Time To Map Out Plan B. #BernieOrBust (Updated)

President Sanders is Plan A. I am not giving up on Bernie. Will vote for him next week here in CT.

But realistically, his chances are getting long, especially with the Clinton Crime Machine engineering the primaries and presumably the convention as well. 126,000 voters purged from the rolls in Brooklyn. Oh c'mon, it is no coincidence that Taint Follows Hellery where ever she goes. What other districts were engineered I wonder? But don't worry. Mayor de Blasio (a Clinton endorser) said there will be an "investigation". Holding my breath in 3.2.1...

Anyway, Bernie will have a tough time with any of these closed primaries. Independents can't vote. Independents are his real strength and it's 40% of US voters. Think about it. Bernie has about half of registered Dem voters. If you add Independents to that, Bernie supporters could crush either of the two Neo-liberal parties (Dems, Repubs) in the general election.

But Bernie will not run as an Independent. He said publicly that he will support the ultimate Dem nominee. And we know he is a man of his word. And I will never vote for Hellery.

So to finally destroy both of the Neo-liberal parties, the Revolution needs to prepare itself to walk away. The Green party is the obvious choice. But I'm open to other suggestions.

Forget Trump
I know some will say vote Trump. But he really is the sociopath that you see. And he could care less about the working class.
Read this (Vice 2014) before you mistakenly vote for Trump.

Should the Revolution walk away from the Dem Party after the convention? I know what my answer is.

Update 2:10 PM
If your plan B is to vote Green if Bernie is not nominated, be aware that the Green party needs petition signatures to get on the ballot in the states below. This link has info on the petitions.

We are already on the ballot in these 21 states (including the District of Columbia):


We need your help collecting nomination signatures in the following states:


H/t to Olinda for this info.

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Haikukitty's picture

I don't know if he can actually join them, he might have too much integrity to switch. And he's already done so much just by starting (or rather, ramping up) this movement.

I'd love to see him say that he can't in good conscience endorse Hillary, but that the Green party has many of the same positions as his platform, and that he's going to vote for them.

If we can't win, we can at least withdraw consent. No more lesser evil.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

OLinda's picture

From Jill2016

We are already on the ballot in these 21 states (including the District of Columbia):


We need your help collecting nomination signatures in the following states:


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lunachickie's picture

right here. Won't hurt to have this done, once we get through Philadelphia....

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

That's a lot of un-acquired states.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

lunachickie's picture

(and I'm assuming they're all different, but maybe they're not?) will tell us how do-able it is. Anybody got a line on such things?

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SnappleBC's picture

SIX FREAKIN DECADES to get us to where we are now. We cannot afford to think about our strategies in terms of one election. We will NEVER win if we do that.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

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Raggedy Ann's picture

in order to vote in my June 7 primary. I will return to I after I vote. I would urge Bernie to run as an Independent if he does not secure the nomination. I know he said he wouldn't, but he needs to realize he has a real movement going on here. I believe he would win if he runs as an Independent. No decisions until after the convention, though. I expect him to do well in the upcoming primaries and there to be a contested convention. I could be wrong, of course, but that's my prediction.

I'm not giving up on the D nomination, yet. She has lots of problems. Something could come down the pike to upend her run. I could be wrong, of course, but I can still dream!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

I have seen so many infiltrators on Bernie's facebook pages in the last few days, suggesting that we must not let a republican win, that even if we must hold our collective noses, we must vote for Hillary. I will not. I agree that we have two sides of the same neoliberal ideological oligarchy, divided into the appearance of two separate parties. I believe the republican candidates will get crazier still before this is all over, plus there will be the cry over the supreme court and through it all the call to fall in line behind Hillary will get progressively louder. We will be blamed and vilified and fear will be their best tactic. If we vote for the annointed one, we support the DNC and the failed, corrupt system we have in place and nothing, nothing will change. Rather, I believe, we will never be allowed to get this close again. This system is criminal, so broken there are only fumes left of what the USA was meant to represent, and what our raising our voices through our voting was supposed to allow. This is not for us alone, but for the rest of the people of this planet and, in fact, for our planet itself. It is not our fault if a republican wins. The DNC chose a candidate who is a criminal, a liar, and a cheat, whose interests are her own and those who own her. I will continue to support Bernie. And then, Jill Stein? The oligarchy still needs the cover of democracy. If we don't vote for their candidates, the veil becomes ever more fragile and will eventually fall apart completely, exposing the farce our democracy has become. In this vein, I believe that voting for Trump or any other repug will provide this same cover. Continue to support Bernie and if he won't run as an independent, vote Jill. I am open to other suggestions.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

Don't let that meme take hold. We must not give in to the establishment and vote HRC.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

lunachickie's picture

don't worry. Facebook and Twitter ain't buyin' that bullshit, and neither are a LOT of others today.

A lot more than ever before.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

Since I don't fb or tweet, I'm happy to hear the reports.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

lunachickie's picture

myself, but it's growing, and it's going to keep growing.

I hope this blatant theft is the tipping point. It might be, and it might not be, but you can bet more people are at least paying attention. And we need to keep it up, so they do.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

Inattention is what's gotten us here. But as gg said in the Open Thread - neoliberalism puts the populace to sleep by pushing consumerism. It's got to stop.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

I have seen so many infiltrators on Bernie's facebook pages in the last few days, suggesting that we must not let a republican win, that even if we must hold our collective noses, we must vote for Hillary. I will not. I agree that we have two sides of the same neoliberal ideological oligarchy, divided into the appearance of two separate parties. I believe the republican candidates will get crazier still before this is all over, plus there will be the cry over the supreme court and through it all the call to fall in line behind Hillary will get progressively louder. We will be blamed and vilified and fear will be their best tactic. If we vote for the annointed one, we support the DNC and the failed, corrupt system we have in place and nothing, nothing will change. Rather, I believe, we will never be allowed to get this close again. This system is criminal, so broken there are only fumes left of what the USA was meant to represent, and what our raising our voices through our voting was supposed to allow. This is not for us alone, but for the rest of the people of this planet and, in fact, for our planet itself. It is not our fault if a republican wins. The DNC chose a candidate who is a criminal, a liar, and a cheat, whose interests are her own and those who own her. I will continue to support Bernie. And then, Jill Stein? The oligarchy still needs the cover of democracy. If we don't vote for their candidates, the veil becomes ever more fragile and will eventually fall apart completely, exposing the farce our democracy has become. In this vein, I believe that voting for Trump or any other repug will provide this same cover. Continue to support Bernie and if he won't run as an independent, vote Jill. I am open to other suggestions.

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

hester's picture

I think we need somehow to continue to engage and get very progressive people elected. This is a long term thing. I love Bernie, and have donated, phone banked and canvassed last Sunday in East Hartford. But I don't expect him to win the nomination. We continue the fight and to try to continue what he has started so that in 10 years we will have real, sustainable and lasting change.

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Don't believe everything you think.

Citizen Of Earth's picture

Go Bernie.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Climate scientists keep changing their tune about how much time we have before the spiral downwards becomes irreversible. It may become an imperative to build the Green Party as fast as possible.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

Alison Wunderland's picture

What you guys all said. Clinton and the rest of the world's Neocon cabal, (because you know they're all in it together -- See: Davos) are setting the stage for a world conflagration. I'll do my bit to try to stop them. But the "lesser of two evils" shit is still just getting more and more evils.

I'm changing to Independent right after the Primary. (First time ever, sadly.) If more people also change to "I" the Dem Party is going to have a wake-up call when it finds that it's not 40%, but 20~22%. How would that be as a sham democracy?

I'd like to see, "What if they had an election and nobody showed up?"

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Let's not give up on Bernie, NY was a long shot, the party machinery in the state is controlled and concentrated in NYC. The room for error moving forward is narrow, but more favorable. Ignore the media and and Clinton campaign comments. The main factor to keep in mind is the revolution is just beginning and the change has to come from the bottom up if Bernie is President or someone else. The key is to remain united in the movement and not look for other parties.

We must support Berniecrats and suppress the Billpublicans. Like it or not a Clinton in the White House will do more damage than any Republican. We all know how they worked from the inside of the Dem party to achieve Republican goals. If we remain united in the progressive message, setting up a Progressive Victory Fund for Berniecrats, stop all financial support to the DNC we will make changes.

Now is the moment as both parties will be in turmoil.

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

And I said in the first sentences in this diary ...
"President Sanders is Plan A. I am not giving up on Bernie. Will vote for him next week here in CT. "

Go Bernie!!

