The intentional delousing of Dems by ? ? ?
Could this be POSSIBLE? I know there have been some phony blogs from snarky web sites that got many people out on a limb. As Sanders supporters and with some of the DWS dirty tricks, it could very well be true.
April 19, 2016. New York. The New York Board of Elections and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio have confirmed that 126,000 have been dropped from the voters roles since October 9, 2015 in Kings County (Brooklyn), where Bernie was born and raised. According to other reports approximately 60,000 Brooklyn Democratic voters registrations were altered, removing these registered Democratic voters from the Democratic voter roles, after April 1, 2016.
It is a long read but if this is true someone ought to go to jail......
Under New York law, these registrations could not legally be altered (not even by the voters, themselves) after October 9th of 2015 . This means there was probably some illegality in the alteration. Because New York has a closed primary, those illegally dropped from the voters' rolls could not vote a countable ballot.
It may be that a change of venue may be required to uncover the dirt.
On Friday, April 15, 2016, a lawsuit was filed by Election Justice USA on behalf of Democratic voters with altered registrations. The group also would have filed on behalf of Republicans, but, according to an Election Justice USA spokesperson, no Republicans contacted them with stories of altered registrations. The suit will be decided after the election, meaning that those voters who voted affidavits or provisional ballots that are not being currently counted might have their ballots counted at a later time. Because of Clinton's ties to the New York power establishment, the case might have to moved to the federal courts to bear results.
Is the HRC campaign desperate enough to go this deep into the gutter?

Gutter rats. The Clinton Crime Family learned it's lessons well
Henry Kissinger is smiling somewhere tonight.
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
Um.... before we go all CT on Clinton
Is there any shred of evidence that Clinton was behind this or it harmed mostly Sanders voters? I thought Hillary took Brooklyn by like 60/40.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
This from the article linked above.
The irregularities did not end with alterations of registrations. Reports from various sources provide accounts of votes being switched from Sanders to Clinton while voters were powerless to vote their ballots for Sanders. More common are concerns about vote flipping where, in less than a minute, a computer programmer can flip a county's vote to switch the vote totals such that the loser winds up the winner. This has been testified to by programmers who designed the programs to do just that. Two of the top researchers in this area are Bev Harris and Bob Fitrakas. This would explain why the exit polls showed higher Sanders totals among those who actually were allowed to vote than the final results.
Making it more difficult for voters, polling places were closed in precincts where Sanders was expected to obtain higher totals. Voters, who were still registered Democrats, were told to vote provisional ballots, which aren't being counted as of yet, if ever. Other polling places were moved and provisional ballots, which might one day be counted, were handed out at the new polling places.
In areas supporting Sanders, an additional problem involved polling places cutting 6 (six) hours out of the time they were open, making it difficult for working class people to vote.
this is why i've become a permanent absentee voter
there is a record of my vote on paper. no machine eats my vote and gives it to someone else.
me too but I was just wondering which trash can
they tossed my in.
me too but I was just wondering which trash can
they tossed my in.
While I am strongly against electronic voting
The business about vote flipping is theoretical in this instance. In fact that article strung together events and theories seamlessly from multiple states without citation and without documentation. Some of it was flat out CT. For instance, the business about voting locations with shorter hours is true but it's been true for quite some time now. It isn't Bernie specific.
Without citations or documentation and given what I know about some of the events it alludes to I simply can't get behind that article. It's not solid reporting.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
no citations
Yeah, taking a few minutes to briefly look over the site, I see no citations anywhere.
It doesn't mean there is no truth in any of the statements, however the site does seem a bit weighted toward the side of speculation.
One interesting point I haven't seen mentioned elsewhere is about record changes made after the October deadline for changing one's registration. What changes WERE made after that deadline? That's something that deserves investigation.
As well as what percentage of disenfranchised voter complaints involve persons identifiable as likely Sanders voters.
I am not sure what is happening
but NY Atty General, Schneiderman is investigating formally. Is Uncut a credible news source? Oh goody, even the NYTimes reports that.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Hope you read my comment further down
. . . about political hacking.
My intentions were to reply, but didn't do it right!
My point is that the discussion in the article is valid, although I wouldn't blame HRC personally.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
pls give links to what you are saying, most interested to read
thank you for your input; what you describe is what seems self evident; we need to nail down the evidence! Thanks
Sea Turtle
Not sure
I would put nothing past them, and I believe if they thought it was the difference between winning and losing, they would not hesitate. But I believe that area is heavily AA and exit polls show HRC may have won the missing votes. Just speculation.
But, the Feds need to be involved for sure. Sign my petition for exactly that, on a broad scale?
"The nightlife ain't no good life, but it's my life."
Stirring the POT
On April 20th at 4 P.M. a protest is planned at the Brooklyn Board of Elections, 345 Adams Street, 4th Floor, New York 11201.
Hundreds of voters are mad as hell and are storming the NY Board of Elections. Some heads may roll.
NGP Van software culpability
NGP Van, which also has access to the information by virtue of being in charge of the DNC databases for both campaigns, also has had access since that time to information about which Democrats support Bernie Sanders. Oddly, these are the ones being disenfranchised. NGP Van has ties to the Clinton campaign and to Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Clinton's former campaign manager. The only person who could have benefited from the voting irregularities would have been Hillary Clinton or someone who hoped to gain through a Clinton Presidency.
My daughter has been a contributor to Bernie's campaign since
the beginning, and she has lived in the same location and voted in the last election and was purged from the roles. I vote absentee and am hoping my voted actually gets counted before its tossed in the trash.
I'm reminded of 2000
when a lot of voters were removed from the Florida voting rolls.
And we all remember what happened in Florida.
Happened to my 93 yr old aunt who's been living in the same
place and voting in every election forever - in 2016 = PURGED. So far three of my family members have been removed from the voting roles this year.
oops double entry
It’s O.K. when a neocon-approved Democrat does it.
Political hacking is not a conspiracy theory . . .
I personally witnessed an example of this. I am a mild to moderate geek, having been a technology teacher who administered servers and wrote interactive web page code.
When the affordable care act came online, I was there to sign up. It was being actively hacked right at that moment. It took me a bit to figure this out, but when I created my login and password, it was automatically converting my password from lower case to all caps. So when users would go back to login, the login wouldn't work. After several attempts to create a login that worked, I did the "forgot your password?" thing and discovered the hack.
Most people would not have gotten that far, nor would they have known that it could not be a mistake in coding that would have converted their passwords to all caps. It was deliberate.
So someone . . . somewhere . . . hired hackers to attack
I believe also that someone . . . somewhere . . . hired individuals to seek programmer positions in the project. Why? The design was terrible. Any dumb butt with minimal web experience would have seen it. When you filled out the form on, it required you click on "next" after each question in the form, rather than filling out many questions or even the whole form before clicking on "next" or "submit." This was a significant flaw because every time you click on "next" you are sending a command to the server. By increasing the number of commands sent to the server by probably 30 for each form, the servers became severely overloaded.
I think we see these two things clearly happening in this election. Individuals are being hired by someone somewhere, to seek positions within Bernie's campaign for the purpose of screwing things up. The North Carolina woman is one example, and also Bernie's computer dude who went into HRC's database, yet was recommended by the DNC, is another.
And someone somewhere is hiring hackers to hack voter registration roles. I doubt that person is part of the official Clinton campaign. If she is orchestrating this stuff personally, that would be extremely foolish. But there are plenty of rich guys with money to burn out there who do not want Bernie to win. She doesn't need to do it herself.
I think this would be a good job for Anonymous to take on . . . find the facts and the data trail in these cases and get the information in the hands of someone who can take further action. I don't know if they do that sort of thing.
So . . . if you are a bit of a computer geek, you understand that there is already enough information out there to know it is not a conspiracy theory. But of course, for legal action to be taken we need hard evidence.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
voting machines
Your story sounds likely. Not only do we disenfranchise people by manipulating registrations, but also directly stealing votes by hacking voting machines. No wonder people feel like it is useless to vote. Here in the 3rd world state of Alabama, we still have scantron style paper ballots. I like mail in ballots best...I guess Oregon has that system.
From a couple of years ago:
There's even video about how to hack voting machines. Here's a look at the machines from Princeton:
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Vote by mail I believe is the reason vote progressive.
Not impossible but, harder to do a last minute voter disfranchisement. For example, if apartment numbers were left off a mailing address (as in Brooklyn) in an apartment complex, someone would notice before election day. If my ballot had a change in party affiliation, it would be noticed before election day. The problems can be addressed prior to the election.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
We had paper ballots this year!
I don't know if that will hold for the general - but it really should. I don't know who decided it either, I should find out.
but it was the old style where you fill in the circle, like on the SATs. No hanging chads, no completely untraceable digital vote.
If they had to manually count them, they absolutely could.
This needs to happen with all voting across the country. There is no excuse for something so important to be digital, especially now that we know how easily any digital system can be compromised.
Paper ballots are not foolproof either
They can be (and historically have been) hacked, but it's considerably more hassle.
Lookout should remember that Don Siegelman had his re-election stolen out from under him and was then railroaded into prison - where he still is, long after he should have been (at least) paroled.
If TPTB could get away with that on a national scale, do you think they'd hesitate?
There is no justice. There can be no peace.