Saturday Open Thread - 1/11/25: Odds and Ends

Good morning, good people!
It is solidly back to work for those who do, holidays are over. Most of the time I am out of the office, I still work. Stolen babies, evictions gone wrong, calls from jail, and on and on.
But this time, it was a real time off. Only casual questions to answer. Otherwise, enjoy the beach, enjoy the meals.
Then, work resumed, and I noticed my temper got short when I answered a client's question for the tenth time. I refused to take cases for people I knew damn well wouldn't listen to me. I then had a visit with a lawyer of my age, my experience, and she said she felt the same thing this past week and we decided what we were going through was the mind-set of a retired lawyer. I may be closer to retirement than I thought. We both agreed our clients had traits: they read some law on Google and told us what to do. They were greedy. They were violent. They were unwilling to listen. We wondered if we were going to be able to help folks, and what is our purpose if we can't?
Well, it's the whole world that is getting like that. Society has degraded, culture has degraded, and she and I are out of place now.
A stolen identity story: A client hired me to lower her child support.
The Atty Gen Child Support division checked their data base, brought suit. They relied upon the Social Security data base to calculate her statutory child support guideline payment..
She is a Hispanic US citizen.
A person on the other side of Texas, an illegal, Hispanic, stole her identity, causing her child support to exceed her income. It is withheld from her check, she is a Walmart employee, and she is still in default.
I will contact the FBI. Fun times.
And when the Feds get him:
Ok, I am done sort of bitchin' that people aren't as perfect as my self, and my select group of perfect friends.
Hey! You are all in my personal select group, fwiw!
This an open thread, a place to comment about whatever is interesting to you. Good chance it is interesting to us!

Happy Saturday mornin'!
It is cold here, there, stay warm, send your best thought and if need be, dollars, to our beautiful friends in the LA area.
Now, folks, let 'er rip!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hey, good morning!
Lucked out yesterday. Just happened to have booked a day
at the Kennedy Space Center. Lo and behold, a launch was
scheduled for a Space X Falcon 9 rocket carrying 60 Starlink
satellites. So we were able to watch it from about 6 miles away.
Very exciting! The thunderous roar and boom vibrated us.
A good video of the occasion.
Thanks for the OT
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
How cool was that?!
Or the visual, for that matter.
The closest I have come to a space craft in action was when I was driving in Houston, and a truck with a wide load happened to be hauling one. It was yuge!
Get some pictures of this and that. I am not a fan of Florida toll roads, but I do love the beaches and the gators in the 'glades.
Safe travels, Cap'n!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The wx conditions were perfect
Too bad I didn't see this scheduled launch. I get all kinds of bs news items force fed to my PC and phone, but somehow didn't get this one.
On the other hand, sometimes I think how much junk are we going to put up there? You know someone has to keep track of it.
語必忠信 行必正直
Agree, more space debris is not good
seems Musk is being underwritten by the DoD and making
billions for his investments. Who pays to clean up the
low earth orbit when space junk starts interfacing?
Another superfund? Payed by us?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Sounds capitalist.
Good music selections!
I've been following the fires in southern California.
It's all over YouTube now.
I see two argumentative options.
1) the fires are amplified by climate change. I mean, sure, one reads in the biographies of Aldous Huxley that a fire destroyed his home in Beachwood Canyon in 1961. But the ongoing flames of, you know, right now, are more serious than those were. We know, moreover, from observation, that the average global temperatures are increasing 0.2 degrees Celsius each decade since the Seventies. So maybe? Hard to prove.
2) The fires are what you'd expect from an overbuilt semi-desert that used to routinely see some sort of fire every century.
Either way, it feels good not to live in southern California anymore, even if my old neighborhood is a fair distance away from the current action.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
What a tragedy, Cass.
The common assessment is that the government was totally unprepared. I agree. Maybe small government is not a remedy, methinks. Just make the one we have actually work for the people, regardless of size.
Glad you are not there.
Have a great weekend, friend.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I just read about a coincidence.
The only thing happening in a vacuum is cat hair and dust swishing around.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Speaking of liars
There is a scandal known as "Myung Tae-kyun gate" which was a substantial factor in driving the Yoon coup d'etat plans. This is from an October report of illegal interference in a national assembly nomination by Yoon's wife if not Yoon himself. When Myung, a political broker, was arrested by prosecutors he made public threats against the administration saying attempts to jail him would result in disclosures by him that would "bring down the administration." Apparently, this threat has come true, as disclosures of his chat records reveal 280 conversations between Myung Tae-kyun and Kim Gon-hee related to party election nomination processes that have taken place over the last three years. Myung fell under prosecution investigation after
appearingKang Hye-kyung appeared before the National Assembly last October. Yoon/first lady unlawful interference in PPP nomination processes for elections took place over multiple elections and must have been known to prosecutors by November 2024.Kang Hye-kyung, who reported Kim Gun-hee's "suspicious intervention in the nomination...
