Bread and Circuses
I've read history, the history of democracies. They falter on the bankers, the country ends up in ruin due to debt owed to financiers. Every time, it seems.Kevin Phillips
A nation, a people, if you will, should be able to discern its true course and pursue it without the fetters of special interests. There was a Golden Rule during the French Revolution: Laws are to be made either for all of the people, or a single individual. No Guilds! This provides a barometer to judge the legislation of today. Laws like "parents who don't like how their children are being taught can form charter schools with town tax monies, for instance. In fact, think of anything privatized and you're thinking of a usurpation of our country, our counties, our cities, for the enrichment of a few. Thus we descend into the Reagan Dream logical last stop: Crazytown.
So the bankers' main threat is that they will cut us off from the bread and circuses! We live in the most comfortable society in the world in America; we do fear the disruption of our pretty good lives. This is not a thing to be dismissive of, however. When the bankers threatened to stop the "paper" ( the 30-day loan to keep payroll going), we caved, and we caved quick. That is a general statement to make., for in 1793 France, the Terrors were nothing to be dismissive of! This characterizes the power of bankers to really fuck things up if things don't go their way. It is a phantom gun, but it's real enough that lots of people are willing to just go along, here. Bernie is known to be a threat to bankers, and bankers have been known to threaten all our lives and livelihood, so it's best - in some people's minds - to just let them get what they want. And then the bankers won't do fucked up things because they will be too busy counting our money!
It's a desperate plan, and it won't work.
Let's put it this way (Bernie's "YES OR NO" dhonig debacle this wknd), ask Hillary, ask yourself if there is a chance in hell that Citizens United would be overturned under Hillary. It's already been said that Trump can play to the left of Hillary. I think she is underestimating the gravity of her errors, and might very well be dragging us down into a very deep pit. It's a feeling I have.
She is a divider, not a uniter. THAT is clear! Don't you agree, fellow exTOPpers?
It's no accident the banksters are out of control
Citizens United may be the crowning achievement of the looting of the country, but the groundwork was laid years ago with the repeal of Glass-Steagall (in place since 1933.)
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Nudging the Boulder
Yes repeal of the Act was done on a late Friday night, and we did not learn of it until after it was an accomplished fact.
Fundamentally, Democracies work and work well when the greed is harnessed. Reagan's complaint that the progressive tax structure of the day destroyed incentivism was a re-characterization of the intent of all these regulation to rein in monopolies and greedy behavior. Somehow we accepted the demonization of taxes and so neutered an important regulatory function of the US Government: keeping the rich and powerful from becoming too rich and powerful.
And now they are. I held out hope for the Supreme Court, but that was years ago. Now it's Mission Accomplished, with Citizens United.
Bernie is a win-win.
French Revolution analogy is potent
As one commenter in another thread put it: "all it takes is a protestor's brick and a pane of glass." If we do not get the peaceful, Sanders Revolution, then we shall see a far more violent Revolution in a Decade--especially as our planet gets obviously less hospitable for humans.
Just make certain...
We target the right people. Another major problem in history is that when you go after the bankers, too many people confuse them with "The Jews". (And then we get into the whole can of worms that is Israel, and that nightmare of political fallout.)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
environment too
Beyond democracies, every civilization has collapsed because of resource depletion. Mesopotamia cut all their forests and the irrigation ditches silted up and down they went. Rome had silver in their mines but no trees left as fuel for smelting... so into the dark ages. And on and on.
Today the banksters keep promoting the profits of fossil fuels. We know it is profits before people, climate, sustainability, etc.
We aren't just risking a government, we are putting the existence of our species at risk for profit of fat cats. Pretty amazing.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Profits before People
Just look at the Clinton Crime Bill. We got the term "for profit prisons" from that crowd.
Wall Street before Our Streets.
But it's all moot because we need to get on this whole thing called our PLANET and help fix the damage we've all done.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison