This cannot be legal

6 users have voted.


usefewersyllables's picture

a completely irrelevant and quaint term, when describing the actions of the US Government. That ship sailed generations ago. A few great cases in point would be the Palestinian genocide, coups in dozens of countries, undeclared wars leading to the wholesale destruction of entire peoples without a word of debate in Congress, and on and on.

The government has been utterly dysfunctional for decades, except as a pipeline for unlimited funds to the MIC and its associated hangers-on, heirs, and assigns. And that has been true regardless of which color jersey the current placeholder in the oval office is wearing at any moment.

The idea of the rule of law applying to the federal government or its many goons in any way is completely laughable at this point. We're all just along for the ride, as we pay our taxes and look on in utter dismay. Sorry if that causes any inconvenience.

10 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

@usefewersyllables @usefewersyllables that should be more specific.
Hope you didn't plan on getting your social security money back.

1 user has voted.
usefewersyllables's picture


die at my desk. But thanks for your kind thoughts, just the same.

The Constitution has been described as "just a piece of paper" by the placeholder in the oval office before, and it will be again. It holds very little sway indeed over the actions of the federal government. Once again, sorry if that causes any inconvenience.

10 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

earthling1's picture

according to Bush the Lessor.

7 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

snoopydawg's picture


I agree with Krystal that the richest man in the world has no right to decide how money is spent nor should he or anyone else have access to our information unless they have security clearance and have sworn an oath to uphold the constitution.

But I can’t stand Krystal yapping over Saegar and not letting him speak. Especially with her shrilling voice. Let him make his point and then she can make hers. I want to hear his opinion on this.

She has a good point. Republicans would be outraged if Biden had let Soros or another rich democrat do this.

Closing down funds for regime change is okay, but baby and the bath water. But this goes beyond USAID. It’s all the other government stuff he’s getting access to. USAID will still exist under the state department and might cut out the CIA controlling it.

I’d like to hear what Turley and the judge have to say about it. I’ll look for Turley.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

earthling1's picture

was specifically created to infiltrate countries with unfriendly governments to spread money, arms, and ideology to opposition and rebel groups to sow discontent and civil war to bring regime change.
Ditto Ned, IMF, and World Bank.

9 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.


The rest of the tweet:

Top USAID Recipients (2023 data) & Ongoing Conflicts (2024):

1. Ukraine ($16B) – War with Russia, intense battles in the east and south.

2. Ethiopia ($1.9B) – Government vs. Amhara militias and Oromo insurgents.

3. Jordan ($1.2B) – Border clashes, rising tensions from the Israel-Gaza war.

4. Democratic Republic of Congo ($1.1B) – M23 rebels, militia violence.

5. Somalia ($1.1B) – Government vs. Al-Shabaab, regional power struggles.

6. Yemen ($1B) – Houthi rebels attacking Red Sea ships, ongoing civil war.

7. Afghanistan ($1B) – Taliban rule faces ISIS-K attacks and resistance.

8. Nigeria ($900M) – Boko Haram, ISWAP, bandits, and separatists.

9. South Sudan ($800M) – Ethnic violence and rebel conflicts.

10. Syria ($800M) – Civil war, Turkish airstrikes, U.S.-Iran-Israel tensions.

Is U.S. foreign aid a response to crisis, or does it entrench conflicts? The age-old question: Which came first—the war or the aid?

10 users have voted.

@humphrey that's not the point.
If Musk had just stormed the HQ of USAID then no one would shed a tear. But he took over the Treasury.
It's important to not lose sight of that.
It's also important to recognize that no one voted for Musk. He shouldn't even be allowed in the building.

5 users have voted.
usefewersyllables's picture


are primarily started using black, off-the-books funds.

However, they are then extended by the use of the lily-white, yay-for-us, we’re-the-good-guys, charitably-unauditable largess of the kindly people of USAID. Oooh-raw!

Right in front of Gawd and everybody. Starting a war is cheap. Given that, why have the expense of eternal war-continuation appear on the CIA’s books when you can simply describe it as “charitable works”?

Not a fan.

9 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

janis b's picture


describes loudly the point. Thanks ufs.

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Do the people that LIKE this not realize that Elon, an actual real-life robber baron oligarch, is running rough shod on the power of the purse of the U.S. Congress? If there were any laws left that truly applied to robber barons Elon would have been arrested the moment he attempted this.

Ask yourselves why they are not gutting where the actual biggest waste of money is with failures in audits year after year, that is the Pentagon and the DoD. Again, damn clueless.

Anyone who believes Elon is a hero are THE most misinformed people on the planet. The marriage of such nonsense is literal fascism, corporate power and government working hand in hand that ultimately do not give one fuck above the little guy.

Many people who are clearly Trump supporters don’t have any problem with this and they actually think that Trump and Musk are taking on the deep state.
But again I’ll point out that they would shit bricks if Biden had done this and appointed Soros to do it.

How many of Musk’s billions came from government subsidies, tax breaks and government contracts?

I like reading older books where the elites are only worth a few million instead of the current day billionaires worth hundreds of billions. The only way people can make that much money is through corruption from start to finish. Musk is worth $200 billion plus. But people like the Rothschilds are worth trillions. How’d they make their money?

6 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.


Many people who are clearly Trump supporters don’t have any problem with this and they actually think that Trump and Musk are taking on the deep state.

What exactly do people consider to be the "deep state"?
It isn't people that carry guns, because Repubs always endorse them.
Is it the "establishment"? That would be weird if you are endorsing a former president.
Is it the "ruling elite"? Then why endorse billionaire oligarchs? How are they not the ruling elite?

0 users have voted.
QMS's picture

think snoop had it right when crossing out countries
and inserting companies instead. We are witnessing
the alignment of business and government objectives.
Sci-fi stories have long presented this current dystopia.
Rather than having national patches on uniforms
they are replaced with corporate logo. Warriors identify
with Blackrock or Apple and fight for their sponsors.

5 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare