The Weekly Watch
The Political Kabuki Theater

Another busy week in the news cycle. It was the debate which prompted this week's theme. Almost all the commentary I heard about the variety of stories we'll look at today mention the theatrical aspects of what is presented to the people. Censor what the TPTB don't want you to hear, and promote the propaganda with theatrical stories to reinforce the know Ukraine is winning, Hamas raped Israelis, Putin plans to conquer the EU, and China's economy is in collapse, as a few examples. Let's start with a great example as Thomas Massie explains the congressional economic policy play.
(7 min)
Have you seen the mini-documentary on Massie, Off Grid with Thomas Massie (35 min)?
This week He fought to prevent the WHO autocratic pandemic treaty, which might have been approved this week.
Rep. Thomas Massie: Treaties Don't Override Our Constitution 9/11/2024 (5.5 min)
The House adopted my amendment protecting Americans from unconstitutional World Health Organization (WHO) agreements and treaties. Treaties don't override the Constitution. Laws that seek to bind Americans in the United States must first pass both the House and Senate.
The senate, however, did not. They prefer abdicating their power to an unelected international body controlled by Gates and big pharma.
If we were really concerned about citizens' health we would focus on the food and medical industries.
How the MEDICAL PROFESSION is making us SICKER (31 min)
So why don't we help people learn to eat healthy? Big money, that's why.
This Evil Company Owns ALL The Food In Your House (10 min)
The salt on your table, the turkey in your sandwich, the egg in your Egg McMuffin: “the worst company in the world” makes money off all of them.
You may not have heard of them, but Cargill Inc is the biggest privately owned company in America, and they have near complete control over how and what you eat, and how working people in the agricultural system are treated. Their power and breadth has kept wages down, squashed worker power, and pushed family farms to the brink of non-existence, while manipulating prices for the consumer.
Cargill may be the largest, but they're not the only one.
The Big 4's Crushing Small Farmers: What can we do? (8 min)
The dominance of the Big 4 agribusinesses is having a devastating impact on small farmers. In this eye-opening video, we explore how these corporate giants are shaping the agricultural landscape and what steps can be taken to support and protect small-scale farmers.
Visit to find a farmer near you.
Eating highly processed foods designed to be addictive by tobacco turned food scientists has led to a real pandemic of chronic disease.

This has happened primarily since the 80's when a seed oil and carbohydrate based diet was recommended.

The rise in chronic disease matches the graph of obesity.
So much for the health Kabuki. Let's move on the political kabuki which is perhaps more obvious.
This week marked the 23rd anniversary of 9/11
The 23rd Anniversary of September 11, 2001
Time passes. An entire generation has grown up since that day when a few Saudi Arabians armed only with box cutters caused airport safety to fail four times on the same morning, caused the entire US/NATO/Mossad security system to fail, caused the WTC towers constructed to withstand airliner collisions to collapse into dust by flying hijacked airliners into them, and attack the Pentagon using maneuvers of which airliners and pilots are incapable and destroying the section of the Pentagon where the documents were that explained where the Pentagon’s missing billions or was it trillions of dollars had gone. During these hours of activity the US Air Force was unable to get interceptors off the ground, and no evidence has ever been found of the passengers on the four hijacked airliners. But an undamaged passport of one of the alleged hijackers were found in the ruins of two hundred-storied skyscrapers. And Americans fell for this totally unbelievable story. What hope is there for Americans?
It only took 10 minutes for a high school physics professor to demolish NIST’s multi-year computer simulation of the collapse of Building 7, the 47 story WTC building that a BBC reporter stood in front of announcing its collapse 30 minutes ahead of the collapse. They knew the building was slated for destruction, but the word got out prior to the event. Silverstein, who owned or had the leases to the World Trade Center said on live TV that the decision was made to pull building 7. You can’t pull a building unless it is wired, a time-consuming complex job.
It is totally obvious that all 3 buildings were wired for demolition. Building 7 collapsed at free fall acceleration, and the two towers at essentially the same speed. This can only be achieved by controlled demolition. If the alleged Muslim hijackers wired the buildings–an impossibility–what is the point of flying airliners into them?
The orchestrated event was used by Washington to launch wars in the Middle East against Israel’s opponents. Norman Podhoretz at Commentary had called for these wars, and US four star general Wesley Clark, NATO’s commander in chief, later confirmed that Pentagon generals showed him war plans calling for the US to overthrow “Seven countries in five years.”
The total humiliation that the official narrative delivered to America on 9/11 is without parallel in history. One would have thought that such a system wide failure would have destroyed Americans’ confidence in Washington. Why explains American fists rising not against Washington but against Muslim countries that had nothing to do with it?
Yes, 9/11 lit the fuse of the war OF terror which continues to manifest itself.
Even Trump doubted the narrative.
Stunning Video Of Trump Doubting Official 9/11 Story! w/ Mike Benz
The Fake ‘War On Terror’ Collapses (Pepe Escobar)
Cui Bono? (who stands to gain) remains the paramount question related to all matters related to 11 September 2001. A tight network of fervently Israel-first neocons strategically positioned across the defense and national security establishments by Vice President Dick Cheney – who had served as secretary of defense in the administration of George W Bush’s father – sprang into action to impose the long-planned agenda of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). That far-reaching agenda had waited in the wings for the right trigger – a “new Pearl Harbor” – to justify a slew of regime-change operations and wars across much of West Asia and other Muslim states, reshaping global geopolitics for the benefit of Israel.
US General Wesley Clark’s notorious revelation of a secret Cheney regime plot to destroy seven major Islamic countries over five years, from Iraq, Syria, and Libya all the way to Iran, showed us that the planning had already been done in advance. These targeted nations had one thing in common: they were resolute enemies of the occupation state and firm supporters of Palestinian rights.
The western Hegemon excels in constructing narratives and is currently wallowing in the Russophobia, Iranophobia, and Sinophobia swamps of its own creation. Discrediting official, immutable narratives, such as the one about 11 September, remains the ultimate taboo. But a false narrative construct cannot hold out forever.
How is it the dimwits celebrate the 9/11 architect, Dick Cheney's endorsement? (26 min)
In a move that has sent shockwaves through Washington DC, Republican former Vice President Dick Cheney has announced that he plans to vote for Democrat Kamala Harris in the upcoming presidential election. For decades Cheney has been widely denounced as “Darth Vader” by Democrats for his record during the Bush administration, but now that the new evil of Donald Trump has arisen, even someone as vile and universally loathed as Dick Cheney has become a welcome ally to Dems. Jimmy and podcaster Ryan Dawson discuss this dramatic shift in Democratic Party alliances and what it says about Democrats that they can so readily embrace Dick Cheney, the embodiment of political evil.
Larry Johnson Former CIA and Stephen Gardner discuss several of the most impactful Trump announcements in the last week.
(35 min)
Russiagate 3.0 is underway. Not only kabuki theater, but totally false and still being pushed. Robert Barnes does a great job recounting the Russiagate story and the current use of the FISA act on several podcasters.
It amazes me how many people still think Russia hacked our election for Trump.
Russia hate isn't new. It arrived on these shores with the Europeans.
Russophobia, Historically Considered - Prof Glenn Diesen interviewed by Prof Dan Klein (1 hour)
Currently there's a push to further censor RT news. Glenn Greenwald explains...
U.S. Pushes to Censor Russian Media Worldwide While Funding Own Propaganda Campaigns (15 min)
US Sanctions RT
RT is “engaged in covert influence activities… functioning as a de facto arm of [Russian] intelligence,” Blinken told reporters. Blinken revealed that the US, UK, and Canada plan to launch a global effort to treat RT’s activities as espionage, and hope to attract all of their “allies and partners” to the endeavor. James O’Brien, assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, called RT a “threat to democracy and accurate information.” According to the State Department, RT has “moved beyond being simply a media outlet and has been an entity with cyber capabilities,” which is “also engaged in information operations, covert influence, and military procurement.” The US government claimed that “an entity with cyber operational capabilities and ties to Russian intelligence” has been embedded within RT since the spring of 2023 and that RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan and her deputy Anton Anisimov had “direct, witting knowledge of this enterprise.”
Whatta a load of bull. They just don't want people to hear another perspective of US aggression.
The new round of US sanctions against Russian media outlets amounts to a declaration of an “information war,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told RT.
