Five-Point Peace Plan for Russia-Ukraine Conflict

One of the frustrating things about the MSM (and even non-MSM media) is the fact that I haven't seen anyone (particularly on last weekend's TV news shows or in any of the 2024 Presidential debates) ask this rather basic question: What does a peace deal to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict look like? So, in the interest of getting a discussion on this topic going, here are some basic concepts:

1. A cease-fire to end the fighting.
2. Russia withdraws all troops from Ukraine territory, including all provinces in East Ukraine as well as Crimea and ceases any attacks on Ukraine or Ukranian territory. Similarly, Ukraine withdraws all troops and ceases any attacks into Russian territory, including Russian held areas of Ukraine.
3. The areas of Ukraine vacated by Russia are declared to be a demilitarized zone. A UN backed peacekeeping force is entrusted with occupying those areas of Ukraine vacated by Russia, pending resolution of step 4.
4. A time frame several months in advance is set for elections are held in those regions where the people residing there are given three choices: (a) remain part of Ukraine; (b) become part of Russia or (c) indenpendence.
5. It is agreed that neither Ukraine or any newly-constituted independent entity formed as a result of step 4 shall seek or be accepted as a member of NATO.

Comments welcome, hopefully in the nature of constructive criticism.

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snoopydawg's picture


in 2022, but Ukraine walked away from the deal. The 4 provinces in eastern Ukraine would have still been Ukraine and Russia would have pulled its troops out as soon as it was signed. But Russia would never agree to allow foreign troops in Ukraine.

But now that those provinces voted to join Russia it’s permanent. Crimea also voted to join Russia in 2014.

For decades Russia has done everything it could to stop NATO’s encroachment on its territories, but we wouldn’t listen and so in 2022 when Biden and Zelensky started talking about putting nuclear weapons in Ukraine Russia had run out of options. As Putin said, Russia has nowhere to back up to. Russia signed 2 Minsk agreements that were supposed to stop all fighting. We told Ukraine to ignore them. Germany and France admitted that they only signed them to give Ukraine more time to build up its military and defenses plus weapons.

Sachs has an excellent history of how America pushed Russia into invading Ukraine.

We would never allow any country to overthrow the governments on our borders and then put nuclear weapons in them, but the pro Ukraine supporters think that Russia should.

Trump and the veep missed the chance to explain to Americans why Russia did what it did. The killing started after the 2014 coup, but it was Russian Ukrainians who were being killed by their own government. But the plans for the war started the day that the USSR collapsed.

It is very sad that a million Ukrainians have been killed and wounded and millions more have fled the country. What makes it obscene is that it could have been easily avoided.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Pluto's Republic's picture


....have no idea what has taken place in the world.

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Cassiodorus's picture

And especially not the Russians. The Russians, and not you nor anyone else in the West, will be dictating terms if through some rare circumstance the West should show an interest in lasting peace, and not merely a ceasefire as a ruse to draw American boots on the ground into Ukraine to defend European ones.

"Peace" has an imagined function as part of the perpetuation of war, as Alastair Crooke points out in this interview:

And, as regards the possibility that the West might have a leg to stand on in some future negotiation, you may benefit from reading that part of my diary on this topic where it says:

It should be clear at this point that if there had been any substance to the notion of "supporting Ukraine," at least, I don't know, six months ago you would have seen this dramatic effort among Ukraine's supporters to shore up Ukraine's deficiencies in the war-fighting effort. A lobby would have emerged: America needs to be retooled, it would have argued. We need to produce 155mm artillery shells to match Russia and to establish air supremacy over the boundaries of Ukraine, they would have said. Above all, they would have promoted a military draft; maybe said draft would have started with America's now-enormous unhoused populations. The advocates of this movement would have argued for a new Marshall Plan to shore up the economies of Europe after the massive hit they took when the Nord Stream pipeline went down.

But nothing like this occurred, and the moment for such a movement has passed if it ever had one.

So peace is extremely unlikely in Ukraine, in part because peace proposals (yours included) are still far too wary of acknowledging the realities on the ground. Russia is not going to vacate territory it regards as its own.

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"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

snoopydawg's picture


It’s on how Zelensky refused to uphold the Minsk agreements and his open hostility towards the Donbas Russians.

Aaron also covers the WH meltdown and what started the arguments. Or WHO started them and why.

7 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Pricknick's picture

Rule will be made by the Victor. May they be merciful.

7 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

to the victor goes the spoils.
1-5 won't get traction.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Pluto's Republic's picture

It is an important inquiry that a lot of Americans should be making.

I believe, along with most journalists who research and write on this topic, that the overwhelming majority of Americans have no idea of the many peace plans that have been proposed, the many peace plans that have been negotiated, and all of the peace plans that were signed and enacted by all parties involved — and then broken by the United States puppet government in Kiev. The belief and goals of the delusional Neocon government in the US was that the war between Ukraine and Russia would continue endlessly — along with the destruction and killing — until Russia was weakened to the point of surrender. The Russian nation would then be broken up and its assets pillaged by the US and its Western consorts once more, until nothing remained.

(We are talking about the same United States that made the Palestinian Genocide possible — so there should be no surprise here.)

The US Neocon war goals with Russia, enacted by the mentally impaired US President, have been described by many geopolitical journalists, in many places, many times over the years. Nonetheless, millions upon millions of Americans have no idea that any of this has taken place. Americans have no idea that this war started in 2014, and not in 2022. Americans have no idea how often these borderland districts in Ukraine (which have majority populations of ethnic Russians) have held Public Referendum votes. A very large majority of voters in these districts have begged for protection from Ukraine's legacy Nazi government. Americans have no idea how many times over the years that Russia had refused to get involved, and refused to annex them. Russia told them to try to adapt to Ukrainian rule.

By 2022, Ukrainian Nazi troops, who were regularly deployed from Kiev to the eastern border of Ukraine, had exterminated more than 60,000 ethnic Russians who had settled there a very long time ago. After yet another referendum that coincided with the build-up of an invasion force of Ukrainian-Nazi troops in February 2022 — Russia finally crossed the highway/border and entered Ukraine as a Special Military Operation in the borderland districts of Ukraine.



Americans apparently have no idea that some of the referendums from the besieged borderland districts of Ukraine were finally approved by a vote of the Russian parliament about a year ago. These adjacent districts are now part of the Russian Federation, and are under Russian protection. Citizenships and passports have been issued to the new Russian citizens in those areas. Those who did not wish to remain in Russia were released to Ukraine or their home country. Maps have been revised by map companies around the world to include this new reality

So, this is a good opportunity to bring the reality of the situation to those who have exposure to US news sources, only. We don't have an outreach program here, and we really should, for our own sakes. In that spirit, everyone should feel free to copy my comment and post it anywhere that it might do some good. It won't make America great again. But it might make Americans smart again.

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