Design and Art Style minus government propoganda.
I have had it with this selection. I just don't give a shit about who gets selected to become the latest greatest representative of the free world. Oh Yeah! Yahoo! for Bernie even though you can't vote for the Brooklyn Deli Guy due to clerical errors or slips ups in your voter registration or where and when you last voted and how you defined yourself.
My OT is inspired from a comment from Marylin (Agathina) in one of the dreaded meta essays where she said lets have more art and design. So here you go some art and design that is from my book of good street, fine art that is outside the gates of Eden.
Take it or leave it but here's my short sweet biased essay on street, political, outside graphic and 'fine ' art. To me it's all fine. I used to sell my art history notebook for a good price in college so I'm no dummy about this subject... however somewhere we all lost it.
I start my story in Russia 1914?-Stalin I learned this story in the 1980's when a traveling art show of this school of Russian graphic art came to LA and I laid my Bauhaus loving eyes on it.
Russian Constructivism.
Constructivism is an art movement which originated in Russia in the 1920’s. It rejected art as an autonomous idea, but favored it as a social one. Constructivists supported the Bolshevik government. They were involved in public life. Vladimir Mayakovsky (1893-1930), the Russian poet, playwright and artist declared: “the streets are our brushes, the squares our palettes” Constructivists not only employed the plastic arts as their means of expression, but expanded to the areas of industry, graphic design and the performing arts.... They employed angular and geometric shapes in their composition. Constructivism influenced other art movements of the twentieth century, such as Bauhaus and De Stijl.
Since my topic here is graphic visual art and so called fine art art that springs forth in times of turmoil and oppression these are my examples of the early pre Stalin Russian commie people's fine and not so fine art. My picks of art are not political but my personal picks as far as art goes. So enjoy it as art for art sake. money for god sake. Got no idea who this artist is but I like it.
I love El Lissitzky. He's 's not your literal propagandist but a fine abstract artist dude...
Here's a poster named 'Beat the Whites with the Red Edge' The whites being the Russian's who were no good at all.
'Aleksander Mikhailovich Rodchenko 1891 – December 3, 1956) was a Russian artist, sculptor, and photographer.
Rodchenko was one of the most versatile Constructivist and Productivist artists to emerge after the Russian Revolution of 1917
Skipping over 99 years of graphic political art we come to Shepard Fairey of the Hope Obama poster fame. We move beyond his iconic Hope poster as he has moved on, thank god. Here is one of his 'Obey' pieces created after he saw what a bait and switch Obama was. He used Rodchencko's eye ball poster for this poster.
To be continued in another OT which will take up after the Russians and move into past and contemporary poster, aerosol and fine artiste's.

Art for arts sake
This is part 1 of the story. I meant to write the story that would lead from this part to Zap, graffitti, OWS, and now. I quickly realized it that it's too long a tale for one OT.
Blue Rondo
More blue
Learn to obey...
I see you..
That Style appeals to my design sense, as well.
It recalls the lines and curves of Kandinsky, also Russian, and then the Bauhaus, and Le Corbusier.. Have you seen Villa Savoie? Lines and curves. Very high symbolism. Now surrounded by expanding Paris.
Now I am tumbling through recall. La charette as a typeface, also Corbu, carried forward by artists like Robert Indiana, in his iconic LOVE design (I have a gallery poster of that, 1966). FLWright went about it another way, lovely architecture like FallingWater (terrible engineering from an engineer by education) and also beautiful but dysfunctional furniture.
I osmosed architecture from my late husband. Did the tours, have a designed home with a Name, Dogwoods. The dogwoods on the surrounding "estate" went extinct locally after the build, victims of dogwood anthracnose. And now go the ash trees, by the emerald Ash Borer. Ramble, ramble.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
More art and design always!
The British group of musicians and comedians who made up Red Wedge took their name from the Beat the Whites With the Red Edge poster.
The group only existed for five years between 1985 and 1990 but made quite an impact and had some of the UK's best known artists as active members.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Thanks stevej
I didn't know about The Red Wedge. What a great group of musicians...
Here's Elvis playing with them
It was a big deal at the time
to be honest I didn't know that until I saw the poster (which I've seen before many times) and wondered this time for some reason, if their was a connection. Sure enough, there was.
Also very much into constructivism and fascinated by its connection with futurism (which of course, has some very dubious violence and fascism connections).
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Bernie art
I've been collecting Bernie art as we go along (including over 300 songs...most of which are pretty bad, but some are quite good) But today's theme seems to be visual poster art. Here's some you may not have seen. Art is powerful. I think it touches us in ways beyond words. I hope y'all don't mind all my picture posting, and hope you enjoy these few examples of Bernie art. Interesting how the hair and glasses are a visual theme.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
When you are only beating Louisiana,
something is very wrong.
(any bolding is mine)
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Gee Purge All The Voters, Then Low Turnout
"You know that Something is happening but I don't know what it is, do you Mr Jones." Ballad of a Thin Man, Bob Dylan
In totally related news,
Hillary Clinton Delegate Will Oversee New York Primary Audit
"Scott Stringer, the New York City comptroller who ordered the audit of the New York City Board of Elections, is on the record as a Hillary Clinton delegate."
No one could have seen that one coming. Hahahha.
The Taint just keeps following Hellery.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
AAarrrrrgggggg!!!! $%^^#$^$^%$#%!!!
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For all of the self-flagellating
must vote Hillary people and Nader bashers. Great article on #BernieOrBust, Nader, and the manipulation of voters.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
More misdirection..somebody call the UN.
[video: width:300 height:300][video:
width:400 height:300]
So the embed didn't work. Let's try this. Nope, not the url either. Here is the link.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Lenin had enough brains to know free artists...
do better work than artists in chains.
Hence why he funded the Soviet film industry for so many years. They came up with some of the most unique techniques that we still see in film today. They really perfected the "Message" film, and the manipulation of emotions on a visual/audio front.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
was wonderful. Then the artists went into exile, the gulag, or silence. Because Stalin & Co. determined everyone should produce paintings of tractors.
in hope:
Malevich, when he knew the "revolution," had failed:
He was buried beneath his Black Square. Of which he had said, "It is from zero, in zero, that the true movement of being begins."
Naomi Klein responds to Leap critics
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First Nations News
Prince has died
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More Trump verbal diarrhea
Trump: Putting Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill is ‘pure political correctness’
The racist SOB just can't keep his pie hole shut.
Quick where are all the Trump apologists that keep trying to convince me that his really a nice guy. Hahahha.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
says The Hairball:
Of course The Hairball would cleave closely to Jackson. For Jackson was notorious for hurting and killing brown people. Just as The Hairball vows to do.
Thanks, stuff that I'm not remotely familiar with.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good Morning, shaharazade,
all I remember is having had a book with poems by Vladimir Mayakovsky when I was seventeen (in German). I don't think I understood him well, but sensed something special in his poems. I wonder if I have that book still in my boxes.
Unfortunately reading through your OT, I just watched the video "Learn to Obey". I have difficulties to watch it. I am too old to be fascinated (even if it is artistically well done) by cruelty in humans. My tendency is to not wanting to look at torture scenes anymore, even not artistic ones. Rather want to block all of it out of my view.
So, did Majakowski (that's German spelling of his name) killed himself or was he killed?
Vladimir Mayakovsky:
Hmm, might be fun to read his book "My discovery of America".