More signs Bernie is winning the conversation?
I posted last week about trial balloons being sent up by the PTB regarding the DEA "re-thinking" pot as a schedule I drug, two states passing a $15.00 an hour minimum wage, and Obama sending a message to Pfizer on moving to an Irish tax haven. We seem to have a new dawn of liberal thinking on matters that have been slammed as wild-eyed for years.
Now comes the announcement from Obama that he will be forgiving almost 400,000 borrowers of students loans based on a disability. Who knew? Has anyone heard of this in the MSM until now? I have heard of people having to pay students loans out of their SS checks, maybe they all need to be forgiven. If you make it to SS age, a lot should be forgiven!
I feel I have awakened back in the 60's or something when all things were considered possible and Bernie Sanders would really be just another liberal Democrat-one of many.

Obama and the Dem Party are full of it.
In the video making the rounds, Obama strongly defends Hillary's and her emails. He says, 1) she didn't mean it (try that with a judge), and 2) she was reckless. So he just made Bernie's point. She doesn't have the judgement to be considered qualified for the job.
Here is a list of Hillary's 22 Biggest scandals. Does even include her email server.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
That's what gets me..........
No matter what a mess Hillary makes of things - going back for years, she always declared that what she did was perfectly fine, or was a "mistake". Most of us don't get to make mistakes on the level that Hillary does; yet, when Bernie Sanders suggests she's not qualified to be president based on her alliances with Wall Street and her piss-poor judgement - he's the bad guy.
I just sent that article to my son.
He just might qualify. Thanks so much!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Let's not get too excited when they throw us a couple of bones.
Not that these changes aren't needed asap, but the underlying structure of the system is rotten and short of a major overhaul we're still going down the wrong path.
An old ploy, coopting the opposition - what happened in the '60s
A few scraps here and there to encourage the rabble to return to their huts and deprivation. Gains are gains, but best to see these now--the source and timing--for what they are: nice, but not nearly enough.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
uhm whut?
I had seen those headlines but hadn't read about it so now I did, thanks for that link, and omg whut!?! See, this is the kind of thing that makes me livid. Forgive student loan debt for (some) people who are ON DISABILITY AND CANNOT WORK? Is this not the least we can do? for godssake. This is something to brag about? To quote my dear mother, RIP, God help us all.