The Weekly Watch
A Western Ship of Fools
Sailing on a Sea of Corruption

Why do you think Biden (et al) are so desperate to get more of our money to a failed proxy war in Ukraine? Think it might be the 10% for the big guy? I also heard much of the money comes back to DC to fund the Ukraine lobby, and therefore our representatives. Sounds about right. It is a similar phenomenon in Gaza with the Zionist literally owning the US government. Add in the utter incompetence of our administration from the top down. So here we are mired in unnecessary conflicts with no foreseeable escape. I thought Larry did a good job describing our predicament.
(53 min)
We have been manipulated in many subtle ways to accept our situation. One of the biggest psyops in my lifetime was the COVID debacle. Dr John speaks with an Australian psychologist.
COVID Psychological Manipulation: Unpacked (1.3 hours)
Ros Nealon-Cook, a psychologist from Australia, had her license suspended for sounding the alarm about the harms to children from government pandemic policy. Ros has joined forces with a number health professionals from around the world who were similarly censored and silenced. Together, they have created The Cape Byron Lighthouse Declaration to raise awareness about the widespread propaganda and censorship of expert scientific opinion. You can read and sign the declaration here:
“You can’t make something [ the vaccine ] this damaging… without doing it on purpose.” “It’s your immune system going after the spike [ protein that the body is producing after getting the vaccine that is causing the damage ]…” “It would not be able to hijack your immune…
— Camus (@newstart_2024) February 15, 2024
I produced a documentary about the German Corona Expert Council and Corona measures regime, which was released in German three weeks ago. I synchronized the film in English because I believe that Germany should serve as a deterrent example. While Sweden, for example, took the path of sense of proportion and reason, Germany chose the path of escalation – the path of a crackdown on the basic rights of citizens, the path towards an irreversible division of society.
Full documentary here.
These same sort of manipulations are used to make us accept endless war, crumbling infrastructure, mass migrations, homelessness, and so on.
The narrative control is deep and intertwined.
Everything You Need to Know about the Government’s Mass Censorship Campaign (1 hour)
The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States. "What I’m describing is military rule," says Mike Benz. "It’s the inversion of democracy."
At about the 30 min mark he suggests COVID and election fraud were the two most censored topics. He reminds me of Whitney Webb in terms of encyclopedic knowledge.
Foundation For Freedom Online
Chris Hedges: The Collapse of US Media is Accelerating Our Political Crisis
A third of all US newspapers have permanently closed, the industry is hemorrhaging reporters, and private equity and Big Tech are to blame.
From Censorship to Criminalizing Dissent (Jeffrey Tucker)
A major battle is brewing throughout the Western world over the basic principle of free speech. Is it going to be protected by law? It’s not entirely clear what the outcome will be. We seem to be on the precipice of a potential calamity if the courts don’t decide the right way. Even if we squeak out a victory, the question is already in play. Our free speech rights have never been more fragile. Turn your attention to France right now. In the dead of night, a new law slipped through the General Assembly that would make it a crime to criticize mRNA shots. Critics call it the Pfizer law. It calls for fines up to 45,000 euros and possibly three years in prison for debunking an approved medical treatment. Like all Western nations, criticism of the mRNA platform has already been subjected to vast social-media censorship. Even given this, there has been a major and global consumer turn against these shots. People are not convinced that they are necessary, safe, or effective. Still, government imposed mandates for everyone, billions of people worldwide.
How can you help but know the media is manipulated when they all read from the same script...
TV Liberals Repeat EXACT SAME SCRIPT To Defend Biden’s Dementia! (12-15 min)
Ever since the Hur Report came out, determining that Joe Biden could not be charged with criminal mishandling of classified documents because his memory is shot and no jury would convict, the liberal media class has closed ranks to defend the President and insist that he’s as sharp and incisive as ever, and allegations suggesting otherwise are all a right-wing plot.
"Tesla CEO Elon Musk has claimed that his foray into social media – buying the former Twitter (since renamed X) and trying to make it a bastion of free speech – made him and all of his businesses targets for constant attacks by governments and their censorship allies. “The public still doesn’t understand even a tiny fraction of the power of the censorship-government-industrial complex,” Musk said on Friday in a post on X. “As predicted, my companies and I came under relentless attack the moment the censorship of this platform was lifted. How far will they go to stop me?” The US billionaire made the comments in response to a post by podcast host David Sacks, who warned that “regime Democrats” are working every day to undermine Americans’ free-speech rights and freedom from political persecution."
