There are always choices- I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore
I am not sure if anyone will read this essay and I use to worry about ensuring people reviewed my commentary- but no longer. I am writing this essay for myself and anyone interested (it is my Marx manifesto, and yes Marx is my last name) in getting involved and making a difference. I am not a great writer, I want to be better, but damn it I know how to get things done. I am pissed and fired up, now is the time to get some stuff done!
I am tired of hiding in the shadows and hoping someone else will pick up the gauntlet to fix this country’s issues. That is why I moved to the state of Washington (near Seattle) from Indianapolis, Indiana. It was an insurance policy for my family and me. Move to a more progressive area of the country to be safe and avoid potential future problems and laws that will restrict my ability to live well. Well I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore- meaning I am going to do something about it.
Please note I still support and will continue to help Bernie, but the odds of him winning the nomination have become very challenging. Unless he wins several states next Tuesday, it damn near impossible for him to win the nomination. Do I like this assessment- no, and you may disagree, but one thing we need to figure out is what to do next? We can moan and complain about establishment and things being rigged, but during my lifetime, I have found this type of action to being a loser mentality- life happens, how you deal with it is what is important- life hands you lemons freaking make best damn lemonade possible.
Therefore, to me you could consider these options regarding the remaining nomination and election:
Keep campaigning and hope all things go Bernie's way, he sweeps the remaining primaries and many of super delegates flip their votes to him.
Hope that Hillary is indicated and disqualified to run and that Dems do not pick Joe Biden to run. Or hope for any number of potential things (illness, money laundering charges, an affair, etc.) that could knock her out of the race.
Hope that Bernie runs as an Independent- as of last night it appears that Bernie will officially become a democrat so I do not believe this will happen.
Do nothing and hope for the best- rage and shout against the machine but do nothing of value.
As you can see, the above options involve hope and a little bit of effort. However, to me the following is a more viable and realistic plan to me, it will involve a lot of work, but in the end will produce better and long lasting outcomes:
1) Figure out a plan to vote as a bloc- meaning gather thousands of like-minded people and get them to vote together- it is a starting point and continues our efforts to make a difference. Do you want the establishment to recognize us (as a political group) and realize we have a voice then vote together! Therefore, we debate and agree on of the following voting options:
a. Jill Stein
b. Gary Johnson
c. Other candidate
d. No vote- voting for all other candidates except at the top of the ballot demonstrate our power
e. Even freaking Trump (not an ideal option and last one in my book) but I am willing to explore the burning down the house option
2) Start efforts to figure out what we want to do going forward- Bernie has talked about a revolution but what does that mean and how do we continue it after this election- do not let the flame die! Write down our mission and platform- when something is written down it is powerful and help us focus on our goals and objectives. Moreover, this document will help explain to others and ourselves why we are fighting for a better future.
3) Create a core group of willing and engaged people that want to work to make a difference. This will be the foundation of the new party. These people will need to be willing to volunteer some time and pitch in a few bucks (we can have creative fundraisers- bake sales, events, raffles, etc.)- no idea or event is too crazy. I for one am going to go into partnership with a person in Seattle to create a new business and use some of the extra funds from this venture to help with this new party. We need to be committed- not just time, energy, but a little bit of money (sorry but that is what it will take).
4) Build this group to develop and work on a long-term plan- it will take us a little time- at least 3 election cycles to be a true player- if we work hard. The following are some ideas to help us improve our changes of successes.
a. Take over the local democratic parties- there are many non-existence county, district, state parties that would welcome us and change the party from within.
b. Join an existing minor party and build it up- Green?
c. Bring together a coalition of minor parties and forge a bigger/better party
d. Start a new party in several states and build them up.
5) Support or recruit like-minded candidates- just imagine if we could run or support candidates in several elections- town, county, district, state. Voter apathy is so low that a core group of smart hard working people could win some of these elections- start with a foundation.
6) Recruit and build the party with others- there are so many people out that if we leverage social media we can engage them and get some of them to join us. (This is what happened for various modern day revolutions- Orange and Spring). Think about this forum- there are over 100 plus active people daily commenting and posting stories each day. Think if we worked on the above and started spreading the word via social media- it will work.
7) Have fun while working with other cool and outstanding people to make a great country great for everyone. This effort would not be wasted (no matter the results)- you would be working with others to make a positive difference in our lives that would be a great cause.
