Open Thread - 03-21-25 - Roll the Credits

Can you believe this shit? What a show.

The West has lost its Enlightened minds. Most of Europe is turning away from free speech, freedom of the press, and individual rights and is goose stepping towards totalitarianism. Their blood lust is palpable, their leaders insane, as they turn their backs on opposition parties and free elections, all in the name of holy democracy.

The US is headed in the same direction, albeit a bit slower in pace. I had thought that we had seen peak craziness in the last administration, but we've only got one foot on the step of the crazy train and still haven't boarded yet. The divisions so carefully crafted have become yet wider and deeper. We the People, compartmentalized and fenced into smaller and smaller factions, grow further apart with each division, are much easier controlled that way.

Free speech and freedom of the press are under assault and the Constitution is hanging on by a thread, one tragic event away from obsolescence. The balance of powers are being tested in a power struggle that is rushing headlong towards a constitutional crisis.

The Executive Body wields too much power, with the scepter of executive orders and the full might of law and order with law enforcement and military factions to back it up. The Legislative Body has rolled over its power to the Executive as it wallows in a cesspit of graft. The Judicial is throwing its weight around but ultimately has no power to back up its decrees if the Executive decides to go rogue.

The new administration came out swinging but has the fight been rigged? The partisan spectators just a few short weeks ago were cheering their pugilist as it seemed the fight would be a quick knock out and their guy was going to wear the championship belt declaring himself "King of the World". But. How expedient for the status quo fans that the Judicial Body plays rope a dope and how convenient that for the Executive that it will have an excuse to claim that its hands are tied and, in the end, and ultimately, because of that, nothing will change and the juggernaut will keep rolling along. Unless, and until, the gloves come off and the goosestepping commences.

So far it's been a pretty good show, as far a comic tragedy goes. We know the actors, we have a good sense of the screenplay, but what I want to know is:

Who wrote the script?

12 users have voted.


the credits roll at the end of the show. Will anyone put their name to this mess?

6 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


absentia from 3/23 through 3/26. Thass absemtia, CA.

As to the rest, it isn't really all that peculiar. Since day uno the Us has just had a tiny thin veneer covering a roiling mass of witch hunts, lynch mobs, alien and sedition acts, Joe McCarthy, under god, Pinkertons and all suchwhat. The court(s) can and do, from time to time, pipe up, but to quote an old rhetorical query, how many divisions do they have

The authors are a committee, and the highlights are Camus, Ionesco and Genet, but its also includes, Bernays, Mussolini, father Coughlin, Cardinal Spellman and Billy Graham, Joe McCarthy with a side of Torquemada, John Adams, Anthony Comstock, Franco, Batista, Trujillo, Tipper Gore and more.

be well and have a goo one

7 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris
not Tipper Gore! To balance that unsettling name drop, I'm going to dig out my old copy of the original Blind Faith album cover while I listen the Virgin Fugs 33 RPM platter, really loud, including that certain song that was banned from almost all radio stations!

I'm a rebel like that.

5 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


album as "contemporary folk"

be well and have a good one

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris
you're right, and wikipedia even list the aforementioned song, Side Two, Song 2, for the curious among us. The song is easily found on youtube.

2 users have voted.
QMS's picture

Perhaps Herr Klaus of WEF fame could be listed as a supporting character?
Some of the cast would be composed by Rothschild of the Ashkenazi jew clan.
Interesting they are both from German origins.

Control of money seems to be theme.

Thanks for the OT!

8 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

in the make believe world on stage. There is a name for it in the spiritual realm, evil. In the temporal realm it's a two faced mask of greed and power which can also be called evil.

Evil resides in us all, but it takes a certain type that lets evil become its focal point. Unfortunately, that certain type has a proclivity to make their way to the top of the greed and power edifice.

It's a story old as time.

6 users have voted.
QMS's picture

Evil maybe as a docudrama. Lots of senseless Hollyweird
violence. The plot structure involves guilting the audience into submission.


Ahh that's the shot. Roll 'em.

6 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

let alone get to know who wrote it.

The new administration came out swinging but has the fight been rigged? The partisan spectators just a few short weeks ago were cheering their pugilist as it seemed the fight would be a quick knock out and their guy was going to wear the championship belt declaring himself "King of the World". But. How expedient for the status quo fans that the Judicial Body plays rope a dope and how convenient that for the Executive that it will have an excuse to claim that its hands are tied and, in the end, and ultimately, because of that, nothing will change and the juggernaut will keep rolling along. Unless, and until, the gloves come off and the goosestepping commences.

So far it's been a pretty good show, as far a comic tragedy goes. We know the actors, we have a good sense of the screenplay, but what I want to know is:

Who wrote the script?

Like all Hollywood scripts, it will have surprises, twists and turns.

Also, as in show business, there will be fans who think the actors are really living their lives in front of us -- instead of reading their lines. These enthusiastic followers of the story tend to psychoanalyze the characters in hopes of figuring out what will happen next.

They also think that people like me who doubt the reality of Politics are just nuts. And vice versa.

8 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

@fire with fire
will it be an Alfred Hitchcock thriller or a Quentin Tarantino shocker?

History reveals this script time and time again. But with the advent of highfalutin technology this has the quality of a never ending rerun of a dystopian epic.

7 users have voted.

I'm aware of the site being slow and wonky as of late, I'm working with the web host to resolve the issue.

6 users have voted.

@JtC I guessed pretty much the same

5 users have voted.

I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

orlbucfan's picture

@JtC updates. Smile

2 users have voted.

Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.