whine and bemoan. Let's keep working! Donate, make calls, canvass, etc.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
No, no. California is a Closed Primary
Cali is closed. Not good for Bern. It'll go for Clinton. Sorry.
maybe not.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
The Democratic primary in California is semi-open
The Republican primary is closed. Independents in California can vote Democratic in the primary.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Cali is semi-open primary
You are right. I looked it up and was overjoyed to discover that the Repub. is closed but the Dem. is open. Bernie has a chance, after all!
Registered Calfornia Independent Voter
I've checked and double checked and "screenshotted" my voting registration confirmation.
Bernie has my vote. And as many others as I can
drag kicking and screamingconvince to go to the polls.The people, united, will never be defeated.
Just to be sure, you are registered as "No Party Preference"?
In CA, "No Party Preference" is true independent, and the "American Independent" is a tea party trick.
First thing I did this morning was to send Bernie another $27. It was both hope for Bernie's candidacy and a message that we are still here, still engaged in the revolution, and that will not change.
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
People's Summit
From today's BNR - a People's Summit in late June.
Be wonderful if it creates a People's Party out of the Bernie Sanders Campaign BEFORE the convention.
Clinton vs. Trump means a Trump president. No way she wins. Amazing how clearly he won yesterday. She is a GOTV magnet for the Republicans.
Wearing my rose colored glasses: it would destroy the Republican party, and take the Democratic party out of the clutches of the Criminal Clintons.
Laughing at how Kos is grovelling. Even mentioning Bernie's name in a diary now. Must realize he can't get back what he's destroyed.
peoples summit site
Scheduled after all the primaries and before the conventions in Chicago. Anyone here at c99 going?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That summit is going to be huge.
I hope it will be a major wake-up call for the party ... but then I remember how tone-deaf they are.
Regardless, things are going to be really interesting from here on out.
They can only hear certain frequencies.
Money is within range. Our voices are out of range.
the party
The Party (D) is wide awake and anxious to slip into the void left by the Party (R) having slid off the rails to the right. We are the new Party, as yet unnamed and only loosely organized, which will slide into the void left by the Party (D)'s "new Dem - third way" realignment.
Perhaps the summit will provide the seed for the new Party to coalesce around, if there would be a leader we all trust step forward and guide us through the the darkness for 4 years should Hillary or Trump prevail. I don't want to sound apocalyptic, but that is a distinct possibility we should consider. Isn't it prudent to consider how to extract ourselves from the possible horrors of 4 years of either continued "free market" wars or new "wipe 'em all out" wars, or possibly in the latter case, a rather sensible military coup?
Resist and prepare.
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
Does anyone here know about this?
It deserves its own essay and thread.
Some suggestions for speakers: Bill McKibben; Bernie Sanders; Moral Mondays; Transition Towns;
I will add more as I think of some. Transparency in government; less war, better government of, by and for the people.
Setting up a group of groups to distill the ideas for policy and legislation: in other words a plank for the election. We will need designated spokes people to carry the messages coming out of this summit.
Thinking---->Discussion---->Conclusions---->Actions----->Political Choices---->To the conventions
You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce
If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.
Yes we need a Caucus99percent plank
So that we can be part of the discussion at this summit. Because of the hostility of the corporate media, what we do on this website becomes very important.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Are these the same people I met
at the Populism2015 - National People's Action - April 18-20, 2015 - Conference ?
Damn, I wish I could go
but physically, I just can't.
I hope that representatives of Bernie and Stein will be there, too.
They will likely decide to create a new party. That would be exciting.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I'll go if I could carpool
with anyone from western NY. Can't afford airfare.
message me here or email me at stevendbt at yahoo.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I live about 35 miles outside Chicago!
I'm going to try my damnedest to be back in the states and get over my awful jet lag so I could have a shot at going! Sure, I might be a bit young and might not have a lot to say, but we sort of need the younger millenials to go out and represent the future of the US, right?
Nothing guaranteed, of course, but it's at least good motivation.
More than sort of
Some of us need to have younger millenials to pass the torch to. It's beginning to look like many of us won't be able to outlast these last gasps of the MIC, neo-con, free-market establishment. It's your future we're looking forward to.
"If I sit silently, I have sinned." - Mossadegh
Pretending he had nothing to do with the shit storm
he helped create
He alienated the activists...
Hillary needs for the election. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot, blowing yourself up with your own petard, cutting off your nose to spite your face, etc.
Kos drunk with possible power?
He has shown that he has a low understanding of politics.
He made a bunch of money off the sports site and lots of personality stuff and of course, statistics
He supports the duopoly of the 2 parties and all that goes with that
The forces of change are on the move and more bad stuff is right around the corner including TPP
Here is a comment I made on dailykos which has a link to an article TPP raises its ugly head
And there was the Comcast decision recently
Neo liberal economics is still in the drivers seat but there has been much more push back
No idea how things will turn out
But, if the BNR series was not on DK, I probably would leave that site
I don't spend enough time here ac c99 because I already spend too much time on the computer as it is. My marriage is important and wife always on my case for the time spent on the computer.
It is fun watching the Hillary folks try and support her and try and put down Bernie
OPOL One Pissed Off Liberal also continues to write stories that poke the Hillary true believers
This primary has exposed the past sins, and the more recent sins of the Clinton's. If one knew about foreign policy, that issue alone could be enough to be against Hillary. Here is an article by the author of the exceptional book "Kissinger's Shadow" on the Clinton's policy in Latin America
Hi, Don Midwest, I read your comments on todays BNR
and am so glad you are still there posting. It's a service to us. Thank you.
I am a bit down, so I won't repeat my feelings about the primary affairs again. I basically said everything in my comment on today's OT.
Tell your wife that you are helping a lot of people to not lose faith and see some light. She will forgive you for your computer time spent. I hope.![Smile](
I think now they want our
I think now they want our money. Fat chance.
Here was my response to Kos's front page pander...
"Well Kos, I don’t know what to make of this, but my first impression is that there is a huge hole in your argument and your plea for unity. Bernie has in poll after poll either tied or was slightly ahead of Hillary on the national level. How can that be? It doesn't match the primary numbers. The only explanation is that this primary system has left out a significant number of people in this country. That is why I have continued to argue that Hillary is a weak candidate and could put the whole Party in a bind.
On top of all that, you have missed something….. Hillary herself has constantly denigrated the various groups that have supported Bernie and are inspired by him. And that has not changed. Her campaign continues to look down on the Bernie movement. Just one example is her telling millennials that they don’t understand what is going on and need to do their homework. Another would be her acceptance and applause for the ridiculous statements made by Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem. You may have missed many of the other examples, but people like me sure have not missed them.
You have not written one diary that takes her to task for her divisive and nasty remarks and tone when it comes to the basic ideas of the Sanders campaign. You are trying to suddenly appear neutral here in an attempt to woo people who watched you and others refrain from holding Hillary’s feet to the fire when it was sorely needed. Why would these people find your sudden embrace of Bernie believable? Why would they suddenly find Hillary someone to admire enough to vote for her?
There is a reason that 56% of this country doesn't trust her or like her. This site and the DNC have tried to ignore that, which in and of itself is insulting to many voters. This impression of her isn't based in ignorance and a lack of ‘doing their homework’. In fact, it is just the opposite.
Oh, and Bernie did not ‘concede’."
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Markos is a dimwit
obvious talking points handed down from the Clinton campaign. Not worth worrying about.
Here was my response to Kos's front page pander...
"Well Kos, I don’t know what to make of this, but my first impression is that there is a huge hole in your argument and your plea for unity. Bernie has in poll after poll either tied or was slightly ahead of Hillary on the national level. How can that be? It doesn't match the primary numbers. The only explanation is that this primary system has left out a significant number of people in this country. That is why I have continued to argue that Hillary is a weak candidate and could put the whole Party in a bind.
On top of all that, you have missed something….. Hillary herself has constantly denigrated the various groups that have supported Bernie and are inspired by him. And that has not changed. Her campaign continues to look down on the Bernie movement. Just one example is her telling millennials that they don’t understand what is going on and need to do their homework. Another would be her acceptance and applause for the ridiculous statements made by Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem. You may have missed many of the other examples, but people like me sure have not missed them.
You have not written one diary that takes her to task for her divisive and nasty remarks and tone when it comes to the basic ideas of the Sanders campaign. You are trying to suddenly appear neutral here in an attempt to woo people who watched you and others refrain from holding Hillary’s feet to the fire when it was sorely needed. Why would these people find your sudden embrace of Bernie believable? Why would they suddenly find Hillary someone to admire enough to vote for her?
There is a reason that 56% of this country doesn't trust her or like her. This site and the DNC have tried to ignore that, which in and of itself is insulting to many voters. This impression of her isn't based in ignorance and a lack of ‘doing their homework’. In fact, it is just the opposite.
Oh, and Bernie did not ‘concede’."
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Beautiful response, Fishtroller 02.
Thank you for speaking for many of us.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Both parties need major surgery
Like amputation.
I don't think that is enough, cremation perhaps
Sounds good.
I would be pleased with exposure
and leaving the corpses for the carrion birds. Nice visual.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Tibetan “sky burial.” n/t
I'm more pro-Defenistration for TPTB...
We can even set up targets on the ground and play for points.![Wink](
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
I just went over there to see what Kos had to say.
And I'm more angry than I was before reading that POS. It's condescending in its assumption that he KNOWS what I think and feel. If you just read between the lines, he's saying: look, stupid people, ya did good. Now get into line and vote for more of the same crap you've been fed for years. Well, fuck that! I've been doing this longer than he, and I think I know a thing or two. We've been blaming Reagan for all things bad in this country. The more I study the Clinton administration (and this election has assisted in that study), the more I realize how that SOB destroyed this country. He pushed NAFTA, killing really good paying manufacturing jobs. He gave the banks carte blanc to steal our pensions, homes, lives. And then he killed the most important safety net---welfare. When AFDC was abolished, it cost 1% of the entire federal budget. Oh, and while he threw all those minority youth into prison, he took away their ability to exist after doing their time by prohibiting them accessing food stamps, subsidized housing, etc.
So, NO Kos, I'm not going to get into line this time. If it takes a Trump presidency to make things so bad that even assholes like Kos will rise up, so be it. And, if he's so determined to get Clinton elected, I suggest he go out and find some of those people who never vote. Because I know too much to feel obligated to vote for some party hack. Time to look for new suckers.
Thank you, Bernie, for teaching the youth! They now know they don't have to drink the kool aid (cyanide).
Eye Opener
The Dem primary has been an eye opener for me too. Again today I received a request for $$ from the DNC in the mail. I immediately put it in the recycle bin. The one good thing is that the Postal Workers Union endorsed Bernie and I like the DNC paying a little postage. Helps the U.S. Post Office, which the Fat Cats want to destroy.
This was my "favorite:"
“Sanders remains in it to amass delegates to influence the party platform. Heck, he may even make the usually worthless piece of paper mean something. Remember, no candidate is beholden to that platform, but if there really is juice behind the Sanders movement, it can help hold Democrats accountable to it.”
Kos should remember that no voter is beholden to a party, either.
Fuck him.
This election has made me take off my rose-colored glasses and confront the true legacy of the Clinton presidency. I have been nauseated ever since. How much misery they brought--including Don't Ask, Don't Tell and DOMA.
Other than putting Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, I find very little from the Clinton era that actually helped to give the American people better lives. Shame on all of us if we vote to repeat that experience.
KOS is not groveling
He is trying to appear conciliatory and so sympathetic to the HUGE Bernie wing on his website in order to bring us back into the fold and get us to once again fall in line.
What is funny is the utter anger of the DK Clinton supporters ... Worth a visit to the GOS just to read the F sanders supporters. Who needs them diaries cluttering the rec list right now
Must be giving People like Kos a bit of well deserved agita that the PUMA people who walked when the site supported Obama are now the active participants on his website. HE wants to start to unify... They are still in PUMA mode lol
Orwell was an optimist
I'm sure that
They are having orgasms over at TOP. Screw Markos.
“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” - John Steinbeck
The usual crowd and some I have never seen before
The usual crowd and the usual results.
They have these things, these conferences with workshops and bands and all that regularly now. The usual crowd has turned into a road show that the participants have become dependent on to continue their crusades, sell their books get their speaking fees. This is just more of the same old thing.
edit: replied to the wrong comment. Oh well, never mind.
I think some of the newies (socks, zombies, agents)
that have appeared somewhat pro-Bernie will now go back under their rocks. Some of the pro-HRC agents may fade, too, except DK has to appear to have a larger group of involved. Too f'nin' bad.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Still keeping hope alive
Hopefully the prospect of a Clinton candidacy will prompt the remaining states to correct our path, and if not, then perhaps Judicial Watch (!?) can save the Democratic party from itself.
I have never been prouder
To say I live in VT. A tiny state that often leads the way.
Bernie is a huge gift for me personally. A vindication of things I have believed for years but never before experienced. That millions of Americans will embrace common decency and a sense of brother and sisterhood.
Our Great State showing the others the way
Hear, hear.
I'm relieved to live here. Literally.
I'm in southern Vermont, but, by the way things are shaping up, I wish that I was closer to the Canadian border .
Our village and town are so small that we don't have a village idiot or a town drunk. Nope, we all take turns.
Family still in the NEK and across the border.
Living ( in a manner of speaking) in Oklahoma City, my heart and brain long for communion and community with people who aren't just fucking right-wing religious nuts. The great state of Vermont has been on my mind for long before Bernie decided to run, but precisely because Bernie Sanders is your senator! That alone speaks volumes for Vermont-style sanity. Other close-to-the-border states are in the running as well, but mostly just because they're close to the damn border! I've given up on worrying about the cold months so much as worrying about whether or not I can afford to live there. Push hasn't quite come to shove just yet, but it might be a good idea to visit sometime soon. Meanwhile, thanks to all of you for making it possible for the rest of the country to become acquainted with the "heart of gold" that is Bernie.
Come visit!
The cold's not really that bad. As we like to say, "There's no such thing as bad weather ... only bad clothing!"![Wink](
If only it didn't get so cold...
I would have to consider a move.![Smile](
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
election integrity and vote count
As the path is still narrow but not impossible, I'm guessing that there will be less need for cheating on Hillary's side. It becomes easier to win by minimizing the voter disenfranchisement, avoiding the closure of stations, and quit the covert party switching. No more of those "mathematically impossible" exit polls, as Richard Charnin recently noted at
I would think that exit polling numbers should begin to appear statistically normal, for the time being at least.
I listened to Hillary gloating over the victory, but I am reminded of the saying: "pride goes before a fall."
Bernie never was so arrogant in any of his victories, he never has such hubris.
I believe that a vote is about the person, not the party. Yet people still put the scapegoat on the Green Party and Nader for the 2000 election fiasco. It was ultimately SCOTUS voting, and before that, a lack of integrity in the Florida's voting process.
I don't think the FBI will be so inclined to sabotage Hillary's campaign in such a critical point. Wishful thinking IMHO. I'm going Green or Socialist based on where Bernie is after California. I'm also planning to go back to NPA and eject the Dem. Party from my registration card, as I do not want to be associated with the dishonesty and corruption evident in this campaign once Bernie is out of the picture in Nov.
I want to see a transition from a bourgeois democracy to a social democracy in my lifetime.
I stopped watching her happy dance 20s in
I muted it immediately. Heard not a word.
Bernie's path is not impossible
There are still well over 1000 pledged delegates to decide. If people in the remaining states as well as Puerto Rico, The Virgin Islands and Guam start to feel our disgust in big enough numbers, Bernie can still win. I'll probably start to give money to Jill Stein soon, to keep the bench warm.
Beware the bullshit factories.
All things considered,
look at who he was running against.
One only needs to look at Brazil to see what the powers that be can do when it comes to politics. All the talk about third parties and revolution will be met with their full arsenal of dirty tricks. I don't expect anything other than a smaller version of Occupy and much cooptation toward the Democratic party based on fear of Trump and the right wing.
Indeed, look at the Hillsborough saga in the UK
27 years to get justice done, blocked by the government every step of the way.
Only now the conservative party has apologized for what they said in the past