"New reporting suggests the lengths the US deep state went to to undermine former US President Donald Trump. Since 2016, Democratic Party officials have accused former US President Donald Trump of illegally colluding with the Russian government as part of the discredited “Russiagate” narrative. Now, it appears such claims may represent a case of projection on the part of Trump’s critics. That’s the takeaway from a bombshell report by “Twitter Files” journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger this week that suggests that CIA officials under former US President Barack Obama worked through English-speaking intelligence partners to spy on Trump’s presidential campaign. The report alleges that the CIA under intelligence chief John Brennan worked with Five Eyes intelligence partners to circumvent legal restrictions against domestic spying by the agency. Five Eyes is an alliance of intelligence agencies in the United States, the UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand."

"Three separate prosecutors reportedly met with White House aides before indicting former President Donald Trump, President Joe Biden’s political opponent. The reported meetings suggest a coordinated attack against Biden’s 2024 rival. If coordination occurred, it lends credence to Trump’s belief that the indictments are election interference. The timing of the indictments are peculiar. After Trump announced a reelection bid against Biden, four indictments hit Trump in four separate jurisdictions, each following revelations about the Biden family business. In three cases, prosecutors reportedly met with the Biden administration before indicting Trump:
Alvin Bragg: New York – “Stormy Daniels” Case (state)
Jack Smith: Miami – “Documents” Case (federal)
Fani Willis: Fulton County, Georgia (state)"
The judgment against Trump (and his family and associates) was met with a level of unrestrained celebration by many in New York that bordered on the indecent. Attorney General Letitia James declared not only that Trump would be barred from doing business in New York for three years, but that the damages would come to roughly $460 million once interest was included.
...the court admitted that not a single dollar was lost by the banks from these dealings. Indeed, witnesses testified that they wanted to do more business with Trump, who was described as a “whale” client with high yield business opportunities.
...The impact on New York business is likely to be dire. New York is already viewed as a hostile business environment, with the top end of its tax base literally heading south as taxes and crime rises. This draconian award is only going to deepen concerns over the arbitrary application of the law
It's lawfare plain, simple, and obvious to anyone but those with severe TDS.
Meanwhile the Biden crime family isn't getting much press.
She’s EXPOSING the Bidens’ Ukraine corruption and massive COVER-UP (25 min)
Stunning new details have emerged in the Biden family corruption in Ukraine. Newly revealed audio recordings and documents provide supporting evidence implicating Joe Biden, his son Hunter Biden and Secretary of state Antony Blinken in widespread corruption in Ukraine. Journalist and Attorney Simona Papadopoulos just broke this story and she joins us to discuss the details.
Documentation here

Crank up the propaganda machine!
Liberal financier George Soros has bought a major stake in the US’ second-largest radio company and could gain “effective control” of more than 220 stations across the country, the New York Post reported on Wednesday.
Soros is an advocate for mass immigration to Western countries, European federalism, and economic and political liberalism. He was the largest donor of the 2022 US midterm election season, funneling $128 million to Democratic candidates and organizations.
The idea is to flood these stations with pro-dem nonsense in hopes it will swing the election.
Speed. . . and. . . Action (Jim Kunstler)
Have you noticed yet that America has turned into a Coen Brothers movie? Everywhere you look, you see madcap characters disgracing themselves while doing their bit to burn the whole country down. It’s a panoramic extravaganza of everything gone wrong, with slapstick overtones, driving toward an apocalyptic climax — civil war, nuclear war, economic collapse, maybe all three. And all because the people on-screen just can’t stop lying.
Axis of Resistance: from Donbass to Gaza (Pepe Escobar)
“Scratch the veneer of who’s in power in Kiev and Tel Aviv, and who pulls their strings, and you will find the same puppet masters controlling Ukraine, Israel, the US, the UK, and nearly all NATO members..”
Transcending Adveevka (Pepe Escobar)
In a very special conversation with Alexander Dugin (36 min), we both made it clear, directly and indirectly, that the working classes of Novorossiya are spiritual brothers of the oppressed in Palestine and Yemen. Yes, the Axis of Resistance in West Asia is mirrored by the Slavic Axis of Resistance in the black soil of the steppes. As much as Russia may have been drawn to a civilizational war against the collective West, that is also a spiritual war. The proxy war by the Hegemon against Russia in Ukraine is as much a geopolitical gamble as a war of Western nihilism against Russian Orthodoxy. I did mention the parallel between Orthodox Christianity and Shi’ism to a top commander; he may have been bemused, but he definitely got the message. After all, he must have instinctively noticed it was the rejected, harassed and bombed in Orthodox Christianity and Islam who have re-awakened the Orthodox and Islamic civilizations for a transcendental war of survival – supported by faith.
Jeffery Sachs had several interesting interviews this week
Giving a nice succinct (15 min) recount of our ongoing conflicts...
Jeffrey Sachs Tears Apart Biden's Ukraine/Israel Catastrophes
On and on the conflicts go...
Putin's message to the west
(30 min...the Alex's go on for another hour with Q&A, but the time with Jeffery is best)
I also enjoyed Jeff's discussion with the Judge on the CIA.
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: Does The CIA Destabilize the World?
(29 min) Article here.
This week I heard two excellent interviews with Chas Freeman. The first with an Asian view.
Israel REJECTS Hamas Deal w/Chas Freeman fmr US ambassador / Defense Dept (40 min)
The second focuses on NATO.
Cracks in the NATO Narratives and NATO Unity - Chas Freeman, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen (1.2 hours)
With all the censorship and manipulation it is nice to have trusted sources...
Kim Dotcom: Zelenskyy released a helpful guide on who to follow if you want to learn the truth about the failing US proxy war in Ukraine. He calls it pro-Russian disinformation but he’s just angry that these experts constantly reveal the truth about how badly Ukraine and the West are losing.

How interesting these are the people we watch and reference.
Of course going directly to the source is best...
Listening To What He Says
"He" of course, being Vladimir Putin, (and Lavrov and other Russian officials ...)
Throwing Good Money After Bad in Ukraine?
Ray McGovern and Lawrence Wilkerson argue the U.S. should accept that no amount of U.S. funding will change Russia’s will and means to prevail in Ukraine.

They Finally Killed Navalny ...The creation of this news item was suspiciously well timed ...
In a short period of time, within two hours (from 14:19), Western politicians and the media at their side were able, as it were, to obtain the results of a forensic examination that had not yet been carried out, conduct an investigation, blame Moscow and render a verdict. There is no other explanation other than the fact that all these reactions were prepared in advance. [..] “We might be able to believe in this incredible, miraculous speed if the whole world had not just watched the helpless ‘investigation’ of terrorist attacks on the Nord Stream gas pipeline that stretched out over many months and turned up empty,” the ministry added.
Alex does a good job discussing the death...
There is some suggestion this is yet another blood clot death (7 min) resulting from the mRNA vaccines.
Gaza and Western Asia...

ICJ Hearings to Examine 57 Years of Israeli Occupation of Palestine
"Decades of injustice will finally face scrutiny," said U.N. human rights official Francesca Albanese ahead of next week's Hague hearings on the legal consequences of Israel's illegal occupation.
These hearings and rulings at least bring global awareness.
Bombing Muslims for Peace (Bill Astore)
Right now, of course, the world is witnessing yet another U.S. bombing campaign, the latest in a series that seems all too predictable (and futile), meant to teach the restless rebels of Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and possibly even Iran a lesson when it comes to messing with the United States of America.
Yes, America’s presidents, its bombers-in-chief, are indeed appeasers. Of course, they think they’re being strong when they’re blowing distant people to bits, but their actions invariably showcase a distinctive kind of weakness. They eternally seek to appease the military-industrial-congressional complex, aka the national (in)security state, a complex state-within-a-state with an unappeasable hunger for power, profit, and ever more destruction. They fail and fail and fail again in the Middle East, yet they’re incapable of not ordering more bombing, more droning, more killing there.

These endless war have real consequences...
Opinion: I’m an American doctor who went to Gaza. What I saw wasn’t war — it was annihilation
‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 133: Israel Cuts Electricity to Critical Nasser Hospital Patients, Forces Staff to Evacuate
How about a bit of possibly good news?
An overwhelming majority in the Australian parliament has voted to request that charges against Julian Assange be dropped and that he be allowed to return to his native country. The UK high court will hold hearings next week on whether Assange can continue to argue his case against extradition to the US, where he faces 175 years in prison.
(7.5 min)
Control the Food, Control the People
Global Elites have DECLARED WAR on Farmers and Food Production (14 min)
Farmers in France, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, and Spain are parking trucks and tractors in major cities in protest of regulations destroying their industry. In this video, Glenn Beck explains the real reason driving farmers to extreme protests. It all leads back to a potentially deadly redesign for how we get our food, and it’s laid out in documents from the European Commission. But this redesign doesn’t stop in Europe. Biden’s Build Back Better plan and the Inflation Reduction Act include actions that will impact farmers, ranchers, and grocery bill and food options for every American.
JRE What Happened With Farmer Protests In Europe? (8 min)
The great irony is that grazing animals can improve climate.
Roots So Deep: How can regenerative grazing benefit climate and biodiversity? (40 min)
The sound is lousy when he cuts to his film. He interviews several farmers including Teddy and Randy here nearby on the mountain. The team of scientists are comparing conventional vs regenerative practices. - Peter Byck, Professor of Practice, School of Sustainability, College of Global Futures, Arizona State University
The data he provides is outstanding on a number of levels...not just carbon sequestration and water retention, but wildlife benefits and increased ecosystem diversity.
Cows in the Woods: What it Takes to Create a Silvopasture (6.7 min)
How do you transform land overgrown with invasive shrubs and weeds into a shade-dappled pasture perfect for managed grazing? Find out how Butler Grassfed Beef in Spring Green, Wis., created a silvopasture for its cows in a move that benefits farmers, water quality, our climate and our animals. Silvopasture is the practice of integrating trees & forage plants into livestock pastures. Keeping the farmland covered with perennial plants and trees holds carbon in the soil, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It also minimizes soil erosion and nutrient runoff, keeping nearby waterways healthier.
And for any homesteading nerds this is a fun - but long (2.7 hour)- interview with Joel Salatin by Justin Rhodes.
Joel Salatin on Breaking Out of Conventionality, Community Building, Alternate Food Systems
Joel is creating a MAG .. mutual assistance group within his community. Couldn't be a bad idea to get to know your neighbors and community members. I watched/listened in three doses and enjoyed it all.
And for your entertainment, a four star movie. Vivien Leigh and Simone Signoret headline a stellar cast in the acclaimed drama about German exiles who are not allowed to anchor at American ports.
It is 2.5 hours. We watched it over a couple of evenings.
Plot summary...1933: An ocean liner belonging to a second-rate German company is making a twenty-six day voyage from Veracruz, Mexico to Bremerhaven, Germany. Along the way it will stop in Cuba to pick up a large group of Spanish farm laborers who are being shipped home and who will be housed like cattle in steerage. There it will also pick up La Condesa, a Spanish countess. It will stop in Tenerife, where the farm workers will disembark and where La Condesa will be sent to a German-run prison for her "traitorous" activities in Cuba.
Well, I've certainly run on too long. Lots of stories I didn't get to cover, but maybe you can add them in the comments. Have a wonderful Sunday!

I thought I was fully red pilled
until I watched the Mike Benz / Tucker Carlson interview, which turned out to be massive red-pill booster. Benz’s retrieval of dates, names and connections of the history of the transition from quasi democracy to outright military-industrial domination was impressive.
His recital of the trajectory of our recent history begins in ‘48 with the OSS/CIA (Dulles brothers) as a seminal point, but the length and breadth of the current situation he revealed puts us far further down the pike than I had imagined.
Gobsmacked, I am.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Same here...
What a mess we've created. If anyone seriously threatened the existence of the CIA,NSA mafia they would suffer the fate of JFK ...who did threaten them firing the Dulles bros and saying he wanted to bust it into a thousand pieces.
Jeffery's CIA discussion pairs well with Tucker's interview with Mike focusing on wars and coups rather than media control. Of course it all dove tails.
So much of the news this week exposes the censorship industrial complex. Not the least of which is this report...
CIA Had Foreign Allies Spy On Trump Team, Triggering Russia Collusion Hoax, Sources Say
No surprise, but nice to have definitive evidence.
So, glad you enjoyed the interview, and I appreciate the comment. Take care and keep that tin foil hat handy...we may need 'em.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Morning Lookout
Speaking of Australia, I saw this article about infection control measures in Australian hospitals, but it seems to apply to hospitals here as well.
Infection control used to be a major goal in hospitals. Now it seems that it no longer is that way. I'm wondering if that is a result of simple cost-cutting. Or is it something else. My entire adult life I have been aware, as have been most who grew up in "developed countries", about preventative health care measures. Those who work in the health-care field and the Public Health fields, used to be required to know about preventative measures and how to mitigate spread of contagious diseases.
Now we have chosen to disregard and even disparage that knowledge of prevention. Prevention is a simple principal and is related to the concept of 'universal precautions' that is employed in every health care setting. I'm wondering why we as a society want to throw away; to our own huge detriment; basic health principles that we know work. Propaganda is seemingly extremely effective with regard to this issue but why are TPTB so willing to increase the number of hospital acquired infection when in the past it was among the major goals of these institutions to prevent HAI's? It is counterintuitive unless you determine that it is a feature not a bug.
To me it appears that our society is complicit and enthusiastically embraces measures that contribute to what amounts to democide. We are our own worst enemies.
prevention is key...
However I suspect rather than COVID infections what we're seeing is vaccine reactions. In the first short clip the Dr explains our bodies are altered by the mRNA and our immune system thinks it has been invaded and starts attacking itself.
Much like during the pandemic here, people struck by automobiles but were COVID positive were labeled as COVID deaths. I am very wary of COVID claims these days.
If anything the Australian media is more tightly controlled than ours in the US.
Thanks for the report, and I hope your weather has been good as winter ends and spring emerges.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Propaganda and Public Health
How to get rid of all those deplorables and useless eaters. Pre-vaccine times there was an example of elder care homes taking care of the problem via Cuomo elder-care strategy. Can't be blamed on vaccine.
Here is an interesting article,
A thought experiment:
Certainly clean water is key to health...
Issues like clean water and healthy food are low hanging fruit in being healthy. Plus I would add, spending time outdoors in nature boost our overall health.
Simple health education is being ignored...perhaps because sick people are profitable.
Thanks for the link.
Be well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I suspect
Long COVID is happening and real no doubt...
The symptoms of vaccine injury and long COVID overlap. Why people develop long COVID may indeed be related to initial viral load. There were so many mistakes which we worked on here at the Dose. Among them sending people home from the hospital and told to return when they turned blue with no recommended treatments.
No doubt this is true.
'The NHS sold out its staff': Doctors whose lives were devastated by long COVID to sue health service
Schools sold out teachers too.
It is neglect across the board...government and corporate. Perhaps the most powerful lesson from the ordeal is "you are on your own". Learn how to maximize your health.
Have a good Sunday!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
You are correct
That however is a very unfortunate lesson since most of us live in a society surrounded (by definition) other people. If people are Covid deniers or minimizers, it affects not just themselves but others around them. We are dependent on each other even outside of our own immediate circles. What each of us does often has repercussions on others.
The other day I posted a link about a story about a guy who maximized his health to the nth degree. It didn't matter. He got Covid....
Talk about maximizing your health!
I think the majority of people
The virus simply filtered through every method.
I do not blame the general public, do not consider them careless, or my enemy.
In truth, the possibility any one of us could have made someone sick, or worse, caused their death, was in all our minds, all the time. It still is, for many. A hell of a way to live.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Indoor air quality
one of the ways to reduce potential exposure to pathogens
is to circulate and filter the air
have posted several times a simple filter can be made
which does both; and yet the CDC / media do not stress it.
Perhaps it can be an effective partial solution.
question everything
I agree it is
Poor air filtration systems is one of the reasons I do not fly, and am not eager to board a cruise ship, captain.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I take your point
a.) Covid is over [as of last May per. Biden's proclamation]
b.) Covid is mild, no big deal, learn to live with it
c.) this is an individual issue and they people must deal with this on their own.
d.) mitigation/prevention efforts don't work
e.) children don't get covid
The message as I see it is just go back to work and don't ask for any extra sick days. If you get long Covid, tough luck.
edited for spelling
I admit to avoiding
I read an occasional chart showing cases and hospitalization is down, that for otherwise healthy people, current case symptoms are mild.
There is certainly far less concern with it nowadays.
It has achieved seasonal flu levels of concern.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
@on the cusp @randtntx
Most of the data I read
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
the corona story has been twisted so much
few people know what to believe
once the 'authorities' posted contradicting
assessments, changing the lyrics to suit the
next message, realized it is a buffalo job
question everything
@randtntx You don't need to search
yeah, and how has the Ukraine is winning argument going?
Seems to me those denying science were those like Falsie who defined himself as science. I am a scientist and the first rule is think for yourself and weigh the evidence. The evidence is clear...pandemic requirements and advice were WRONG.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I don't see
My point is simply that I do think Covid is a serious issue for our people and we should not just "let er rip" and that we should utilize measures that we know work to protect ourselves.
edited to add:
from this article
the author clarifies;
We could have...
additionally promoted Vit D, at least allowed IVM and HCQ, not required vaccinations, not had lockdowns. Just saying there's plenty of reasons for not trusting the Med. Establishment.
And no I wasn't responding to you, but to ban nok who likes to knock heads.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I agree 100%
I've found the FLCCC reliable throughout COVID...
...and continue to do so.
I continue to admire their dedication despite the censorship, job loss, and so on.
They continue to recommend various approaches to different conditions.
Stay well and enjoy the unfolding of spring!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I agree
Thanks for the WW. Lookout. It looks like I have lots to read/watch over the next several days. Much appreciated. Spring is around the corner here with some carpets of bluebonnets just about ready to bloom. Hope you have a nice week.
I’m a-gonna
keep harping on it
Planned demolition/destruction
not controlled but guided like
a prescribed burn(they hope)
people keep defending
Absurd Atrocities
even on this site
saw a friday protest for
Occupied palestine of about fifty
people dancing(?) badly like it
was a Party or celebration?
hard to reconcile for me
three counter protesters opposite
corner with an israhell and us flag
honestly couldn’t tell which the car horns were for
stay well folks
tomorrow is unknown
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
No reaction here at all...
People seem more concerned over mass migration, the economy, and just getting by...but this is a poor community where bread and butter issues dominate. Far away Ukraine, Palestine, and Yemen are rarely brought up in my day to day. Trump and joementia are a more common topic... This is MTG's district after all.
It is all about media control, and that's why I focused there this week.
Thanks for the visit. Always enjoy your take.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Jimmy Lai and the Big Lie: Hong Kong
Great summary of the US sponsored roll back China, fake democracy movement, in Hong Kong in less than 20 minutes. This may be the best video Cyrus Jansen has made.
Thanks for the open thread Lookout.
語必忠信 行必正直
Thanks for Cyrus video!
Hope you and your family are doing well. Looks like rain down your way.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
If institutions, such as media outlets
measure success in terms of quantity of subscribers
and they embrace the disinformation deluge,
are they not undermining their reliability? The more
people realize 'news sources' are lying, the more will
turn away. I sort of understand the corporate propaganda
campaign, but it just seems as though their attempts at
maintaining viability are diminishing. Purposefully.
Thanks for the watch!
question everything
What freaks 'em out... the number of people watching people like Russell Brand...that is why he was taken down. Same with Tucker being fired for reporting uncomfortable truths.
At least we CURRENTLY have access to voices like them.
Hope the snow is melting and your weather has become more pleasant!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning, LO!
I am going to be very grown up and responsible, work on tax prep for a few hours, then I will dive head first into the provided info.
Hope everything and everyone on the homestead is great.
Thanks for the remarkable WW, dear friend.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I'm thankful...
My buddy up the valley does our tax, but she's super busy now. I'll wait till next month when hopefully things slow down.
All is well on the homestead. Had to cover the cabbage, broccoli and such...just two beds... it was in the 20's this AM. And again tomorrow morning, but then we can pull the cover off for at least a week or two.
Y'all have a lovely Sunday!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Yesterday felt as cold as
Good on the veg rescue. Glad everything's well under control.
We are just rollin' along.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
We are sunny and up to 50F...
After a very windy and chilly yesterday. Next week looks nice.
The daffodils are starting to bloom so spring is near.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Don't worry about all the doom and gloom that is being
disseminated out there.
The leader of the free world has everything under control.
Jill seems aware he is
Look at their faces when he takes the shit stance.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I can't help but feel sorry...
for us all. He is the representation of what our country has become.
Thanks for the X post...poor Biden...poor us.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Maybe this has something to do with it.
Even though this comes from the Daily Mail it seems reasonable in its content.
That is a damning piece...
...but anyone with eyes and two brain cells to rub together can see he's past his sell by date. Don't you think it is obvious?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good afternoon Lookoout. Been very busy since about 6 am
and not nearly enough to show for it. Lots of stuff here, looks like one for the permanent collection. I wonder if infection control measures, globally, are perhaps down because staffing is down. I go to an infusion center in the oncology department of a local hospital, lots of little cubicles loaded with the necessary equipment and a steady stream of patients, some accompanied, some not. Masks are mandatory for all, period. (Damn near all the patients are immunocompromised, for starts) Each cubicle and its furnishings and equipment are scrubbed after each patient.
So, the place looks like an old fashioned shop/factory floor, there are a ton of nurses and nurse assistants and they are mostly in motion. It takes a ton of personpower to maintain those standards. When I went to the ER back in July, I noticed that it was highly similar. I suspect that a lot of clinics and hospitals don't have the staffing to meet those standards.
BTW, yes, we are on our own.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I'm all for masks in hospitals...
No problem.
Our closest hospitals are in Rome (GA). They seem to have plenty of staff, but have only had a few encounters. Hey what you gonna do? Use the hospital you got if you need it.
All the best with your health...and the chores!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
There is no shortage of "Baghdad Bobs" in the west spreading
misinformation to the masses.
Caity is insightful...
and expresses her thoughts in an engaging way. Thanks for her x posts.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
This statement seems to be quite accurate with regards to its
The Navalny vs Lira coverage...
Let's hope Assange doesn't suffer the same fate.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
What can I say? But I don't think that this is money well spent
Whatta routine!
no wonder they practice that much.
Thanks for the laugh.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
and all that jazz
question everything
LOL When things are not going according to plans simply get
one of your puppets to say this.
Strange thinking as Germany's economy is in a recession.
I continue to be puzzled by Germany...
Why are they committing suicide? Hell the same question for the US.
This leadership class (of the WEF) is suicidal.
They have an agenda they are driving, and it ain't good. Nor is ours.
Thanks again for the 2 cents!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
How can you doubt it is a ship of fools?
Thank heavens for the C99 lifeboat. It is that or riding on the ship of fools...
Have good night and a nice week!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
extra post. So let me say goodnight and we'll see you next week!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Kishida support dwindling in Japan
I don't know the inside mechanics of Japan's parliamentary system. Really don't understand how he's staying in power with next to no popular support. Let's see, increased defense budgets, buying offensive weapons to "counterstrike" neighbors, economic stagnation, campaign kickback scandal, new tax proposals, poor response to recent earthquake, promising financial support to Ukraine, what doesn't the public like about the LDP?
Yoon is regarded as unpopular in South Korea, the polls there usually show support in the low 30s. Once Yoon's support dropped to 29 percent that I recall. Some analysts think there is an upward bias in the South Korean polling for Yoon and his party, by selection of respondents and method of contact. If I recall correctly, I think polling there will be shut down 30 days before voting begins. There is some fracturing of the two main parties in South Korea around the edges in the maneuvering for National Assembly election nominations. I guess we'll see at election time, how each party fares.
Both Yoon and Kishida have resorted to stunts to try to cure the poor response to cold war bloc politics. Kishida has opened some kind of dialogue with North Korea. It will probably focus on the abduction issue, demanding accountability for Japanese kidnapped by North Korea. Japan alleges DPRK's prior accounting efforts were inadequate. This is probably a PR stunt on NKs part as well to aggravate South Korea. Yoon for his part recently reopened diplomatic relations with Cuba to soften his hard ball uncompromising stance toward "communists." His attempts to posture as a statesman is ostensibly all he has going for him. Even that doesn't work well for him. He won't give a press conference and hasn't since Aug 22, 2022 as I understand it. He doesn't like critical questioning, doesn't want to answer questions about the first lady. The recent guilty finding against one of his prosecutorial staff when he was prosecutor general paints him in a poor light, etc. ( The prosecutor recently convicted at trial had targeted opposition members for prosecution during election season, and tried to pretend that the suit was brought privately. Ironically, he had been promoted during the criminal litigation). There are at least a half dozen issues Yoon doesn't want to address because he will appear awkward making lame explanations, recriminations, and accusations against others to defend his repeated vetoes of legislation, questionable ethical issues surrounding his office, his ministers, the administration of justice under his supervision, and the first lady.
Great EBs Joe. There certainly is a lot of bad stuff going on. I thought Ritter did a stand up analysis of this Russian nukes in space bs. In a way it reminds of the maneuvering before the demise of the IMF treaty with Russia. Gotta build back Space Force betta! Thanks for the link, and all you do!
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