The Clinton faux outrage campaign allows no critique

So I was over at Daily Clinton, where this comment to the heartfelt outrage dejour is now hidden:

Clinton loves distractions like this. It's her whole campaign.

They even hid this explanation:

Whoever flagged my comment, my great grandmother was a prostitute to feed her family living in destitution. You won't find a person more zealous of preventing the exploitation of human beings than me. I don't support calling anyone a “whore” just like I don't like my father or grandfather, the child of the prostitute, called a bastard. The term corporate whore is not the same term. I still think he was wrong to use it.

Meanwhile, what I said is true.

Oh well. Peace and justice. And now a moment of silence for the daily epipen tragedies the Clinton campaign must endure.

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is well beyond redemption. Kos blathered some more bullshit today, and I couldn't help but look. But as ridiculous as his comments were, the comments from the "community" were sickening, plain and simple. That did it for me. Won't even be dropping in to check headlines anymore. I don't associate with that kind.

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"The real power is in the hands of small groups of people and I don't think they have titles. -- Bob Dylan"

Shahryar's picture

he seemed to be their kind of sockpuppet

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ChemBob's picture

because I won't go there to click on the link. I need my mental health, what remains of it, LOL.

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Galtisalie's picture

story by a Clinton supporter:

Lisa Ling, host of CNN’s “This is Life with Lisa Ling” and notable Hillary supporter was forced to issue a public statement today to distance herself from her husband’s choice of words at last night’s Bernie Sanders rally in New York.

Dr. Paul Y Song, Chief Medical Officer of Cynvenio, a California-based Biotech company, took the stage to introduce the candidate for the Democratic Presidential Nomination by saying:

Now Secretary CLinton has said that Medicare for all will never happen. [boos] Well, I agree with Secretary Clinton that Medicare for all will never happen if we have a president who never aspires for something grater than the status quo. [cheers] Medicare for all will never happen if we continue to elect corporate Democratic Whores [cheers] who are beholden to big pharma and the private insurance industry instead of us.

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...Hillary will take it. And avoid the substance of the criticism, which was that you can't expect real health care reform from politicians who are on the take with Big Pharma and the insurance industry.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

tourniquet's picture

any chance. orangewater has aligned itself with professional victims, and if anyone's encountered enclaves of these people online, you'll know that it's going to blow up in their faces. it's all but guaranteed.

the whole concept of the "safe space" on a public forum is a tell; so persecuted! so repressed, they have to have a members-only treehouse to shit-talk and bobble away. without repercussions, of course, because it's their right as victims to spam their hatred unaddressed. people like this nearly turned me off of the progressive movement altogether, because they're not here to fight, they're here for the echo chamber.

that's pathetic, and the idea of sharing the progressive umbrella with them makes my own associations suspect. if the conservatives are right about anything, it's that a good number of so-called progressives are just wet noodles looking for someplace to vent their frustrations, and, that urge being satisfied online, don't carry any of it into the real world.

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tapu dali's picture

"No B3rni3 support3rz allow3d"?

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There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.

Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
lunachickie's picture


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tourniquet's picture

you look at some of the shit talking in these safe space threads and there's a whole lot of.. let's be friendly and call it a circle jerk.

the fact that it's actually condoned.. i mean i've never seen a website that was cool with stuff like that. ever. usually site admin gets rid of the Obvious Trolls, or tells people to fuck off when they try stuff like that. it's anathema to a forum, because why not just claim every bobblethread is a safe space and spam the fuck out of everything?

like i said, these people are time bombs, and they'll go off eventually. aligning yourself with a bunch of people that can't handle dissent is inviting disaster.

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lunachickie's picture

the idea of sharing the progressive umbrella with them makes my own associations suspect.

No way. First of all, if you're an honest progressive, then your associations are by definition less suspect than theirs, straightaway. That would be like caring what the guy in the Cardinals t-shirt and the sign making note of "morans" thinks. And I hate to tell you this, but many of these wet-noodles do in fact "carry it into the real world". You can't talk to some of them there, either.

Beyond that, I sort of agree with you. Seems to me if they're progressive, then the only way for them to keep believing they're that progressive when faced with actual facts about their, ummm, progressive candidate is for you or any other Sanders supporter to become the stereotypical granola-munching, tree-hugging, unicorn-desiring, pie-eyed Librul (for starters!) Otherwise, they get cranky because they can't square such nonsense with their own damn conscience ;- )

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Damnit Janet's picture

... perfection Smile

thank you from a family who tries really hard to walk their talk. We aren't perfect but we continue to try to be aware. "What did you do once you knew?"

I've been chastised for being an "unrealistic, uppity, unreasonable woman" before. Usually it's right wingers but it no longer stings as much when I saw it happening at the other place. It's not longer, for me, about community or reputations or diaries... our country needs to wake the fuck up. We NEED someone like Sanders and we NEED his supporters.

Again, thank you for sharing your voice. I like "uppity, unreasonable, unrealistic" types. Biggrin

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

Damnit Janet's picture

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

tourniquet's picture

think of myself as an honest progressive. i'm not here to shout about my super-wow progressive bona fides. i'm here for news and views and emus, and that's about it.

the reason i question progressivism is because of these people that are just looking for an echo chamber. i guess the real world quip was a non sequitur, because bringing some of those arguments into the real world would get you laughed out of the bar.

i'm not looking for an echo chamber. not in real life, and not online. i'm looking for discourse, with genuine arguments and counter arguments, and that's not food for people looking for an echo chamber/circle jerk. i'm really enjoying C&L right now because there's vibrant debate, lots of trolls, some obviously from orangewater (cutting and pasting from proxy sites) but a lot of real debate in an open forum. not just OMG BERNIE or OMG HILLZYSAUCE but a bunch of in between.

that's what's missing right now. too much partisan bullshit, too many talking-points-trolls. i can't dig on groupthink.

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mouselander's picture

to give the f**ker any more clicks. And I encourage others to likewise refrain. The thing is, I don't think Markos especially cares whether you feel contempt, disdain, scorn or hatred for him, as long as you continue to put money in his pocket by providing him with web traffic. If you really want to get back at him, don't go there. Let him and his fellow one percent wannabe Hill-bots stew in their own rancid juices. I personally feel no more commonality with them than I do with the denizens of RedState or Free Republic.

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inactive account

stevej's picture

just wish people would stop giving him free content though -the Dkos problem would go away very quickly if that were to happen.

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

Corporate Whore.... Hmmmpf...


there... All Better...

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
lunachickie's picture

waaaaahmbulance graphic when you need one? Or a great soundtrack?

Oh, wait!

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^^^ Clinton campaign strategy.

One of the things I miss least. That, and the constant questioning of gender & race credentials and 'splaining' accusations tossed out about once a minute. Oh, and the tossing overboard of any progressive principle that might make Clinton look bad.

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Reading that gang for very long is enough to make you sympathize with right wingers who howl about "political correctness." The people at the GOS rip the heads off the most liberal people in the world because they get it in their heads that they're some kind of "-ist." And I am a woman, but I'm sick of the blanket contempt for "white men." White men are as deserving of respect as other human beings are, and prejudice, disdain, and contempt is hateful in ANY form.

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Twain Disciple

If I were interested in getting my information from a place where bickering and endless excitement over bullshit scandals drowns out discussion of real issues, I'd just buy a TV.

Sadly, DK was a place that educated me on race and gender issues. Probably more than any other over the years.

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Twain Disciple

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Damnit Janet's picture

as an anti-war, anti-poverty, anti-hunger, anti-fracker person, I've called her much worse.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

I think my visit over there today may have cured me except maybe for the BNR, but I will have to completely stop reading the comments altogether. The level of discourse has sunk to the point of failing to qualify for the definition. It's a wall-to-wall strident, self-congratulatory echo chamber with bonus bullying of the stalwart few attempting to correct blatant lies and alternatively to unspool disingenuous rhetorical tricks and shenanigans used to slam almost anything associated with Bernie Sanders. There is literally no level of factual, sourced refutation of their lies that will convince them, exactly like many Republicans.

Most seem to have bought into the narrow definition of "Progressive" as 100% identity-based, and any mentions of economic-based policy changes are dismissed as some or other flavor of "privilege" no matter how nuanced with additional and equally-needed plans for other kinds of legislation and policy to correct past injustices.

Like many here I've also been noticing that every few days or so a new meme arises and is repeated in multiple diaries in the comments, just blatant talking points with the new ones many times building on or recycling old ones.

The current one seems to be insisting that Bernie has turned into some kind of preening egomaniac with glowing dollar signs for eyes, drunk on the adoration of his tediously teeming masses, addicted to the limelight, and, as fame addicts are wont to do, aspiring to ascend to Pope-like levels of adulation and gleefully resorting to hand-over-fist squandering of the campaign donations of his great unwashed hoard of delusional idiot sycophants in the pursuit of said glory, reflected if necessary, (That's the real reason for the trip to that symposium in Rome you know.) all of whom are deferring their own needs for food and shelter because they idolize him personally, but yet these same delusional followers will also merely go back to sleep or fall back into line as soon as he does what the True Faithful want him to which is to shut the fuck up and idolize their queen instead like good little consumers.

Regarding the latest daily #fauxoutrage, I'm a language parser from way back, but this cynical pandering and preying on the legitimate concerns of minorities and women who have been attacked and minimized by lifetimes of racist, misogynistic, othering *language and actions, all for the hypocritical benefit of true greed and power-lust, with no real intent to actually do anything to help them in any real, tangible way other than condescending head-patting and linguistic affirmation that hides just beneath the surface an unblinking steely resolve to maintain the status quo so as to do nothing that will hurt the bottom line is searingly nauseating to me.

*Regarding language, I will still call sexist, racist, etc. language out whenever I see it, but that's not what this is really about. This is a sham, and it stinks all the worse for what we language parsers like to call appropriation, which is borrowing against the actual disadvantages of individuals and groups, particularly when it's done for personal benefit. Yep, that's what this is, and it really does stink. It's also an endless game of "gotcha" that Bernie can't win, and that's all by design.

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Oldest Son Of A Sailor's picture

On A Snarky Diary Written By A Hillary Supporter...

Screen shot 2016-04-14 at 9.24.06 PM.png

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"Do you realize the responsibility I carry?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."

~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Galtisalie's picture

None should be overlooked. I really like this statement:

Most seem to have bought into the narrow definition of "Progressive" as 100% identity-based, and any mentions of economic-based policy changes are dismissed as some or other flavor of "privilege" no matter how nuanced with additional and equally-needed plans for other kinds of legislation and policy to correct past injustices. - See more at:

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Thank you. To me the continuing existence of mind-numbing levels of prejudice and outright discrimination by gender, race, sexuality, and other denominations is what makes playing these specific kinds of gotcha games even more repugnant because it takes people's genuine struggles and suffering and commodifies it into crass political calculus for the continued financial benefit of elites, such as those who focus group the hell out of people's dearest hopes, beliefs, and needs with the result of rendering them as sterile abstractions in the pursuit of power and money.

That the very people who are being harmed by the societal and individual acts of prejudice and discrimination are caught up in the web of false concern or concern as a tool for other selfish ends is what makes it all so cynical and disgusting.

I'm not saying I've never been fooled myself by just such a charlatan, political or otherwise, but I'm trying to watch harder for what people do rather than what they just say, especially when the two don't match up very well, such as in Clinton's case here.

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Twain Disciple

SiriusMoonLight's picture

No. Not even close. If Secretary Clinton wants to be seen as tough and tested, she and especially her supporters need to stow their "poutrage" and sense of entitlement because she aint gonna get a pass from the Repubs. The Democratic primaries are cream puffs and roses compared to what she will experience in the general. Neither Bernie or any other primary challenger of hers are not the source of the public's perception of her nor are they handing the Repubs ammo. No. Her and Bill baked that cake themselves for the last 25 years. Benghazi doesn't matter, emails don't matter and the ginned up "right wing scandal machine" doesn't matter. It's THEIR character and ethics that DOES matter.

They built that.

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Too many in society, infected with religiousity, see sex work as sin. But rather than heed the admonition of the Only Real Christian to hate the sin but love the sinner, they go all Old Testament / Sharia Law on those who choose to provide such services no matter the cause, and will gladly line up to patronize the business as soon as no one is looking. There is no bluer nose than the one on the face of a reformed prostitute.

Such folks tend to ignore the business aspects of monogamy, in which a woman allegedly promises exclusive sexual services in trade for financial support, at least under the traditional form of the arrangement. It's OK to trade sex for money under such conditions, because a ring was involved and "a pocket full of mumbles, such are promises" were uttered in front of assembled family and friends.

Yet no one notices that "whore" and "housewife" tend to be equally disdained by "feminists".

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Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.

featheredsprite's picture

77 or so things Bernie as president could do without congressional approval.
Check this out. Lots of food for thought and comment.

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.