Roll the Credits

Open Thread - 03-21-25 - Roll the Credits

Can you believe this shit? What a show.

The West has lost its Enlightened minds. Most of Europe is turning away from free speech, freedom of the press, and individual rights and is goose stepping towards totalitarianism. Their blood lust is palpable, their leaders insane, as they turn their backs on opposition parties and free elections, all in the name of holy democracy.

The US is headed in the same direction, albeit a bit slower in pace. I had thought that we had seen peak craziness in the last administration, but we've only got one foot on the step of the crazy train and still haven't boarded yet. The divisions so carefully crafted have become yet wider and deeper. We the People, compartmentalized and fenced into smaller and smaller factions, grow further apart with each division, are much easier controlled that way.

Free speech and freedom of the press are under assault and the Constitution is hanging on by a thread, one tragic event away from obsolescence. The balance of powers are being tested in a power struggle that is rushing headlong towards a constitutional crisis.