Open Thread WED 6 MAR 24 ~ Civilization and Cooperation
Submitted by QMS on Wed, 03/06/2024 - 5:00am

Negotiation and Reflection
Welcome to today, a rendition of yesterday and tomorrow.
Working on an adventure series, like a retelling of the journeys
that brought me here. In our writing class. Up to episode 3 now.
Purging the memory banks, making withdrawals seem like deposits.
What is in your mind today?
Share ahead.

cast skillet by Hugh Hayden

Hiya, good morning
Pea soup fog outside today. Ground is saturated and spongey.
More rains on the way. Very wet indeed. Time to strap on the
hip waders. Maybe trap some catfish in the street.
question everything
Good morning...
A steady 2.25" rain yesterday and last night. Two days off, and then back to another expected 2". This is our time of year to recharge our aquifers, so not a bad thing. It has come down such that the road hasn't washed (which is good).
I'm hoping my 30+ YO car has been repaired to day. Burnt valve on the second cylinder. Replacement valve only cost $30, but replacing it and all the valve seats will be considerably more. I'm lucky to be a mile away from my mechanic, which is the closest business to us. He also comes to my place and helps me with the 60+ YO tractor wherever it has issues. It is an essential tool on our place.
Machinery requires maintenance and repair, just the way of things.
Enjoy your story telling, and thanks for the OT!
EDIT to add:
Finally got our landline phone operational again AND reliable internet. Sure make working on line easier when you're not bumped off every few minutes!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good news on your connections
the burnt valve not so much
working on a radiator leak today
a baseboard in the bathroom
thank the stars for Marine-Tex
2 part epoxy
always something ..
question everything
Perhaps an alignment of the stars
First cookies Nuland jumps ship.
Next, Nikki Hillary bails.
Meanwhile, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden mocked Haley’s hawkish politics.
I can imagine quite a few donors counting their losses.
Perhaps investing in endless war doesn't pay as well these days?
Now, about Austin and the Pentagoons ..
question everything
Love that album
Learned to play air guitar with that song.
Rain and snow flurries yesterday, lightening up today. hovering around low 40s day and 32 night.
Found a Credit Union offering 5.25% on a savings account. Voting with my feet and money and opening an account.
The banks get away with raising their rates on a whim but never raise it for savings accounts.
I do see it as conspiracy to defraud but all the state and federal AGs are tainted and owned.
I'm fighting back by taking business away from them by lending money to close family at 2% interest.
I'm still making almost 2% more than the interest I earn for having it in a savings account, which is .005%.
I stay away from any financial instrument because I demand instant access to my money.
Because of my age, the Feds are forcing me to take money out of my 401k account which they expect me to spend ( go shopping!--Bush 2007), or put it in the stock market, or put it in a .005% savings account.
Plus, the govmint get the tax revenue.
The fleecing of America has so many facets one cannot keep up.
Thanks for the OT.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
five and a quarter is almost unheard of
for a 'savings' account
mine is .02%
the bankers do not "incentive"
accounts to leave money with
them. Go figure. Dead weight?
Good luck with the weather.
question everything
Ukraine clutching at straws, as exhaustion sets in
Ukraine is our next "South Vietnam."
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Is there an American Embassy there
with a rooftop?
Asking for a friend.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
A US Embassy in Ukraine?
Sure. The entire scheme to impeach Trump was staged out of the US Embassy in Kiev. All the key wittneses worked out of that embassy.
Ukraine's goose is cooked if Trump gets back in the White House.
No problem for Israel, though. Genocide has always been a key USian value.
Good afternoon, QMS
This morning, I discussed with a friend the fun adventure a riverboat cruise can be. The problem is expense, that is, if you are cruising in the US $10k per person to float down the Mississippi for a ways in 5 days is considered cheap. The Danube, Volga, Yangtze, and Maine, by comparison, are truly cheap.
What came in the mail today? A brochure for a Danube cruise. Start in Munich, end in Prague 12 days later, for $3,799.
Been there, done that, and it is always an amazing adventure!
I know we all miss Nikki Haley, amirite?
Thanks for the OT, my friend!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
$10 k to float down the big muddy?
used to get paid to run biggish boats on that river
no expensive cocktails and your basic cajun cuisine
but still, it ain't some lost paradise
question everything
There are some that travel for 2 weeks
Effing nuts!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Many voters continue to send Genocide Joe a message but
so far it doesn't seem to sink in.
Edited to add from another source:
The SXSW (South by Southwest) festival is sponsored by Raytheon
or “RTX” as the company seems to have recently renamed itself.
This fact, combined with the Gaza genocide, is prompting some artists to boycott SXSW this year.
Absent Friend
I thought this might be a good time....
great insights there
thanks for sharing the video
question everything