OT WE 21 AUG 24 ~ Ditch bag
Submitted by QMS on Wed, 08/21/2024 - 5:00am


“Many things are good, many are important, but only a few are essential.”
--D. Todd Christofferson
When doing offshore work on deep water passages, we always had a ditch bag
stashed near the companionway in case of an emergency bail-out. I'm starting to
think a similar go-bag could be of similar importance on land. Organizing some of
the scattered essentials into a back pack. Like cash, passport, underwear and a
toothbrush, for starters. Maybe a CD for sanity. Pen and pad. First aid kit.
Leatherman multi-tool. Saves time if things go critical.
Any thoughts on your essentials?
On vacation this week (in more ways than one). Hope you are faring well.
Post anything you like as this is an open essay. Nothing is off-topic.

hey, good morning
The oddities of the the DNC circus in Shytown are absurd.
Biden speaking at midnight,3 mile wide safe zones,
appointing another empty headed clown. None of this show
approximates 'democketry'.
Oh, well. Make the best of it and have a laugh or two.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
"Not since Napoleon..."
I saw this outtake of Biden's speech during Daniel Davis' interview of Douglas MacGregor.
Biden, "Ten days before he died, Henry Kissinger called and said, 'not since Napoleon has Europe not looked over their shoulder at Russia with dread, until now.' " Biden, and evidently his staff as well, completely misconstrue the meaning of this statement attributed to Kissinger. It means such a perspective bodes ill for those who hold it. If the account is true, it appears that Kissinger intended it as a final warning, urgent enough to convey to the president before he died.
Biden and his staff are living in a world of delusions of their own making. Here's a link to the video. The quote in question occurs just after 27:35. Davis and MacGregor have a far superior strategic understanding of the world situation than the current ship of fools in DC.
Col Douglas Macgregor Ukraine BufferZone in Kursk Disaster Awaits
I can't document when I first began calling Ukraine a "dead horse," but I know I felt this way since Maidan. I always believed it to be a strategic liability. This is why the Russians don't want the rest of Ukraine. For some reason it has fascinated western powers as the great chess piece to undermine Russia since the early 20th Century. Rheinhard Gehlen the Nazi military intelligence officer, later the head of postwar German intelligence, was always fascinated with this play. After WWII the CIA adopted it as well.
I'm pretty sure that Biden and co., take the view that they can Afghanize the Ukraine proxy war against Russia, and keep it on life support indefinitely to "bleed Russia." The problem that they don't understand about the misguided and protracted Afghanistan conflict, is that in addition to the other wholly unnecessary wars the US has embroiled itself in, that conflict and the other middle east conflicts have strategically weakened the US. They are completely blind in this respect. A protracted asymmetric conflict carried out by Ukraine, a failed state on life support, is the end game they think they can "live with."
There is definitely the issue of US and NATO partners participating in the conflict whether by providing weapons, training, logistics, and targeting, or worse, direct participation in the field. This is what is so alarming to old timers. During the cold war, because of the ever present threat of nuclear war, the operating principle or rule of thumb, was never to fire upon Russian forces or attack Russian assets directly. This was as the expression Daniel Davis is fond of using, "a bridge too far," for good reason. Why the DC blob thinks this doesn't apply anymore, shows they are out of touch with reality.
Thanks for the OT QMS!
(edit typo)
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Good morning, QMS!
I keep a flashlight, batteries, cigarette lighters,first aid kit, and candles handy.
I cannot understand why Biden spoke about how great he was. Especially when Kamala is already sort of breaking rank.
Oh well, November is getting closer, so we can turn our attention to another shit show.
Thanks for the OT, friend!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hiding in the holler...
We don't have a to-go bag if SHTF, we'll take our stand on the mountain. I hope that is not the case, but it could be.
One prepper thing to consider is a power station of some sort. We have a small jackery with solar panel back up for the camp house and camping, and a larger non-portable Bluetti we use for grid outages here at the house.
Don't forget to keep some water on hand either.... at home or in your bug out vehicle.
Be safe out there. Thanks for the OT!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Just had to get that out of the way, finally posted something
"off-topic" in an open thread. Bonus, it is "something" but "nothing", a double oxymoron. rand -M 20 returns 8; Magic 8 Ball says "outlook good"
rand -M 64 returns 51; Hexagram 51 says shock, a time of shocking, jolt, like a clap of thunder or a quake, shocks you into awareness (oddly befitting ye abandon ship bag).
So much for "a' that" (Burns)
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
And now the Gnus
It appears that the Rus have hit 1) a collection of Kraken (special neo-nazi military unit of Ukiestan) b) a warehouse containing missiles (suspected of being ATACMS); not sure which was the primary target, but now team Biden is gonna have to come up with more missiles. The location, near Nikolaev, makes me suspect that these were the ones used in attacks on Crimea, including the one strike that got the sunbathers).
Zo, the Rus have provided another boost to the economy in that we will have to produce more of them.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Although I have no use for Trump it is apparent that he does
not require a teleprompter to get his point across.
This made me laugh.
Something I've noticed
after spending too much time on reddit, there seems to be a reluctance to criticize the Trump campaign. Forget his racism and misogyny, his campaign strategy is terrible. All the Dem haters are doubling down on criticism of Harris, and they may be correct in their criticism. But a lot of them have gone to extreme conspiracy theories, that everyone is against Trump instead of Trump simply screwing up.
I remember the last Dem campaign that was terrible - Hillary in 2016. There was plenty of criticism of the Hillary campaign on the left. So where's the criticism of Trump? Even some Republicans on Fox news can see that Trump is screwing up.
Meanwhile, it appears that the Dems have learned some lessons from 2016. Instead of sanctimonious outrage at everything Trump says, they are giving Trump the rope to hang himself. Instead of leaning into identity politics, they are letting the obvious remain unsaid.
Most importantly, instead of trying to message to the right and demotivating the base, they appear to want to engage the base.
All of this can and probably will change, but I find it strange that so many are outraged to hear these facts.
I am in a crappy mood.
I am not a careless or disorganized person.
I take the care and protection of legal documents very seriously.
I have a file folder containing car titles, an original deed, and an original will.
And I cannot find that folder. It is driving me nuts!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Maybe the Russians took it? NT
That's it!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Usually, around hre, tha means that the creator of the
magic folder has carefully hid it in some oh-so-clever place like in the middle of the Western Garden Book or some other large tome, or a photo album. In among vinyl record albums would be likely too. When I kept my license active, it was behind my ticket, have you checked yours?
Good luck.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I think it is in
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Howdy all,
Hi all,, Hey Capt.!
Yeah man, a ditch bag. EPIRB, handheld VHF, mirror, whistle, flares, flashlight, batteries, first-aid, etc. In CA we were taught to have a quake kit ready in case of major shaker. Minimum three days food, and some basics like water, flashlights, etc. Three days ain't shit man. I always have a workable set of camping gear like propane lantern and stoves, etc. We have a case of MREs, besides a well-stocked pantry we could likely make it for months on.
I just saw 101f on the cool shady front porch. Local WU stations showing 103-108. Think the coast is cooler? Rockport currently showing 97f with a heat index of 115! We lived just south of there for a year April 85 to March 86. Everything rusted, we had to go. Besides summer heat and year-round skeeters it is a fantastic outdoor and nature wonderland.
Thanks for the OT QMS!
happy trails all!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein