The Weekly Watch

Cinco de Mayo

Viva la Revolucion!

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Cinco de Mayo (”Fifth of May”) is a Mexican national holiday that celebrates the country’s victory over the French forces of Napoleon III in 1862’s Battle of Puebla. Seems like the US is in the midst of a revolution...ironically over the virtues of genocide. TPTB are pulling out all the stops with storm troopers attacking peaceful protests and Congress passing laws to limit free speech. Guess they wipe their ass with the constitution...

Amendment I: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The Judge gives a ten minute lesson on the first amendment...

I've known about the power of the Zionists lobby, but to see it on full display is rather shocking. Bibi tells 'em to crack down on the protesters and so the storm troopers are called in to do so. Then they pass a new law basically equating antisemitism with anti-Zionism which some scholars claim makes the New Testament illegal. It will be interesting to see how this disaster unfolds. My thought is not well.

The US Constitution Is Another Victim of Genocide

Republican US senators are no better friends of the US Constitution than the administrators at Columbia University, Netanyahu and the Israel Lobby, the NYPD, and the whore media. For example, Senator Marsha Blackburn (R, TN) labeled as “terrorists” students who protest against Israel’s destruction of Palestine. In order to protect Israel from students protesting genocide, Blackburn wants the students added to the terrorist watch list and prohibited from flying...
Senator Rick Scott (R, FL) accuses protesting students of violating Israel’s right to commit genocide and wants the US Justice (sic) Department to investigate the students for “conspiring to violate the civil rights of a religious minority.” US senators are falling all over themselves pimping for Netanyahu’s final solution to the “Palestinian Problem.” ...
Closing down voices is today the primary function of the Israel Lobby, media, universities and “education” in general. It applies to faculty as well as to students. The Israel Lobby was able to reach into a Catholic university and cancel the tenure awarded to Norman Finkelstein and into the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and cancel the tenured appointment of a recruit from the University of Virginia. One wonders If the Israel Lobby will order Columbia to fire Professor Sachs.

The violence perpetrated on the student protests exceeds what I experienced in the Vietnam protest of my youth...will they start shooting them like they did at Kent State? It is more reminiscent of the Civil Rights protest I saw in my childhood in Alabama.

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: Gaza and Free Speech (32 min)

Jeffrey Sachs points out the incongruity of a university, whose existence is based on freedom of speech, repressing freedom of speech.

“Have You No Sense of Decency?” (Michael Hudson)

The epithet of “communism” from 75 years ago has been updated to “anti-Semitism.” Senator Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin has been replaced by Elise Stefanik, House Republican from upstate New York, and Senator “Scoop” Jackson upgraded to President Joe Biden. Harvard University President Claudine Gay (now forced to resign), former University of Pennsylvania President Elizabeth Magill (also given the boot), and Massachusetts Institute of Technology President Sally Kornbluth were called upon to abase themselves by promising to accuse peace advocates critical of U.S. foreign policy of anti-Semitism.
The most recent victim was Columbia’s president Nemat “Minouche” Shafik, a cosmopolitan opportunist with trilateral citizenship who enforced neoliberal economic policy as a high-ranking official at the IMF (where she was no stranger to the violence of “IMF riots) and the World Bank, and who brought her lawyers along to help her acquiesce in the Congressional Committee’s demands. She did that and more, all on her own. Despite being told not to by the faculty and student affairs committees, she called in the police to arrest peaceful demonstrators. This radical trespass of police violence against peaceful demonstrators (the police themselves attested to their peacefulness) triggered sympathetic revolts throughout the United States, met with even more violent police responses at Emory College in Atlanta and California State Polytechnic, where cell phone videos were quickly posted on various media platforms....
The implication is that to support the International Court of Justice’s accusations that Israel is plausibly committing genocide is an anti-Semitic act. Supporting the UN resolutions vetoed by the United States is anti-Semitic....
The student violence has been by Israeli nationals. Columbia has a student-exchange program with Israel for students who finish their compulsory training with the Israeli Defense Forces. It was some of these exchange students who attacked pro-Gaza demonstrators, spraying them with Skunk, a foul-smelling indelible Israeli army chemical weapon that marks demonstrators for subsequent arrest, torture or assassination. The only students endangered were the victims of this attack. Columbia under Shafik did nothing to protect or help the victims.

Was it by design?

Columbia Crackdown Led by University Prof Doubling as NYPD Spook
Nothing surprises me any more, but it is difficult to winnow through the stories to get at the truth of the situation.

Are we all being conned by another PR stunt and Kabuki theater?
Kunstler claims...

It turns out, actually, that at least half the troops inside were not students at all, but rather semi-pro activists paid up to $7,000 each by George Soros’s Open Society Institute and other overtly insurrection-themed orgs, so you’d think that the troops could afford to load-up their ever-ready backpacks with Clif bars and bottles of Smart Water.

Tulsi said something similar in her interview on Joe Rogan this week.
I was thinking Soros was a Zionist. If so that doesn't add up, but we've all been conned before.

Caity is on target again...

In remarks defending the brutal suppression of university demonstrations protesting his genocide in Gaza, President Biden argued that protesting is allowed in the United States so long as it’s polite and doesn’t disrupt anything or upset anybody.
Biden went on to argue that “violent protest is not protected” as a form of free expression, sailing right past the fact that the only actual violence we’ve seen from these protests came from the police sent in to crack skulls and the bands of pro-Israel thugs who’ve been attacking campus demonstrators. Biden instead followed his false accusation of “violence” by listing offenses against inanimate objects: destroying property, vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows. He also listed the offenses of “shutting down campuses” and “forcing the cancellation of classes and graduations” — none of which were done by the demonstrators.
Again, this person is defending an authoritarian police crackdown on peaceful demonstrators protesting against his own actions. The US president is saying don’t worry about the jackbooted tyranny and suppression you’re seeing against critics of the US president, because the tyranny and suppression is approved of by that same US president.
And that’s the Democratic Party for you, folks. That’s everything it is right there. It is violence wrapped in politeness. It is fascism cloaked in lip service to civil rights.

I'm curious how you see the protests. Are they set up as I suspect most of the BLM protests were, or are they spontaneous, or maybe some of both?

There's some talk of reviving the Two-State Solution. I continue to think a one state solution is a better approach. One person, one vote nationwide with equality for all. However, I understand how unacceptable that is the the Zionists who control Israel.

Chas Freeman has become one of my favorite commentators ...
I liked his idea of a multinodal (rather than polar) world

Israel Losing the War on every front - Russia's Role in Destroying Hegemonic Policies (51 min)

The Cradle presents an exclusive insider‘s narrative provided by Iranian Member of Parliament Mahmoud Nabavian, a principalist who won the most votes in Tehran during the country’s March elections. His account of the retaliatory strikes against the occupation state offers unparalleled insights into the 13–14 April events.

No crime so great Israel’s Western partners won’t continue to facilitate it (19 min)

Desperation Row. The so-called most moral army in the world is the most immoral. And how Israel bought the British parliament

On the other side of the world things seem more hopeful.
The Russia–Iran–China search for a new global security order Pepe Escobar

While the collective west is in the grips of an existential legitimacy crisis, the RIC is devising its own security order to protect the rest of the world from the ‘genocidals.’
The Hegemon has no idea what awaits the Exceptionalist mindset: China has started to decisively stir the civilizational cauldron without bothering about an inevitable array of sanctions coming by early 2025 and/or a possible collapse of the international financial system.
Last week, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and his list of delusional US demands was welcomed in Beijing by Foreign Minister Wang Yi and President Xi Jinping as little more than an annoying gnat. Wang, on the record, stressed that Tehran was justified in defending itself against Israel’s shredding of the Vienna Convention when it attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus.
At the UN Security Council, China now openly questions not only the state terror attack on the Nord Streams but also the US–Israel combo’s blocking of Palestinian statehood. Moreover, Beijing, just like Moscow recently, hosts Palestine’s political factions together in a conference aiming to unify their positions.
Next Tuesday, only two days before Moscow celebrates Victory Day, the end of the Great Patriotic War, Xi will land in Belgrade to remind the whole world about the 25th anniversary of the bombing of the Chinese embassy by the US, UK, and NATO.
Russia, meanwhile, provided a platform for the UNRWA – the UN relief agency for Palestinian refugees, which Israel has sought to defund – to explain to high representatives of BRICS-10 the cataclysmic humanitarian situation in Gaza, as described by UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini.
In short, serious political business is already being conducted outside of the corrupted UN system, as the United Nations disintegrates into a corporate shell with the US dictating all terms as the largest shareholder.

