Stop what you're doing, what you're reading, and look at this now for one minute… do you see what Mahakali has seen?
Stop what you are doing and please click this link and just watch it for one minute straight:
What do you see?
Mahakali and many others see a revolution.
I see people who are engaging, many for the first time, in mass participatory democracy to try to get every last Sanders supporter in NY State to come out and vote on Tuesday. Are you here with us?
I see the Fourth of July with all of those light displays.
What do you see?
Have you ever regretted something, truly, looking back and thinking, "I should have been there," or "Why didn't I… just…" . That historic moment or watershed instant when you wish you had not missed that one opportunity which would have changed everything.
Well, you have NOT missed that moment, but the time to participate is now. It's right now. There is no other time! In eight hours, the first door will have shut, and in a mere forty-eight hours, a mighty gate will come slamming down; don't miss being a part of the most historic electoral opportunity of your own lifetime because it's this simple:
It's either going to be Bernie Sanders, or else it's going to be Hillary Clinton.
You get to pick which, right now, even if you have already voted, or even if you don't vote yet.
And the actions we take, and yes, that means you, yes, we are speaking to you whom we have never met in the flesh but only through this curious little platform online, but the actions we take and that you take, right now, as the door shuts, will determine the course of history:
Will the government corruption be permitted to stand? Will the rich keep getting richer as the poor grow more poor? Will the planet thrive or heat up to irrevocable temperatures? Will there ever be jobs again, houses again, are Americans allowed to dream, and in that dreaming, will we included American who have NEVER been allowed to dream? Will your social security check keep coming? Will your college costs be affordable or doom you to a life of debt? Will you have to hear that another young black man has been gunned down by police who saw him as a "super predator and not a human being" or another Muslim-American brother or sister harassed because Americans keep funding Israel's failed administration? Will another African-American girl find herself on the end of a powerful white man's sharp-tongued insults and told it is she, herself, who is the murderer of her own people? Will a girl wake up tomorrow in the dark, alone, five-years old, on a train in Honduras as it moves with lightning speed through the jungle to a country which will imprison her in a private deportation facility upon her arrival? Will your job be outsourced tomorrow? What is our future?
So what do you do? You obviously cannot sit there. At times, I cannot sleep at night thinking about all of these things. And suddenly, I know that if only every. single. person. came. together and said "ENOUGH" and reached OUT to one another across great divides -- such as I am from a living room floor in California this morning to wherever you are, reading this -- then we could achieve the future we want.
Pick up your phone. We have little time left. I've wasted too much already on words. You can be afraid. That's okay. You can be angry. That's fine. Let your emotions move you.
What if I told you now that we were not poised to win NY but that with enough turnout, if every last Sanders supporter were nudged gently to show up at the polls and bring five friends, what if I told you we would win -- not only the presidency, but a future?
Is your phone in your hand?
This is not a soap opera. This is not a game. This is not a spectator sport. This is not a war for the heart and soul of the Democratic Party; this is a war for the future, yours and mine both.
Please sign up/ call now.
Here is the link to a good future where governmental corruption is no longer America's #1 domestic product:
If you don't participate, you are not a part of any revolution; you are only dreaming!Pick up the phone, dial it, and quietly insert your primal scream for this nation.
If you have ANY QUESTIONS about phone banking, let us know. We will help.
And if you are in a state where you can canvass, please do. It's a Sunday. There is no better time than now (there is no OTHER time than now; now IS the time -- the door will close and then the gate will close; it's like a solar eclipse -- the sun only blocks the moon for a brief moment before shifting off again).
Let them write us off at their peril, at their shame, at their own lack of vision, honesty, integrity, and even reality. They can spit, laugh, lie, but you have something greater than all of that:
You have the phone in your hand.
That phone? It's a microphone. And it's louder than every other thing in the world right now, going straight to voters' own ears, to their hearts, to their guts, to their actual bodies moving to the polls.
Every Single Voter Needs You To Help Them to the Polls
Together, and only together, we can accomplish this:
The reddit link to Mahakali' s great post, where people will answer your questions and provide help concerning phonebanking.

I was JUST reading this!
Mahakali has done a great job with that subreddit! I visit frequently.
Indeed. She is a great motivator!
The establishment is powerful. If we want to change this world, we have to unite first. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.
Headed out to phone bank in an hour! n/t
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Great! Thanks! :-)
The establishment is powerful. If we want to change this world, we have to unite first. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.
for some reason, I burst into tears when I saw this.
Folks, I'm 65 years old, almost 66, I've been an active Socialist and Feminist since age 19, and I have NEVER seen anything like this in my entire life as an activist.
All my love to Mahakli and the activist over there at the subreddit, and to Bernie activists all across the nation.
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
I agree! This is so powerful
I got to the sentence about the 5 year old girl on the train and started emailing this to my friends and family.
I hope she posts it at TOP. If she doesn't, I'm going to post links to it. Screw Kos and those that can't and won't see what is at stake for this election.
This is our LAST CHANCE to try and take our country back from those that sold it out.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
This is just what I needed for courage as I head out to canvass
I feel like I'm going to throw up, but firmly believe if this means anything we must take whatever action we can.
Hopefully I will survive. I hate being such a scaredy-cat!
