Open Thread - 09-20-24 - Waiting for the Sun

The Double-edged Sword of Technology

This is the strangest life I've ever known. -Jim Morrison

Daedalus told his son Icarus: Don't fly too close to the sun or it will melt your wings and into the sea you will plummet. Don't fly too low or your wings will collect water and into the sea you will plunge.

Yet, Icarus in his exuberance flew too high and paid the toll of greed, ambition and hope with his life.

There is but one thing on this earth that comes close to matching the power of the sun. We as a species, as a country, as a polity are forgoing Daedalus's warning of balance between the extremes. Madmen are in the throes of greed and ambition in lieu of hope, as we potentially soar ever closer to our metaphorical watery cortege.

Attribution: Wikimedia Commons

We, as did Daedalus, watch in horror as those mad among us fly too close to the sun at our collective peril. Their unwillingness to relinquish the grip of empire is taking us to the brink of disaster. As the wealth fades, like the melting wax of Icarus's wings, the West will plummet headlong into oblivion if we don't pull back from the sun.

It's a shame that having had this warning, back as far as the Ancient Greeks, that we still have madmen that want to fly too close to the sun.

To Shiva, Destroyer of Worlds, look upon your children and see the future light in their eyes.

Before it's too late.

That is the way.

Many years ago I joked on another site about the overlords having the power to zap us with electricity through the screen or keyboard of our internet connected devices. The joke being if one says or types the wrong thing then you'll pay the consequences with a gentle reminder of your place in their world, and a not so gentle reminder for those that stray too far from the conventional authoritarian parameters of a socially controlled corralling of the mind.

I was just joking, I even gave myself the side eye on that one, but with recent revelations perhaps the joke was just a bit too premature.

The Doors: Waiting for the Sun
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Do you ever get the feeling that if either one of the pied pipers currently running for president asked their true believers to stare into the sun, that a large percentage would participate, even though doing so would mean blindness?

Yeah, me too. That would leave then figuratively and literally blind.

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Cassiodorus's picture

Reduced to being a patron of bad entertainment.

AOC: entertainer.
Zelensky: entertainer.
Trump: entertainer.
Cornel West: entertainer.
The collective West: entertainers who pretend to be politicians. Macron? Starmer? Scholz?

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"If genocide is not a deal-breaker for you, there is something wrong with you." - Nick Cruse