My background is a project manager, and I have lead our 100+ successful technology projects. So I understand when people are engaged and work towards a common goal and cause, anything can be done. I have seen it. If each of us just gives a little bit of ourselves then we can really make a positive difference for all of us (family, friends, community, and country).
On the other hand, if you want to type on (smash) your keyboard, complain and do nothing about the current situation than that is okay.
However, I truly believe we are capable of so much more so please consider joining in this noble and just cause- turn your anger into something good! Please do something positive to help take back our country from the establishment.
All feedback is welcomed because I truly believe everyone should have a voice.

You believe something can be done...
Very well written and thought out. Thanks for writing it.
I've watched the left huff and puff for 40 years. What have we accomplished? Not a GD thing. We had something working when we took out Lieberman, but big dog showed up and bought up all the bloggers. That is when Netroots became an event instead of a movement. There are a couple of Bernie or Bust groups on FB that can't even agree on wtf it means.
What I believe is that Liberals Are Useless. Nothing is going to change. We have a genuine candidate who actually supports people over money, and we can't even beat the system to get him elected.
My option is to apply for dual citizenship and to pack up and leave the country. I don't see it on your list.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
LOL, it is on my list.
However, my intention would be to continue to write and do other things as needed to assist the movement here...just do it from afar.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I wish I had that option
Unfortunately all my ancestors arrived too early and/or were too proud of becoming Americans.
I also don't have the big pot of money that would make buying a second citizenship (eg in Canada) easier.
Lots of us in that boat I think.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Some of my ancestors stood on the shore as yours landed. = )
I do not find a problem leaving as much of US America's values are quickly becoming those which oppose mine, and I can see that they have become infectious. I do not intend to catch the disease.
I have a very limited income as I live on a Social Security check that is much lower than the average, but I will make it work because the desire is strong.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
You're so right, WindDancer
I can trace some of my ancestry to those wetbacks at Jamestown. Too bad they had to eff everything up so horrendously.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
in common with me
Another in the large list of things we share in common, TOM.....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Dkmich- my constructive feedback to your comment (sorry)
This maybe a little pointed and you may say f u- but to me that is not an option- moving out of the country. Even with all the challenges and issues, I would not trade this country for anything. There are some nice places (Germany, Switzerland, England, etc.), but this country has the best potential and represents what is best in the world. That is why I am staying to address these issues- not only for me, but my family, friends, our community, the nation, and our future.
As for liberals, you are right that do not fight as a group, but there have been major accomplishments by this group- civil rights, gay marriage, abortion rights, minimum wage increase, more government protections. Are they perfect- no, are there issues- yes, but overall it could be worse and we need to work together and freaking fight. I do not want to run from the challenges, lets all work together and fix it.
As for not agreeing that is okay, the starting point for a group or team is forming and storming, we are trying to figure things out and starting to work together- well lets do that lets understanding our points of agreement and direction then next steps. Then we can starting norming (figuring out our roles and aligning our efforts) and performing (getting things done).
It will not be easy, but damn it, there are look of smart people in this forum and community. If we each put in 5 to 10 hours a week on this project, think about the energy and effort we could have to get things done.
Wish I could do that.
Actually I could do that but I would have to forfeit my home. I still have a mortgage and cannot afford anything else.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Sell off the mortgage and go...
I'm eligible for dual citizenship with Italy - grandparents all four of them. The only reason I don't go is because my daughter and grandchildren are here. My eldest grandson is dating a girl from Brussels. They are having a transcontinental relationship until they can figure something out. Both are doing their grad work. She's in London. He is in Colorado. They take turns flying back and forth. He thinks she could be the one for him. He loves Europe. He might turn out to be our family's underground railroad to freedom.. I also saw a nice condo in Tulum. I'm getting restless - need a change.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
We tried selling it, dkmich
but the market in our rural area is very depressed and not one person looked at it in a 12 month period, so we're stuck, unless, as I said, we walk away, which I don't want to consider as an option because we only owe five more years. So............................
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
♫♫ “Liberals are useless” to the tune of the theme from M*A*S*H
(“Suicide is painless”).
Liberals are useless
they bring on zero changes

I can take or leave them if I try
Sounds like a fun parody. I just can't remember all the words!
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
dkmich, I emigrated out of a bad situation - apartheid SA.
If Italy is an option for you, my advice is go now, go fast, take as many kids with you as you can. Get settled in on the other side as fast as can be done. Europe will face lots of problems - from climate to migrants. But nothing like what's barreling down the pike here.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Climate wise
I'm not so sure Italy is a wise choice. Check the projected maps before you go.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Good idea that, dennis. I pulled out of a beautiful ocean-front
35-acre property in Nova Scotia three years ago after seeing the climate maps. Yikes. It's good advice wherever you are. If you live along the coasts, or in the SW USA, or along inland waterways, or in developments on historical floodplains, it's a good idea to check the climate maps for your very area.
Also, think carefully about living in dense urban settings. Or dog forbid, the suburbs. Do a little creative brainstorming with your family: "What would we here in suburb x cope?"
These are our times and the times facing us from here on out. Climate scientists are 99% sure that 2016 will be hotter than any other year before. We progressives face both increasing political chaos and wrenching local climate change. Tick-tick, tick-tick, tick-tick.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Ahh I see you're ahead of me here. Why Italy though?....
I haven't looked at the maps for Europe much.
From seeing some US projections I had just assumed that Italy would be too far south.
I think Minnesota, the Boundary Waters, Great Lakes areas and north have promise, for awhile at least.
If I was a Canadian no way no how I'm moving to anywhere near SW U.S.A.
I think we're going to have a hot summer.
And if that don't get their attention.
Next year will.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Rome is roughly 2 degrees farther *north* than Philadelphia
Climatewise it’s hard to match Europe and North America by latitude, because the Gulf Stream, the Mediterranean, and warm air out of Africa all have big effects.
Have you seen this petition?
Kshama Sawant: Why I'm Petitioning Bernie to Run Independent
By Kshama Sawant, Seattle's socialist City Councilmember
I agree with all of your suggestions to take action. I am in rural Texas, so I am still pondering how to proceed.
IMO Bernie should not quit before the convention. Bernie should not quit after the convention. The movement must continue to accelerate!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Signed, thanks!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Proudly signed! (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Already signed!
Thank you for the exposure!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Thank you!
A backdoor so to speak would
A backdoor so to speak would be to vigorously campaign for election reform. An election reform movement could get wide ranging support all across the county. Many republicans want election reform. The approach of their leaders has been to suppress votes but I believe rank and file repubs just want fair and honest elections. People want honesty. For regular people honesty knows no party. People will vote for politicians even if they disagree with some of their policies if they perceive the candidate to be honest. It begins with the election process and the election process itself is the first and crucial step to an effective government (real or perceived). It is far easier to have and promote government solutions to problems if the government is perceived as effective. A non-partisan election reform effort could gain big momentum, especially now. If we were able to have things like same day registration, voting holiday, more expansive exit polling, mandatory voting machine audits, hell I'd even be willing to go with id verification if some of these other ideas happened, then the amount of people brought into the voting process would dramatically increase. Confidence in the election process would build. This would either force the two parties to serve the ever growing voting population or would open the door wide open to other parties or policy coalitions.
It's true right now like it was back then. The old devils are at it again. When I say devil you know who I mean these animals in the dark malicious politicians with nefarious schemes charlatans and crooked cops. - 'Old Devils' William Elliot Whitmore
I will go back and finish reading, but first
I want/need to say that the following is not an "option." It is a priority:
Slightly different take on this: Trying to pigeonhole people to support a particular candidate/party won't work. Instead of organizing around candidates (even if Sanders wins), people need to organize around principles. Two of the first things that need to be done, IMO, are election reform which includes Citizens United and voting rights. Organizing around a central idea that most can agree on and showing others HOW to organize are key to making changes. Coalitions formed between people who will have many differing views on other topics can probably agree that nothing else can be done until the people can be heard.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I agree. I with Bernie until he either wins the nomination
or calls it quits. If/when he calls it quits, that's when all this Plan B strategy stuff comes into play (for me anyway).
Of course given the way the Dems are sabotaging Bernie on a daily basis, it doesn't hurt to start the discussion.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
I am pretty sure that Sanders intends
quite seriously to go all the way to the convention. Quitting is not an option for him. If he were to up and quit, many people will give up in discouragement and that is not what he wants. It is up to us to make sure that he has a path to the convention.
While I entertain thoughts based on What if he doesn't get the nomination, I am with Sanders 100% (other than supporting HRC which, I guess, would make it 99%) whether he gets the nomination or not. The reasoning behind those thoughts is based on how to best continue what he has made clear needs to be changed. It is a starting point, not the finish line.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Same here but what is the long view???
My question- where do we go next?
If we have a plan and people work the plan- anything is freaking possible. We put a man on the moon in less than a decade with limited technology (our smartphones have more computing power than the ones they use for the space program). So that is my challenges to everyone, what do you want to do? Do we do the same thing over and over and hope for the best or different results or do we continue Bernie's movement?????
Where do we go next
is dependent on each individual person's capabilities and interests. For those who are able, they begin by talking to their neighbors. They attend local city and school board meetings. They listen and then talk to the neighbors again. They continue to learn and share that learning. They with their neighbors begin to advocate for changes or improvements. It snowballs eventually into the long view with changes that encompass the needs and values of the many.
I love technology. It is currently the only thing that keeps me connected with people. But for others (and for even me when I am able), it is time to set it down and make real human connections.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I will be driving down to Portland to meet with C99ers
We must leverage all of our talents and skills to make "IT" happen. But what is "IT" that we want??? That is our next big step- why do we want a revolution?
sounds like fun....eom
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Enjoy your trip and meeting up with people
"It"...would need to start with the things that block the other things getting done...things such as voting rights, election and campaign reform and Citizens United.
Why? It is going to vary with each individual and what affects them most and what values they hold most dear. There is going to be a lot of common ground though.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Agreed. Bernie won't quit
But we all need to think about what we do if he loses at the convention and then is forced to tell the Revolution to vote for Hellery. Which speaking for myself, I will not do.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Sanders is quite intelligent, and I trust him
to voice his support of a Democrat as president but not in terms of an endorsement. I am guessing, if it comes to that, his speech would be a reminder of what we are fighting for. He will leave the option up to us of how we want to pursue that change.
It should be noted that the revolution has already started. Look at all of the actions that are happening now. Many of both the left and right have closed their eyes to it because they do not understand how deeply rooted it is. They think it will go away with Sanders. They are wrong. Sanders knows the truth of it, and he will not say or do anything that will reverse that awakening.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Great points
We can be very powerful if we treat this as a grand project that we all work on.
Beware the bullshit factories.
It is the project for the liberal voice
That is why I think of it an undertaking (project)- but need some help and efforts by others. Too many of us have been on islands, now we must join together figure out what we want, figure out a plan then just do it.
Starting a new party is a massive undertaking.
Just my 2 cents...
I was looking at the Green Party website today ( ) and started browsing all the tabs at the top of the website. That will give you a sense of all the things you'd have to deal with. It will take lawyers (ie $$$), accountants, all sorts of specialists and lots of people.
My preferred option is to join with the Greens who have already done the leg work to establish/register its party. That's a mountain of work you won't need to tackle. The still need to collect petition signatures to get on the ballot in half of the states. The Greens platform is almost identical to Bernie's platform.
The twitter tag #BernieOrBust has a lot of the audience you want to reach to get the "Revolution" headed in the right direction. Also there probably a BernieOrBust reddit group. Will be like herding cats I'm sure.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Anything worthwhile is hard
If we want something then why not work and fight for it!!!
If joining with the Greens works for you and everyone then I am fine with it. But we need to understand to reap the harvest we must plant the crop we want.
focus on climate change
My training is as a scientist. We may well be past the tipping point...there may be so much carbon in the air that run away change is inevitable.
If y'all think party manipulation against Bernie is our chief challenge, think about all the efforts to stall any changes to our energy sector. How's Exxon et al going to react to the keepitintheground movement? It will make the attacks on Bernie seem mild.
We've got a real fight on our hands well past this election, and we better put climate change at the center of the discussion and debate. We better put carbon reduction into action yesterday. We see the beginnings of the effects today. Look at Texas right now. By the end of this decade we will see far worse.
It's not really about the party, it's about the planet and the survival of the species. The Paris accord is a sad joke and barely a beginning step. Not meaning to be a downer, but I think the fight to deal with climate change will make the obstruction we face in this election seem small.
May be the Green Party is the logical next step?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Your post explains my use of the guillotine
We get their attention and action now, right now!
We don't have much time, if there is still time.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Climate change is our greatest threat
All the young people I have talked with recognize this and it is a big part of why they support Bernie in overwhelming numbers. If he does not make it to the Presidency, we must already be working on ways to mobilize against the fossil fuel industry. Remember that a 1/2 million people marched over climate change and it got very little coverage by the MSM.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Make our votes count *and* build an organizing tool?
There was wide-ranging discussion in Alphalop's post: .
I'm going to just cut/paste my comment from that diary instead of re-working it to fit more neatly into your concerns, Borkrom.
There has been much discussion here over the last several days about the general questions of 'Where do we go from here?' and 'How do we keep this movement alive until we can develop into a meaningful political force?'
I came up with an idea -- or maybe it's just the seed of an idea -- that could (I think) allow Sanders supporters to unify and move forward no matter what happens with the elections from here forward. What I'm describing below is a mechanism for unity and forward action, with the content and direction to be determined. See what you think.
My point
is that we have many talented (with a wide array of interests and knowledge) and passionate people freaking right here. If we truly want to bring about positive change- we need to figure what we want to do and then focus our skills and energy to make it happen.
Anything is possible if we set our minds and focus our skills on it.
If there were 100 of us that cared and worked 5 hours a week on our efforts- that would be 500 person hours a week and over 25,000 hours a year (only counted 50 weeks in the year, eliminated 2 weeks for time off holidays/vacations/illness) to work on our goals! Do you what that would mean- that would be like 12 people working full time annually on our goals!!!!!
Please think about and consider this opportunity to start taking back our country!
My Musings on what to do Next
I bet most of us were rethinking everything after NY. Here is what I wrote at 3am and posted at Kossacks for Sanders.
Thank you for adding your voice to the song
I like your thoughts and feedback. That was the purpose of this essay- I wanted for people to realize that "WE" together can accomplish anything. Besides helping Bernie and working on the upcoming election- where do we go from here?
I am not tied to a party right now (because most of them are exclusive clubs); therefore, I want us to work together and make a positive difference as a team.
Finally, I am no longer afraid or passive, I only have 20 to 25 good years left on this planet and my/our time is now to fix all the crap made by others. I want my children, their children, and their/everyone's children to live in a country and planet that is great not okay or good enough. Now is a time for action and a call to arms!
Hi Borkrom, excellent essay mate. Profound, real questions.
May I suggest another alternative? First, understand that working on the national questions is not only outside of your control, but also not controllable because of runaway climate change already chnaging everything on the planet too fast.
Therefore, I suggest you throw all your efforts into what you can control: your personal resilience and that of your local area - neighbours, street block, neighbourhood.
Work on the practical skills, knowledge, infrastructure, strength of mind, strength of will, resources to make you, your family, and your local groups as resilient as possible in the face of climate change and political chaos. You've already done exactly that by moving to WA. Now, just bring it all home - direct all the anger into resilience right where you are.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Gerrit- I thought you might throw some feedback my way
Thank you for these insights, and we are the same page. If the shit hits the fan, my family and I will be okay. I have been working on this effort for 15 years. My preparation efforts have been to increasing my knowledge, my health, my wealth and ensure my family is okay. Guess what, we will be okay, but I am tired of living or thinking about just of only my own and having a bunker mentality- do not get me wrong and that is not the exact term or sentiment you are suggesting. You are advocating self sufficient thinking and living which is great, but damn it there is so much more that can be done to help everyone (community).
My desire is to harness the energy and efforts of more than just myself. If there are some interested people then guess what we have the power of the group to make a positive difference.
Remember no man (or woman) is an island- if things get bad then everyone is impacted no matter how many preparations have been made.
By the way, if I am off base then please tell me to piss off or go to bloody hell
By the way, you spelled neighborhood wrong 
What to do next is wait
I am an impatient fellow, and I think I am in good company here. However, sometimes we just have to suck it up and wait for things to unfold. I sincerely believe Obama does not want a President Trump. I also know Obama is a very smart fellow. I truly believe that things are unfolding beyond public view to make sure Hillary is not allowed to run in the GE. This belief helps me sleep at night right now. I certainly have no inside information, but I am just observing the writings about the FBI investigation becoming more outspoken.
Time is something I am tired of wasting
I get it, patient is a virtue and something times it works for defense and take a wait and see attitude. But I have waited for years and I am freaking tired of waiting- we need to build upon recent successes. We need to create a sense of urgency with a plan.
The fix is in for Clinton. The only other answer is Joe Biden to the rescue. I agree with your assessment of Obama is sharp but why is it taking the FBI so long. To me this is liking waiting for a Hillary to be hit by a meteor- it could happen but not holding my breath.
Many things can happen from now until the election- but my plead is to start the work now.
Schadenfreud and stubborness
make me excited for Bernie to hang in there until the Convention, or until Hillary can't cover her butt anymore about the email server. If Bernie isn't running for President I will register Green and vote for Jill Stein. I was going to vote for some of the down ticket Dems, but watching Democratic party drones cover themselves in filth and act like their Queen is making me so sick I don't care if the whole slate gets booted. I voted Green in the 2012 Presidential election, and couldn't believe how freeing it was to know my vote went to someone admirable, who shares my beliefs and who is not a two faced lying corporate whore.
Gary Johnson
Seems like a nice guy but there's no way I'd vote Libertarian. If their philosophy were taken to its logical conclusion, we would go back to where the toughest and meanest get everything and the rest of us or borked.
Actually, I'd like to have a conversation with the Green Party.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
I agree
Do not like this option, but it is one. My vote is to get all of us to vote as a bloc that would get people to sit up and take notice.
Think about this fun will fact- what would happen (media and pundits if the Green Party received 10% of the vote (would like it to be higher, but feel not everyone would follow thru). That would be a huge shock and send a freaking message.
I think so too
and I would like to see us vote as some kind of block, to let the Democratic party get the message that either they become a viable progressive party and start addressing the critical issues we face today, or we'll form another one and put them out of business. Of course that sounds like pie in the sky, but if we don't even try then shame on us. And I tend to think the young will try this time, and maybe a lot harder and louder than ever before. Things are going to get bad, and they'll be worse for the young in so many ways.
And I'm in WA too, Seattle area. I admit I've never engaged this much at the primary stage, so I am not sure if I can vote Green or not, but if I can I think I will. I think that's a great idea to send them a message that it isn't just low Dem turnout, but the outright rejection of their ConservaDem turncoat ways, and that we see it too. It isn't like they're trying to hide it anymore either.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
We need to vote as a bloc!!
I will not vote for Hillary, but I will vote with everyone else. But we need to vote as a bloc- let our voices be heard!
A National Write-in Campaign
I have been told that states make it difficult because the names have to be precisely spelled the same, etc.
Forget about organizing a new party. Organize a write-in campaign and possibly include congressional state and national Dem or Repub candidates who espouse progressive values.
Voters go into the voting booth with the flyer describing precisely how to write everyone in.
We absolutely need to do this in Texas. The deadline for filing was mid-December - far too early to recruit good candidates here. Most republicans are running uncontested.
DumbAss Joe Barton is my rep here.
Paul Wellstone and Jesse Ventura were both write-ins in MN.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
good idea- just need everyone to follow thru
It is just easier to find the name on the ballot.
My goal for this option is block vote of us to vote together.
For now, I keep fighting for Bern, strongly recommend everyone
else do the same. Phone bank, canvass, write all over the Internet. He's not done yet.
Afterward, see how it goes. If he goes to the convention with the most votes but they shut him out, then we know we have enough votes to become the major party and can consider maybe the Greens. But probably either he'll be our nominee, or he won't be close with the votes. If the Dems have the majority of votes, then I think we're better off sticking with the party.
And I think we can take it over. Look at how they've abandoned the 50-state strategy. A lot of local races have hideous Repubs with no Dem competition. It's like all they care about is the Presidency. So let's join our local Dem parties if we haven't yet, and run for offices no one else wants. Start with the small offices, work our way up. Once we have connections and experience, we will be pretty much in charge. If they've become lazy, and it sure looks like they have, then we can take over. Run our own progressive campaigns, don't listen to current campaigners who think everyone should run as Repub Lite. We've seen how often that's a losing strategy. Once we win, they'll like us more. Boring to be the local dogcatcher or school board member, maybe. But that's how a party builds.
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I'm as mad as hell also!
I'm 66 year old Army veteran and I have given up on the Democratic party! We need to keep the revolution going! A viable third party that is progressive is the only answer. The Green party is nation wide and the Working Families Party is establishing a national base. They both are progressive, but they are both minor parties. If they combine and progressives join the new entity we will have more power!
Thank you, we need to work together
Good comment and you are right as rain.