Washington seeks to silence any dissenting voices, as its celebrated “freedom of speech” applies only to those who support the official narrative and obey instructions from US intelligence services, RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan said following the latest crackdown on Russian media.
Debate the Debate?
It was Russiagate which set the stage for "orange man bad". Seems that's the view of the ABC debate moderators.

Many suggest it was three against one in the ABC kabuki. Some have suggested Kamala had the questions beforehand to help her prepare. Donna Brazil admitted in her book, she fed Hillary the debate questions before her Miami debate against Bernie. Considering ABC's obvious bias, I don't doubt it.
I found this debate analysis pretty good. (7 min)
Caleb discusses Trump/Harris debate with George Galloway
US Presidential Debate Delusion: 2 Candidates For 1 Party… The War Party
Two events dominated international news this week: the TV debate between U.S. presidential candidates, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump; and reports that Washington and its NATO allies are gearing up to permit the Ukrainian regime to use their long-range missiles to hit deep into the territory of the Russian Federation. The latter move would be viewed in Moscow as a major escalation from a proxy war to a direct conflict between nuclear powers.
I didn't waste my time watching, but waited for commentary later.
Trump-Harris 'Kabuki Theater' Debate Crystalized Candidates' Position on Risks of World War III
The debate was generally a “very well constructed” display of Japanese-style “kabuki theater,” highly stylized and ritualized and filled with platitudes, but nevertheless highlighting the candidates’ radically different visions on the top foreign policy question of the day – the conflict in Ukraine, former CIA and State Department analyst Larry Johnson told Sputnik.
Presidential debate ‘kabuki theater’ signals key differences between candidates on Ukraine crisis – Larry Johnson
Tuesday night’s ABC presidential debate between Donald Trump and Kamal Harris was a “very well constructed” Japanese-style “kabuki theater,” highly stylized and…
— Sputnik (@SputnikInt) September 11, 2024
(2 min)
“With respect to this talk about Ukraine and Russia, the Kamala Harris approach is the Hillary Clinton approach from 2016, that Donald Trump ‘is a tool of Russia’, [that] ‘he's a surrender monkey’, [that] ‘he's going to give Vladimir Putin whatever he wants’. And Kamala Harris and the Democrats are ‘going to fight the Russians tooth and nail.’ It just underscores that there is no room in the United States right now for an opposition politician to make the case that we need to talk to Russia, that we need to deal with Russia as adults and have mutual respect,” Johnson said.
“The only possible change in policy is if Trump is elected and there will be an effort to stop the war. If it's the Democrats, then the war will continue. Well, it continues for one good reason - it's making people a lot of money. If you look at the stock prices of Raytheon, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, they've doubled and tripled in some cases since the start of the special military operation. So we're talking literally billions, tens of billions of dollars that are being made,” the observer lamented.
Russiagate also helped to foment support for the Ukraine proxy war grift.
Pepe Escobar: Endless Wars - A Glimpse of the Future (1 hour)
Ray does a good job comparing the Iraq invasion charade to the Ukraine proxy war.
Ray McGovern: American Activist Killed by IDF- Ukraine Rhymes with Insane: Will War Widen? (55 min)
Scott Ritter: Ukraine on the Brink of Total Collapse as NATO Crumbles Before Our Eyes! (44 min)
The question becomes:
Is NATO on the Brink of a Catastrophic War with Russia and China? | Scott Ritter (20 min)
The West Is Ensuring Kiev’s Demise On Purpose
The predictable and predicted is happening again. Despite the coyly teasing dance of seven veils performed by, mostly, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, to those who ignored the noise and focused on the signal, it’s always been clear that Washington and London would decide to – officially and openly – allow and help Ukraine to use their missiles for attacks even deeper into Russia than before. And of course, it’s been obvious to Moscow as well, as Dmitry Peskov, President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, made clear as early as September 11. That the West is escalating is no surprise. It has a well-established pattern of continually ratcheting-up the stakes in its proxy war – including (but not restricted to) the supply of intelligence, mercenaries, ‘advisors’, various tanks, armored vehicles, missile systems, and recently F-16 fighter planes. Now it’s time to fully unleash Storm Shadow and then, if perhaps a little later, long-range ATACMS missiles.
Israel and West Asia
It is difficult to discuss the Ukraine proxy war without discussing the situation around the Persian Gulf. Both Larry Wilkerson and Scott Ritter suggest the only solution is a ONE state democratic country involving Jews, Christians, and Muslims as was the case prior to 1948. Jewish supremacy isn't viable according to both men.
Col. Larry Wilkerson: U.S. Strategy in the Middle East & Ukraine: Ideology Over Facts? (50 min)
Israel’s Downfall: The Shocking Truth No One Wants to Admit! | Scott Ritter (43 min)
Israel Exists to Help West Loot, Dominate Middle East
“We see the desperation, despite the fact that this genocide is going on in the full glare of public scrutiny,” said Brar. “The balance of power has totally shifted away from them… And therefore, if they want to survive, they’ve got to find another way forward.” “But the truth is, another way forward can’t be found because as far as the truth about Israel is concerned, Israel is an outpost of Anglo-American imperialism in the Middle East to control the region’s resources,” she continued. “They need that there. It’s their armed base in the middle of the Arab world to control the Arab world and to be able to keep the loot flowing.”
Forces after the establishment of the ethno-supremacist state in 1948. Israel has pushed the territory’s non-Jewish inhabitants to the margins since then, presiding over what numerous international organizations have classified as an apartheid state. “Oil remains the single most important commodity in the world today,” noted Brar. “It is the most important source of energy for the world, for industry and for war and it is the most geopolitically significant asset for that reason. And without controlling the oil and being able to loot it at rock bottom prices in the way that they do because of their colonial position in the region, then imperialism would be in massive trouble. What’s left of their economies would be collapsing.”
“And so you see this really existential identification of Western imperialism with Israel, which to a lot of people seems to make no sense. They can’t see why they don’t just let Israel fight its own battles and fight and die or live and die according to its own abilities. Why are they all jumping in? Why is Zionism so important to the West?” “The reason is it’s their tool for controlling the region and the region’s resources,” Brar explained. “Without those resources they’re going to be in really, really big trouble.”
Max has spent a great deal of time in Israel/Palestine and has deep understanding of the situation.
Max Blumenthal : IDF Murders an American (28 min)
Phil Giraldi has been calling out Israel for many years. In this clip the Judge asks -
Did Trump Cause Oct. 7? (28 min)
Article here.
Jeffery Sachs places the blame for all these US instigated wars at the feet of the Neocons
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs : Neocons and World Dominance (33 min)
I have to give Prof. Sachs credit for trying to talk sense into these insane neocons.
And before we leave the Theaters of war, let's look at the US aggression in China.
AMB Charles Freeman: Why Is the US Navy in the South China Sea? (32 min)
Why war with China?
BRICS, The Rise Of China And The Concept Of “Security” (Pepe Escobar)
Essentially, BRICS+ – and beyond, considering further expansion – should aim at peaceful coexistence; independence; autonomy; and true multilateralism, which implies a rejection of Exceptionalism.
In 2024, Russia presides over BRICS while Brazil presides over the G20. President Putin, apart from addressing the meeting, had bilaterals with all the top players. Putin noted how 34 nations “have already expressed their desire to join the activities of our association in one form or another.” Meeting with Wang Yi, Putin stressed that the Russia-China strategic partnership is in favor of a just world order, a principle supported by the Global South.
This might entertain your TDS friends. Who are the MAGA people?
WATCH: RFK Jr.'s running mate Nicole Shanahan just released another awesome video ENDING the media's lies about "The MAGA People." It shows how they have lied about Trump supporters and vilified them for years
"Contrary to what we have been told, we found the MAGA People to be…
— George (@BehizyTweets) September 13, 2024
(2 min)

The world is a stage and we watch a new play or at least another act, each week. The smoke screen is often used to mask reality and promote the fantasy narrative of TPTB. This week we had the theatrics of a rigged debate as western powers granted Ukraine permission to strike into Russia. The intellectually challenged western leaders don't understand the risk they are creating for us all. Rather than limit speech we need more speech to pull back the curtain and reveal the greed and hunger for power driving the insanity. The idea our corrupt political system might be able to right the ship of state is a mistaken notion to my mind. the US government has been bought and paid for, and as Thomas Massie explains in the lead clip, they conduct theatrics to create the illusion they are trying to govern.
Just as with your health, we must act on our own, where we can, to protect ourselves, our friends, and family. Yes folks, we're on our own and the more independent your thoughts, the more you become an enemy of the oligarchs who own the nation. Be well, be thoughtful, be kind to one another, and enjoy everyday! I look forward to your ideas, stories, and comments below. The thread is OPEN.

I can't ride a skateboard this well...
can you?
Amazing what dogs can learn to do.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hiya, good morning
Kabuki theater indeed.
What it 3 dog night with the song
"Must Let the Show Go On"
All of this electioneering noise gets a bit old after awhile.
Thanks for putting all of this together!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
The election is just noise... far as I'm concerned. However, it has some entertainment theater often does.

Perhaps this needs a question mark added
Take care and thanks for coming by today!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
RT spoof on operations
Turn volume off or down and read subscripts...
Too bad we don't have a sense of humor.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning LO. As is so often the case, the US projects its
behavior onto those it deems to be threats. That starts with anybody even occasionally telling a little bit of the truth because the US empire is built upon lies. In the process, small details about the US unavoidably leak out:
So what do we learn there. 1) The US media is a popaganda arm of the MIC+security state. already widely known, but also 2) US "Intelligence" agancies are not engaged in discovering information, but instead engage in covert influence operations. Also known, but, I suspect, less widely so.
Further on, the head US blowhard asserts that geleasing truth upon these shores is tantamount to "espionage", which is totally insane except that the US has already begun using "espionage" charges as a weapon to suppress the publication and spread of information it dislikes.
Meanwhile, in Ukiestan another typical Zeloonski brain fart operation is taking place. A few days ago the Rus counterattacked in the Kursk area, seriously threatening the whole "let's invade Russia" idiocy the ukies have underway. Instead of sending additional resources to either a) help extract the ukies stuck on th wrong side of the border, or b) reinforce them or even c) attack the counterattacking forces head on, the ukies decided to launch a parallel mini incursion further west. It is now bogged down and the ukies are losing men and equipment for no purpose whatsoever that will themselves soon also need extraction.
Indeed, the world's a stage, and these two scenes are each a comedy of errors.
thanks for all the information and the OT
be well and have a good on
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Excellent recap...
Censor all media that doesn't spout the narrative. Cancel anyone who challenge the narrative. Arrest anyone who effectively communicates the fallacy of the narrative...think Julian.
Richard Medhurst UN Speech in Geneva on Palestine & the UK's Crackdown on Free Speech (8 min)
Hope y'all are having nice weather. It is blustery here today with the ghost of Francine still near Memphis. Cool and comfy though.
Thanks for dropping in today!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good afternoon, LO, et al!
I have some shopping to do, but afterwards, I will start with the Cargill subject.
What I see when in public is very young people who are grossly obese, wearing "sexy", trendy clothing, as though they are proud of their appearance. While I am not a fan of shaming anyone for their appearance, I am shocked that young people are debilitated to the point where they cannot buckle or tie their shoes. They wear fancy cowboy boots that are slit at the back of the boot from top to the heel, otherwise, they could not pull them onto their calves. I imagine they must use some tool to wipe their butts. And this is normal? Pedicurists are making bank, for sure!
What a society!
Thanks for the OT, dear friend. Always great info, always interesting!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Fat shaming?
I've been accused of it for warning about our misguided dietary recommendations. Becoming healthy with diet is a reality. It ain't healthy grains and seed oil based however. When you go against the narrative, people think you're lying. I think it was Twain?
'It's Easier to Fool People Than to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled'?
Good luck with the shopping!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I can imagine you would be
Wtf are they teaching in public school? Obesity is not merely common, but considered normal.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hi weekly watchers
Hi all, Hey LO!
Hope it is all good out there!
My buddy in TN said yesterday he had a great bunch of fall migrant warblers in his yard. In Eastern Knoxville area. They migrate at night and drop out of sky at dawn, on high points often. Then melt into the forest for the day.
The unmitigated audacity... So it is OK for us to have VOA propa that makes Pravda blush 24/7 worldwide but watch out for RT? Our own MSM is far worse than RT ever was. Is there not a point when the needle moves from hypocrisy to insanity? My how liars hate truth-tellers.
I am reminded of a Frank Zappa quote I think was on an album.
We arer back to running a 75-95f Low-Hi temp spread. Ugh. Please let it end. Hardly any hummingbirds left here, they peaked and blewout early this year. Probably due to our drought.
Thanks for the great WW LO!
happy trails all!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
illusion indeed...
Ain't that right.
Thanks for the birding tip. I rise at dawn, so I'll keep an eye out.
Hope the heat breaks. We've not had to run the AC for over a week. We've had a mild but dry summer. Francine only brought us 1.25" of rain, so we're relieved but were hoping for more.
Thanks for coming by today!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
another attempted assasination
on Trump. News from the local Sheriff in Palm Beach County, Florida. Start at 30 mark
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Wow they already have the suspect...
Maybe we'll find out more tomorrow. Sounds like a loner, but could be a deep state operative?
Thanks for the clip!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Additional info can be found here.
Thanks ...
I bet it is more than just dimwit propaganda, but I don't think we'll know for a long time if not JFK.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
RT responds to Blinken's actions.
I suggest that you watch it on X and click on the "cc" icon to see what she had to say.
Silence those who don't promote the narrative...
Only the narrative is protected as free speech. Counter narratives are dangerous malinformation.
Thanks for the X post!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It looks like the CIA will have to find an alternate site for
its agricultural project.
The rest of the tweet:
The CIA....
...has been running guns and drugs for under the table money since they've existed. They learned from the mob.
Buttidumby was involved in Afghan drug trade as a CIA operative. One of the reasons he's on the dimwit incline.
Thanks for the X post!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hanging on the clifftop to close out tonight...
(34 min)
While on a bike ride outside of Asheville (North Carolina), Doug and Jen Mielke fell in love with an overgrown high mountain pasture and spent the next 10 years convincing the owner to sell. When they finally purchased the land 15 years ago, they began to recreate shelters suited to the place.
Having worked as a pipe fitter, journeyman and welder, Doug wanted to return to his youth when he "grew up feral" building shacks in the boundary waters of Northern Minnesota. In the past 15 years he's built a cliffside cabin perched on top of granite, a 60-foot-tall treehouse, a "Divide Cottage" where the bed straddles the Eastern Continental Divide.
Now age 71 with plenty of space for his 4 kids and 12 grandkids, he’s just finishing his Treewalk Village, where Ewok Village meets a “symbiotic Swiss Family Robinson”, which has 3 interconnected treehouses with one two-story that sleeps six.
Despite loving the creative freedom of his new life, Doug says it’s easy to complain on the cold and windy days about carrying firewood up 60 feet to the treehouse, but then the mountain takes over. “There’ll be 80-mile-an-hour gusts and it will be 10 degrees outside and I’ll be carrying wood up there and bouncing off the trunk of the tree from the wind and I’ll just start laughing out loud, ‘This is crazy. This is awesome’”.
“One of our family sayings is ‘to not let the mundane cover up the wonder’. So the mountain is never mundane, we’re the ones who get mundane and we’ve got to wake up. The mountain always delivers.”
Raven Rock Mountain
That's sure wilder than my life in the holler, but I'm surrounded by the same type of deciduous forests.
Make your life to suit you! See you around the site.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The alleged assassination suspect had a side job. /S
I am both shocked
Thanks, humphrey.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I’ve been reading up on him and his many trips to Ukraine
and his trying to recruit people to go to Ukraine to fight the Russians, ect. Flying in and out of Ukraine. Do you think he’d have been able to do what he did without making friends with people in the military and government? Shades of Oswald in my opinion.
And his political views have been all over the map. Supporting Tulsi, some republicans and then back to supporting the Kamala puppet.
The first story out of Florida was that 2 people were shooting at each other and then it morphed into an assassination attempt on Trump…just because he was in the vicinity?
Funniest thing I read that a secret service guy saw the barrel of the gun in some bushes, but they missed Crooks wandering around for an hour and then on the building roof.
One of the most silliest things about elections is that millionaire candidates ask the little people for donations at the same time they are getting hundreds of thousands or millions from the donors. And people jump and send whatever they can barely afford. Groan…and then they turn around and only represent those who paid the most in bribes. How do people keep failing for this scam? Probably for the same reason they think their votes matter.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Yep! There is no shortage of info surfacing.
I thought that this was a good one.
It looks as if the Houthis had a busy week.
Also too!
The Yemeni armed forces have struck an Israeli target near Tel Aviv with a new hypersonic ballistic missile after the occupying regime failed to repel the attack and intercept the long-range advanced projectile.
Brigadier General Yahya Saree, the Yemeni army’s spokesman, announced in a brief televised statement on Sunday that the missile force in the military had carried out a qualitative operation striking a military target of the Israeli enemy in the Jaffa area, south of Tel Aviv, in occupied Palestine.
“The operation was carried out with a new hypersonic ballistic missile that managed to reach its target, and the enemy’s defense systems failed to intercept and confront it,” Saree said.
“It crossed a distance of 2040 km in 11 and a half minutes, and caused a state of fear and panic among the Zionists, as more than two million Zionists headed to shelters for the first time in the history of the Israeli enemy.”
The spokesman said the operation was part of the fifth phase of the battle against the Israeli enemy, and successfully reached its target by overcoming all obstacles, including American and Israeli interception systems on land and sea.
There seem to be no shortage of targets if a war should
break out in Europe.
I wonder what the evangelical supporters of Israel would
have to say about this???
Japanese aircraft carrier
Japan’s largest warship will test F-35B fighter jets off San Diego
Taking the crash course so to speak on fixed wing carrier ops, with a weird plane.
Japan’s Largest Warship Headed to California for F-35B Testing
A couple of German navy ships transited the Taiwan Strait on Saturday. The Germans joined the United Nations Command, a US led command of the alliance that fought North Korea and China during the Korean conflict which technically still hasn't ended under the armistice. Why they joined the UNC doesn't really make sense. The allied powers have just a few officers in staff positions at UNC at Camp Humphreys. Since they indicated they were signing up and did so August 2, I've been getting hits on my blog from Germany for the first time. Guess we better learn something about Korea. The visit to the DMZ doesn't do it.
Germany's membership in UN Command signals commitment to Indo-Pacific
語必忠信 行必正直
Meanwhile this is taking place.
I think that
the Finnish people will be regretting their political leader's choices to join NATO very shortly, after the Murmansk drone attacks allegedly carried out from their soil. In any case, Russia is now planning an expansion of their army in part to allow them to properly man the Finnish border.
If I were in Europe, and lived near a NATO installation, I'd be looking at taking a long sabbatical elsewhere, if possible. I'm trying to figure out how to just do that myself, since Denver is basically one large NATO installation...
The only remaining question is: which NATO installations will Russia obliterate first, immediately prior to the final and complete nuclear exchange?
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Not sure who is on first
but what's on second will be the death of us all.
Maybe why is still on third, but there seems to be
a concerted effort to disallow any discussion of
these matters in the politboro. Don't ask, cause
they won't tell you anyhow, anyway.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
More on "Sea of Japan" exercises
Apparently this was just part of a much larger Russian naval exercise spanning other regions of the globe. So the Chinese role was relatively limited (3 ships) in that respect, but this was a large exercise in the Sea of Japan by any standard for the two powers. Russia and China have conducted small scale joint exercises in the Sea of Japan and Western Pacific for some time.
With all the discussions about an Asian NATO, or worldwide NATO, if you will; the organization of a Japanese joint operational command and offensive armaments being adopted by the so called Japanese Self Defense Forces; the creation of a new East Asia joint operational command for the US, the entry of Germany into the UNC; the presence of German warships in the Taiwan Strait; and the hysteria from the US and the Philippines about the so called "West Philippine Sea;" this was the reaction elicited from Russia. It's fairly obvious the US envisions Japanese forces as a partner in offensive military operations should war "arise."
Russia’s Pacific Fleet, China’s Navy Conduct Joint Drills in Sea of Japan
(edited typos)
語必忠信 行必正直
thought I saw the other day CHI and RUS
warships are doing maneuvers in the Bering Straights
also at the time. Seems to have Washington a bit nervous?
Push-back to western global imperialism is interesting.
Thanks for the Asian news Soryang.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Ivy League U touts new apartheid & genocide justification center
The elite establishment is shameless in all aspects.