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Haikukitty's picture

We'll see this through. I think people are just thinking through all the outcomes. Its hard not to be disappointed today, but we'll bounce back, I'm sure! Smile

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By repealing FDR's Glass-Steagall Act, they enabled whatever the heck that was that crashed our economy at the end of the W administration. With the Crime Bill, they enabled the Private Prison industry and the mass increase of incarceration, slander against and oppression of African Americans. They enabled more victim-blaming-for-profit with the Welfare Reform Bill. They were surely good to the Medical Insurance industry, the Fossil Fuel industry, the Financial industry, The Military Industrial Complex, the Telecommunications Industry and all the big profit-over-people players. They undermined core Democratic principles that enabled Social Security, Unions, Medicare, Civil Rights, The GI Bill and a whole freaking bunch of other things that were last championed by the Democrats when Jimmy Carter was President. They enabled George W. Bush to commit his crimes and erase any positive economic legacy Bill Clinton may have had.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

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Cassiodorus's picture

Obama lost New York to Clinton too.

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"Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer (disinformation) out of existence." - John Kerry

Citizen Of Earth's picture

at the time. Now we all know better of course . The point is that Obama was compatible with the Dem/Neo-liberal goals. Bernie is not. They will block him at every turn.

Still hoping he wins. But I'm not betting the farm on it.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Borkrom's picture

I love Bernie and will continue to support him, but the challenges against him are mounting and they might be tough to overcome all of the establishment against us. Moreover, what is the long term plan- I am in it for the long haul- what can we do to make positive efforts not only now but in the future? Therefore, since I am a project manager by trade we need to start planning, consider our options, and have mitigation plans/efforts if Bernie is not the democratic nominee.

My thoughts are as follows:

1) Vote as a group this GE for someone else (no way in hell I am voting for Hillary)- I can convince at least 5 other voters (family) to vote my way. Therefore it is either (other names or candidates are welcomed):
A. Jill Stein
B. Gary Johnson
C. No vote
D. Trump (burn the house down approach).

We debate and decide to vote as a group to cast our votes for someone else- why? to display and demonstrate our strength. We can not write in name because those ballots will be thrown away, not counted or appear as "Other" during election day. Moreover, why spoil your ballot for other races- I think it is important to work on electing other candidates that are good people and can help us not only now but in the future.

2) Start working as a party- the options are as follows:
A. Take over local democratic party
B. Start our own party- work at local level
C. Focus on other minor parties and bring them into the fold
D. All of the above
E. Take our ball and go home (not a good option in my opinion but it is one)

3) Work to get like minded candidates elected on the local levels- apathy is at an all time low we need to capitalize on it and to work it to the advantage of greater good. We can focus our efforts one a few candidates this election cycle, then in 2018 (off year elections are much easier to elect non-establishment candidates) work with a few more (even some of us can run), and focus on 2020 as the first initial year of greater success and efforts. My belief is the 2024 election will be our first true shot to elect our candidate- sorry but trying to be real. We might get a break or too, but it will take some effort- we are like farmers planning and preparing for our next crop/harvest.

4) Create a platform and policies we can agree upon

5) Work on recruiting others to the cause

6) Have fun, meet great new people, and work together to do what is right for us, our family/friends, community and nation.

These are just some of my random thoughts, and ideas- running low on coffee.

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Citizen Of Earth's picture

This reply meant for Borkrom.
Thanks for volunteering. Now gets these hippies marching in the same direction. Smile

Seriously tho, I like the PM approach. It is what is needed.

Assuming Bernie is blocked at the convention, I'm for Jill Stein. But note the diary Update. The Greens need petition signatures to get on ballots in many states. That needs to be at (or near) the top of the list.

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Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.

Borkrom's picture

people together that can agree on our scope (mission) then I can manage anything to successful completion- my motto "I make the impossible possible."

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and taking it back would be a lot more feasible than a 3rd Party.

People are followers. They like the known. They are more likely to shift to Sanders' stance than to shift to an entirely new party.

It's not that hard - they are desperate for hands.

At our local Party the old-guard is gone thanks to the new folk that came in with Dean in 04 then with Obama in 08.

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I will not vote for Clinton no way no how,I will write bernie in or green party

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It's time to build an alternative party. The Democratic Party is nothing more than a wholly-owned subsidiary of Clinton, Inc.

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Twain Disciple
