7/8 Open Thread - Kevin Bacon's Birthday

Image from page 383 of "The Ladies' home journal" (1889)

~~ Bacon

I continue to hear and see items purporting to be information that involve phrases like Russia(n), China, Mob, Cartel, DNC, GOP, and/or many other things "linked". Stuff like "hackers linked to Peru ..." are so non-informative that they are literally nonsense. Linked how?, and by whom? are but two of the great many open questions embedded in such garbagespeak. (Worse yet, even if those questions were resolved then they would only lead to a case of guilt or goodness by association, instances of the genetic fallacy.)

I am arguably linked to everybody who every went to the high school I attended and everybody they ever knew and every trade, business or occupation any of them engaged in, and even more concretely to all those who went there at the same time I did. I am definitely linked to my second cousins and through them to their in-laws and their in-laws' attorneys and accountants and those people's spouses and so forth. It really is not a worthwhile concept when used in that fashion.

For illustrative purposes, consider that years back there was something of a fad/game in finding people linked to, specifically, Kevin Bacon, and in finding the least number of necessary persons to make the linkage.This was called Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, and illuminated the fact that it is probably almost impossible for a given person to not be "linked" to some other given person. We are all, somehow, linked to China, Bill Clinton, Putin, GW Bush, Trump, and, of course, Kevin Bacon.

and, some additional and different info and science --

OK, the Bacon number, like the Erdos number, are special cases of the idea of Six Degrees of Separation set out by Frigyes Karinthy in 1929 . However, if we expand the parameter to say 7 or 10 degrees of separation or more I am for sure linked to Putin, though, as of yet, I don't know how. But, that matters not, I am "a blogger linked to Putin" and am therefore guilty of a great many things by association.



On this day in history:


1497 – Vasco da Gama set sail on the first direct European voyage to India.

1709 – Peter the Great beat Charles XII at the Battle of Poltava, ending Sweden's days as a world power

1776 – The first reading of the US Declaration of Independence

1853 – The Perry Expedition arrived in Edo.

1876 – The Hamburg massacre resulted in the deaths of six African-Americans of the Republican Party, along with one white assailant.

1889 - The first issue of The Wall Street Journal was published.

1898 – Soapy Smith was killed in a shootout on Juneau's Wharf, which is a big thing up there.

1947 – There were broadcasts that a UFO crashed at Roswell, NM. Their veracity was denied and are thus uncertain.

1948 – The USAF accepted its first female recruits.

1960 – Francis Gary Powers was charged with espionage for spying on the USSR in a U-2

1970 – Nixon declared Native American self-determination to be official US policy

1972 – The Mossad assassinated Palestinian author Ghassan Kanafani.

1994 – Kim Jong Il began to assume supreme leadership of North Korea

2011 – The final mission of the U.S. Space Shuttle program was launched



Some people who were born on this day:

The year that Rutherford died (1938 [sic]) there disappeared forever the happy days of free scientific work which gave us such delight in our youth. Science has lost her freedom. Science has become a productive force. She has become rich but she has become enslaved and part of her is veiled in secrecy. I do not know whether Rutherford would continue to joke and laugh as he used to.

~~ Pyotr Kapitsa

1478 – Gian Giorgio Trissino, linguist, poet, and playwright, proposed adding new letters to the Roman alphabet
1593 – Artemisia Gentileschi, baroque painter
1831 – John Pemberton, invented Coca-Cola
1839 – John D. Rockefeller, founded Standrd Oil
1894 – Pyotr Kapitsa, physicist and academic
1895 – Igor Tamm, physicist, co-discoverer of Cherenkov radiation
1900 – George Antheil, composer and pianist
1904 – Henri Cartan, mathematician
1908 – Louis Jordan, singer, songwriter, saxophonist, friend of Caledonia, and actor
1914 – Billy Eckstine, singer and trumpet player
1918 – Oluf Reed-Olsen, resistance member and pilot
1924 – Johnnie Johnson, pianist and songwriter
1930 – Jerry Vale, wedding singer
1935 – Steve Lawrence, singer, and actor generally teamed with Eydie Gorme'
1940 – Joe B. Mauldin, songwriter, Cricket, and bass player
1944 – Jaimoe, drummer
1948 – Ruby Sales, civil-rights activist
1952 – Larry Garner, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1958 – Kevin Bacon, actor and musician linked to Putin and the Clintons
1961 – Karl Seglem, saxophonist and record producer
1962 – Joan Osborne, singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1965 – Dan Levinson, clarinet player, saxophonist, and bandleader
1969 – Sugizo, singer, songwriter, guitarist and producer
1970 – Beck, singer, songwriter, and producer
1992 – Ariel Camacho, singer and songwriter



Some people who died on this day:

There is no real wealth but the labor of man. Were the mountains of gold and the valleys of silver, the world would not be one grain of corn richer; not one comfort would be added to the human race.

~~ Percy Bysshe Shelley

1695 – Christiaan Huygens, Dutch mathematician, astronomer, and physicist
1822 – Percy Bysshe Shelley, poet known for skylarking about
1933 – Anthony Hope, author and playwright
1939 – Havelock Ellis, psychologist and author
1943 – Jean Moulin, French Resistance fighter and leader
1971 – Kurt Reidemeister, mathematician
1979 – Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, physicist and academic
1979 – Robert Burns Woodward, chemist and academic
2015 – Ken Stabler, The Snake



Some Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such:

International Tartan Day
Inteernational Town Crier's Day
National Blueberry Day
National Ice Cream Sundae Day
Islamic New Year (First of Muharram)




Today's Tunes


Roswell, NM


George Antheil


Louis Jordan



Billy Eckstine



Johnnie Johnson



Jerry Vale


Steve Lawrence



Joe B. Maulding






Larry Garner


Karl Seglem


Goat Horn


Joan Osborne





Kenny Stabler



BONUS: Ballet Mécanique 1924



Some Words for our Politicians and Leaders, actual and wannabees:
- Ozymandias -

I met a traveller from an antique land

Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone

Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,

Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown

And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command

Tell that its sculptor well those passions read

Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,

The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.

