Boomers gone silent

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Still a little numb over the news of Eyo's passing. A fellow boomer. I guess it's becoming our time. We've lost so many already.
I'm in good health at 75, but fate has no timeline. I've done my will and have no debt to leave my loved ones. I've made amends to all those I may have slighted or offended.
And I'm ready to face death with no fear.
That said, I hope to stick around a bit longer. More importantly, I hope all my friends here stick around with me as I rely on all of you for intellectual sustenance and just friendly support on a daily basis.
Thank you for being here.
Now for the weather: Scattered high clouds and warming temps up to the 90s by Thursday with no rain in sight for at least a week. Great time to plant some late season crops.
Will be planting a row of sunflowers just for Eyo.
Thread is open.
What's going on?

13 users have voted.


The forecast for rain and more rain has changed to slight chance of rain and more rain. Don't know about Houston. They might get drenched, as if another flood is what they needed.
Eyo's passing has been tough for me. It has been an occasion where I think through my plans for what little future I have left, and try to figure out how best to spend that bit of remaining time.
Like you, I am in very good health. I do not have any diet restrictions. I am not on any medication of any kind for anything. I can do as I damn well please, work or not, travel or not. The brick wall I hit is when to retire. My initial retirement plan changed at the pandemic. My typical savings was supposed to have grown each year, but this rural, poor, local economy took a further dive with business closures, and a clientele that once had good jobs are now working part time at Walmart. My income has shrunken accordingly.
So, do I stay home, pinch pennies for 3 more years, or do I take advantage of my physical ability to walk, climb, stoop, bend, lift, etc..., or do I wait until strolling through trails in The Grand Canyon is too physically difficult and just stay home instead?
On top of that, I firmly believe de-dollarization is going bring us to a point that will make The Great Depression look like child's play.
I have some things to say about entering a war and the rationing of EVERYTHING will occur. I will save my thoughts for another day.
You give me the urge to think about a fall/winter garden. We shall see.
Thanks for the OT and conversation starter.

9 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

earthling1's picture

@on the cusp
de-dollarization is going to happen. And soon too.
I keep a 10 billion dollar Zimbabwe bill in a little frame in front of my laptop just to remind me what can happen to our American dollar. I only paid $8 for it a number of years ago.
Diversification is the only advice I can safely give.
Thanks for stopping by.

5 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

usefewersyllables's picture

the vast majority of us here (posters and lurkers) are Boomers, or at the youngest perhaps late Boomer/Gen Jones like me. Our spans are definitely getting into their latter stages, and at this point we've all seen far too many contemporaries pass on.

It does call into question when might be the right time to stop and eat the roses: soldiering on at an unfulfilling and not nearly lucrative enough job until the end comes isn't that attractive, frankly. It does beat WalMart, though.

However, having said that, my only real retirement plan now, after experiencing financial catastrophe in 2015, is to quietly die at my desk. When the dollar inevitably goes Tango Uniform, with or without accompanying warfare, I'll have a decision to make.

Next time around, I intend to pick my parents better. I clearly screwed that up this time. (;-)

The ride is going to get bumpier from here, for sure. Would that it were not so. Still, I watered my little container garden this morning, and hope to have some tomatoes from it prior to the first frost, and whatever wicked this way comes...

9 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

earthling1's picture

about these crisis blowing over and life going back to normal, kinda like after the Cuban Missile crisis ended and we went into a major spurt forward with peaceful civilization. New kinds of music (rock & roll), new kinds of tv (Star Trek, Outer Limits), new kinds of cars and motorcycles (Datsuns, Toyotas, Honda 50s and dirtbikes. And new adventures to the moon, and beyond.
Exciting times.
I really miss that kind of exhilarating life to wake up to every morning.
I wish the generations that come after us boomers could have experienced that time and place.
Maybe, someday, they will again.
Thanks for stopping by.

7 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

@usefewersyllables farmers, no trust fund to inherit....yeah, I got dealt a bad hand, too!
The old school lawyers stick with it until they are taken to an old folks home. That is the tradition. Over and over, the old lawyer in said home, doesn't know where he is, doesn't attend annual required courses, then leaves this world disbarred.
I am very concerned about a lack of income stream, no matter if it is not what it once was, because the future price of food, water, all basic necessities, could go sky high. I am a something-is-better-than-nothing kinda gal.
I know people who retired, then had to go get a job to make ends meet. A recent client, age 82, told me she was desperately looking for work.
That is not how I want my life to go.

9 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

enhydra lutris's picture

sunflowers in memory of eyo. If I ever get the top revived and anything planted I'll think of it similarly. Have some yard and garden stuff to reshuffle before I can dig it out to put down hardware cloth to stop gophers and then weed/root block to stop all the roots from other plants invading from the bottom.

I'm one of the early boomers, mid year 1946. Don't think I know what "good health" means, but I can still get around and do stuff, so that's really what it is all about. Well, (I actually heard that the hokey pokey is what it is all about, but I can't do the one legged thing, so that's out.) Whatever comes, I intend to eschew the classic When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout!. Firstly, it is a waste of energy that can be used to deal with whatever the problem is. I just keep reminding myself that I am a fluke of the universe. At least I'm debt free, without offspring, and own a home.

So with the turmoil, threats, concern about war, the almights dollar, global warming, creeping old age and all that, I decided to post some inspirational stuff to cheer us all up:

Something decidedly less DISCO:

And, Lastly

be well and have a good one

9 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

earthling1's picture

@enhydra lutris
As some guy named Yoggi said "It ain't over til it"s over".
And keep that left foot in.

5 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.