Yoon appears to have publicly lied about his relationship with Myung Tae-kyun in the past when the accusations were first raised. He claimed he didn't know Myung well, and didn't have a relationship with him. This is odd because the wording of suggested memes from Myung recorded in the chats appeared later in Yoon's public statements. This suggests that Myung was an advisor/strategist for Yoon. The question always arises about prosecution investigations of Kim Gon-hee, how was this evidence swept under the rug? The diversion or obstruction of investigations into the First Lady and Yoon, by the prosecution, seems to be a pattern that preceded the coup attempt and impeachment, and has actually gone back years, as careful Yoon observers have suspected.
So now, in addition to the preexisting Deutsche Motors stock manipulation scheme, the Dior Handbag scandal, and the interference in the military investigation into Cpl. Chae's death (which implicated a general on friendly terms with the first lady), we now have first lady/Yoon interference in party nomination/election processes over three successive elections. All of which, has been suppressed by various prosecution obstruction of justice moves to divert and set aside such suspected unlawful acts.
The commander of the Presidential Security Guard submitted to prosecution questioning yesterday and has been arrested. The deputy commander is now in charge of Yoon's resistance to arrest at the presidential official residence. The expiration date of the warrant for Yoon's arrest is secret at this point, and all are wondering when Yoon's arrest will be carried out. Yoon has announced he will not appear before the Constitutional Court to answer charges, because "his security cannot be assured." In other words because if he steps foot outside the fortress, he will be arrested.
Thanks for the O&E Onthecusp. As far as the legal matters you are working on, admire your ability to stay with it. I've been having difficulty staying on line lately. Don't know what the cause is. As soon as I'm ready to load my comments, the connection drops, and my PC fails to recognize the connection. The modem acts as if it doesn't know my device and I have to try repeatedly to reconnect.
(edit- correction, Myung Tae-kyun was summoned to the hearing but I don't think he appeared. Kang reported on Myung's party nomination activity.)
語必忠信 行必正直
Thanks for all that info. Sounds like a real mess.
Wonder if Blinkie will even try to fix it.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Yoon is still not arrested?
Kim is a dirty little wench, ain't she?
Do we have any ally that runs fair and truly democratic elections?
I suppose we are their model for faking them.
The value of the internet for non-business purposes is getting to be limited because of propaganda. Just getting news reports that get slanted far left, or far right, diminishes their informational value. As Marvin says, "what's goin' on?" Did the government-run media take Jack Nicholson at face value, "You can't handle the truth!"?
This past week, a young man wanted to hire me to defend him for a felony, namely, possession of 4 Adderall pills in his pocket while at the Fair and Rodeo last October. Fun at the Fair! Seems he had a prior where he got a once in a lifetime sweetheart deal to get his earlier felony of possessing Ecstacy, so I figure the prosecutors would be highly unlikely to give him much of a chance. I didn't take the case, figuring he was just too damn stupid to fool with. You can't fix stupid.
Another woman asked me to examine her mom's will. Handwritten, but legal, except it left her estate to her husband if she predeceased him. She told me she would hire me when the 89 yr old step-dad died, and just destroy the will, proceed to claim property as an heir. Can you imagine me stating to a judge that the women died without a will? I told her I declined the job, that it would require me to enable her to commit perjury and fraud, and I was really busy working on honest estate matters. She was a phone conference from out of state. If she had been in the office, I would have pushed her sorry ass out the door.
I just wasn't mentally prepared for this first week after a lovely vacation!
Check out Pluto TV for old tv shows and old movies. It is free, although you must get interrupted by commercials. When in doubt, Gunsmoke!
Thanks for the SK news, and I hope all your friends and family that live there are safe.
Enjoy your weekend, friend!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
"you can't handle the truth!"
The dramatic admission in court that never occurs. Saw this movie not too long after I separated, identified with some of it. As they say, "been there, done that, got the belt buckle." Know of similar stories, perhaps none so dramatic. Gitmo what a stain.
語必忠信 行必正直
The rise of Fartcoin
I would be too embarassed
Bitcoin never made sense to me. We are constantly having cyber attacks and weather events that disrupt the intertubes. That kills any incentive to buy into that crap.
Well, to each his own, gj!
Have a great weekend!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I woke up next to another TP roll
Dunno why she thinks they belong in bed, but that’s the 3rd one in 2 days.
BTW they do not hold their shape, but get flattened out by her mouth. She carries them from room to room.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Good grief!
Never a dull moment with her.
Lots of videos and articles linking the wildfire to Build Back Better Smart Cities. Supposedly videos of cars burned up right beside a tree that wasn't even scorched, but I haven't run across them. Have you?
Drop in links of anything you find interesting, chica!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
This what you’re looking for
I’m all for it if it’s voluntary. If it’s mandatory not so much. But there seems to be a plan in place already.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Not for it.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
There seems to be a hidden message here.
How many times will the US do this back-the-guy-we-pick idiocy?
Go BRICS! Maduro is taking the right direction for his sanction depleted society. I admire his courage and tenacity.
Thanks for the Xs, friend! Bring 'em on!
Have a great weekend!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Good morning otc et. al. It will probably be afternoon before
I finish typing. Farmers' market went smoothly, though it was breezy. It's breezy here too. taking a break from pruning the apple tree to feast on whole wheat spaghetti with chunks of fresh crimini shrooms all drenched in Harissa infused olive oil. Meanshile I'm boiling up some beets thinking that we can use cooked beet chunks as snacks by drizzling elderflower or peach balsamic over them.
I'm way behind on my preferred news sources, so I guess that's next before getting back to pruning.
Have a great weekend
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good on that delicious
We had some very harsh weather this week. I think the upcoming week will be pretty cold, but no winds or rain.
I may be able to do some yard work tomorrow. We shall see.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, dear friend!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I'm with you OTC
The practice of law has degraded into some sort of a blood sport. Everyone is unreasonable and cannot process or even listen to negative information. Nothing settles, and the judges are corrupt as hell at this point. It's bad time to be a lawyer.
@Bring Back Civics It's not just the
Tell it, brother!
Opposing attorneys use every trick in the book to pad their hourly billing. What ought to take 4 hours now takes 30. The younger they are, the shittier they are.
Texas finally allowed attorneys to advertise a few years ago. Now, market specialist prepare slogans, themes, websites, billboards,even wardrobes and haircuts. When zoom became a thing with the onset of COVID lock downs, a popular program designed your background, then eliminated your wrinkles and took off 20 yrs from your appearance. Don't get me started on setting up the screen and lap top to show a jury your super cool bullet talking points.
We in the Old School are ashamed of our profession.
Oh, well, I will retire soon enough.
Have a great weekend and knock your cases outta the park, counselor!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
North Korean pow's in Ukraine?
Zelenskyy says Ukraine captured two wounded N. Korean soldiers
Still having trouble with these reports. One doesn't even look N.Korean. The other could be, but Russia has over 165K ethnic Korean citizens. I'm not seeing anything distinctly "North Korean" in this. So Yonhap and Zelensky publish the photos while the Kyiv Independent does not for policy reasons. I think such photographic publication is actually a GC violation.
Prisoners of war in contemporary armed conflict: Interpreting the Third Geneva Convention 70+ years after its negotiation
This restriction is problematic in terms of making a public spectacle of the "North Korean pows," if that's who they are. Don't they have any distinctive artifacts or other signs that suggest their nationality without making a spectacle of them? Even the letter to a friend was better than this.
Poorly timed, to say the least, like Blinken's visit.
Japan foreign minister to visit S.Korea to shore up security cooperation
200,000 in the streets of Seoul today calling for Yoon's arrest. Simone Chun has an excellent thread on X with 18 comments on the current situation. Two examples:
Yes, Nobel Prize, that's the ticket! The Asia policy "expert" Kurt Campbell.
語必忠信 行必正直
I have a hard time believing anything coming from the
Ukrainian propaganda machine.
That said. I am just throwing in this for context.
Whoa. 200,000?
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
There was a large counterdemonstration the right wing Christian fundies and taeguki types in Gwanghamun, Seoul, earlier today. It's hard to tell how large this crowd is, although it is a big one. Depending on the network providing the video, the camera angles, and the timing of the videos broadcast, the coverage is intended to portray the popular support for or against Yoon in the most favorable light to their side. The major media support Yoon. They have always been right wing, pro Japan, pro US, anti Sunshine policy, etc., etc.
The more I look at the pro-Yoon, pro-US, demonstrators, with their stop the steal signs (in English) and American flags, the more obvious it appears US covert support is coming their way. The Jaeil Sarang Church with Jeon Gwang-hoon, the demagogue anti-communist pastor leading it, is running expensive ads in support of Yoon in the conservative media, which he claims he paid millions for over the past year. He and the ads refer to Lee Jae-myung, the democratic opposition party leader, who is the most popular leader in South Korea currently as a "communist deceiver." He claims falsely that Lee is anti-US and doesn't support the US alliance. I think referring to the most recent legislative elections as fraudulent, and the legislature as a "fake legislature that needs to be shattered," is a typical CIA type meme for regime change. All of this is in the big lie category, and the ultimate premise that Yoon can be retained in office as president of South Korea is crazy and untenable at this point. Some of the old conservative pols have come out against the far right tact adopted by the PPP and conservative media.
The PPP Yoon's party is making all kinds of preposterous legal arguments as to why the arrest warrant for Yoon is illegal, and trying to minimize the scope and power of any investigation into Yoon's martial law activity. These efforts are ineffectual legally as the matter is now in the hands of the Constitutional Court, not the minority party in the legislature, and not the crowds in the streets. Their role is over whether they like it or not. Their appearance at the Hannamdong venue is purely symbolic of their preposterous messaging.
Whether Yoon gets arrested before his first CC hearing, whether he appears or not, is really irrelevant at this point except in a psychological sense, that the integrity of governmental processes is continuing to be degraded, and Yoon and his far right supporters, including many elected PPP representatives from the National Assembly, are in the process of executing a fascist movement type breakdown of the formal government institutions. If you listen carefully to their sloppy rhetoric, the impeachment is unlawful, martial law was lawful, the legislature is invalid as an institution, the Constitutional Court has no authority, the warrant for the president's arrest is unlawful, the prosecutors have no jurisdiction, etc., etc. It's a nihilistic political movement.
語必忠信 行必正直
8 minutes of fun
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Dementia Joe keeps proving that his brain is mush!
Aside from him saying that he would have beaten Trump we get this.
Just over a week until dead-brain Joe
vacates the White House, hopefully for a secure dementia-centered assisted living facility.
Not that the incoming boss is likely to be an improvement. Psychos In Charge Here.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Just saying...... LOL
Hey wait a minute I am a certified Youtube lawyer.
My family and I have been over the many many years subjected to police abuse. A number of years ago I was the focus of cops on a mistaken identity issue and close to being arrested for something I did not do. After that began a slow and steady study of what rights people have focused on their property not like taxes or property lines. I read and watched various channel creators where were practicing civil right lawyers. I should have known better it just amazing how Americans do not understand basic civil rights, which included me, but lead astray by idiot social media. And many idiots on social media push incorrect information.
Thing is I can see your point. There are bunches and bunches of people posting about various encounters who know nothing about law or case law. They are taken as somehow experts who really post just what people call red meat videos.
You might even certify as a Yahoo! Lawyer!
I listen to clients lay out the perfect case. The get all the law down pat. Then, I have to tell them they had 1 year to bring suit, and 13 months have passed, so they are barred by the Statute of Limitations, something Google's algorithm didn't pop up onto the screen.
More typically, clients want to smear their adulterous spouse with lots of witnesses and nasty text messages at divorce hearings because Google correctly list adultery as a cause of action. Thing is, unless kids are involved, it only sways the case in your favor if spouse spent earned wages on the adulterous affair. If not, the judge will ask to move along to relevant facts.
I could go on and on, Counselor, bur you get the drift.
People have no clear understanding of their right, and give them up all day, every day. I think a course on Constitutional rights should be required to get a high school diploma. I am so happy you stood your legal ground successfully, friend!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Divorce videos maybe some of the worst.
In the case of criminal law ignorance I would heavily blame cop shows in movies and TV. And very popular ones run by liberals. After gaining some understanding, I rewatch the shows and am aghast about the civil rights violations.
And yes high schools should teach about practical down in earth law and courts. But then again, I would imagine local government officials and cops would object. Keep them stupid.
My recent mock trial at a private school
My no-fault state gives the option of changing the 50-50 split if one spouse was found to have committed family violence. Also, disparity of income, which spouse gets custody of the children, some weird damage to property, disparity of health, but you cannot force a spouse out of the residence without court order.
It is difficult to make clients understand that divorces are not the venue to get even and smear the reputation of their spouse. It is more akin to the dissolution of a joint business venture, an unemotional division of assets and debts. Moreover, in a tiny and gossipy community, what you say about your spouse under oath can destroy their ability to live in and work in the community, cause the kids to be the target of gossip and abuse on the school grounds.
Back in the days before DEI, my client showed evidence that her husband was wearing women's underwear and sexy high heels in front of the kids. After court, he circled the courthouse with the barrel of a rifle clearly visible. The client and I were told to sit on the floor of the judge's office until the guy was arrested and disarmed. He was fired from his job, moved, hasn't been seen or heard of since. The kids were traumatized for a while.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The cops escorted me home that day.
It is not for wussies.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981