I'm so impressed, Haikukitty! Your are very courageous to
go canvassing when it's not your forte. Good luck and go get em :=)
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
I survived the canvassing!
Knocked on 60 doors and got 18 answered. 15 out of 18 people I talked to were either leaning or strongly for Bernie! That's not bad
I suppose I'll get myself out there at least two more times before our primary. Yay for facing fears, no matter how stupid they are.
Yay, Haiku
Things aren't always what they seem...
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Love that commercial!
This is wonderful, just wonderful, to see in a visual manner. TY
ScholarZ, for this.
I visit the reddit Bernie volunteer site - - every day first thing to see what the youth are up to in their volunteering and activism. (And I also stop by Mahakli's reddit site every day.)
I see their excitement in phonebanking and how they exhort each other and it is a real thrill to see tour action-oriented youth at work. But this visual is amazing and so encouraging. Sadly, my ptsd makes me unable to phonebank; heh, heh, heh, no one is persuaded by a belligerent vet. So I write stuff I hope is useful. And I donate to our Canadian activists.
Thank you for this call to action here on c99. I hope it inspires many to help as they can.
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Thanks Gerrit! You do a great job, too! We stand together!
The establishment is powerful. If we want to change this world, we have to unite first. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.
This Bernie PB is really cool to watch
I went to a MD campaign HQ in my neighborhood and just did some data entry, because I hesitate to make phonecalls, but looking at this Bernie PB site and watching how many calls have been made in MD, motivates to do it.
Funny thing is that I found myself in one of their lists listed as "refused" to take a call from them. I can't remember having been called, but it amused me somehow. Then I asked how high the precentage of successful phone calls is and they said around 10 percent. The problem is that if I don't recognize a phone number I don't take most calls. Successful incidences in canvassing is 20 percent.
So, I admire the enthusiasts, who do this work nevertheless. I really like to watch live how many phone calls are made. Mahakali really wrote a motivating piece.
This 10/20% which come though
This 10/20% which come though and change someones mind will make the difference between losing to HRC and winning!
Let's go for the win!
The establishment is powerful. If we want to change this world, we have to unite first. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.
no doubt, but hard for me to wrap my mind around,
I am always getting angry that all of it is necessary, it's just because I didn't grow up with it and it still gets me cranky to watch how rough the campaigns are here in the US.
Wow. I see it very differently
You're angry that it's all necessary. I see it as a return to actual politics.... human to human. I see it as getting away from slick Madison Avenue sound bites and doing something more naturally social.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
I just got back from canvassing in Ithaca
39 residences, all supposed Bernie households. One was for Hillary, tyvm. Most not at home, Sunday, best weather day of 2016---but I reminded a few who seemed clueless that Tuesday noon to nine was It, Vote. I had swag to hand out (stickers and buttons). One house refused to tell me they were voting for Bernie, but took buttons.
5 positives.
The Ithaca Bernie off ice has gone to all 40-ish polling places and put up hours of voting, something no one had thought of. HQ was very laid-back, people, young and older going out canvassing (maps, names, ages and addresses--very organized). I will do calling Wednesday and beyond to other states.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Many thanks, river! You walk the walk!!!
The establishment is powerful. If we want to change this world, we have to unite first. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.
Canvassing left AB--the blog potato--crippled for two days.
Just the idea of phonebanking gives me hives. I have PhoneTSD. (Not to belittle you all that have the other kinds.) So that leaves me with my only strength--$.
Bosch's Bernie Bankroll is now light to the tune of $777.99 ... and counting.
The local Bernie poobahs told me they didn't need the Chateau for a mini-base. Maybe after NY they'll have a new plan.
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
$ to Bernie are cool! :-)
The establishment is powerful. If we want to change this world, we have to unite first. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.
Have you tried canvasing?
I have phone TSD myself but I found out in 2007-8 I'm really good at canvasing. I got into the performance and intuiting what approach the people would respond too Even the RW rednecks sitting on lawn chairs in their driveways liked me. I made them laugh and entertained people while pushing the change and hopey guy. Your very amusing, smart and fast on your feet so I would think you'd be good at canvasing.
finally got the courage..
...this message finally convinced the small part of me that was letting my anxieties get in the way of doing everything I can to make sure NY is the beginning of the end for the "inevitable coronation." I'll be meeting up with a group at 6pm tomorrow to canvas; terrified, but less terrified than I am at the thought of anything BUT a win this week.
Man, great, AdGuyJS!!! You rock!
The establishment is powerful. If we want to change this world, we have to unite first. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido.
Never fear, there's a script. To memorize.
haha, do not fret. Read the script, go with your own head, be polite and friendly. All is fine. No test to Pass.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I think I will do canvassing and flyering
again. At the metro stations (end of lines) people took the flyers and threw them back in the waste basket some twenty yards later. I picked them out the waste basket and went over to the bus stations, where people sit in the little boots waiting for the bus. That works quite nicely. People who don't want to talk to you, make it clear just by shaking their head. Others are bored waiting for the bus and are happy to chat. I could pretty much say what I wanted and mostly that started a real conversation and was fun.
I love your sigline, mimi
That's exactly what Bernie's campaign and message is all about.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.