Sidney Blumenthal email to Hillary Clinton may be crux of FBI investigation
For those following the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton the following article will be interesting. "Why Hillary Clinton will be indicted," by Chetan Hebbale, provides the best summary of the possible charges and evidence that I've found so far. Published in the Chicago Journal of Politics it contains several dozen links per page to document a wide variety of sources.
Now that it looks like Secretary Clinton is likely to be the Democratic nominee, we all need to become more familiar with the facts of the case. Despite how consequential this could be, I haven't written much on this topic out of concern for "spreading right-wing memes." There is no doubt many groups and authors have engaged in a 40 year campaign to vilify Hillary Clinton with totally false allegations and I would include the recent congressional group among these. After her 9 hour plus interrogation I was tremendously impressed with Secretary Clinton's performance and relieved to see that hearing was just another vacuous witch hunt.
Unfortunately, just as previous major investigations into bogus political charges have turned up evidence of other crimes, the bogus investigation in the "Benghazi incident" has produced evidence in Clinton's emails that appear to contain compelling evidence of as many as 8 possible violations of law this author believes could be prosecuted. Even is the DOJ should decide not to prosecute even just the data that is already public is taking an escalating toll as more learn and react to it.
If this evidence turns out to be valid it will be extremely damaging to Clinton. You really have to read this whole brief which apparently is a shortened summary of the authors longer article. Here are a few snippets.
There are several laws surrounding the mishandling of classified information which are spelled out under Title 18 US Criminal Codes and Procedures. The two statutes federal investigators are most interested in are Title 18 U.S. Code § 1924 and Title 18 U.S. Code § 793. A violation of Section 1924 is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine and up to a year in prison, while a violation of Section 793, “The Espionage Act”, is a felony punishable by a fine and up to ten years in prison.
Based on the available evidence, here are the reasons Clinton should and will be indicted for violating these statutes of US Title 18 while Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013.
(1) Hillary Clinton’s e-mails with Clinton Foundation employee Sidney Blumenthal contain proof that she retained “classified information” on her private server and also communicated information of “the national defense” with someone “not entitled to receive it.”
Other articles tell the story of a Romanian hacker named "Guccifer," the fellow indicted for publishing purloined documents of former - President Bush, Colin Powell, and Sidney Blumenthal. In his trail authorities uncovered 16 emails from Blumenthal to Clinton while Clinton had only turned over 9.
The most incriminating email from Blumenthal to Clinton is a memo where he reveals the name of a CIA intelligence operative in Libya. In a March 2011 memo, Blumenthal wrote “Tyler spoke to a colleague currently at the CIA, who told him the agency had been dependent for intelligence from [redacted due to sources and methods].” Despite the email not being “marked classified”, information about a current CIA asset which was illegally obtained almost certainly falls under the purview of a 2009 Non-Disclosure Agreement Clinton signed which stipulates that “classified information is marked or unmarked classified information.” John Rizzo, a former general counsel at the CIA, said of the memo “it’s the most sensitive kind of classified information — the true identity of a human source.” Clinton forwarded this email to one of her aides, debunking her claim that she never sent classified information through her private server.
“This is a serious breach of national security and a clear violation of the law”, said Army Col. Larry Mrozinski, who served almost four years as a senior military adviser in the State Department under both Clinton and Condoleezza Rice. “It’s hard to imagine that in her position she would fail to recognize the obvious…anybody else would have already lost their security clearance and be subjected to an espionage investigation,” Mrozinski added.
If the hard disk of Clinton's email server contained 22 classified documents then transferring it to the Platte River Networks company would be an additional violation of U.S. Criminal Code 18, Section 793 which does not require nefarious intent, but only "gross negligence." Clinton also allegedly forwarded Blumenthal's and other email to her staff, which apparently were not cleared for this level of secrecy.
Given that we know there is at least one email considered “born classified” with the identity of a CIA intelligence operative, along with 22 other classified emails the State Department has withheld, Clinton’s decision to transfer this information to a private IT company with no security clearance is not only a violation of Section 1924 for housing sensitive information at an “unauthorized location,” but could even fall under Section 793 for “gross negligence” in handling information of “the national defense.” More so, once the FBI approached Platte River Networks to retrieve Clinton’s original server, there are reports that employees at the company began to fear a cover-up . The company reportedly received a letter from Clinton Executive Service Corp instructing them to “cut the back up”.
The employees did not do so and the FBI has now recovered deleted emails which they considered to contain work-related information. This debunks her claim, which she made under the penalty of perjury, that she turned over all her work-related emails to the State Department. Depending on the nature of these recovered e-mails, she could be charged with tampering of evidence, lying to federal officials, and an obstruction of justice.
Not being a lawyer I'm not in a position to evaluate the probability of a recommendation of indictments by the FBI to the DOJ, however, these charges seem plausible enough to merit more scrutiny and discussion.
One concern is that so many in the Democratic Party have correctly concluded that the Benghazi hearing were a bogus witch hunt, therefore all of the articles on Clinton's emails are invalid attempts to destroy her reputation for political purposes.
The author is not a lawyer but a senior college student in biology and economics. But his sources are extensive and many of high quality.
This author claims that an FBI final report is not expected until May or June by which time most of the Democratic primaries will be finished. If the FBI recommends indictments, or even if the report is "just" seriously damaging the Democratic super-delegates may still have an opportunity to change their public announced support leading to a contested convention that might save the Democratic Party from ruin in the November elections.

Markos admitted
that Biden was Plan B for the Democrats.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Even if pardoned
It wouldn't stop the GOP from impeaching her. And does anyone doubt for a nanosecond that an indicted and pardoned President Hillary would be impeached right out of the gate?
