Most primaries fall into one of five categories: closed, partially closed, open to unaffiliated voters, partially open and open, according to the National Conference on State Legislatures. The critical distinction among the categories is whether voters who are not registered party members can participate in the party’s primary.
Well, that is about as clear as mud. Our state primary is not today, but you can not vote unless
you register with one of the two (major) parties.
Per RFK, Jr. --
“We need to break free from the two political parties and the corrupt interests that control them,”
5 users have voted.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
to vote in either the R or D primary. All local contested races are among the Rs. In fact, there are no D candidates for any position in my city, county, or state district.
I will vote in the R primary, which will automatically register me as a Republican. Come November, I can vote either party or for any independent.
In the next primary, in the outside chance Ds actually have candidates, or 3rd party candidates have some actual contest, my vote in those primaries changes my voter party registry.
There have been many times that I wanted to cast a primary vote in both parties, so I have to decide which race has the most potential to affect my life. Today, it is the sheriff's race, my local commisioner, and my local constable. We can try to get rid of our state rep, but it is tough to beat an incumbent.
We shall see.
For all I know, the voting machines do not properly function, so this is no more than a gesture.
Most primaries fall into one of five categories: closed, partially closed, open to unaffiliated voters, partially open and open, according to the National Conference on State Legislatures. The critical distinction among the categories is whether voters who are not registered party members can participate in the party’s primary.
Well, that is about as clear as mud. Our state primary is not today, but you can not vote unless
you register with one of the two (major) parties.
Per RFK, Jr. --
“We need to break free from the two political parties and the corrupt interests that control them,”
5 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
@on the cusp
play the game in the primary, then immediately dis-affiliate
back into independent. They have a handy table at the polling
sight (local school gym) with a couple volunteers to help fill
out the form. Just wish they had some other choice on the
ballot (like "other") and it counted. No write ins allowed.
#1 to vote in either the R or D primary. All local contested races are among the Rs. In fact, there are no D candidates for any position in my city, county, or state district.
I will vote in the R primary, which will automatically register me as a Republican. Come November, I can vote either party or for any independent.
In the next primary, in the outside chance Ds actually have candidates, or 3rd party candidates have some actual contest, my vote in those primaries changes my voter party registry.
There have been many times that I wanted to cast a primary vote in both parties, so I have to decide which race has the most potential to affect my life. Today, it is the sheriff's race, my local commisioner, and my local constable. We can try to get rid of our state rep, but it is tough to beat an incumbent.
We shall see.
For all I know, the voting machines do not properly function, so this is no more than a gesture.
3 users have voted.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
not sure about primaries. I will let you know this evening. I doubt write-ins would be allowed since this primary is party specific.
play the game in the primary, then immediately dis-affiliate
back into independent. They have a handy table at the polling
sight (local school gym) with a couple volunteers to help fill
out the form. Just wish they had some other choice on the
ballot (like "other") and it counted. No write ins allowed.
this Tuesday, except as it likely will mean another Super Taco Tuesday for yours truly and one lucky member of this peculiar household. Haven't sat out many ST elections, but this year is an exceptionally depressing one as I contemplate the crooked parties and their bought and paid for pols.
Awhile back I was mildly enthusiastic about casting a vote for the feisty Katie Porter for senate, but when I received my mail-in ballot a month ago and watched it sit on my dining table for a full month largely unread, I realized mild interest in one candidate wasn't sufficient to rouse me to send it in.
If Porter had done more feisty things in recent times to speak out boldly on Covid and the vaccines, or free speech, or Ukraine or even Israel, she probably would have earned my vote. But being feisty and skeptical of big bankers 5 yrs ago isn't enough given recent major events. And anyway it appears Schiff has pulled ahead of her along with the GOP's latest empty-headed celeb-pol who's running solely on his prior non-political fame but who otherwise hadn't previously been heard from speaking on the issues, one Steve Garvey, a solid Trumpman including on family values of course, running in a very anti-Trump state.
In CA, in this open primary, the top 2 finishers advance to the Nov election, unless one hits 50%, so it's very likely Schiff v Gravey, with the D the solid favorite. That is almost as depressing a choice as Trump v Biden.
like a junior high school popularity contest
no real choices except what is already given
a former baseball player? what kind of qualifications
does that give someone to run the government?
Guess Cali is star struck, or maybe agents run the process?
Lookee here, we can sign a contract to make you a million bucks!
Don't even have to swing a bat.
this Tuesday, except as it likely will mean another Super Taco Tuesday for yours truly and one lucky member of this peculiar household. Haven't sat out many ST elections, but this year is an exceptionally depressing one as I contemplate the crooked parties and their bought and paid for pols.
Awhile back I was mildly enthusiastic about casting a vote for the feisty Katie Porter for senate, but when I received my mail-in ballot a month ago and watched it sit on my dining table for a full month largely unread, I realized mild interest in one candidate wasn't sufficient to rouse me to send it in.
If Porter had done more feisty things in recent times to speak out boldly on Covid and the vaccines, or free speech, or Ukraine or even Israel, she probably would have earned my vote. But being feisty and skeptical of big bankers 5 yrs ago isn't enough given recent major events. And anyway it appears Schiff has pulled ahead of her along with the GOP's latest empty-headed celeb-pol who's running solely on his prior non-political fame but who otherwise hadn't previously been heard from speaking on the issues, one Steve Garvey, a solid Trumpman including on family values of course, running in a very anti-Trump state.
In CA, in this open primary, the top 2 finishers advance to the Nov election, unless one hits 50%, so it's very likely Schiff v Gravey, with the D the solid favorite. That is almost as depressing a choice as Trump v Biden.
3 users have voted.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
reasons, not unwisely, that since their position on most major issues doesn't resonate with the vast majority of CAians, they must get around that little difficulty by appealing more to the emotions with star appeal candidates. Arnold, Reagan, George Murphy before RR, and tough guy Clint Westwood, mayor of Carmel. Though in Gravey's case, we're talking about a low-key small-s star in a fading sport who last played 40 yrs ago.
CA Ds have occasionally sought to encourage a star to run, but I can't think of one who said yes. Warren Beatty back when I was a youngster was often mentioned as a possibility. Gregory Peck before him. In more recent times, George Clooney. But always Nyet Nyet Nyet.
like a junior high school popularity contest
no real choices except what is already given
a former baseball player? what kind of qualifications
does that give someone to run the government?
Guess Cali is star struck, or maybe agents run the process?
Lookee here, we can sign a contract to make you a million bucks!
and they don’t futz with your affiliation
(or lack of one). They send out both dem and pub ballots to everyone, and you can return only one- and in my case, while staying safely unaffiliated. So I voted for Nikki Haley, knowing that the huge crowds of local slavering MAGA types will hand it to Trump. There were actually 7 or 8 names on the dem ballot- as if I cared.
Trump is going to walk away with CO in the general. There are a lot of ex-dems like me who have completely had it with the party and will be sitting it out, rather than voting for either the undead meat-puppet or the orange asshole. At this point, I actually believe that Trump is slightly less likely to start a nuclear war. But not enough to vote for him.
But what the hell- if Jill’s on the ballot, I might cast a protest vote for her, once again. There were 7,000 of us last cycle. That’ll just depend on whether or not my sock drawer needs rearranging in October.
ballot choice based on the 2 parties. Write in not allowed. uncommitted appeared on a few races.
In the 6 or 7 minutes I was in the room, there were over 25 voters coming or going. This was at 2pm. It will be even busier after 5 today.
Many ballot initiatives were pertaining to illegal immigrants.
Also, several pertained to public schools. Texas has begun a war of sorts against public schools. The Rs want to do away with property taxes. property taxes fund the public school system.
I was tempted to vote for Trump just as a protest, but voted uncommitted.
My hope is that our sheriff lost, and our state rep lost. The rest was way down on my "really give a shit" meter.
3 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
@on the cusp
compared to this little town / state
thanks for your update
ever notice how few choices we are given?
ballot choice based on the 2 parties. Write in not allowed. uncommitted appeared on a few races.
In the 6 or 7 minutes I was in the room, there were over 25 voters coming or going. This was at 2pm. It will be even busier after 5 today.
Many ballot initiatives were pertaining to illegal immigrants.
Also, several pertained to public schools. Texas has begun a war of sorts against public schools. The Rs want to do away with property taxes. property taxes fund the public school system.
I was tempted to vote for Trump just as a protest, but voted uncommitted.
My hope is that our sheriff lost, and our state rep lost. The rest was way down on my "really give a shit" meter.
2 users have voted.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Maybe 35 candidates for district or state offices, many being judge positions, and not a single primary candidate had a challenger.
That might be because we are a red state, with the exception of Houston, Dallas, Austin, and El Paso. It might also be that firm hand of the DNC doing our selections for us.
The polling place is 1 block from my office. 2 election officials are great friends. It was a low stress break from the stress of the office. My vote may have helped a friend in his race to be sheriff. I tried.
compared to this little town / state
thanks for your update
ever notice how few choices we are given?
4 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
by 105 votes!!!!
The precinct commissioner I disliked, lost to the candidate I voted for!!!!
The state rep I despise won handily. I will take the wins I got, and deal with the losses.
3 users have voted.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
by 105 votes!!!!
The precinct commissioner I disliked, lost to the candidate I voted for!!!!
The state rep I despise won handily. I will take the wins I got, and deal with the losses.
2 users have voted.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
@on the cusp
I'm glad that those three races came out good! Our ballots here aren't due until next week. I only get to vote for a presidential candidate, but I can write in 'cease fire' and I probably will. The state candidates are on a different ballot at a different time
#5.1 was done, the crooked state representative also lost! Those were the three races that mattered, and they all ended on a very high note!
1 user has voted.
If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so
5 categories of primaries
Most primaries fall into one of five categories: closed, partially closed, open to unaffiliated voters, partially open and open, according to the National Conference on State Legislatures. The critical distinction among the categories is whether voters who are not registered party members can participate in the party’s primary.
Well, that is about as clear as mud. Our state primary is not today, but you can not vote unless
you register with one of the two (major) parties.
Per RFK, Jr. --
“We need to break free from the two political parties and the corrupt interests that control them,”
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
We have an opportunity
I will vote in the R primary, which will automatically register me as a Republican. Come November, I can vote either party or for any independent.
In the next primary, in the outside chance Ds actually have candidates, or 3rd party candidates have some actual contest, my vote in those primaries changes my voter party registry.
There have been many times that I wanted to cast a primary vote in both parties, so I have to decide which race has the most potential to affect my life. Today, it is the sheriff's race, my local commisioner, and my local constable. We can try to get rid of our state rep, but it is tough to beat an incumbent.
We shall see.
For all I know, the voting machines do not properly function, so this is no more than a gesture.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Yeah, similar Modus Operandi here
play the game in the primary, then immediately dis-affiliate
back into independent. They have a handy table at the polling
sight (local school gym) with a couple volunteers to help fill
out the form. Just wish they had some other choice on the
ballot (like "other") and it counted. No write ins allowed.
Well, at least you can bet on it online.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I know we have write ins in November,
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Nothing Super about
this Tuesday, except as it likely will mean another Super Taco Tuesday for yours truly and one lucky member of this peculiar household. Haven't sat out many ST elections, but this year is an exceptionally depressing one as I contemplate the crooked parties and their bought and paid for pols.
Awhile back I was mildly enthusiastic about casting a vote for the feisty Katie Porter for senate, but when I received my mail-in ballot a month ago and watched it sit on my dining table for a full month largely unread, I realized mild interest in one candidate wasn't sufficient to rouse me to send it in.
If Porter had done more feisty things in recent times to speak out boldly on Covid and the vaccines, or free speech, or Ukraine or even Israel, she probably would have earned my vote. But being feisty and skeptical of big bankers 5 yrs ago isn't enough given recent major events. And anyway it appears Schiff has pulled ahead of her along with the GOP's latest empty-headed celeb-pol who's running solely on his prior non-political fame but who otherwise hadn't previously been heard from speaking on the issues, one Steve Garvey, a solid Trumpman including on family values of course, running in a very anti-Trump state.
In CA, in this open primary, the top 2 finishers advance to the Nov election, unless one hits 50%, so it's very likely Schiff v Gravey, with the D the solid favorite. That is almost as depressing a choice as Trump v Biden.
yeah, it's kinda weird
like a junior high school popularity contest
no real choices except what is already given
a former baseball player? what kind of qualifications
does that give someone to run the government?
Guess Cali is star struck, or maybe agents run the process?
Lookee here, we can sign a contract to make you a million bucks!
Don't even have to swing a bat.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
GOP probably
CA Ds have occasionally sought to encourage a star to run, but I can't think of one who said yes. Warren Beatty back when I was a youngster was often mentioned as a possibility. Gregory Peck before him. In more recent times, George Clooney. But always Nyet Nyet Nyet.
CO has open primaries,
and they don’t futz with your affiliation
(or lack of one). They send out both dem and pub ballots to everyone, and you can return only one- and in my case, while staying safely unaffiliated. So I voted for Nikki Haley, knowing that the huge crowds of local slavering MAGA types will hand it to Trump. There were actually 7 or 8 names on the dem ballot- as if I cared.
Trump is going to walk away with CO in the general. There are a lot of ex-dems like me who have completely had it with the party and will be sitting it out, rather than voting for either the undead meat-puppet or the orange asshole. At this point, I actually believe that Trump is slightly less likely to start a nuclear war. But not enough to vote for him.
But what the hell- if Jill’s on the ballot, I might cast a protest vote for her, once again. There were 7,000 of us last cycle. That’ll just depend on whether or not my sock drawer needs rearranging in October.
Such a waste of time.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
ballot choice based on the 2 parties. Write in not allowed. uncommitted appeared on a few races.
In the 6 or 7 minutes I was in the room, there were over 25 voters coming or going. This was at 2pm. It will be even busier after 5 today.
Many ballot initiatives were pertaining to illegal immigrants.
Also, several pertained to public schools. Texas has begun a war of sorts against public schools. The Rs want to do away with property taxes. property taxes fund the public school system.
I was tempted to vote for Trump just as a protest, but voted uncommitted.
My hope is that our sheriff lost, and our state rep lost. The rest was way down on my "really give a shit" meter.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
sounds like an evolved system
compared to this little town / state
thanks for your update
ever notice how few choices we are given?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
I looked at the D primary ballot.
That might be because we are a red state, with the exception of Houston, Dallas, Austin, and El Paso. It might also be that firm hand of the DNC doing our selections for us.
The polling place is 1 block from my office. 2 election officials are great friends. It was a low stress break from the stress of the office. My vote may have helped a friend in his race to be sheriff. I tried.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
by 105 votes!!!!
The precinct commissioner I disliked, lost to the candidate I voted for!!!!
The state rep I despise won handily. I will take the wins I got, and deal with the losses.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Yay, sometimes the good guys win
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
When the final tally
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I'm glad that those three races came out good! Our ballots here aren't due until next week. I only get to vote for a presidential candidate, but I can write in 'cease fire' and I probably will. The state candidates are on a different ballot at a different time
If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so