Corbin Trent and Zack Exely have left the building
On Sunday April 24th an unnamed source told me that Sanders campaign staffers Corbin Trent, the founder of Tennessee for Sanders and Zack Exely, Sanders Senior Digital Advisor had left the Sanders campaign to start something called "Brand New Congress". I was also told the soft rollout for a would occur Monday.
As an admirer of Exely's work I knew he was up to something. But let me backtrack. In January 2015 Trent and Exely started touring the country as Barnstormers. These Barnstorm events we designed to draw volunteers into creating phone bank events on the spot, and to then populate these phone banks with attendees, all in a 90 minute presentation. I attended Exely's January 6th Barnstorm in New Jersey and immediately incorporated Exely's Barnstorm concept into my upcoming event on January 23rd. It was a yuge succsess, 36 attendees created 15 phone banks on the spot and by Super Tuesday had hosted 31 phone banks.
Back to the present. On April 5th Zack Exely filed with the FEC to start a PAC called Brand New Congress. The FEC posted this on their website April 6th at 11:06 pm. I found the listing at about 11:15pm, I was texting my source and texted her at 11:15, when I read that Carrie Olson was the listed Custodian of Records. Carrie Olson was first employee for and was their Chief Operating Officer until she left in2014. Zack Exely was at for a while and clearly rspected Olson's work, enough to bring her on to this new project. By all appearances this is the act of a campaign that has planned to win.
The ultimate goal?
January 2019 to
Who Knows WhenGovern!
Hopefully, we'll win a super majority in the House and take a big bite out of the Senate. In that case, we'll pass our program in the House and rally the American people to convince their Senators to support it.

What we've seen from day one from this campaign was built to go all the way. Bernie has no offline fundraising staff and except for 9 fundraising events all the campaign money has been raised online. No Presidential campaign has done this before. The Sanders campaign has built the largest Direct Voter Contact machine in the history of Presidential electoral politics. The campaign has 2 online phone bank tools, one is an autodialer that calls landlines, the second uses a custom interface that has volunteers que up cell phone numbers into an Auto Dialer. This technology was beta tested in early November and was 100% inhouse.
Volunteers that create events at have been given more powerful tools and responsibility than in any other campaign. The Ground Control tool allows event hosts to call local volunteers to get them to attend the hosts events, giving access to the campaigns volunteer list is an unprecedented act.
Its very unlikely Hillary will get 2383 delegates. She needs 59% of the remaining delegates, Bernie needs 73% of the remaining delegates. Neither candidate can realistically get to the magic number of 2383, the only question is how well Bernie does in the final stretch.
My friends, we are going to the convention.

No flashy title. Just solid
No flashy title. Just solid meat off the bone.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
So this sounds like a move to bypass 2 parties
and appropriate movement-capable Congress-folk who are not yet bought and beholden and brand new young candidates, party be damned. This seems like a vectored response to Bernie's movement to bring in new faces. Fingers crossed!!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Love the sound of this.
The proof will be in the pudding (whatever the hell that means), but this is an extremely encouraging development.
The war has just begun.
"The real power is in the hands of small groups of people and I don't think they have titles. -- Bob Dylan"
Zack is not doing this for Hillary, hes doing it for Bernie
Though it would certainly be a good counter to Hillary being POTUS.
Obama had a conservative congress and couldn't get much done. Hillary had a liberal congress and couldn't get much done.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
Yes! Petitions, blogs outrage, and opinions are fine and all
but plans and action are better.
THIS is what I've hoped to see for too long now.
I can not count the times I've said that the whole problem is we keep electing millionaire lawyers to congress.
You don't have to be a lawyer to be in congress. Congress hires lawyers you can talk to for advice and understanding.
Let's have citizen representation rather than political class representation.
Let's elect a bus driver to congress somewhere.
You bring a message of light and hope Mr. Roger Fox. I don't know who you are (people that use their real names are usually, 'somebody') and I must say whenever I see the word Fox It makes me a little nervous. Still, I'm all for a good plan with good people.
Without good people, who are lawyers, there would be NO justice.
It's the rest of them I have a problem with.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
This! This! This! A thousand times this!
"The real power is in the hands of small groups of people and I don't think they have titles. -- Bob Dylan"
Let me introduce myself
Yes, I'm somebody. I take that as a compliment. LOLZ.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
thanks for the links, my ploy worked!
Drew you out a bit for all to see there didn't I! I'm may be a nobody with a big mouth, bit I ain't too dumb.
(most days)

Mom always said not to trust anyone over 30. She was also overly fond of saying 'Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you'.
So perhaps you'll forgive me.
Thanks again for bringing this here. It certainly is time SOMEBODY did something about the mess we're in.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
I started organizing for Bernie in August.
I stood with 2, 14 yr olds who phone banked and canvassed, and host their own phone banks, College students and an 87 yr old man, Murray who canvassed and hosted canvasses - all for Bernie. all different colors of people. All united.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
Indeed we all are called.
My point is that the people need leaders and a vision to rally to. The people need to see and have practical, doable means to fulfill that vision.
I figure it's safe to say that those who help make that happen are 'somebody'.
Thanks Roger.
Peace love joy!
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
I work on a golf course, does that qualify?
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
In spades! (...)
When do you expect to finish it?
This is what tempts me to run for congress in NY-17.
Our candidates will be working people from many backgrounds and fields who:
•Are good at what they do.
•Are proven servants to their communities, families, friends.
•Have consistently passed on opportunities to sell out.
•In general, have never held or sought public office.
•Agree completely on a unified economic, social justice, and climate change platform.
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
Exciting news! I am glad to see we are going to keep moving
forward on our issues.
My biggest fear isn't a Sanders loss, it's that the movement will be left without a direction and fall apart in the event of such a loss.
This goes a long way towards alleviating those concerns.
Thanks for sharing it with us!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Yes, I'm re-energized, pumped, stoked.
I've been asked many times since 1992 if I had considered running for public office. I always said no. I'm considering running for Congress in NY-17, in 2018.
Because of
FDR 9-23-33, "If we cannot do this one way, we will do it another way. But do it we will.
Back when I was a Regional VP for AFSCME
Many of my members kept encouraging me to run for lower office in Nevada but I never gave it serious consideration due to the financial requirements.
Now, I may have to reconsider trying for some county level office or something down here in Florida.
May as well put all this public speaking experience to use...
Being Florida, I will probably get creamed though, lol!
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Go for it!
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Have at it. You may be pleasantly surprised. Best wishes.
Odd you should say that
For some reason, your posts are reminescent of Tim Canova, who's trying to primary DWS in Florida. I can't imagine that there aren't a load of people in Florida who are utterly disgusted with what they've had offered to them in the way of office holder
Letting us see the Promised Land
Amazing. Like watching someone play 3 dimensional chess. You have given me the hope to see that we a miles ahead on this game, truly.
The MSM and most candidates are locked into the same dirty, inside game. Meanwhile, Bernie and his followers are forging the movement that
is the envy of the political world, soon to be empowered in taking congress in one fell swoop.
Oh yeah...Bernie, could you please step aside now, oh and hand us your email list on the way out the door. Those on the "inside" of the dirty game,
will soon find themselves so outside it will make their heads spin.
Hillary is so focused in " I , me , and herself" that she has been fully blinded to the power of We the People. Bernie has created a powerful new movement that can take congress, then the Senate, and pass every goal and proposal he has spoken of. Best if those who belittled Bernie step aside, shut their mouths and open their eyes...they might learn something. Thank you Bernie and those forging the Brand New Congress. We now see the Promised Land and realize we have been building a superhighway to roll right in. Thank for this hope far beyond the narrow vision I was locked in. We are the People, we hold the power. Together, millions and millions of people can build the Revolution that will change our world. - Nemoshell
This is exactly what we need!
Love it, and I hope it will bring in many of Bernie's supporters. Signed up and made a small contribution so far, will easily consider a monthly donation if this thing has legs and takes off.
Truly awesome!
Truly awesome!
Corbin got me on the Bernie train...
Corbin Trent was the host for the Louisville KY barnstorming event that got an attendance of about 600 worked up in only 5 days. He was impressive and very stoked for Bernie. He had put his whole apartment into storage and hit the road for the campaign. So it will be quite interesting to see where this leads.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
If they are aiming for 2020
then this might be genuine and realistic. If it's a rebranding effort for the Dems in 2016 race, or a fundraising effort, it's astroturf. There's no time to recruit unbought candidates for Congress now. The machine candidates are in the race now.
They have it explained on their timeline
Review the timeline at:
This is about more than presidential years to be sure. I don't think this is an absolute rejection of a particular party but one where party alignment is of secondary concern. First and foremost should be the issues and the values of the candidate. It would appear that in 2017 they want to announce the candidates, and throughout 2017/2018 would be a major campaign push for these candidates. Plus, there are still some good candidates to help out, such as Tim Canova in FL.
If one believes in the movement/cause, this is what will be needed, no matter who wins the presidency.
If Bernie runs Green, we will NEED to win back the HOUSE to win.
We need the House back in any case, but in a 3 or 4 way race, the House would likely choose the President.
Thing is that in most states, the candidate filing deadline has probably already passed, so unless there is a different deadline for Green congressional candidates, we have to work with the candidates that did file.
Very very exciting stuff
THIS is the change that we need! A new organization with goals and people we can believe in who are not simply spouting election year platitudes. But I would like to know more - is this an attempt to infuse authentic liberals into the Democratic ranks or is it the building blocks of an actual new third party?
I find this especially interesting in light of the flare that KOS just sent up, pleading with Bernie supporters to stay Democrats and waste more time and years trying to change the party from within - hey! all you sublimated racist, sexist, misogynist, elitist, purity troll, impractical Bernie followers - come home and continue voting for incremental lesser evil that over time and compounding turns into greater evil (another example of incrementalism in action - it can work in both directions).
If I bother to go into that thread, I would ask the question of how change gets introduced into a party that has specifically made constructs to keep corrupted politicos in office - i.e. the super delegate system which DWS openly admitted was designed to defend against grass roots disruption.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
This is exactly what the Shillbots said we didn't have...
Over and over the $hillbots have erroneously claimed this election was all about Bernie...
How wrong they are, we saw and trusted Bernie every step of the way and we continue to do so...
Bernie was never an "I" or, "Me" candidate in contrast to Hillary...
Bernie was all about a Revolution!
I is only a small letter of many that make up the word revolution...
We are all "I's" in the revolution... But more importantly it was "Us."
The run for the presidency is not over, but it is uphill all the way and unlikely as it had been from the start...
We aren't abandoning hope and will stay until the finish...
But it is time to expand and get ready for the future of the movement and revolution's next phase...
The one that we unquestionably knew was coming...
Bernie always said it was about us...
And we knew this was true...
Time to end the siege of the establishment of the democratic party, bring forth the battering rams, and smash down the gates!
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
I signed up! Thanks for telling us about this. :)
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Just sent your post here and...
...the BrandNewCongress url to our nearly 300 strong Southeast Wisconsin KenoshaForBernie mailing list.
Compensated Spokes Model for Big Poor.