The Weekly Watch

Travel Tales and Some News

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I have several takeaways from our road trip to Southern Illinois. There are some excellent discussions from Pepe, Michael Hudson, The Duran and others. Plus a few pictures all below the fold.


Travel Thoughts
I have not been on a long interstate road trip in a very long time. We've got a back way down to Florida which largely avoids the interstate and completely by passes Atlanta. I was shocked at the state of the highway system...the roads were in bad condition. The trip through Nashville made driving through Atlanta seem like a walk through the park...over crowded, poorly designed, and in a sorry state of repair. This is just one of the cost of all our foreign intervention and sowing of global chaos, instead of taking care of our country.
We finally arrived after our 6 hour drive at our lodging, which exceeded our expectations. This is only our third Airbnb rental, and we've been pleased with them all. This was a guest cottage on the Lake of Egypt in an upscale community for $100/night. Regular hotel rooms were renting at $300/night to scalp the eclipse viewers.


View from porch


The night before the eclipse the neighbors gathered in a covered area beside their dock...complete with large screen TV, which they used to play music videos. They had a gas powered fire pit which they fired up and sat around. The glow of the fire on the family with the large screen TV behind seemed quite ironic to me.
The next day dawned clear despite predictions of clouds...a perfect day for the solar eclipse. We made a little pinhole to photograph the progress.


As the eclipse reached totality there were cheers from all around the lake. The sky became dusky dark, stars came out, and you could take off the eclipse glasses. My camera wasn't at the right setting , didn't have the right filter, or both because it filled in the light of the blocked sun, but you can see a planet just below the sun in the tree top.


There was a fellow from Washington state who got a great shot which he said he would email to me when he got back home, so I may be able to post it later. Bottom line it was a great eclipse for us. After which our hosts asked us over for dinner followed by a boat ride around the lake adding to the fun.
The next day we made another two hour drive to see the Cahokia Mounds...the largest of which is called monks mound.


From the top you can see all the way to St. Louis.


The mound over looks the great plaza...


and the woodhenge calendar.


Which has been reconstructed several times.


The site had a very Mayan feel and design with he central plaza and pyramid style mounds. Unfortunately the interpretive center was closed until further notice. Perhaps due to lack of funding? There was no charge to access the mound city.
Back in the car to drive two hours and arrive at our rented cottage.
The next morning we were up early and off on the six hour drive home.

So how about some News?

Pepe Escobar: Eurasia vs. Natostan is the Defining Struggle of Our Time (58 min)

In this interview, we are joined by the renowned geopolitical expert Pepe Escobar, who delves into the pages of his latest book "Eurasia v. NATOstan". Brace yourself for an insightful exploration of the imminent collision between the Western Empire of Chaos and the emerging multipolar world order led by Eurasia.
Pepe speaks several languages and when asked why so many people are falling for the western narrative, he points out the west largely speaks English. Iran speaks Farsi, Russia speaks Russian, and China speaks Chinese (with hundreds of variations), none of which are universal languages. This makes it difficult to impact the global narrative. Plus the west promotes its propaganda though pop culture...need the modify the narrative, offer a new series on Netflix. Interesting conversation.

Another excellent expose' of Israel comes from Michael Hudson.

He suggests that the Gaza Genocide is the same plan the US developed for Vietnam. He also provides an excellent background on the history of Israel. Best discussion on Israel I heard this week.

Max Blumenthal : America Firsters Favor Genocide! (28 min)

Scott also discusses Israel and its military strategy with Nima this week...
Israel is Losing the War and the IDF Won't Survive Iran's Retaliation | Scott Ritter (33 min)

It is interesting how US Christians support Israel despite Israel's mistreatment of Christians.
Tucker interviews a Christian Pastor from Bethlehem
How Does the Government of Israel Treat Christians? Christian Leaders in the West Should Care (43 min)

Tucker interview with Palestinian Christian pastor triggers Zionist freakout (23 min)
The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss the unhinged pro-Israel Republican backlash to Tucker Carlon's interview with Munther Isaac, a pastor at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in occupied Bethlehem, and what it says about the coming collapse of the Zionist consensus in the US.

Armenian Christians under siege by Israel (11 min)

Jeremy Loffredo visits the Armenian Quarter of Jerusalem's Old City, where a community of Armenian Christians dating back to the 4th century face displacement at the hands of a shadowy Israeli corporation called Xana Capital and the violent settlers it uses as hired muscle.


Iran may take a page from the Houthis and shut down the Strait Hormuz to Israeli traffic.
Iran seizes Israeli-run container ship

In another blow to the US empire...

Persian Gulf Powers Reportedly Refuse to Give US Access to Bases for Anti-Iran Strikes

Iran Launches Drone Attack Against Israel Over Consulate Bombing
Iran on Saturday launched several drones and missiles toward Israel in retaliation for the nation’s deadly bombing of the Iranian consulate in Syria earlier this month.
According to CNN, this statement from Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps was read on Iranian state-owned Press TV: “In response to the Zionist regime’s crime in attacking the consular section of the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, the IRGC’s air force hit certain targets in the territories of the Zionist regime with dozens of drones and missiles.”

Are we headed to WWIII?

What about Ukraine you may ask...

The Duran: Russia is DESTROYING Ukraine's Army and Macron, NATO Want WWIII (22 min)

The Duran's Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou react to the latest admissions of Ukraine's coming defeat to Russia and how this has sparked desperation among NATO member state leaders such as Emmanuel Macron to clamor for a total war scenario. This video breaks down the truth behind the Western mainstream media spin.

We finally have some politicians talking sense about the Ukraine proxy war.
Zelensky has a math problem, J.D. Vance of Ohio has written in a New York Times op-ed
Kiev cannot win against Moscow because it has run out of men and needs more weapons and ammunition than Washington could possibly provide, US Senator J.D. Vance said on Friday.

INTEL Roundtable w/ Johnson & McGovern: Weekly Intel Wrap-up. (25 min)

I enjoy Ray and Larry and the weekly round up with the Judge.

We can't forget China, the elephant in the room...

China takes a hard line with Yellen (24 min)

Pepe Escobar: Russia and China Sketch the Future as the World Awaits Iran’s Next Move
The state terror attack on Damascus, which shredded the Vienna convention on diplomatic immunity, crucially was also an attack on both the expanded BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Iran is a member of both multilateral bodies, and on top of it is engaged in strategic partnerships with both Russia and China.
Lavrov and Wang could not be clearer on what’s ahead for the Russia-China strategic partnership.
They will engage together on all matters regarding Eurasian security.
They will go, in Lavrov’s words, for "dual opposition" to counterpunch the West’s "dual deterrence”.
They will be countering every attempt by the usual suspects to "slow down the natural course of history”.
Add to it the confirmation that President Putin and President Xi will hold at least two bilaterals in 2024: at the SCO summit in June and at the BRICS summit in October.
In a nutshell: the dogs of Forever Wars bark while the Eurasian integration caravan marches on.

This seem an appropriate way to wrap up this week's column...
The Miracle of Kindness: What Chris Hedges learned from the Palestinians

Evil, even in the darkest moments, is impotent before the miracle of human kindness. This miracle defies prejudices and hatreds. It crosses cultures and religions. It lies at the core of faith. Take a brief journey through the eyes of American, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges to Jerusalem, Gaza, and Iraq, and discover the sacred bonds that make us human.

I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday. I look forward to your stories, insights and comments below.

10 users have voted.


QMS's picture

glad your mound/eclipse adventure went well
(aside from the spacial traveling aspect)

A little ditty from Willie - take back america ..

there's a war and we are in it but we can't even win it

peace revolution

welcome back and thanks for the watch!

4 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture


It is nice to be back home.

I like Willie's piece "Take Back America" The peaceful solution saved America.

Hope all is going well in your world. Planted tomatoes yesterday and got a sweet potato planted to create starts (slips) for this summer. Have good day!

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Sounds like your trip was great!
The Airbnb you stayed in looks beautiful, and what a great view of the lake!
Looks like you saw the eclipse that was hidden from us by dark clouds and rain.
We were awakened this morning by some local police herding 3 cows up into my dressage arena. They have plenty of grass to eat, will be secure inside a pipe fence, and we filled up a container with water for them. Sometime today, some cowpokes will come, herd them into a trailer, take them to the local animal impound until the owner can be found.
Not my first rodeo for keeping cows and horses and donkeys that escaped from their pastures.
I hope they leave plenty of manure behind!
Thanks for the WW, lots of info to absorb today.
Take care, so glad you are back, safe and sound, my dear friend.

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

...and good to be back. Good thing no one drove into a cow because the farmer would be responsible for the damage.

A beautiful day here. The summer explosion of growth is here, but fortunately we're in good shape with our maintenance.

I hope y'all have a great day! Good luck with loading the cows.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

weatherman cooperated.

As far as the Iran vs Israel conflict is concerned the spin masters will be working overtime to shape the results. Censorship will make it nearly impossible to get an accurate picture.

One thing for sure is that Iran was impressed by Genocide Joe's threat.

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


about the attack to my mind. His show is currently live, but you can back up to his initial monologue.

Alex did a pretty good job too.

Perhaps we sit at the edge of WWIII? Seems unlikely that the western leadership class has what it takes to de-escalate.

Hold your loved ones close, as George says.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

teleprompter the G-7 meekly repeated what they were told to say.

U.S. President Joe Biden and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken attend a video meeting with G7 leaders to discuss the Iranian attack on Israel at the White House in Washington, U.S., April 14, 2024. The White House/Handout via REUTERS

ROME (Reuters) - Leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) nations issued the following statement on Sunday after a video call to discuss Iran's attack on Israel.

"We, the Leaders of the G7, unequivocally condemn in the strongest terms Iran's direct and unprecedented attack against Israel. Iran fired hundreds of drones and missiles towards Israel. Israel, with the help of its partners, defeated the attack.

We express our full solidarity and support to Israel and its people and reaffirm our commitment towards its security.

In response:

The Iranian Foreign Ministry has summoned the ambassadors of Britain, France, and Germany to question their "irresponsible stance" regarding the Islamic Republic’s retaliatory strikes on the occupied territories.

The British, French and German ambassadors, Simon Shercliff, Nicolas Roche and Hans-Udo Muzel, respectively, were summoned separately to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by the director general of the Western Europe Department, the ministry said in a statement on Sunday

It added that certain officials of the three countries had made irresponsible statements regarding Iran's reciprocal response to Israel's actions against the Iranian nationals and interests, the latest was the regime's "cowardly" attack on the Islamic Republic's diplomatic premises in the Syrian capital of Damascus earlier this month.

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Lookout's picture


Israel's attack on their embassy. Just as nothing happened before Oct. 7 to justify the attack.

Amazin' ain't it?

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Hamas beheaded babies and raped many female Israelis issue this statement.

At 7:15 am IDF Spokesperson R.-Adm. Daniel Hagari said that 99% of the aerial threats were shot down, which he said was a strategic achievement.

Zero of the close to 200 drones and zero of the 30 cruise missiles got through to Israeli territory at all.

Twenty five of the 30 cruise missiles were shot down by Israel.

Oops they must have missed this one and there is no proof that the F-35 shown taxing was taken today.

4 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


let's see zero + zero = ?

Did you see Powers lying outright to congress? Ukraine's economy is growing and Russia is degraded.

What a leadership class. They're even less than zero.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

soryang's picture

@humphrey a waste of effort. They are relatively simple to repair and won't be out of operation for long. Better targets are fuel and ammo dumps, fuel trucks, associated with the airfield, the control tower, barracks, and other support structures, radars, air defense batteries and other electronic equipment associated with the runway, etc. imo. They can be replaced as well but it degrades the functioning of the airfield as a whole lot more than cutting the runway. I question whether this sort of missile attack can be done with that precision. Ideally, you would like to catch the fighter/bombers, tanker aircraft as well parked on or near the aprons, but they are probably bunkered to some extent.

I'm really questioning the value of such an attack as a whole. I think the distance from Iran proper is an issue affecting the survivability of the missiles, drones and cruise missiles. The long time enroute makes them easier to detect and intercept. In terms of ballistic missiles their ballistics are easier to calculate because of their necessarily higher apogees, for a fire control solution. I'm thinking cruise missiles and drones would operate enroute at higher altitudes for the extra mileage. This makes them vulnerable. When I saw the videos of the night time attack near Jerusalem or wherever it was, the altitude of their apparent approach seemed way too high for a terminal profile, unless they were all ballistic missiles which I doubt, again making them easier to detect and intercept. Another disadvantage of this sort of missile/drone attack is limited payload.

I think the reasons the Russians don't have this problem other than having already wiped out the air defense structure of Ukraine to a considerable degree is because of their close proximity to the target area. This allows lower altitude ingress through out the flight profile which makes detection a greater problem.

South Korea has an Iron Dome system integrated with US air defense missiles as far as I know. The problem for South Korea, and the US as well in South Korea, is that the short distance from North Korea to South Korean targets flattens the approach of shorter ranged ballistic missiles, and their maneuverable terminal phase makes them difficult to acquire in the short time allowed, and only allows a very brief window for fire control solutions.

An example of the advantage of low altitude ingress was the failure of South Korea to detect and successfully intercept four or five North Korean drones which entered their airspace at one time in December 2022. One of which entered the prohibited zone in Seoul over the presidential office building. My understanding is that the drones returned to North Korea without intercept.

Almost every time a medium range BM is tested by North Korea, the South Korean military and Japan both have difficulty projecting the last stages of the ballistic missiles approach, because of late detection, flattened double apogee, and maneuverable terminable phase. I don't think Israelis had this problem because of the duration of ingress and altitudes of ingress of Iranian missiles and drones. All imo only from my own unclassified sources and analysis. I could be completely wrong, there is little information to go on. One always would prefer to have precise flight and bda data. All in all, I regard the Iranian attack as largely ineffective unless it was launched primarily to collect emissions or other data for info to use in subsequent attacks. Perhaps Israel is concealing a lot of damage, we don't know.

SOTA missile and drone attack depicted in this graphic by South Korean military analyst Shin In-kyun. He's very conservative, but sometimes he gets into detail on tactical issues and arms acquisition.

The graphic is intended to reflect North Korean adoption of successful Russian offensive missile tactics recently observed in Ukraine. Shin raised the issue for two reasons. First, because of the lack of an effective response to the North Korean drone incursions into South Korea Dec. 26. So he's assuming a coordinated strike by North Korea could be similar to a coordinated Russian missile strike. Second because he's making a sales pitch to the ROK for an Israeli close in defense system, MADIS, that the USMC bought, in 2013, according to Shin. He's also recommending the Israeli Tamir missile in combination with the Iron Dome system.

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語必忠信 行必正直


information that I find to be reasonable. I doubt that Iran was attempting to throw a knockout blow but rather to show the Israelis that they were vulnerable. Which indeed they are as Israel required help from the US and UK to protect itself.

6 users have voted.
soryang's picture

@humphrey @humphrey Interpreting the graphic as it represents Ramallah and Jerusalem. Are those intercepts or ground strikes? Also ground strikes don't mean much unless they hit a target. I wouldn't expect the Israelis to open up and admit where strikes were effective, so there's perhaps some significant damage and loss for them there. Generally bomb damage assessment data is confidential. On the other hand, I can't really tell where the missile(s) that were apparently effective in Golan were fired from. Could have been from Hezbollah in southern Lebanon rather than Iran. No one denies that their attacks are effective. Given the political context of this situation currently I would expect Israel to blame the Golan attack on Iran whether it was or not. Hezbollah attacks are effective primarily because of the short range to the targets from Lebanon. Only serious counterfire or counterattack could stop that problem in Southern Lebanon in a decisive way. A lot of analysts are saying that cannot be done to Hezbollah by Israel alone.

I'm out of date on this sort of analysis, I only indulge in it for old times sake. Thanks Humphrey for posting the additional info and as always for your regular posts. I always check them out. The more info available the better. Fog of war etc. No estimate is foolproof. I like it when someone else evaluates this sort of info.

On edit- I see Iran is claiming the Golan strike as well? I think getting the Israelis to light everything up to meet the incoming, might be worth it from Iran's point of view.

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語必忠信 行必正直

snoopydawg's picture


Not only is the areas where the missiles hit, but to Israel’s defense reputation.

Iran Breaches Anglo-Zionist Defenses in Historic Attack: A Breakdown - "Simplicius The Thinker

Really worth a Read. Just like Hamas showed that Israel’s prison defenses weren’t up to snuff so did the Iran attack show that their iron dome, ect defenses weren’t either.
The biggest takeaway from the attack was that if Israel thinks of using nukes against Iran, Iran can cause more damage by hitting Israel’s nuclear plant. It’s either checkmate or the sword of Damocles hanging over Israel.

Last night Israel said that they were going to hit Iran back. Today they changed their mind.
I think that this is one of his most important essays.

Also the cost for Israel’s defense was $1.3 billion. The cost to Iran’s attack was well below $100 million. How much money did America spend defending their ally? France, the UK, Saudis and Jordan also speak bucko bucks defending Israel.

7 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt


on a daily basis but today I forgot. Excellent as usual.

6 users have voted.
QMS's picture

hath so declared
then you know it is a lie

it's like the iron dome condom
and Brandon's iron resolve dissolve

leaky lies

8 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture

Very clever wordage I say.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


that allow the wheels to turn.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

soryang's picture

...and the view of St. Louis. I had passed both many times in the truck, and never had an opportunity to stop to sight see. I probably drove across one of those interstate bridges there across the Mississippi, a couple of hundred times. I'd get a great view of the gateway approaching St. Louis from the east. Usually I was going to drop somewhere further west and go to a company terminal in Kansas and then turn around drive a load back toward the east. When I crossed the Mississippi bridge heading westward, I always hoped that I'd continue on past Kansas, and Denver, which was quite the scenic route. Rarely happened. I was TDY in Aurora once for several months, it was so great to be near the Rockies.

Great selection of videos and links. I saw Palki Sharma, an Indian reporter on Firstpost, going on and on, about another Chinese social media called Little Red Book, ha ha. Apparently, it's popular in the US. I had never heard of it. She was promoting it as another TikTok national security emergency for the US.

Brian Berletic had a great article in NEO on the Philippines and South China Sea issues being used by the US to create tension with China.

Washington’s Political Capture of the Philippines: A Former Colony, a Future Proxy

This was another informative article on the decline of US industrial ship building affecting the US Navy. I read elsewhere that Chinese shipbuilding, including commercial, was 100 times greater than that of the US. Of course, Korean and Japan are very productive in this area as well.

US Navy secretary says he was 'floored' by a Pacific ally's shipbuilding abilities amid American warship production woes

I particularly liked Pepe Escobar's video with the discussion of language and controlling the narrative. Thanks LO! Gotta love Mark Twain and the Anti-Imperialist League. He saw it all coming.

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語必忠信 行必正直

Lookout's picture


Oh boy. We're in the midst of the narrative control world.

Thanks for the info.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@humphrey @humphrey

This might be a pivotal week. Time will tell.

Thanks for the X post.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

7 users have voted.
QMS's picture

the weakness of the UN is being exposed by playing favorites.
A loss of respect and an obvious lack of authority undermines
their mission.

Thanks for serving up this bit of exposure.

5 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture


The only conclusion to the Ukraine conflict was unconditional surrender.
Yes, it is...


4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

I love playing this one.

Well May the World Go. I think Pete wrote it in 1972.

Have a good week!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

I was shocked at the state of the highway system...the roads were in bad condition.

We the US that is spends big money on infrastructure and nothing looks to done. WHERE DOES ALL THE MONEY GO TO? What about the money that was spent on creating fast rail in Southern CA?? The bridge work between portland and vancouver washington? The list goes on. We the USA have become Ukraine before Ukr was known for the utter graft. Thing is, in the USA the graft is hidden with layers of regulations and laws to cover it upo.

Oh also, the thing in the Middle East. The death cult lunatics are in charge, and there will be war, big war.

5 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


that connects Ogden to the freeway and is above 30 miles long. It took them 3-4 years to make the 2 lane a 4 lane with off ramps instead of stop lights. Even though the lanes shifted while it was being done there wasn’t must delay to traffic. Compare that to the added lane on I-15…lane changes were so drastic and confusing and hap hazard there were accidents daily.

And compare that to bridge work through a 5 mile canyon. It took over 5 years to complete and there miles of cones making it a single lane. I’d go through the canyon and never see one worker, but the lane was still closed. I traveled the canyon 2-3 times a month and the picture never changed. And of course there was always someone who would go 40 in the 55….
I guess fast lane hoggers are the same everywhere. But I wonder why there was such a difference in construction companies?

4 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

BTW I couldn't be bothered to view the video considering both the speaker and the subject.

4 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


So many pro rapture folks are going to be surprised when they see that they have been left behind after the rapture. Hagee has been dreaming of bringing it about that he has lost what the word of gawd means. I’d be lmao at him if it hit tomorrow, but I won’t be around to see it. Smile

I did read the left behind series right before 9/11 and I certainly don’t want to be there after it happens. You think things are bad now? One thing that the books didn’t cover was how the supply chain would collapse.

4 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt


It is happening everywhere!

3 users have voted.

The rest of the tweet:

batteries deployed to protect sensitive Israeli sites, including Dimona and the Nevatim and Ramon air bases.

Iranian missiles struck both Nevatim and Ramon air bases.

The best surveillance radar in the world, working in concert with the most sophisticated anti-missile defenses in the world, were impotent in the face of the Iranian attack.

For all those trying to spin yesterday’s events as an Israeli victory, chew on that fact:

The best missile defense system in the world could not protect the sites they were tasked with protecting from attacks by Iranian missiles.

Who has deterrence supremacy?

It ain’t Israel.

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usefewersyllables's picture

again this morning. Coulda knocked me over with a feather.

Let's see how the rest of the week fares, after Israel responds to what the local press has the gall to call an "unprovoked attack by Iran". I nearly threw a shoe at the teevee.

"Unprovoked"? How the hell do they live with themselves, these uncritical stenographers?
The gaslighting is going to kill us all, by anoxia- as a result of displacing all the oxygen from the room.

6 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

QMS's picture

RUS vs. UKR -- unprovoked
Hamas vs. Israel -- unprovoked
Iran vs. Israel -- unprovoked
maybe Yemen and Hezbollah vs. Israel
-- unprovoked?

Don't buy it.

4 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security