And on the pedestal these words appear:

'My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:

Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,

The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

― Percy Bysshe Shelley,


Ok, it's an open thread, so it's up to you folks now. So what's on your mind?


Cross posted from http://caucus99percent.com

Open thread, Kevin Bacon, Linkage, Shelley, Vasco de Gama, Poltava, George Antheil, Louis Jorddan, Johnny Johnson, Jaimoe, Billy Eckstine

9 users have voted.


ya went and brought up science

time to shiv a few shibboleths:

6 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

enhydra lutris's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly

now and then, whatever we may wish, think or do.

be well and have a good one

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly @Tall Bald and Ugly
too hurried because too behind. Also recoveered browser clone not right yet.

1 user has voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

earthling1's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly
No fear.

1 user has voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

Lookout's picture

for the six degrees hypothesis...
It’s known as the small-world experiment. In it, packages were sent to hundreds of participants like the wheat farmer, as Milgram tried to determine just how many degrees of separation exist between any two people. In the 51 years since he published his results in 1967 (the same year he took over the social psychology doctoral program at City University of New York), the answer Milgram came up with — six — has become a commonplace truism and a Kevin Bacon–flavored parlor game. “It was really the first thing to experimentally demonstrate a phenomenon which is one of the most important properties of the social network of the world, which is that we’re all just a few steps from each other,” said Jon Kleinberg, a Cornell University computer scientist who studies networks.
The idea of six degrees of separation is sometimes traced to a 1929 essay by the Hungarian writer Frigyes Karinthy. And Milgram’s work was preceded by some calculations by political scientist Ithiel de Sola Pool and mathematician Manfred Kochen who in the 1950s estimated a greater than 50-percent chance that any two people could be linked by two intermediate acquaintances.

But Milgram was the first to test the small-world idea with a real-world experiment.
Funded by a $680 grant, Milgram mailed out brown folders, first to participants in Kansas and, in a later experiment, in Nebraska. Each package contained the name of and basic information about a target person, a roster that participants were asked to add their names to as they came into possession of the folder, and a packet of postcards to be returned to Milgram at each step so he could track folder progress. Participants were asked to give the folder to someone with whom they were on a first-name basis.

It is tomato season so the idea of bacon sounds good. Thanks for the OT! Take care and be well.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture


try an experiment, flawed though it may have been. He seemingly liked experimenting. Wink

be ell and have a good one

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

We are getting rain in the 3 in. to 6 in. range, and winds at 22 mph, with gusts occasionally up to 65 mph. We were without power for an hour this morning. I decided to just close the office today. I will go in later, just to see if any limbs blew down, did any damage. This storm will blow over by 4 pm.
Bacon sounds like the start of a good meal plan.
I recently became aware that Kevin Bacon was front man in a band. A friend wanted to go to his concert in Gruene Hall. We declined, didn't want to risk having to stand in a crowd for 3 hours. Extremely limited seating.
The connections we have to everyone is fascinating.
Thanks for the OT, friend!

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

enhydra lutris's picture

doesn't bring catastrophes. New browser needs plentiful adjustments to enhance readability, but no time for that now - ironic.

Stay warm and safe and dry. I would not travel to see Mr. Bacon, I still really don't know who he is.

be well and have a good one

5 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

to clue us unto the fact
we are all inter-related?
Getting a bit tired of this nonsense.
How about encouraging people to think
for themselves? Novel idea perhaps.
Dangerous in some circles.

5 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

enhydra lutris's picture


they'll happily play parlor games identifying such relationships but yet also fall for the "Hackers related to Russia/China" propaganda every time.

be well and have a good one

5 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

dystopian's picture

Hi all, Hey EL!

Hope its all good out there. Y'all have been on the hot side lately in the west... We are mid to upper 90'sf daily, so wouldn't notice. Hope you get yer computer straightened out. We have had three 'improper shutdowns' this afternoon... rural power. We got nuthin' from the 'cane..

I thought this interesting. Especially since it says Great and Blue Tits do not hide food, whereas certainly some of our Chickadees do (our yard Carolinas). Anyway... Great Tits have great memories.
Interestingly I also have great memories of some great tits. Wink Apologies to the ladies. No, I was unable to just walk by and let that go... I am a birder.

Here are a few quotes a Uni Prof buddy of mine is a big fan of...

"Science is, or should be, much more than a lever for easier livings. Scientific discovery is nutriment for our sense of wonder, a much more important matter than thicker steaks or bigger bathtubs."
Aldo Leopold (1947)

"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity." Ellen Parr

"beware of all enterprises that require new clothes" Thoreau, Walden

Don't worry, spiders, I keep house casually. Kobayashi Issa

I gotta fly...

happy trails all!

5 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

enhydra lutris's picture


one of the fantastic 4. Had a yard full of chickadees yesterday, made me think; you've got a skein of gaggle of geese, depending, and a muurder of crows, so why not a chaos of chickadees.

be well and have a good one

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

earthling1's picture

And the OT.
The ballet was trippy even for a hundred years old.
And what does it mean when you are only five degrees from Kevin Bacon?

3 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

enhydra lutris's picture


6 degrees of him, unlike me, who has no idea whethr or not I am within 6 degrees, or maybe more like 34 or something.

be well and have a good one

2 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --