The Weekly Watch
Solar Eclipse and an Ancient American City

We're on the road today, headed to Southern Illinois to see the solar eclipse on Monday (provided it doesn't rain and isn't cloudy). While we're there we're going to visit Cahokia, a large city from a thousand to 500 years ago. So the news round up today won't include the most recent of events.

Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site
Introductory video for the Cahokia Mounds State Historic and World Heritage Site. The site preserves the largest prehistoric Native American city north of Mexico and the largest prehistoric earthen mound in the Americas. (14 min)
Native American (Navajo) Beliefs About The Eclipse (10 min)
In our traditional ways the eclipse is a very reverent time. A time for reflection, rebirth, new life and new understanding. An eclipse is called the Death of The Sun. During this time traditionally people would sit indoors and refrain from eating and drinking. Some would pray or sing songs.
Traditionally our people would not look at the eclipse. They were told they could get sick or go blind. Nowadays people look and celebrate. While our diné don't expect people to observe the same traditions it would still be a good time to be reverent and focus on a rebirth and new life.
Eclipses and planetary transits across the sun have provided much of the evidence used to support our theory of the solar system.
How Eclipses Revealed Our Solar System
(16 min)

The moon is slowly drifting away from Earth. At some point in the future it will appear smaller, and will not be able to totally block the sun.
I'll report back next week on how well we were able to observe the last US solar eclipse till 2045.
The awful shadow of some unseen Power
Floats tho’ unseen amongst us, -visiting
This various world with as inconstant wing
As summer winds that creep from flower to flower.-
Like moonbeams that behind some piny mountain shower,
It visits with inconstant glance
Each human heart and countenance;
Like hues and harmonies of evening,-
Like clouds in starlight widely spread,-
Like memory of music fled,-
Like aught that for its grace may be
Dear, and yet dearer for its mystery.
Shelley, Hymn to Intellectual Beauty
What about some News?
It has been interesting how the murder of white relief workers serving Palestinians food has captured peoples' (MSM) attention while virtually ignoring the bombing of Iran's embassy in Damascus this week (as well as the slaughter of 30,000+ Palestinians). Brown people must not be of concern. On the Duran on Tuesday, they conclude with an interesting statement... "We own the media, so we control the reality". I like Chas Freeman's comment, "When they inhale their own propaganda, they become deluded." I think Blinky's statement "Ukraine WILL join NATO" is an excellent example of such a delusion.
US and Allies Understand Ukraine Will Never Join NATO
This week marks the 75th anniversary of NATO’s founding in April 1949. The organization has become a global danger to peace and security and should have been disbanded more than 30 years ago when the Cold War supposedly ended. That the alliance was not disbanded attests that its real purpose was always to serve as a weapon for U.S.-led Western imperialism.
NATO has been sold to the world as some kind of international security agency. How Orwellian can you get? Peace means war, security means chaos and threats, and rules-based order means domination and exploitation.
The “Order” Based On Made-up Rules Is Descending Into Savagery (Pepe Escobar)
UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese correctly summed it all up: the biblical psychopathology entity “intentionally killed the WCK workers so that donors would pull out and civilians in Gaza could continue to be starved quietly. Israel knows Western countries and most Arab countries won’t move a finger for the Palestinians.” The “logic” behind the deliberate three tap strike on the clearly signed humanitarian convoy of famine-alleviating workers in Gaza was to eviscerate from the news an even more horrendous episode: the genocide-within-a-genocide of al-Shifa hospital, responsible for at least 30% of all health services in Gaza. Al-Shifa was bombed, incinerated and had over 400 civilians killed in cold blood, in several cases literally smashed by bulldozers, including medical doctors, patients and dozens of children.
Nearly simultaneously, the biblical psychopathology gang completely eviscerated the Vienna convention – something that even the historical Nazis never did – striking Iran’s consular mission/ambassador’s residence in Damascus. This was a missile attack on a diplomatic mission, enjoying immunity, on the territory of a third country, against which the gang is not at war. And on top of it, killing General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, commander of the IRGC’s Quds Force in Syria and Lebanon, his deputy Mohammad Hadi Hajizadeh, another five officers, and a total of 10 people. Translation: an act of terror, against two sovereign states, Syria and Iran. Equivalent to the recent terror attack on Crocus City Hall in Moscow. The inevitable question rings around all corners of the lands of the Global Majority: how can these de facto terrorists possibly get away with all this, over and over again?
Pepe is one of the best geopolitical analyst around.
Sachs: Israel is a rogue state that believes it can act with impunity. Israel murders thousands, starving more than a million people, children are dying of emaciation and starvation, and we have an apology from Israel for killing 7 white people. Israelis don’t count Palestinians as human beings suffering. Western politicians are fundamentally dishonest and maybe instinctually racist. They count the one life of their citizen as an overwhelming deal that requires an investigation and otherwise sit back as a mass genocide takes place before our eyes. Why are we unable to have politicians who will tell the truth about the most basic facts before our eyes.
(17 min) Will Iran respond directly to the embassy slaughter in Damascus? A direct response can be made indirectly, points out analyst Pepe Escobar
Another interesting discussion occurred between John Mearsheimer and the Judge focusing on China's containment toward the end of the clip.
(35 min) The respectful disagreement occurs in the last 10 minutes or so.
Jeffery Sachs mentions his disagreement with John on the same topic in an interview on Useful idiots. (about 40 min)
Jeffery was also on the Duran this week.
The niavety that the US could contain China is absurd to my mind.
(8 min) TABLES TURNED: Yellen Is Back To China As the US Feels Threatened by China's Manufacturers
INTEL Roundtable w/ Johnson & McGovern: Is/Was WWIII Pre-Planned?
(26 min)
Government over reach is common on many levels
Power of the State (15 min)
They’re still claiming the Covid vax is safe and effective. Yet somehow Dr. Pierre Kory treats hundreds of patients who’ve been badly injured by it. Why is no one in the public health establishment paying attention? Interview with Tucker (49 min).
"You cannot comply your way out of a tyranny... Start rebelling. They are out to get you if you do not resist."
German MEP, Christine Anderson: The so-called "pandemic" was a beta test—orchestrated by globalists—to determine how easy it would be to seize totalitarian control,…
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) April 6, 2024
It is quite the system that provides foods that make people sick and then sells them drugs for the chronic diseases caused by their food. Many big food industries also manufacture drugs.
(28 min)
There is another approach...
Can Eating Meat Save our Planet? - The story of Will Harris | The Rebel Cowboy (28 min)
And one more just for fun...
"Know where your beef comes from, know where your pork comes from, know where your lamb comes from... it's just important." - Jim Smith of Smithview Farm in Pittsboro North Carolina discusses sensitive issues facing the farming community today while taking you deep into the world of grass fed, grass finished beef production.
0:00 Smithview Farm Pittsboro NC
1:17 Family-owned farm specializing in pure Angus grass-fed beef, emphasizing taste and tenderness, overcoming challenges to revitalize the farm.
1:40 Why Angus Beef better?
2:47 American Grassfed Association Standards
4:09 How to build a cattle ranch.
5:59 Improving farm genetics and infrastructure for high-quality beef production.
6:25 Upgrade farm infrastructure and build a herd with good genetics
8:02 Soil health and pasture care for cattle.
10:20 Rotational Grazing Cattle.
10:57 Optimal grazing practices for pasture management to promote regrowth and soil health.
11:29 Grazing philosophy of grazing half and leaving half to maintain pasture height for faster regrowth.
11:55 Importance of grazing pastures at optimal height to avoid issues like water runoff and poor soil health.
12:22 Grass Fed vs Grass Finished Beef
14:24 How to finish cattle on grass year round
15:43 Optimizing pasture management for cows in the summer to regulate rumen temperature.
17:16 Utilizing annual forages like millet and mung beans for summer grazing.
20:00 How farmers can work together.
21:31 Consistent philosophy on good soil health is crucial for successful farming practices
22:01 Timeliness in planting grass and legumes according to recommended times is key for optimal growth
23:14 Cattle Herd Health Management
25:56 Optimizing cattle management through computerized data collection for stress-free handling and monitoring.
26:30 Taking a cattle to the meat processor.
27:11 Regular interaction with the herd creates a stress-free environment, leading to easier handling during market transfers.
28:28 Close observation during the finishing process ensures cattle meet quality standards before market transfer.
30:38 Educating the Public on Farming
31:31 Local farms prioritize good soil for quality beef, contrasting with misleading labeling of imported meat.
32:04 Know where your food comes from
32:25 Misleading labeling of imported meat as product of the USA is prevalent.
33:12 The Average Age of a Farmer in United States
Cahokia represents a major agricultural society. Corn was the primary crop...easy to trade. I was trained as an agronomist to grow corn, soybeans, etc. on an industrial level much as Will Harris describes. I've featured this clip several times because it is insightful to me...looking at human health as hunter gathers vs farmers.
There's another ancient site in Louisiana, Poverty Point, that is on our list. It is an older hunter gather site on the Mississippi. Shell middens are common at ancient sites. Shell fish are very healthy for humans. We have lost more knowledge than we currently have.
I don't know if we'll have internet access, but if we do I'll check in later. In the meantime, have a great conversation! Thanks for coming by and reading.

Solar Eclipse
Thanks for all your reporting Lookout! Heading to Central Texas to my house to experience the “totality” of the eclipse if the weather permits. Fingers crossed.
I have been down in Baytown Texas with a sick relative and getting to experience the horrors of trying to navigate the Health Systems in place. We were told by the financial advisor at the rehabilitation center where he is, the insurance company allocates X number of days for the stay and then you are out on your own whether you are ready or not. Lots of investigation to follow.
For the moment, going to enjoy the eclipse complete with “sun chips and moon pies”. What a treat. Have a wonderful trip. My late uncle did some of the early exploration of the mounds in Illinois but have lost contact with that part of the family. Sound like an interesting place to visit.
Have a great day and thanks for all the information you give us each Sunday.
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
for profit health care...
doesn't work well. Sorry about your relative's trouble.
Hope your sky is clear tomorrow. Looks like high clouds where we'll be. You can check out likely conditions at this site:
Scroll down to the city dashboard, click on it, and select a city near your location.
Thanks for coming by. We're slowly packing for our 5 hour drive.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
good morning all
forecast here is for clear skies tomorrow
have the special eclipse glasses
thanks for the round-up
good luck with the road trip
some traveling music ..
question everything
Be sure
that the
glasses areat least a #10 shade think
welding protection almost
makes me wish I were back
in Maine-the shadow goes
right over Mount Katahdin
the highest point in Maine
watch the shadows on
the ground to protect your
eyes if no glasses available
me? welding helmet to catch
maybe thirty percent of the show
if I’m lucky
be safe people
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
We saw a 20 year old with a solar burn on his retina
Sad when he was told that it was permanent and that there was no treatment for it. He will see a black spot in front of his vision for the rest of his life and reading will be very difficult.
People are told not to look directly at the sun, but I rarely see them explain why that’s so important or what can happen.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
We will
stay home, have a 90% view, assuming no clouds.
I will be looking on the ground.
The Texas Hill Country will be swarmed. We go there a lot, but decided the weather forecast was gonna be making some people upset for paying the tourist prices for nothing.
Good advice on the specs.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
During the last eclipse and not having any protective equipment
I finally came to the idea of viewing with my cellphone selfie camera. I hope to refine my approach this time and will attempt to take a video of it if the weather cooperates.
Read that isn’t a good idea either
You can still burn your retina if not careful. I think yesterday’s naked capitalism has the link for this I encourage everyone read it.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Thanks for the information, NT
It’s the media who should be saying this
Get a few eye doctors on the Telly with pictures and let people know WHY it’s a bad idea to look at the eclipse unprotected. The most I’ve seen is that it can hurt your eyes…but not how and why.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Bon voyage, LO!
I am headed for an exciting trip to a building supply store and lumber yard. When I get back, I want to dig into the subject of Mearsheimer disagreements with Sachs and the Judge.
Thanks for the WW, friend!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Mearsheimer's party line on China
It's the US that is destabilizing East Asia. Initially the US tried the old UK imperial tactics of divide and conquer in a futile attempt to dismember China. They failed in Xinjiang and Tibet. After Britain gave up it's Chinese colony in Hong Kong, the US tried to astroturf a "democratic revolution" there against China that also failed. About 10 years ago, US began its campaign to interfere the territorial and maritime disputes in the South China Sea, by promoting UNCLOS litigation against China by the Philippines. Initially, the intention or strategy was to expand existing disputes over maritime and territorial rights between China and Japan in the East China Sea to the South China Sea by aggravating other nations' historical disputes concerning the latter. Thereby, they hoped to widen the front and participants in a potential war with China. The competing claims there were already subject to ASEAN diplomatic dispute management and resolution mechanisms.
Most significantly the US is simply disturbing the status quo reached with China over Taiwan acknowledged in the Three Communiques. The US and Japanese intent currently is to broaden their military footprints in the Chinese littoral by enlisting other marginal players in their reckless game of risk. Part of the formula was to enlist South Korea's considerable military infrastructure and armed forces in their schemes to cut China down to size, by aggravating the Taiwan issue and encroaching on China's legitimate security interests and territorial and maritime disputes with ASEAN members. It has nothing to do with freedom of the sea operations. These are cover stories or frames for policies. China doesn't interfere in international commerce in the South China Sea or elsewhere.
Just as Russia had a legitimate security interest in keeping NATO military forces out of Ukraine and off its border for strategic reasons, China has legitimate security interests in the South China Sea and Taiwan for that matter. The UNCLOS decision delegitimizing China's SCS claims was itself bogus. The Judges were selected by Japan as I have mentioned on prior occasions.
Taiwan and Korea were part of the Japanese Empire. The US moved its military into Korea and Taiwan after August 1945. In addition it occupied Japan and the Ryukyu Islands which it never left. Then it undertook to defend Japan's displaced empire in Southeast Asia which France was unable to hold against Ho Chi Minh. The latter effort failed catastrophically. So rather than offsetting Chinese "adventurousness" as it did (allegedly) against Japan in WWII, the US took Japan's place as an expansive empire in the East Asia and the Western Pacific. It had given up its military presence in Taiwan during the Nixon Kissinger era and now seeks to get it back.
Mearsheimer says the US should avoid provocative moves against China. Putting US soldiers on Kinmen Islands 3 miles off the coast of China couldn't be more provocative. Ultimately, irrespective of the void UNCLOS decision in South China Sea over which the Permanent Court of Arbitration had no jurisdiction for more than one reason, Duterte then president of the Philippines refused to fight over "some rocks." Now the US has a Marcos back on the throne in the PI, willing to do anything the US says, and is basically giving away the farm to US and Japanese forces intent on fighting over Taiwan. This is all part of a roll back strategy by the US. It represents US and Japanese "adventurousness" rather than China's.
Some analysts believe that the US and Japan are planning for war with China. The US media admit the US strategy is to "strangle China." KJ Noh believes this, and also believes the war would go nuclear in short order after the US suffers serious military losses. It's a three step process, propaganda/disinformation preparing the public; preparing the battlespace; and third, provoking the war. The US admirals, generals, diplomats and bankers, and congresspeople think they have the power and opportunity to do so. I think they're nuts. The basic flaw in their thinking and Mearsheimer's is that the US is not the supreme power in the Far East any longer. It is suffering from illusions similar in nature to those preceding the Ukraine conflict.
One final point, I'd like to make, is that the wars in Ukraine, the Gaza massacres, provoking or instigating war with Iran are all part of this world wide strategic picture to try by military force to reverse the strategic decline of the US. The purpose of the Ukraine war was to preoccupy and weaken Russia power and influence, and incidentally to take its military installations in Crimea. Distracted and weakened, Russia could be of little assistance to China it was assumed. US covert proxies in Baluchistan serve to interfere with alternative Chinese lines of communication with Iran and "strangle" China's mideast sources of energy. An Israeli and/or US attack on Iran, in the nature of decapitation strikes, (probably nuclear if from Israel alone) would remove Iran as a major energy producer for China. Together Iran and Russia's enormous energy reserves preclude the west's hydrocarbon monopoly in world markets and US efforts to manipulate international access and market prices. The US and UK have never given up their effort to "get Iran back." Inability to control world energy markets is unacceptable to US corporate and finance elites.