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
I think that would be the first time in my life
that I'd not disagree with the GOP.
I don't believe a President can be impeached for crimes commited
prior to the presidency. And during the presidency any and all legal proceedings against much cease until after they leave office.
It's hard to imagine but this must be what she is planning on.
I don't know that if the FBI report recommends a referral to the DOJ it is published? I think not for reasons of privacy. However, we are likely to get leaks.
Knowing what we already know it is hard to imagine the damage will not be so great as to cause here net favorables to continue to plummet (they dropped 11% in the last 30 days.)
How low would they have to get for the super-delegates to flip?
Which is why I think the key number Bernie has to shoot for is enough delegates to prevent her from a pledged delegate lock-in, because she may not be willing to step aside no matter how bad the numbers get. And even if the FBI recommends indictments the process will take a long time and have to be stopped if she becomes president.
If this evidence like the Blumenthal email are true, then doesn't it mean she is essentially trying to pull of a "John Edwards" on us? She knows if there were classified materials on her serving. She must be betting that it will not come out in time for anyone to be able to stop her.
The FBI doesn't indict people.
The law enforcement agency refers it and a prosecutor decides whether to take it up. A prosecutor indicts, in this case a US Attorney appointed by the President. The US Attorney's boss is the US Attorney General.
I don't know why people think the Obama Justice Department is going to issue a federal criminal indictment of Hillary Clinton-- in the middle of a national election where she is a presidential candidate.
It really does seem to me like wishful thinking.
"Don't believe everything you read online." -- Epicurus (Greek philosopher, 341–270 BCE)
Having it referred to a US attorney
Would be pretty damaging.
Beware the bullshit factories.
The conflicts of interest are endless here
Comey, the US Attorneys, the Inspector General for State surely all hope to keep their jobs in the next Administration.
Hillary's Email Illegalities and Benghazi
Hillary was trained to identify classified material and had the authority to classify it.
Among items that she should have classified were schedules/itenaries for diplomats. Names and locations of covert assets. Information on troop movements.
That SHE did not classify and this material was a dereliction of duty, and a violation of section 793 of the Espionage Act.
It is also a crime to destroy government documents which Hillary or Hillary's lawyer, or her staff tried to do with the 30,000 emails that they supposedly deleted. When they found that Platte River had made a backup they also tried to have the backup erased.
The FBI now has that backup, so they have everything, and so apparently do our allies.
The shape of the Benghazi hearings smacks of an investigation that knew something was there but did not know what it was looking for. I seems to have been was started because of dropped hints that a leak at State had caused Stephens death. From the aimlessness of the hearings is it obvious that the Republicans had no idea that the source of the leak was the email account of the Secretary of State herself.
Anyway, since the FBI HAS all the documents, and from those available on the internet they have evidence of deliberate gross negligence and failure to protect information securing the safety of US military and covert personnel, the only reason that I can
think of that they have not already indited Hillary is that they are killing time reading every email waiting until the Democratic Primary and possibly the General Election have occurred.
So Federal LE (FBI) and Justice
are WAITING to spring a trap? If so, our government is more warring factions than I knew. Dysfunctional, at its best. Frightening, what could a POed Military come up with? We could be looking at junta.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The Military is not planning Treason (that I know of)
But Yeah, they are pissed off.
I saw a poll in the Armed Forces Daily.
The Army is for Trump.
The Navy is for Bernie. GO NAVY! :).
Damning video.
This video was recommended in a comment at BNR and may have been over here too. I just played it while cooking supper. I wish we could broadcast this in the upcoming primary states! Media I tell you. We need a media outlet.
Empire files Hillary expose' 27 min
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I Couldn't Watch Entire Clip
It's so infuriating. I can feel my blood pressure rising to dangerous levels. The Clintons should not be allowed to call themselves Democrats.
As Bob Herbert wrote in his 2001 NYT Column, Cut Him Loose
Thank you for this video. I am sending it to everyone I think can benefit from it.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
Thanks for the video Lookout. I just watched the whole
segment, which reinforces my previous conclusion that "The Hillary Doctrine" is a foreign policy with regard to the use of military force to the right of Dick Cheney.
Elsewhere I read an analysis with alleges she's been eager to go to war with Iran and even to try to destabilize Russia by providing greater support to "rebels" in the Ukraine.
Great clip
Abby Martin is one of the few journalists actually committing journalism nowadays. Thank you for posting this.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
So far, that video is powerful. I had to stop watching, partly because I was getting angry, and because I need to start my day on a more positive note. Heck, this whole thread is wonderful and the information included is damning. I wish I were on fb to share it.
Thank you for your effort and time, HoundDog. Very informative and I've bookmarked it for later to share with my husband.
That will make it extremely difficult
for patriotic Americans to vote for her.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Who says they will?
If this material turns out to be correct before the election, no American who loves this country will touch her. I hope it does.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Is this true?
Is this true?
Are you asking about my post or the video someone added to the
comments? I an vouch for everything in my post being as I presented it. In cases where there is controversy about any facts I've noted who the sources are. Do you have a more specific question?
Are you asking about my post or the video someone added to the
comments? I an vouch for everything in my post being as I presented it. In cases where there is controversy about any facts I've noted who the sources are. Do you have a more specific question?
Are you asking about my post or the video someone added to the
comments? I an vouch for everything in my post being as I presented it. In cases where there is controversy about any facts I've noted who the sources are. Do you have a more specific question?
Are you asking about my post or the video someone added to the
comments? I an vouch for everything in my post being as I presented it. In cases where there is controversy about any facts I've noted who the sources are. Do you have a more specific question?