FBI Investigation

The Weekly Watch

Set the Spin Cycle on High

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It's been another busy news week. Are TPTB targeting Joementia? Usually they hide information about illegal classified documents. It has also been interesting to watch people come unglued over investigating the mafia branch of our government in congress. Additionally, the conflict in Ukraine is not going well for NATOstan and will require more spin...or perhaps just ignoring the facts? Let's dive into details below the fold...


How FIVE separate FBI cases are probing virtually every one of Clinton's inner circle and their families

This article from the Daily Mail* really wraps it all up in one nice, succinct passage. It details the five separate investigations into "Clintonworld", gives a description of each of the players, and how they are related to each of the various cases. And then it addresses how each of the players, and each of the cases, are potentially affected by the addition of the Weiner laptop into the mix. It really is a tangled web.

Sidney Blumenthal email to Hillary Clinton may be crux of FBI investigation

For those following the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton the following article will be interesting. "Why Hillary Clinton will be indicted," by Chetan Hebbale, provides the best summary of the possible charges and evidence that I've found so far. Published in the Chicago Journal of Politics it contains several dozen links per page to document a wide variety of sources.