Here's a link to KJ Noh's recent interview on US plans for war against China:
Chinese Genocide and the Recipe for War
If you have time to watch, I'd start at 38:50.
Not too long ago, a Taiwan maritime patrol off Kinmen collided with a Chinese fishing vessel resulting in the deaths of 2 mainlanders. There have been a series of at sea confrontations with Taiwan since. Just recently, I heard a Philippine coast guard vessel while virtually colliding with a Chinese Coast Guard vessel warn," you are entering the Philippine exclusive economic zone." This is a ridiculously provocative act. Any vessel can sail in and through an EEZ, they are international waters. Now the Philippines wants the US to accompany them on their provocative missions?
Simone Chun has an excellent description of US/South Korean provocations nominally against
SouthNorth Korea but with anti-China ramifications as well. Historically, war in Korea was related to MacArthur's wishes to invade China, use nuclear weapons, and reverse the verdict of the Chinese civil war by "unleashing Chiang Kai-shek." I couldn't choose a "best part" of her essay to outline the military provocations in South Korea. This is the link below:Unprecedented US War Drills and Naval Deployments Raise Fear of War in Korea
Thanks for the WW Lookout. I enjoyed watching the informative videos you selected. Guess I'll let the dog take me for a walk.
(edited to correct south north error, oops)
語必忠信 行必正直
Man, oh man, thanks for that, soryang!
So, it must have been the China bs that spun me up about him.
He totally discredits himself on the pivot to China. He doesn't want proxy deaths in Ukraine and Israel, has no issue at all about Asian proxies.
Nuclear war with Russia or Iran is not good, but against China, very good?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Mearsheimer thinks he a better judge
I had a similar reaction to the Mearsheimer video you mentioned On the Cusp. Thanks for your encouragement. I find it difficult to restrain myself when I hear his perspective on Asia.
語必忠信 行必正直
Hi weekly watchers
Hi all, Hey LO!
Hope you have good eclipse viewing in IL! We are getting T-boned, but will almost surely be clouded out. Lots of the local ranches rented RV spaces, state parks and b & b's all full. Road noise will be bad tomorrow afternoon, glad they are all a mile or more away.
I love roadside birding. Goal being not to let anything on any pole, wire, fenceline or post go un-ID'd. Of course impossible but you can get amazingly good at 60 mph.
The original Texas Bird Field Guide by Roger Tory Petersen himself (1960) had one of the pages that were just silhouettes titled "roadside birds", to teach it. Here we just got our breeder male Summer Tanager back yesterday evening, it was at the birdbath this morning.
Those mounds sound great! Have a great trip LO! Thanks for the WW!
happy trails all!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Once can be an anomaly
especially when the boat was having electrical issues while in port. But twice within a month???
More info here.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
food processing plants, one after another,
Nothing to see here.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The smoking gun that Covid was created in the lab
Why hasn’t Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak been arrested?
US scientists proposed to make viruses with unique features of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan
Ralph has been invited to testify in congress about his work on creating the new strain of SARS Covid 2.
Meanwhile Fauci is retired and he has 24/7 security on top of getting one of the biggest retirement packages evah. But we know that DARPA was running the scenes on the jabs that aren’t actually vaccines, but gene therapy as admitted by some pharma CEO. Will the truth ever come out?
You know the 2 dose jab that is 95% effective and totally safe except the 2 that caused blood clots, strokes and heart attacks that were removed from the market.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I am both
shocked AND dismayed! s/
*that phrase is stolen from a lawyer pal named Tammy. She traveled, vaxxed accordingly, recently died suddenly and totally unexpectedly, at age 59, while sitting on the sofa, visiting her parents.
They watched Tammy drop dead. Think about that.
After not hearing from her for several years, she called me to give me some travel tips, tell me how she looked forward to driving 6 hours to Oklahoma to see her folks, before flying off to S. Africa , yet again. Her sudden death was 2 days later.
Tammy had a way with words, would appreciate me saying I was both shocked AND dismayed when I heard she had died.
RIP, Tammy.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hi Lo
I think it’s so neat that you chose to view the eclipse in Cahokia. I would have wanted to join you there. I didn’t know of the place until you introduced it, so thank you.
I trust your experience was a valuable one, whether the skies were clear or not.