Worth the full read...


The US and EU are up to their regime change tactics in Georgia (the country not the state).
They just passed a law requiring NGO's to report where they get their funding. The western leaning president has said she will veto it, but there are enough votes to over ride the veto. Now why would the people of Georgia take to the streets to protest knowing the foreign financial backing in their country? Perhaps some of that foreign money came their way....along with EU flags.

Those organization who currently receive money from the various U.S. or EU government or non-government organizations are of course not amused that they will have to reveal their association with such sources. They want to lobby for foreign positions without being identified as foreign influencers.
They have therefore launched protests against their country's government and parliament which has passed the law in the first reading. Two further readings will be required to finalize the law.
The protesters against the law claim that it is a "Russian law" against "foreign agents".
However neither is the law "Russian style" - it is a copy of FARA - nor does the law include the loaded word "agent". It does not accuse anyone of being such but seeks public transparency over foreign financial influences which would of course also include Russian ones.

Regime change business as usual it seems.

I enjoy the the intel round table on Fridays... interesting take on "counter culture" this week.

INTEL Roundtable w/ Johnson & McGovern : Weekly Intel Wrap Up (29 min)

On the domestic front,The Ministry of Truth is hard at work...
Chris Hedges’s Show SHUT DOWN By Real News Network (10 min)
Chris Hedges’ Real News Network show has been canceled over the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist’s commentary, which apparently proved too hot for the network. Hedges represents just the latest in a series of leftist, anti-war journalists who have had their programs canceled.

His weekly article for the Scheerpost:
Chris Hedges: Thank You For Your Support Following the Cancellation of My Show on The Real News

There is less and less space for dissent. The courageous students in our universities show us this. There is less and less room to write the truth. I have clashed with institutions before, most notably The New York Times, where I was pushed out for denouncing the invasion of Iraq, and Truthdig, where, after I organized a strike of all but two of the staff to protest the ousting of Truthdig editor Bob Scheer by the site’s wealthy publisher, the strikers were fired. This act of defiance meant a nearly 50 percent drop in my income.

Fortunately more than a 100 new paid subscribers supported Chris this week.

There's many more stories we didn't get to today. Mass migration is still underway, Trump's lawfare cases continue, farms are being shut down in various states around the US, Ukraine's front lines continue to collapse as Russia advances, China is vilified (gotta gin up China hate)...It is a busy world out there.

I tend to think the student protests are real, not engineered. I suspect the paid protesters are the Zionist counter protesters...the ones creating the violence...agent provocateurs. (which would make Soros funding likely). I wish the real students well, as we see what happens next week. I look forward to your thoughts, stories and comments below. Have a great Sunday!

viva la revolucion.jpg
14 users have voted.


Lookout's picture

to any celebrants out there.

The date for Orthodox Easter comes from following the Julian calendar, which differs from the Gregorian calendar used by most Western countries and Christian denominations.
Orthodox Easter falls on Sunday, May 5th, 2024, according to the Julian calendar used by much of Eastern Orthodoxy.
Easter for most Western Christians occurred this year on Sunday, March 31st, 2024, according to the Gregorian calendar.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

so many issues and so little clarity
my brain feels like a ping pong ball
in the fast forward mode

as for the demonstrations against genocide
the messaging being pushed is very muddled
the moral issue is clear
another battle in the endless war on civil rights

anyway viva cinco de mayo and happy
orthodox easter (my FIL is orthodox)
didn't exlensky cancel the church??

thanks for the watch!

8 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Lookout's picture


and destroyed ancient monasteries arresting the monks.

I'm wondering if Ukraine will survive the summer.. they are rapidly collapsing.

Ukraine’s Donbass Lines Collapsing - Russia’s Strategy of Attrition Comes Full Circle (47 min)
Update on the conflict in Ukraine for May 5, 2024…
- Despite US arms package (along with packages from several European nations) Ukrainian defenses continue to crumble and Russian forces continue to gain ground;
- US-provided Ground Launched Small-Diameter Bombs (GLSDB) were meant to extend the range of HIMARS launched guided rockets from 70km to 150km, however, like GMLRS, GLSDBs have been rendered ineffective by Russian missile defenses and electronic warfare jamming;
- NATO and Ukrainian obsession with targeting Crimea and specifically the Crimean Bridge continues despite the strategic irrelevance of doing so;
- Ukrainian brigades continue to disintegrate, calls for building “additional brigades” which would take years are detached from reality;
- Meanwhile, Russia continues expanding military industrial production, increasing the gap between it and Ukraine’s Western backers compounding Ukraine’s strategic crisis;
- Western policy toward Ukraine at best reflects profound ignorance of how modern warfare and military industrial production actually work, at worst is cynically feeding all of Ukraine into a proxy war to maximize the cost of victory for Russia.

Happy Easter to your FIL! Hope your day is fun and fulfilling.

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

guess we can bundle Exlensky, Biden and nutty yahoo into the same losers
basket and float it over Alaska. Might be shot down as a spy balloon?

Enjoy your Sunday

7 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

the demonstrations are real. I think it's mostly the sentiment of the protestors that "this ain't right" when it comes to the massive retaliation against mostly Palestinian civilian women and children, and that Israel doesn't want 2 states, it just wants the land. Vietnam was 50/50 until it went longer than WW2 lasted, and soldiers came back disillusioned about the war and talked about it. Then came My Lai and the Pentagon Papers. That solidified the "this ain't right" moment for me. Since then I think no one entirely trusts the government of either stripe, and it looks like both sides are bought and only fighting over which side is going to be more bought.

10 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Since then I think no one entirely trusts the government of either stripe, and it looks like both sides are bought and only fighting over which side is going to be more bought.

...or as I suggested last week - obedient to the deep state mafia's carrot and stick. Plus they can look you in the eye and lie with ease.

Quite the empire we have. I remember those who hated the hippies and were counter protestors during the VN war.

Thanks for coming by this morning!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture

vary, I only know I don't trust him at all and he has definitely done some bad shit from whatever motive, like his role in the Rose Revolution. It is because his motives are unknown and uncertain that he cannot be trusted to consistently be in any camp.

I'm convinced that the demonstrations are genuine. I distrust the assertions that they are the product of non-student, pro agitators paid by Soros for a ton of reasons. Some non-students will always show up to support causes they support, based solely on supporting the cause at issue. Some "pro-agitators" will be among them. There are always folks who have, for years worked for and supported a variety of causes in a variety of ways and who will, ergo, be considered to be pro-agitators. Berkeley was full of them when I lived there, and I could well have been deemed to have been one myself. Lastly, the "paid by" line is very questionable:

Bob Ecks funds DoGood org. DoGood in turn funds assorted NGOs with assorted goals and missions, some corrupt or serving Ecks' interest, but many quite legitimate. One of the latter provides educational stipends to down and out adults of Armenian descent. Are the recipients of those stipends truly "paid by Ecks", and even to the extent that they are does that make them beholden to him or agents carrying out his schemes and scams? No, but a lot of those "paid by such and such" claims historically fit such a pattern. The fact that DoGood also funds Sleazy org, which is a disguised conduit to fund Ecks' operatives, of course, confuses the issue, which is, no doubt, part of the purpose of Sleazy org.

Unless Ecks' is the DIA, or a CIA paymaster, we can't be certain of what's up.

be well and have a good one.

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

@enhydra lutris are being blamed on the father.

I believe Robert became president of the fund. His history seems a bit ethically and morally challenged.

3 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

May provide a clue...

The student violence has been by Israeli nationals. Columbia has a student-exchange program with Israel for students who finish their compulsory training with the Israeli Defense Forces. It was some of these exchange students who attacked pro-Gaza demonstrators, spraying them with Skunk, a foul-smelling indelible Israeli army chemical weapon that marks demonstrators for subsequent arrest, torture or assassination. The only students endangered were the victims of this attack. Columbia under Shafik did nothing to protect or help the victims.

That's why I suggested Soros may be funding this portion of the protests. The campus scenes I've seen are peaceful much like the Canadian Trucker's protest during the plandemic. As you suggests there are many players involved no doubt.

Hope Y'all are having a nice weekend on the left coast. After morning showers, we're sunny and pleasant in my corner.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Well, the heavy rain didn't miss us last night after all. The power was out from 6am until 11am. Late morning coffee is still good coffee.
We are going to explore the area, see how far we can get before flooded roads turn us around.
People we know have been ruined by the floods. They have house damage, and lost a lot of property inside their homes. Imagine 2 ft. of water in your kitchen, destroying every appliance, every piece furniture. When the mandatory evacuation comes, what do you try to save as you bug out?
I will dig deeply into your round up as the day goes along.
I still hang on to the belief that there are college kids all over the world protesting, and I can't see each protest cell being generated by paid organizers. Sometimes things trigger a true, organic, global response, where the only thing connecting US kids to, say, Serbian kids, is shared morality.
More coffee, then a 10 minute mandatory continuing legal education course taught by Judge Napolitano. Free class, counts as self-study.
Thanks for the great OT, and hope your rains were welcome, not nuts!

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

...and are able to get around. Hope you find something of interest in the WW. It has been a busy week with so many distractions it is difficult to know where to look. I settled on the student protest focus in part because it rhymes with my history.

Our shower (0.3" this AM and 0.75" yesterday) is needed. Have a great day and thanks for dropping by!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

From students at UNC and Prof at MIT

(24 min)

Sounds real to me.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


4 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


...and it looks like it too.
The ADL is PROUD to admit that over 120,000 U.S. police officers have been trained by Israeli Defense Forces. So the "handful' of police officers that articles often refer to is a lie. U.S. police forces have been militarized, Zionized, and convinced that the American people are the enemy.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Movements seem to get used and co-opted by various people/groups with agendas all at the same time. BLM a movement for racial justice was co-opted by the democratic party establishment in various but not complete ways. Bernie was giving a speech in Seattle when he was running against Hillary, when two supposedly BLM advocates stopped his speech and did their best to smear him as a racist.

Two months later Hillary is giving a speech in NH. Some BLM'ers went there to disrupt her speech but lo and behold the campaign knew all about it. Hillary met with them and had them literally groveling in the company of her majesticness. I think one of the leads was handsomely paid off with grants, etc.

And sometimes strange things like AntiFa showing up in CA to beat up protesters who objected to forced Covid vaccinations. Strange a self-proclaimed anarchist group beating up people who objected to government mandates. Now what factions in the body politic were supporting those mandates?

As for the university based protests against the genocide in Gaza, that is an authentic and spontaneous protest movement. Right now the campus based protests look to be going the way of Occupy--they are being violently suppressed to keep them contained. The propaganda campaign against those campus protests easily rivals and surpasses those against Russia, China, and Iran.

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


As for the university based protests against the genocide in Gaza, that is an authentic and spontaneous protest movement. Right now the campus based protests look to be going the way of Occupy--they are being violently suppressed to keep them contained. The propaganda campaign against those campus protests easily rivals and surpasses those against Russia, China, and Iran.

I'm in agreement. Thanks for the comment!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

harsh responses and complete subservience from the MSM

Recently this has been the case with regards to Occupy Wall Street, BLM, Defund the Police and Genocide in Gaza.

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Blanket people with fake distorted media...and sadly they fall for it. However, it is generational. Young folks ain't buying. All the best to them!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


Midwestern Doc writes about the video,

Epidemic of Fraud

In a recent article, I tried to explain one of the curious conundrums about COVID-19—while the disease was somewhat novel, it was not that hard to treat and dozens of effective treatments for it were quickly discovered (best demonstrated by the fact many third world countries with minimal funding for their medical systems were able to effectively address the disease and had a relatively small death rate). Yet, in all the richer countries, it was viewed as “untreatable” and those who went to the hospital with a severe case of typically died.

In turn, a curious paradigm emerged, the more countries did what the best “experts” (e.g., the WHO) told them to do—the more people died. Even more remarkably, those “biodefense” experts had received billions each year for decades to conduct a variety of risky experiments (e.g., the gain of function ones which created COVID-19) under the logic all that research would prevent a disastrous pandemic and hence was necessary.

The government doesn’t call the jabs for Covid vaccines. They call them countermeasures and they don’t have to go through clinical trials.

My belief is that Covid was created to get the mRNA platform on the market under emergency use authorization because they had never been able to get passed stage 3 trials. And even though they still haven’t gone through all the trials and studies for safety and efficacy they have been added to the childhood vaccine schedule. Plus big pharma companies are using mRNA for other vaccines which also don’t have to go through trials because the FDA has determined them safe and effective. For years they have said that no one has been injured or died from the mRNA jabs. But finally some of the truth is coming out. The New York Slimes just wrote about some injured people. And don’t forget that the J&J and AstraZeneca vaccines were taken off the market because of severe adverse effects and deaths.

Last year Obama said that billions of people had taken part in a trial. Think about that.

Anyhoo read the article and watch the video. Or don’t. Horses and water.

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture


...about the mRNA scam. My question is/was it to depopulate us worthless eaters?

Thanks for the link!

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@snoopydawg watch the documentary.Just for what it's worth, I hear a lot from people in my town becoming very distrustful of their drs., and pharmaceuticals.
The harm from the pandemic is very far reaching, and will have lasting impacts of many kinds.

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

QMS's picture

@on the cusp
but I know from personal experience
there is now a strong filtering
in perceptions of the medical industry.
It may not be the fault of the docs or
techs or pharmacists, but things definitely
look different (to me) post-covid.

4 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

@QMS most of whom live nearby. Many are people I was friends with before I was needed for legal assistance.
I have said before, my practice is several areas, such as criminal defense,all facets of family law (divorce, custody of kids fights, adoptions, etc...) deeds and title to property work, and probating estates. Probate was a small thing, but since COVID, it is my biggest practice area. I have frank talks about what caused deaths. So many people tell me their elderly parents were fine, or their young kids were fine, until they died from stage 4 cancers, strokes, and heart failures, post-vax, and they are the ones connecting the dots.
They are beginning to postpone drs.' visits until it is imperative because they don't want to get hooked on forever prescriptions. Doctorss are described as pill pushers, and I have no argument. I don't see one unless I must, which is mostly due to some sinus infection, injury, and since I have no chronic anything, I am at the bottom of their appointment schedule.

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp @QMS

...and the health fiasco is deep and wide. From sugars and processed foods to seed oils...they're trying to kill us, IMO.

Take care and watch your own health...don't trust the MSM!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout to avoid foods that can only be described as poisonous and dangerous, possibly deadly. Corporations could give a shit about poisoning us. If they do it slowly, their partners in crime, Big Pharma, shares in the profits.
And, here we are.

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@snoopydawg I was curious about how the Russia Sputnik vaccine was doing as a number of people I know got that in Russia. Indians were interested in using it. India requires that any vaccine must go through complete Indian trials. Sputnik did, and it passed. Russians gave all the details to make it local pharma in India.

When it came to Pfizer they did not want to go through trials and wanted immediate emergency approval. The Indians refused--had to go through trials. Pfizer never engaged in trials.

Makes sense now why Pfizer did not want to go through trials based in India given your posting. They were probably knew it had a chance of failing the trials. The Indians know about vaccines.

I just did a quick google search and looks like Pfizer is not used at all in India. And also now makes sense that Pfizer never released the technology to third party pharma to make it for the "developing world"--they may have discovered its problems.

8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


lots of people in India were already taking ivermectin and the infection rate was very low. The government did send people ivermectin until a new government got installed. I know that 3 presidents were mysteriously killed because they questioned the vaccines. Remember that one guy tested goats and engine oil and they came back positive.

India also didn’t like Pfizer’s terms for using the vaccine. Lots of countries had to pledge their military assets and other ridiculous things.

Lots of countries had low death rates until they started jabbing people and then it went up. I think Sweden and Italy were 2 of them.

I’m still very glad that I didn’t get one. I read what Dr. Makis has posted for the last 3 years and boy so many people have gone through hell either being sick or before they died. And it’s not slowing down.

8 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Al Jazeera' branch office in Israel, raided their office. To me, this portends a Rafah slaughter coming soon, made less visible to the world.

8 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

...OUR propaganda that is. It is a mess and you have to dig to see through it. Thanks for the help!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

8 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


But Genocide Joe, Zionist Don, and Puzzling RFK all will support the Zionist. Only Jill Stein, the Jewish candidate, will speak truth about the genocide. Must admit it is interesting.

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

is much more dire than even dyed in the wool conspiracy theorists like me could imagine.

Earlier I saw a passing observation that Brandon has requested a few more billions to be used to expand our police ranks. I'm sure that will help the situation. /s

As is my wont, I usually spend an hour or so in the AM browsing while waiting for my meds to work on an empty stomach. Earlier I saw a passing reference in the naked cap links to a piece in the Intercept that was posted by Ryan Grim that described the efforts to make sure Jayapal's sister(?) doesn't get a seat from the P'land area:

AIPAC Is Secretly Funneling Money Into a Congressional Race, Sources Say.
Here Are the Details.

AIPAC is not done trying to take down the Squad.

IN APRIL, A super PAC ostensibly committed to supporting “pro-science” candidates began dropping eye-popping sums of money on a Portland congressional race. 314 Action Fund, which is not known for spending big in congressional primaries, has quickly spent $1.7 million in support of a single candidate in the Third Congressional District’s open Democratic primary, according to federal filings. That sum is equal to what the PAC spent on independent expenditures supporting or opposing candidates during the entire 2022 election cycle. And it’s just the start.

314 Action describes itself as helping to elect “Democrats with a background in science to public office,” and, indeed, the candidate it’s backing, state Rep. Maxine Dexter, is a local doctor. But there’s more to the story. In early December, the news outlet Jewish Insider floated Dexter as a potentially pro-Israel candidate before she entered the race, warning that unless pro-Israel advocates consolidated behind a single opponent, former Multnomah County Commissioner Susheela Jayapal, the sister of Rep. Pramila Jayapal, would be likely to win the seat. “A pro-Israel leader in Portland, who asked to remain anonymous to protect his privacy, said there is growing concern among other like-minded local activists that Jayapal’s Middle East policy positions ‘will not differ that much from her sister,’” reported JI.

314 Action, it turns out, is not backing Dexter simply because she’s a doctor. What I revealed in an article yesterday is that Jayapal is being targeted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, which is secretly funneling money into the race by washing it through 314 Action, according to two Democratic members of Congress familiar with the arrangement. Clearly, AIPAC believes its support for the war in Gaza is too toxic in Portland, so it is smuggling its influence in through an innocuous PAC. AIPAC and 314 Action didn’t respond to requests for comment.

As usual the comments in NC provide much more insight into the undercurrent of dismay in this country and how upset people are and what they try to do on an individual basis to fight against the injustice. Many of them feel much as I do, that I want to do what I can but without doing deliberate uncomfort to those who are bearing the brunt of the class struggle.

At the same time we also have to be sure that we aren't singled out by the PRICs, having our credit card cancelled for donating to the "wrong" group, saying something wrong on a cell phone, visiting the wrong site, etc.

Be well, please... and be careful...

Little pitchers have big ears.

BTW. Samsung sux. Smile

10 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Little pitchers have big ears
Don't stop to count the years
Sweet songs never last too long on broken radios, mmhmm
Writer: John Prine Sam Stone

I learned this one at one time, but it is just too sad to sing on the regular and slipped out of the rotation.

AIPAC has always primaried opponents with great effect. Just the threat makes them hop to.

Thanks for coming by today!

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout but knew numerous Sams.
Sad, great wars since 1945, and even that one gave no real support to the vets.
4 uncles who fought in the war died of alcoholism.

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981


That is quite a song. So much of our people wasted, screaming for help and none to be found. So many other lives which are taken along with them.

And so many more of us who cannot help, just have a part of us die with them.

I think once more you have given us much. Be well, please.

7 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


Bunch of corrupt prostitutes jumping when Israel says JUMP! It’s legalized bribery which gives us taxation without representation. The parasite class has representation without taxation.
It should be illegal for a foreign country to have this much control over government and you can imagine the outrage if Russia was doing it. Ukraine has a strong lobby too, but that’s okay because they aren’t Russia either.

4 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

QMS's picture

in the same way the dying empire is latching onto Israel.
Both sense their immanent demise, so their combined
destructive forces will prolong the inevitable. Shameful.

6 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Lookout's picture

Across the Great Divide · Kate Wolf
We sit on the Tenn- Coosa divide...not so great but not insignificant.

Happy cinco de mayo!

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

a huge family of Hispanics live on a big tree farm. They are the owner's laborers.
When it is quiet, no cars driving by, I hear their music. Cinco de Mayo is through the air.
Fireworks are not popping, and after dark, I might see fireworks.

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

soryang's picture

Maybe someone here already posted this, I may have missed it. It's a couple of days old.

This US foreign service officer is the Arabic language public spokesperson for the US in the middle east. She is very articulate and speaks out critically on the unlawful, failing, and corrupt US government policy on Gaza and how it damaging the US national interest.

Thanks for the weekly watch Lookout.

7 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

@soryang her description of her training and job.
And very distressed that uppers didn't give a shit.
Kudos to her.

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981