American Nuremberg - my blood just ran cold.
Juan Cole has appeared at several NetRoots meetups, long before the sell-out nature of the great orange Satan became so visible. He is one of the finest students and writers about the Muddle East that I have had the pleasure to meet. Today's article is by his contributor, Rebecca Gordon, who just authored Not al-Qaeda: Abu Zubayda as Bush’s Mengele Experiment
The entire article can be found here:
What is telling is just how many lies were told to the American public, while we tortured, partially blinded, and quite possibly drove insane an ally of the US, an innocent repeatedly and wrongly accused of being #2 or #3 in Al Qaida. Except he wasn't.
Not al-Qaeda: Abu Zubayda as Bush’s Mengele Experiment
By contributors | Apr. 25, 2016 |
By Rebecca Gordon | ( | – –
Intro: Rebecca Gordon catches the nightmarish quality of those [Bush] years, now largely buried, in the grim case of a single mistreated human being. It should make Americans shudder. She has also just published a new book, American Nuremberg: The U.S. Officials Who Should Stand Trial for Post-9/11 War Crimes, that couldn’t be more relevant. It’s a must-read for a country conveniently without a memory.The allegations against the man were serious indeed.
* Donald Rumsfeld said he was “if not the number two, very close to the number two person” in al-Qaeda.
* The Central Intelligence Agency informed Assistant Attorney General Jay Bybee that he “served as Usama Bin Laden’s senior lieutenant. In that capacity, he has managed a network of training camps… He also acted as al-Qaeda’s coordinator of external contacts and foreign communications.”
* CIA Director Michael Hayden would tell the press in 2008 that 25% of all the information his agency had gathered about al-Qaeda from human sources “originated” with one other detainee and him.
* George W. Bush would use his case to justify the CIA’s “enhanced interrogation program,” claiming that “he had run a terrorist camp in Afghanistan where some of the 9/11 hijackers trained” and that “he helped smuggle al-Qaeda leaders out of Afghanistan” so they would not be captured by U.S. military forces.
None of it was true.
The relentless nature of the torture we committed is described in more detail. If you can read through this article without feeling despair, anger, revulsion, and fear at what Americans did to this poor man, including two psychologists who were experimenting just to get data on how well their abuse worked, then you should probably vote of Hillary, Cruz, or Trump.
It gets worse:
Zubaydah’s later fate in the hands of the CIA was of a far grimmer nature. He had the dubious luck to be the subject of a number of CIA “firsts”: the first post-9/11 prisoner to be waterboarded; the first to be experimented on by psychologists working as CIA contractors; one of the first of the Agency’s “ghost prisoners” (detainees hidden from the world, including the International Committee of the Red Cross which, under the Geneva Conventions, must be allowed access to every prisoner of war); and one of the first prisoners to be cited in a memo written by Jay Bybee for the Bush administration on what the CIA could “legally” do to a detainee without supposedly violating U.S. federal laws against torture.
I do not wish to run afoul of any copyright rules, and will be contacting Ms. Gordon for permission to quote (with attribution) her article more extensively. This is a story that should be repeated again and again. It is a story that should be brought up to every presidential candidate. It should be plastered on the front page of every daily newspaper, and covered in every national and local news story. The fact that none of this is happening tells us just how rotten, corrupt, and more concerned with moeny and corporate health our system has become.

Who are the bad guys?
We have met the enemy and he is us.
The video at the end of the article is powerful too. (17 min)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Worst of all, war apologists like Hillary or pro-torture
colo-rectal life forms like Trump and Cruz SUPPORT these types of war crimes. And their willingness to say so loudly brings out a blood lust in non-thinkers and low-information voters who are their biggest fans.
Our country is doomed. We did it to ourselves.
Hillary was against torture
She much prefers straight out death by bombing.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
When they gave amnesty to the CIA for their
black sites and rendition, they dated it back to the Clinton administration. Bill and/or Hillary green lighted the rendition, probably Hillary, Bill was busy with other stuff. So when we point fingers at former administrations, we need to go back a little further in history.
Not true actually ...
As a U.S. Senator, Hillary Clinton agreed with people like Lindsey Graham and other right-wingers that Waterboarding (and similar Human Torture techniques) should be used in case of a "ticking time bomb" scenario.
This is the ridiculous argument that people use to continue Orwellian evidence-free, non-judicial, illegal, murder and oppressive slaughter over human beings, and subjugate the population -- because a bomb is about to explode and Torturing somebody will (be fun) it stop.
And, of course, the truth is that far more people people die from the actions of U.S. Foreign Policy than the number of people that have ever died from any such "terrorist" incident (which quite often are a result of CIA operations, U.S. Weapons trafficking, or Military invasion blowback anyway).
So if anyone really wants to stop a ticking time bomb, the answer is to overthrow the U.S. Government and hang people like Dick Cheney and Hillary Clinton from the rafters.....
I was being snarky
but thanks for the real information.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
it was pretty
I know I can't read 'Hillary was against torture' without chuckling.
You know, the bombing thing has all that, situation room, satellite overhead real time imagery, excitement factor going on. So. Duh.
I will say that I don't believe that Hillary would sit in a room and watch the torture of another human being.
I mean really, there are people for that.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Dunno bout that.
Just look at her reaction to the death of khadafi.
We came, we conquered, he died . . . Or something like that. Plus her trademark chortle. That is neither human nor humane. Depraved, more like it. Just as bad, she is totally clueless about the resulting mess that her policies created. A decade of civil strife is preferable to a solid, stable country whose leader thought he had understandings with the west?
Clueless? War, here or around the world,
puts money in her pocket. She knows what she's doing. As far as the unintended consequences of her policies = it adds interest to her account.
How the hell does our system give us
Trump vs. Hillary? Is that even fair? Or are space aliens laughing their asses off at our predicament?
I hate the "ticking time bomb" theory.
Throughout history, how many people have been tortured to reveal information they didn't have? Just how do you know that a certain person actually knows a particular detail?
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
If you know that a certain person actually knows a detail
chances are you know also. If it's a 'ticking time bomb' situation, time is of the essence, and you can't afford a wild goose chase on a unconfirmed answer.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Check out the book "The Devil's Chessboard"... a history
Of the Dulles bros and the rise of the CIA...utterly chilling...puts in context what has happened and continues to (can you say, Drone Wars?) In our corporate (global) military industrial nation.
I will definitely read that, thanks
But first, I must go vomit for a while.
Let's be honest. The reason behind the prohibition on Torture..
Is not because we give a shit about our enemies. We USED to give a crap about the guys on our side.
The deal was made that NOBODY tortures because we were looking out for our people. Now of course the PTB don't give a rat's ass about the peons.
Torture is back on the table in a BIG way. Same reason I fully expect to see the embrace of Nukes, Germs and Chems in this century by our military planners. They really don't give a fuck about the guy in the field, and that guides their thinking.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
We are their enemy - they shoot and torture unarmed innocent
Americans here at home. RIP Freddy Gray, Tamir Rice, Kalief Browder. We know about tasers and illegal choke holds, but what about what goes on in those made for profit prisons, from solitary confinement to selective corporal punishment. F'ing Sadists.